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Primary Powers: [[Mind Control]]<br>
Primary Powers: [[Mind Control]]<br>
Secondary Powers: [[Psionic Assault]]<br>
Secondary Powers: [[Psionic Assault]]<br>
Other Powers: [[Flight]], Phase Shift, Soul Storm
Other Powers: [[Flight]], Phase Shift and Soul Storm

=== Store ===
=== Store ===

Revision as of 13:21, 18 May 2008


Ghost Widow

Missing title info
Zone Grandville
Coordinates (2700, -58.9, 847)
Level Range 40-50
Introduced By Arbiter Rein
Introduces None
Enemy Groups

Carnival of Shadows
Circle of Thorns
Freedom Phalanx
Malta Operatives
Paragon Police Department

Rogue Arachnos
Badges Spider's Kiss
Crab Spider Longfang
v  d  e

Ghost Widow is a villain contact in the The Tangle neighborhood of Grandville at coordinates (2700, -58.9, 847). Ghost Widow is a Magic origin contact. Her level range is 40-44 as well as 45-50.

Ghost Widow is also an Archvillain who serves under Lord Recluse in the Arachnos faction. She also awards the patron power Soul Mastery to villains who complete her patron arc.

Heroes can face her in Recluse's Victory as one of the signature villains that show up as reinforcements.



Beautiful, mysterious, and deadly. Ghost Widow appears to be an actual spirit from beyond the grave rather than a super with some sort of incorporeal power. Some have said she was once a rising star in the Night Widows when she was slain. Her thirst for vengeance must have been great, for she returned from the void and now serves at Recluse's side. There are rumors that her service isn't entirely voluntary, however.


Formerly an Arachnos Night Widow, Belladonna Vetrano was killed on a strike mission in 1989. She was leading a team against a troublesome member of The Family on Mercy Island. It is unknown what exactly happened except that the mission was a complete failure. Not only did the team fail to meet the objective, but almost everyone on the strike team lost their life, including Belladonna. The only person to survive was Paolo Marino, the leader of the Wolf Spider squad, who in an altered form called Wretch, now serves as Ghost Widow's loyal guardian and protector.

Ghost Widow is but one of several ghosts who continue to interact with the living world. Other examples include Archmage Tarixus, War Witch, and Woodsman. Ghost Widow tends to be far more active, however. It is believed that ghosts only exist in the living world when something anchors their spirits here, be it unfinished business, loved ones or vengeance. A ghost can only be permanently destroyed once it's anchor is eliminated. Ghost Widow's anchor appears to be Arachnos itself. As long as the organization exists, so shall she.


The following dialog can be overheard during the mission Warn Ghost Widow of the plot against her, and takes place the moment a faction of conspirators within Arachnos lead by Mu'Rakir and Huntsman Ohanko try to destroy her in her own tower, as a previous step to get their revenge on Wretch. During this long cutscene, Ghost Widow reveals the key details of her afterlife:

(Ghost Widow faces a group of Mu Mystics headed by the Wolf Spider Huntsman Ohanko)

Ghost Widow: Did you come here to die, Huntsman Ohanko? I can think of no other reason for this intrusion.

Huntsman Ohanko: I'm here to destroy you, Ghost Widow. But unlike some of the others, this isn't personal for me. I'm only in this for the power.
Ghost Widow: Destroy me? Others have tried, Ohanko, and they have all perished.
Huntsman Ohanko: Ah, but now we know how it works! We destroy you here, and then we kill Wretch before you can re-form. You'll just fade away into nothing!
Ghost Widow: Is that your plan? Fools! You've got it all wrong. Even if you could hurt my dear Wretch, he's not the anchor you imagine him to be. My spirit is not bound to Wretch, Ohanko. I died worrying about poor Paolo, and the dead cannot change. I'll always care for him, and in what's left of his mind, he for me. But I don't need him.
Huntsman Ohanko: She's lying!
Ghost Widow: My spirit is bound to Arachnos itself. As long as Arachnos exists, I will exist.
Huntsman Ohanko: It's not true! We've seen the research!
Ghost Widow: But you, Ohanko. Your end is coming soon.
Huntsman Ohanko: Ignore her lies! Begin the ceremony!
Ghost Widow: And its name is Villain!

(after being freed)

Ghost Widow: I know the content of the warning you bring. They seek to take the life of one of the dead, and they will fail at that. But there is another life they hunger for.

