Badges known to work in Paragon Chat

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This is a list of all the badges known to work in Paragon Chat. Only zones will be linked as this table is not intended to aid in collection activities; rather this list is to aid users in knowing what badges are accessible at the moment. For collection, please see the regular Badges page for detailed information.

The current total of possible badges is 478. The vast majority of these are Exploration Badges across Hero, Villain and Praetorian City Maps, Co-Op Maps and Hazard Zones.

Internal names in the charts below allow you to use macros and binds to change your badge title dynamically using the /set_title_name command in Paragon Chat. See The Incomplete and Unofficial Guide to /bind for ideas.

When contributing to this list, make sure your character has earned the badge in question before adding it to the list. Badges that are not possible yet may be removed.

Event Badges

There are currently 16 badges in events. Event badges require a condition to be met in order to be granted. This list will increase as future events and anniversaries take place.

Condition Badge Internal Name
Create a new character in Paragon Chat Torchbearer (9th Year Anniv.) Anniversary9
Create a new character in Paragon Chat Unstoppable (10th Year Anniv.) Anniversary10
Create a new character in Paragon Chat Perserverant (11th Year Anniv.) Anniversary11
Create a new character in Paragon Chat Indomitable (12th Year Anniv.) Anniversary12
Create a new character in Paragon Chat Timeless (13th Year Anniv.) Anniversary13
Create a new character in Paragon Chat Everlasting (14th Year Anniv.) Anniversary14
Collect 200 Presents during Holiday Event* Toy Collector Holiday2005Badge3
Purchase from Candy Keeper** for 20 Candy Canes Cold Front ColdFront
Purchase from Candy Keeper for 20 Candy Canes Crystallized Crystallized
Purchase from Candy Keeper for 20 Candy Canes Festive Winter2009Badge
Purchase from Candy Keeper for 20 Candy Canes Frostbitten Winter2008Badge
Purchase from Candy Keeper for 20 Candy Canes Frosty Frosty
Purchase from Candy Keeper for 20 Candy Canes Gifted Winter2007Badge
Purchase from Candy Keeper for 20 Candy Canes Holiday Spirit/Scrooge Holiday2005Badge2
Purchase from Candy Keeper for 20 Candy Canes Joyful Joyful
Purchase from Candy Keeper for 20 Candy Canes Longbow Reservist/Jet-Setter Holiday2005Badge1
Purchase from Candy Keeper for 20 Candy Canes Miraculous Miraculous
Collect 10 Costume Temp Powers in the Trick or Treat Event Clothes Horse Halloween2007Badge1
Collect 30 Costume Temp Powers in the Trick or Treat Event Fashionable Halloween2007Badge2
Collect 50 Costume Temp Powers in the Trick or Treat Event Ostentatious Halloween2007Badge3

The 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, and 13th year anniversary badges are automatically added to all characters and are backdated to April 28, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, and 2017, respectively.

*: Presents refer to the event packages that appear as "glowies", not charges of Holiday Cheer or Mystery Gift acquired.

**: The Candy Keeper can be found in the Ski Chalet in Pocket D.


The accolade badges below are tied to collecting all of a zone's exploration badges. No other accolade badges are known to work at this time.

Hero Accolade Badges

City Zones
Zone Badge Internal Name
Atlas Park Atlas Tour Guide AtlasParkExplorer
Echo: Galaxy City Galactic Explorer GalaxyCityExplorer
The Hollows Wincott's Ally HollowsExplorer
Kings Row PPD Informant/Former PPD Stoolie KingsRowExplorer
Steel Canyon Canyon Carver SteelCanyonExplorer
Skyway City Sky Gazer SkywayCityExplorer
Faultline Faultline Finder FaultlineExplorer
Croatoa Citizen of Salamanca CroatoaExplorer
Talos Island Island Hopper TalosIslandExplorer
Independence Port IP Address IndependencePortExplorer
Founders' Falls Lost and Found FoundersFallsExplorer
Brickstown Zig Warden/King of the Zig BrickstownExplorer
Peregrine Island Portal Corp Analyst PeregrineIslandExplorer
Hazard Zones
Zone Badge Internal Name
Sewer Network Apprentice Plumber SewerNetworkExplorer
Perez Park Perez Park Perfection PerezParkExplorer
Boomtown Boom... Goes the Town BoomtownExplorer
Echo: Dark Astoria A Light in Dark Astorias DarkAstoriaExplorer
Striga Isle Straight Through Striga StrigaExplorer
Terra Volta Utilities Commission TerraVoltaExplorer
Crey's Folly Crazy for Crey's Folly CreysFolleyExplorer
Abandoned Sewer Network Master Plumber AbSewerNetworkExplorer
Firebase Zulu All Your Firebase FirebaseZuluExplorer
Cascade Archipelago Cascade Cleansing CascadeArchExplorer
The Chantry Can't Stop the Chant ChantryExplorer
Storm Palace Storming The Palace StormPalaceExplorer
Eden Adam/Eve in Waiting EdenExplorer
The Hive Busy, Busy Bee TheHiveExplorer

