Empyrean Merit Salvage
From City of Heroes: Rebirth Wiki
(Redirected from Empyrean Merits)

Special Salvage
You have been awarded a reward token for completing Endgame content. Empyrean Merits can be spent on various Endgame Rewards, or traded for Astral Merits.
How to Get
Requires a VIP subscription.
Awarded for completing Incarnate Trials, once per 20 hour period, per Trial. With the selection of trials as of Issue 24, a character can earn fourteen Empyrean Merits per day. New Incarnate Trials released in future Issues will increase this number.
- 1 for Behavioral Adjustment Facility Trial
- 1 for Lambda Sector Trial
- 2 for Keyes Island Reactor Trial
- 2 for The Underground Trial
- 2 for Minds of Mayhem Trial
- 2 for TPN Campus Trial
- 2 for Dilemma Diabolique
- 2 for Magisterium
Used For
- In the Incarnate Window, converts to:
- 1 Empyrean Merit to 20 Incarnate Threads
- 8 Empyrean Merits to 1 Rare Thread type Incarnate salvage
- 30 Empyrean Merits to 1 Very Rare Thread type Incarnate Salvage
- Can be spent at the Incarnate Merit Vendors
See Also