Character Stats

Secret Identity: Belladonna Vetrano
Origin: Magic

Archetype: Dominator

Ghost Widow

Primary Powers: Mind Control
Secondary Powers: Psionic Assault
Other Powers: Flight, Phase Shift and Soul Storm


Ghost Widow sells the following items:

  • Inspirations
  • Level 40 Magic Single-Origin Enhancements
  • Level 45 Magic Single-Origin Enhancements
  • Level 50 Magic Single-Origin Enhancements


{{#ask:Poltergeist Badge |?Image|limit=1|default=|format=list|link=none|template=Template:BadgeBox/icons}} Poltergeist

You have helped defeat Ghost Widow in Recluse's Victory.

Story Arcs

Mystic Mayem

Souvenir: The Sand Riddle

This self-perpetuating puzzle was created by Scirocco at the request of your patron, Ghost Widow. While it's now little more than a desktop trophy, it once served as a psychic beacon to draw in one of Paragon City's most powerful defenders. It's still a potent reminder of the adventure you like to call:

Mystic Mayem

It began with a Longbow raid on one of Ghost Widow's hidden bases. Ghost Widow was disturbed by how it came to be found. Its location was, after all, a well-guarded secret. Even the fact that some of Scirocco's Mu Mystics had been there to help upset her, and she promised to have words with him.

Scirocco offered to share what he knew, but only if you tried to help one of his Mu Mystics escape from a Longbow captivity. Afterwards, he explained how he knew about the raid: He's been tracking the entity who had found Ghost Widow's base: The ghostly sorceress Numina, of the Freedom Phalanx!

Since Numina's astral form shared certain traits with Ghost Widow's undead existence, it makes it difficult for them to fight each other, but Ghost Widow had a plan. First, she needed spell components, so she send you to rob a Circle of Thorns base. You returned with the items she requested, and now she spell was ready.

Unfortunately, there was one critical element missing: Numina. You had to figure how to draw the meddlesome spirit out of hiding so that you could destroy her. You broke into a Crey base to access their files on the heroes of Paragon City, there you learned that Numina was especially sensitive to psychic emanations. She could sense them from miles away. The trouble is, even if she was drawn in, she could easily escape through the astral plane.

You needed to create a psychic emanations powerful enough to draw Numina out into the open, then find a way to trap her where she could be attacked. Ghost Widow had a plan to trap her, and Scirocco had offered to create a psychic beacon to draw her in. On Ghost Widow's behalf, you approached Scirocco to get the beacon, and also asked him the location of a group of Carnival of Shadows revelers, so that you could bring their masks to Ghost Widow for her trap. Both were soon done, and with the beacon and the masks, you returned to your patron.

Ghost Widow performed the ceremony that would give you the power to attack Numina's spectral form. Then you took the beacon to a Longbow base and activated it. Though Numina arrived with many guardians in tow, you defeated her, dissipating her spirit. Unfortunately, she managed to escape the trap and final destruction, but your work will keep the Astral Sorceress out of Ghost Widow's plan for long enough. Your stock has risen considerably, within Ghost Widow's organization and within Arachnos. It only remains to be seen what task your patron will have for you next.

Life and Death

Souvenir: Daos' seal

After you obeyed his command to punish Ghost Widow for her actions against Red Widow, Arbiter Daos gave you this seal. It's a mark of distinction within Arachnos, as well as a reminder of the adventure you like to call:

Life and Death

It began when Ghost Widow told you she had grown tired of her spectral life. She wanted to become human again, and she suspected the Circle of Thorns would know a way to do it. You scoured the streets for the mages, and eventually learned that the secrets might lie in the Tome of Tormvodel.

You stole the tome from a Circle base, and Ghost Widow prepared to work her magic.

But she wanted to test the ritual first. She sent you to gather some artifacts of another spirit's life.

You gathered the items, and learned that Ghost Widow's target was none other than Red Widow, one of Lord Recluse's most trusted assassins. You performed the ceremony, but instead of restoring Red Widow to life, you used a soul crystal to trap her.