Villain Accolade Badges

City Zones
Zone Badge Internal Name
Mercy Isle Mercy Mariner MercyIslandExplorer
Port Oakes Marcone Insider PortOakesExplorer
Cap au Diable Mad Science Supporter CapAuDiableExplorer
Sharkhead Isle Jumped The Shark SharkheadExplorer
Nerva Archipelago Nerva Navigator NervaExplorer
St. Martial Johnny's Ex-Best Friend/Johnny's Go To Guy/Gal StMartialExplorer
Grandville Eye on Arachnos/Arachnos Spymaster GrandvilleExplorer
Hazard Zones
Zone Badge Internal Name
The Abyss Touched Bottom AbyssExplorer
Monster Island Honorary Monster MonsterIslandExplorer

Praetorian Accolade Badges

Zone Badge Internal name
(Meta Accolade - City Wide) Viva Praetoria P_VivaPraetoria
Nova Praetoria Pure Praetorian P_NovaPraetoriaExplorer
Imperial City Emperor For A Day P_ImperialCityExplorer
Neutropolis A Neu Man/Woman P_NeutropolisExplorer
Underground Nova Knows Nova's Nooks P_UndergroundNovaPraetoriaExplorer
Underground Imperial Beneath The Empire P_UndergroundImperialCityExplorer
Underground Neutropolis Neu You Could Do It P_UndergroundNeutropolisExplorer
First Ward Prime Warden FirstWardExplorer
Night Ward Ethereal Drifter NightWardExplorer

Co-Op Zone Accolade Badges

Badge Zone Internal Name
Dark Astoria Free Among the Dead DarkAstoriaIncarnateExplorer


There are only 5 badges possible in Achievements at this time, based on how many total badges you have collected in Paragon Chat. There is a counter present in the "Collect" menu for a 6th Achievement badge (500 badges, titled "Seeker*/Overachiever"), however no player has confirmed having enough badges to collect it at this time.

The Badge titles vary with alignment. (Listed in order from Hero/Villain/Praetorian.)

City Zones
Count Badge Internal Name
10 Tourist/Visitor/Lead-Follower Tourist
25 Collector/Native/Extractor of Secrets Collector
50 Explorer/Obsessed/Knows the Truth Explorer
100 Pathfinder*/Knows (He/She) Knows Not Pathfinder
200 Trailblazer*/Emissary Trailblazer

* The same title is on Hero and Villain Alignment.


Seven badges are possible, all of which lie in Pocket D. Six are at the Ski Slopes next to the Ski Chalet, one in the club itself.

Location or Slope and Time Badge Internal Name
Expert <:45 sec Qualified SlolamBronze
Expert <35 sec Accelerated SlolamSilver
Expert <25 sec Speed Demon SlolamGold
Advanced <1:10 Surefooted SlolamBronze2
Advanced <1:00 Agile SlolamSilver2
Advanced <:50 sec Speeder SlolamGold2
Pocket D Red-Side Gullible Gullible

Completing a gold medal on a slope without having earned the prior badges automatically grants the slower times as well.

The Gullible badge is unique to Paragon Chat, and requires you to talk to Pocket D Non-Player Characters.


Exploration Badge Marker

Exploration badges are in city zones wherever a badge marker is present (except in few circumstances). Touching the marker is not necessary, merely being within 20 feet of it will trigger collection.

Modified Badges

For Paragon Chat, the following badges have been modified from their original location to allow collection without the modification of client files on the user's behalf. The below links are to the badge information pages that were accurate when the game was live. As this information remains correct on the i24 client the pages for these badges should not be changed with Paragon Chat /loc info.

This table will be updated with other modified badges in the future as they appear in the Patch Notes.

Zone Badge Where LOC Coordinates Internal Name
Abandoned Sewer Network Head of the Hydra A door in the center room where the Abandoned Sewer Trial is located. 0 -1695 15 AbandonedSewersTour1
Sharkhead Isle Cage Fighter Next to Tommy and Johnny Lombardi inside the Monkey Fight building. 751 -69 -1149 CageFighter

Hero Exploration Badges

City Zones
Zone Badge Internal Name
Atlas Park Undefeated AtlasParkTour1
Atlas Park Silent Sentinel AtlasParkTour2
Atlas Park Hero Corps Insider/Hero Corps Infiltrator AtlasParkTour3
Atlas Park Patriot/International Spy AtlasParkTour4
Atlas Park Top Dog AtlasParkTour5
Atlas Park Freedom/Covert Operator AtlasParkTour6
Atlas Park Edge of Chaos AtlasParkTour7
Atlas Park Observant AtlasParkTour8
Zone Badge Internal Name
Brickstown Mystic BrickstownTour1
Brickstown Inmate BrickstownTour2
Brickstown Flying Shark BrickstownTour3
Brickstown Fugitive BrickstownTour4
Brickstown Forward Thinker BrickstownTour5
Brickstown Secret Path BrickstownTour6
Brickstown Sixth Passenger BrickstownTour7
Brickstown Unsubtle BrickstownTour8
Zone Badge Internal Name
Croatoa Grim Wanderer CroatoaTour1
Croatoa Spiritual CroatoaTour2
Croatoa Ensorcelled CroatoaTour3
Croatoa Barrier Holder CroatoaTour4
Croatoa Sally Sightseer CroatoaTour5
Croatoa Jack's Wrath CroatoaTour6
Croatoa Waylon's Observer CroatoaTour7
Croatoa Midnighter's Perseverance CroatoaTour8
Zone Badge Internal Name
Faultline Undammed FaultlineTour1
Faultline Newsman/Newsgirl FaultlineTour2
Faultline Faultless Mystic FaultlineTour3
Faultline Apex FaultlineTour4
Faultline Escape Artist FaultlineTour5
Faultline Drowned Rat FaultlineTour6
Faultline Old Fashioned FaultlineTour7
Faultline Egg Hunter FaultlineEaster
Zone Badge Internal Name
Founders' Falls Foggy FoundersFallsTour1
Founders' Falls Chaotician FoundersFallsTour2
Founders' Falls Guardian Angel/Barely Contained FoundersFallsTour3
Founders' Falls Losing Paradise FoundersFallsTour4
Founders' Falls Watchful Eyes FoundersFallsTour5
Founders' Falls Hamidon's Fury FoundersFallsTour6
Founders' Falls Founders' Hero/Founders' Loss FoundersFallsTour7
Founders' Falls Misunderstood FoundersFallsTour8
Zone Badge Internal Name
Galaxy City Bird Watcher GalaxyCityTour1
Galaxy City Blue Shield GalaxyCityTour2
Galaxy City Brawler GalaxyCityTour3
Galaxy City Tank GalaxyCityTour4
Galaxy City Land Locked GalaxyCityTour5
Galaxy City Galactic Fan GalaxyCityTour6
Galaxy City Eye of the Gemini GalaxyCityTour7
Galaxy City Orion's Belt GalaxyCityTour8
Zone Badge Internal Name
Independence Port Crey Havoc IndependancePortTour1
Independence Port Valorous IndependancePortTour2
Independence Port Vigorous IndependancePortTour3
Independence Port Air Lifter IndependencePortTour4
Independence Port Dead End IndependencePortTour5
Independence Port Family Partier IndependencePortTour6
Independence Port Connector IndependencePortTour7
Independence Port Unlucky IndependencePortTour8
Zone Badge Internal Name
Kings Row Summoned KingsRowTour1
Kings Row Upgraded KingsRowTour2
Kings Row Mystic King/Mystic Queen KingsRowTour3
Kings Row Keen Sighted KingsRowTour4
Kings Row Smokey KingsRowTour5
Kings Row Wentworth History Buff KingsRowTour6
Kings Row Pwned KingsRowTour7
Kings Row Man of Vengeance/Woman of Vengeance KingsRowTour8
Zone Badge Internal Name
Peregrine Island Portal Parter PeregrineIslandTour1
Peregrine Island Use Might for Right/Rookie's Mistake PeregrineIslandTour2
Peregrine Island Cause for Concern PeregrineIslandTour3
Peregrine Island Genetically Altered PeregrineIslandTour4
Peregrine Island Rikti Gone Wild PeregrineIslandTour5
Peregrine Island Shades of Arachnos PeregrineIslandTour6
Peregrine Island All-Seeing PeregrineIslandTour7
Peregrine Island Dark Omen PeregrineIslandTour8
Zone Badge Internal Name
Skyway City Purifier/Defiler SkywayCityTour1
Skyway City Solace SkywayCityTour2
Skyway City Dauntless SkywayCityTour3
Skyway City Healing Node SkywayCityTour4
Skyway City Better Days SkywayCityTour5
Skyway City Room for Expansion SkywayCityTour6
Skyway City Left Behind SkywayCityTour7
Skyway City Bridge to Nowhere SkywayCityTour8
Zone Badge Internal Name
Steel Canyon Secret Admirer SteelCanyonTour1
Steel Canyon Hero Corps Recruit SteelCanyonTour2
Steel Canyon Nimble Mynx SteelCanyonTour3
Steel Canyon Bright Star SteelCanyonTour4
Steel Canyon Dance Legend SteelCanyonTour5
Steel Canyon Controversial SteelCanyonTour6
Steel Canyon Pet Project SteelCanyonTour7
Steel Canyon Dirty Attorney SteelCanyonTour8
Zone Badge Internal Name
Striga Isle Super Spy StrigaTour1
Striga Isle Sea Dog StrigaTour2
Striga Isle Vulcanologist StrigaTour3
Striga Isle The Wolf's Snarl StrigaTour4
Striga Isle Words of the Warrior StrigaTour5
Striga Isle The Unnamed StrigaTour6
Striga Isle The Wolf's Maw StrigaTour7
Striga Isle Vampyri Watcher StrigaTour8
Zone Badge Internal Name
Talos Island Minotaur TalosIslandTour1
Talos Island Nature Lover/Eco-Warrior TalosIslandTour2
Talos Island Whitecap TalosIslandTour3
Talos Island Last Line of Defense TalosIslandTour4
Talos Island The Old Me TalosIslandTour5
Talos Island Bridge Holder TalosIslandTour6
Talos Island Overtime Worker TalosIslandTour7
Talos Island Spanky's Competitor TalosIslandTour8
Hazard Zones
Zone Badge Internal Name
Abandoned Sewer Network Boomtown Refugee AbSewerNetworkTour1
Abandoned Sewer Network Hades Aspirant AbSewerNetworkTour2
Abandoned Sewer Network Secret of the City AbSewerNetworkTour3
Abandoned Sewer Network Sprawl Survivor AbSewerNetworkTour4
Abandoned Sewer Network The Underlord/The Underlady AbSewerNetworkTour5
Abandoned Sewer Network From Beneath You AbSewerNetworkTour6
Abandoned Sewer Network Living Dark AbSewerNetworkTour7
Abandoned Sewer Network Persephone Supplicant AbSewerNetworkTour8
Zone Badge Internal Name
Boomtown Phalanxer BoomtownTour1
Boomtown Regal BoomtownTour2
Boomtown Vision of Despair BoomtownTour3
Boomtown Destined for Valhalla BoomtownTour4
Boomtown Towering Inferno BoomtownTour5
Boomtown Boomtown Troglodyte BoomtownTour6
Boomtown End of the Line BoomtownTour7
Boomtown Corpse Box BoomtownTour8
Zone Badge Internal Name
Cascade Archipelago Castaway CascadeArchTour1
Cascade Archipelago Peace Walker CascadeArchTour2
Cascade Archipelago Being and Nothingness CascadeArchTour3
Cascade Archipelago Hearing Voices CascadeArchTour4
Cascade Archipelago Liquid Memory CascadeArchTour5
Cascade Archipelago Usurper of Worlds CascadeArchTour6
Cascade Archipelago No Turning Back Now CascadeArchTour7
Cascade Archipelago The Heart of Memory CascadeArchTour8
Zone Badge Internal Name
The Chantry King of Pain/Queen of Pain ChantryTour1
The Chantry Unfettered ChantryTour2
The Chantry Penitent ChantryTour3
The Chantry Misbegotten ChantryTour4
The Chantry Bereaved ChantryTour5
The Chantry Dispossessed ChantryTour6
The Chantry Red Fog ChantryTour7
The Chantry Demiurge ChantryTour8
Zone Badge Internal Name
Crey's Folly Crey Watcher CreysFolleyTour1
Crey's Folly Burning the Midnight Oil CreysFolleyTour2
Crey's Folly Eyes of Nemesis CreysFolleyTour3
Crey's Folly Hammer of the Rikti CreysFolleyTour4
Crey's Folly Veni, Vidi, Vici CreysFolleyTour5
Crey's Folly Crey Cares CreysFolleyTour6
Crey's Folly Freak's Folly CreysFolleyTour7
Crey's Folly Cirque du'Freak CreysFolleyTour8
Zone Badge Internal Name
Echo: Dark Astoria Dark Mystic DarkAstoriaTour1
Echo: Dark Astoria Seeker of the Unknown DarkAstoriaTour2
Echo: Dark Astoria Cairn Warder DarkAstoriaTour3
Echo: Dark Astoria Whisperer on Witchburn Hill DarkAstoriaTour4
Echo: Dark Astoria Phantom Radio DarkAstoriaTour5
Echo: Dark Astoria Too Dark Park DarkAstoriaTour6
Echo: Dark Astoria Astoria's Last Stand DarkAstoriaTour7
Echo: Dark Astoria The Sleeper Below DarkAstoriaTour8
Zone Badge Internal Name
Eden Crey Fish EdenTour1
Eden Unspoiled EdenTour2
Eden Call of Nature EdenTour3
Eden Nature's Wrath EdenTour4
Eden Natural Law EdenTour5
Eden The Devouring Earth Abides EdenTour6
Eden Hive Mind EdenTour7
Eden Natural Selection EdenTour8
Zone Badge Internal Name
Firebase Zulu Defying Gravity FirebaseZuluTour1
Firebase Zulu Dimensional Sojourner FirebaseZuluTour2
Firebase Zulu Stormwatcher FirebaseZuluTour3
Firebase Zulu Alpha Ranger FirebaseZuluTour4
Firebase Zulu Shadow Architect FirebaseZuluTour5
Firebase Zulu X-Ray Spectator FirebaseZuluTour6
Firebase Zulu Dancer with Death FirebaseZuluTour7
Firebase Zulu Shard Leaper FirebaseZuluTour8
Zone Badge Internal Name
The Hive Time Bandit TheHiveTour1
The Hive Heart of the Hamidon TheHiveTour2
The Hive Babe in the Woods TheHiveTour3
The Hive The Wounded Earth TheHiveTour4
The Hive Wild At Heart TheHiveTour5
The Hive Among the Giants TheHiveTour6
The Hive The Sound of Thunder TheHiveTour7
The Hive Forest of Stone TheHiveTour8
Zone Badge Internal Name
Hollows Parapsychologist HollowsTour1
Hollows Seeker of Monsters HollowsTour2
Hollows Geologist HollowsTour3
Hollows Backwoodsman HollowsTour4
Hollows Gangland Fury HollowsTour5
Hollows Graffiti Communicator HollowsTour6
Hollows Circle Seeker HollowsTour7
Hollows Ironic HollowsTour8
Zone Badge Internal Name
Perez Park Territorial PerezParkTour1
Perez Park Avatar PerezParkTour2
Perez Park Around the Bendis PerezParkTour3
Perez Park Doc Whedon PerezParkTour4
Perez Park Justice Avenger/Social Climber PerezParkTour5
Perez Park Nebula's Memory PerezParkTour6
Perez Park Blood Moss PerezParkTour7
Perez Park Ophelia's Final Scene PerezParkTour8
Zone Badge Internal Name
Sewer Network Spirit of the City SewerNetworkTour1
Sewer Network Plutonian SewerNetworkTour2
Sewer Network Baumton Avenger SewerNetworkTour3
Sewer Network Sewer King/Sewer Queen SewerNetworkTour4
Sewer Network Sewer Stalker SewerNetworkTour5
Sewer Network Downward Bound SewerNetworkTour6
Sewer Network Terror of the Vahzilok SewerNetworkTour7
Sewer Network Seeker of the Lost SewerNetworkTour8
Zone Badge Internal Name
Storm Palace Courting Madness StormPalaceTour1
Storm Palace Acolyte of Anger StormPalaceTour2
Storm Palace Malice Aforethought StormPalaceTour3
Storm Palace Tormented StormPalaceTour4
Storm Palace Hate Machine StormPalaceTour5
Storm Palace Fist of Fury StormPalaceTour6
Storm Palace Eve of Destruction StormPalaceTour7
Storm Palace Lord of Storms/Lady of Storms StormPalaceTour8
Zone Badge Internal Name
Terra Volta Conjunction Junction TerraVoltaTour1
Terra Volta Meltdown TerraVoltaTour2
Terra Volta Nervous Dreck TerraVoltaTour3
Terra Volta Guardian of the Volts TerraVoltaTour4
Terra Volta Danger! Danger! TerraVoltaTour5
Terra Volta Scrapheap of History TerraVoltaTour6
Terra Volta Power Walker TerraVoltaTour7
Terra Volta High Voltage! TerraVoltaTour8

Villain Exploration Badges

City Zones
Zone Badge Internal Name
Cap Au Diable Sparky CapauDiableTour1
Cap Au Diable Media Junky CapauDiableTour2
Cap Au Diable Egghead CapauDiableTour3
Cap Au Diable Steamed CapauDiableTour4
Cap Au Diable Sweet Tooth CapauDiableTour5
Cap Au Diable Doom Sayer CapauDiableTour6
Cap Au Diable Master of Science CapauDiableTour7
Cap Au Diable Circle Gazer CapauDiableTour8
Zone Badge Internal Name
Grandville Overlord GrandvilleTour1
Grandville Sewer Dweller GrandvilleTour2
Grandville Guttersnipe GrandvilleTour3
Grandville Master of the Airwaves/Mistress of the Airwaves GrandvilleTour4
Grandville Passing Fab GrandvilleTour5
Grandville Image Crasher GrandvilleTour6
Grandville Line Holder GrandvilleTour7
Grandville Gutter Bait GrandvilleTour8
Zone Badge Internal Name
Mercy Island Cesspool MercyIslandTour1
Mercy Island Snake Charmer MercyIslandTour2
Mercy Island Chum MercyIslandTour3
Mercy Island Fortified MercyIslandTour4
Mercy Island The Next Big Thing MercyIslandTour5
Mercy Island Widower/Widow/Towering MercyIslandTour6
Mercy Island First Rule MercyIslandTour7
Mercy Island Tiki Fan MercyIslandTour8
Zone Badge Internal Name
Nerva Archipelago Watcher on the Knoll NervaTour1
Nerva Archipelago Locked and Loaded NervaTour2
Nerva Archipelago Nerva Wreck NervaTour3
Nerva Archipelago Primal Instinct NervaTour4
Nerva Archipelago Tree Hugger NervaTour5
Nerva Archipelago Unethical Tourist NervaTour6
Nerva Archipelago Blind Eye NervaTour7
Nerva Archipelago Soother NervaTour8
Zone Badge Internal Name
Port Oakes Scurvy Dog PortOakesTour1
Port Oakes Washed Up PortOakesTour2
Port Oakes Powder Monkey PortOakesTour3
Port Oakes Driller PortOakesTour4
Port Oakes Long Walk PortOakesTour5
Port Oakes Big Spider PortOakesTour6
Port Oakes Commuter's Woe PortOakesTour7
Port Oakes Hidden Getaway PortOakesTour8
Zone Badge Internal Name
Sharkhead Isle Razor Toothed SharkheadTour1
Sharkhead Isle Forged by Hellfire SharkheadTour2
Sharkhead Isle Freak of Nature SharkheadTour3
Sharkhead Isle Pit Viper SharkheadTour4
Sharkhead Isle Sky Chaser SharkheadTour5
Sharkhead Isle Unwelcome Guest SharkheadTour6
Sharkhead Isle Sky Trader SharkheadTour7
Sharkhead Isle Carping the Diem SharkheadTour8
Zone Badge Internal Name
St. Martial Deuces Wild StMartialTour1
St. Martial Paroled/Crimelord StMartialTour2
St. Martial Stonekeeper StMartialTour3
St. Martial Camel Snot StMartialTour4
St. Martial Dead Man's Tree StMartialTour5
St. Martial Social Worker/Slumlord StMartialTour6
St. Martial Infamous Rubble StMartialTour7
St. Martial Showstopper StMartialTour8
Hazard Zones
Zone Badge Internal Name
The Abyss Reborn AbyssTour1
The Abyss Geneticist AbyssTour2
The Abyss Here Be Dragons AbyssTour3
The Abyss Caged Beast AbyssTour4
The Abyss No Escape AbyssTour5
The Abyss Hamidon's Ire AbyssTour6
The Abyss The Tree of Woe AbyssTour7
The Abyss Abyssal Gaze AbyssTour8
Zone Badge Internal Name
Monster Island Monster Islander MonsterIslandTour1
Monster Island The Roar of the Beast MonsterIslandTour2
Monster Island Rikti Monkey Island MonsterIslandTour3
Monster Island Monsters' Playthings MonsterIslandTour4
Monster Island Dark Garden MonsterIslandTour5
Monster Island Grim Fandango MonsterIslandTour6
Monster Island Misfit Monstrosity MonsterIslandTour7
Monster Island Monster Factory MonsterIslandTour8
Tutorial Mission
Zone Badge Internal Name
Breakout Jail Bird TutorialTour3

Praetorian Exploration Badges

Zone Badge Internal Name
(Multi-Zone in Praetoria) River Rat* P_RiverRat
Multi-Zone in Praetoria Rail Rider P_RailRider

*The River Rat badge is not required for the Viva Praetoria Accolade.

Zone Badge Internal Name
First Ward Dearly Departed FirstWardTour1
First Ward Eye of the Vortex FirstWardTour2
First Ward Fearless Insurgent FirstWardTour3
First Ward Shell Shocked FirstWardTour4
First Ward Mayhem's Prodigal FirstWardTour5
First Ward Shadow Walker FirstWardTour6
First Ward Vengeance Seeker FirstWardTour7
First Ward Witness for the Fallen FirstWardTour8
Zone Badge Internal Name
Imperial City Gold Digger P_GoldDigger
Imperial City Mercy Missionary P_MercyMissionary
Imperial City Park Ranger P_ParkRanger
Imperial City Praetorian of Privilege P_PraetorianOfPrivilege
Imperial City Seen P_Seen
Imperial City Seer P_Seer
Imperial City Tiberian Overseer P_TiberianOverseer
Imperial City Tuned In P_TunedIn
Imperial City Going Rouge* P_GoingRouge

* Going Rouge is not required for the Emperor for a Day Accolade.

Zone Badge Internal Name
Neutropolis Airlift P_Airlift
Neutropolis Don't Drink It P_DontDrinkIt
Neutropolis Eyes to the Future P_EyesToTheFuture
Neutropolis Longshoreman/Longshorewoman P_Longshoreman
Neutropolis Moar Power P_MorePower
Neutropolis Stockpiling P_Stockpiling
Neutropolis Stuff of Life P_StuffOfLife
Neutropolis Urban Renewal P_UrbanRenewal
Zone Badge Internal Name
Night Ward Nocturnal Pilgrim NightWardTour1
Night Ward Happy Camper NightWardTour2
Night Ward House Hunter NightWardTour3
Night Ward Abandoned Soul NightWardTour4
Night Ward Dead but Dreaming NightWardTour5
Night Ward Follow the Light NightWardTour6
Night Ward Monolithic NightWardTour7
Night Ward Stargazer NightWardTour8
Zone Badge Internal Name
Nova Praetoria Ambitious P_Ambitious
Nova Praetoria Citizen Cole P_CitizenCole
Nova Praetoria Civic Minded P_CivicMinded
Nova Praetoria Guardians of Justice P_GuardiansOfJustice
Nova Praetoria Into the Wild P_IntoTheWild
Nova Praetoria Technophile P_Technophile
Nova Praetoria Un-Civil Society P_UnCivilSociety
Nova Praetoria On the Waterfront P_Waterfront
Zone Badge Internal Name
Underground Imperial Broken Mind P_BrokenMind
Underground Imperial Condemning P_Condemning
Underground Imperial Engineer P_Engineer
Underground Imperial Eyes of the Dark P_EyesOfTheDark
Underground Imperial Hoarder P_Hoarder
Underground Imperial Lowlife P_Lowlife
Underground Imperial Silent Witness P_SilentWitness
Underground Imperial Underground Explorer P_UndergroundExplorer
Zone Badge Internal Name
Underground Neutropolis Binge Eater P_BingeEater
Underground Neutropolis Cluttered P_Cluttered
Underground Neutropolis Drink Enriche! P_DrinkEnriche
Underground Neutropolis Grade F P_GradeF
Underground Neutropolis Keeping the Lights On P_KeepingTheLightsOn
Underground Neutropolis Ready for Anything P_ReadyForAnything
Underground Neutropolis Nailbiter P_Nailbiter
Underground Neutropolis The New Boss P_TheNewBoss
Zone Badge Internal Name
Underground Nova Clockwork Mechanic P_ClockworkMechanic
Underground Nova Disappeared P_Disappeared
Underground Nova Ferryman of the Damned/Ferrywoman of the Damned P_FerrymanOfTheDamned
Underground Nova Morbid P_Morbid
Underground Nova Secret Prisoner P_SecretPrisoner
Underground Nova Trainspotter P_Trainspotter
Underground Nova Urban Spelunker P_UrbanSpelunker
Underground Nova Warrior at the Gate P_WarriorAtTheGate

PvP Zone Exploration Badges

Zone Badge Internal Name
Bloody Bay Lobbyist/Crooked Politician BloodyBayTour1
Bloody Bay Hungry/All Consuming BloodyBayTour2
Bloody Bay Imploding BloodyBayTour3
Bloody Bay Ghoulish BloodyBayTour4
Zone Badge Internal Name
Recluse's Victory Globetrotter ReclusesVictoryTour1
Recluse's Victory Ragnarok ReclusesVictoryTour2
Recluse's Victory Temporal Fighter/Dark Victory ReclusesVictoryTour3
Recluse's Victory Last Stand ReclusesVictoryTour4
Zone Badge Internal Name
Siren's Call Hangman/woman SirensCallTour1
Siren's Call Politician SirensCallTour2
Siren's Call Broad Shoulders SirensCallTour3
Siren's Call Piratical SirensCallTour4
Zone Badge Internal Name
Warburg Weapon Inspector/Weapon of Mass Destruction WarburgTour1
Warburg Tunnel Rat WarburgTour2
Warburg Triumphant WarburgTour3

Co-Op Zone Exploration Badges

Zone Badge Internal Name
Dark Astoria Auspice Avernus DarkAstoriaIncarnateTour3
Dark Astoria Death's Head Supplicant DarkAstoriaIncarnateTour4
Dark Astoria Folly's Victim DarkAstoriaIncarnateTour1
Dark Astoria Life Out of Death DarkAstoriaIncarnateTour7
Dark Astoria Palace of Stone Leaves DarkAstoriaIncarnateTour2
Dark Astoria Of Things Unclean DarkAstoriaIncarnateTour8
Dark Astoria Walker of The Profane Ascent DarkAstoriaIncarnateTour5
Dark Astoria Witness of Oaths DarkAstoriaIncarnateTour6
Zone Badge Internal Name
Rikti War Zone Ace RiktiCrashSiteTour1
Rikti War Zone Vanguard Operative RiktiWarZoneTour1
Rikti War Zone Trespasser RiktiWarZoneTour2
Rikti War Zone Powerful RiktiWarZoneTour3
Rikti War Zone Lifesaver RiktiWarZoneTour4
Rikti War Zone Under Fire RiktiWarZoneTour5
Rikti War Zone Homewrecker RiktiWarZoneTour7
Rikti War Zone Base Jumper RiktiWarZoneTour6
Rikti War Zone Luscious RiktiWarZoneTour8
Rikti War Zone Junkyard Dog RiktiWarZoneTour9
Rikti War Zone Scarred RiktiWarZoneTour10
Rikti War Zone Asunder RiktiWarZoneTour11
Rikti War Zone Unabashed RiktiWarZoneTour12
Rikti War Zone Eyewitness RiktiWarZoneTour13

Other Exploration Badges

Zone Badge Internal Name
Pocket D Trucker TruckerTour
Pocket D Big Time BigTime
Midnighter Club Midnighter Club Member MSClubTour1
Cimerora Depths of Time CimeroraTour1
Ouroboros Chrononaut OuroborosTour1
(Multi-Zone via AE) Thrill Seeker MissionArchitectTourism