Ghost Widow was ready to work the spell on herself, but first you were summoned before Arbiter Daos. He informed you that Ghost Widow's actions had incurred the ire of Lord Recluse. If you wished to drag yourself out of the hole she had dug, you would not help Ghost Widow; instead, you would punish her. Daos first had you recover the Red Widow's soul from one of Ghost Widow's bases. Once this was done, he had a final task for you: He wants you to defeat Ghost Widow when she tries to re-form herself, destroying her new body and returning her to her spectral form.

Your relationship with Ghost Widow has taken a serious hit, but you're not too concerned about it. After all, you are a villain who has bested Ghost Widow. Surely her wrath means little to you now.


Souvenir: Operation: DESTINY files

You retained these Operation: DESTINY files, out of the belief that they may come in useful someday. They're a potent reminder of the adventure you like to call


The schedule for Operation: DESTINY was tightening up, and Ghost Widow needed to make her contribution felt. So she sent you to rendezvous with an Arachnos operative who has some critical files. You met the operative, fended off a Longbow attack, and learned that the files contained the names of three scientists who could be useful to Operation: DESTINY.

The first scientist was Dr. Franks, a SERAPH researcher working in Paragon City. You kidnapped him in Steel Canyon, right under Positron's nose.

The second scientist was Dr. Murphy, a former Portal Corporation technician who had been lured away by the Council. Dr. Murphy was only too happy to go with you, and now there was just one more scientist to acquire.

The last man was Dr. Nelson, also an erstwhile employee of Portal Corporation. You kidnapped him from the Malta Group, over his strident purposes [sic].

You now had three scientists in custody, all of whom had experience with portal technology. Ghost Widow was worried about a Longbow raid, and with good reason. Soon enough you were battling to keep longbow [sic] from recapturing the scientists you'd worked so hard to acquire.

But there was still one more scientist to on [sic] your list. As Black Scorpion sent his troops in to raid Portal Corp to steal technology, you went along with them to kidnap the last scientist needed for Operation: DESTINY.

Thanks to you, the operation was a success. With all the scientists now forcibly recruited, Operation DESTINY was on the way. Even Ghost Widow seemed to be loosing [sic] some of her hostility towards you from your earlier betrayal. You feel like you're on the top of the world, and things are getting better all the time.

Time After Time

Souvenir: Lord Recluse's helmet

You have kept Lord Recluse's helmet as a badge of distinction. No one who sees it fails to fall on his knee before you, but for you it's more than a symbol of power. It's a reminder of the adventure you like to call:

Time After Time

It began when Ghost Widow asked you to take a more active role in Operation DESTINY. You would enter the experimental Arachnos portal, and bring back knowledge of the future. But when you stepped into the portal, something strange happened. There was a sound, and a blinding light, and before you knew it, you were fighting for your life against Dr. Aeon!

After getting permisison from Arbiter Daos, you questionned Dr. Aeon. He insisted he had nothing to do with your strange experience, but claimed he had been visited by a Dr. Echo, who wanted to forestall your terrible future.

Just what was your terrible future? Ghost Widow knew some people who might have the answer. They were that Arachnos center of prognostication, and you went to visit them at once. There, you learned through force that should Operation: DESTINY succeed, it would risk the destruction of the entire world unless you were killed And Lord Recluse had planned for this all along.

Ghost Widow helped you to confirm this by sending you to a future in wich you had succeeded in gaining power. It was a barren wasteland inhabited only by tormented ghosts.

It was true. You goose was cooked. In order to ensure Arachnos' future, Lord Recluse would surely have to eliminate you. Ghost Widow had grown quite fond of you, and even though she could never betray Arachnos or it's master, she presented you with a plan: you could speak with Grant Naylor and see if he could provide you with a way to escape into the multiverse. You spoke with Grant, all right, but following the hints that Ghost Widow had been dropping, you had him whip up a method that wouln't help you to flee, but would instead send you into the future, at the moment of Lord Recluse's virctory. You can't fight Recluse in the here and now without starting the civil war within Arachnos that spark the end of the world you saw, but if you were able to defeat him then, it could dissuade him in the present and prevent it all from happening.

It wasn't easy beating down the big man, but it was worth it. Now you have the respect--and fear--of every single person on the Rogue Isles.


Stop the attack

(Story Arc: Mystic Mayem. Mission 1 of 8)


I have agreed to work with you, Villain's Name, but know this: I do not trust you. Ok it's not that I have anything in particular against you, it's just that I was very short on trust when I died, and the dead cannot change. Though that also means I have little to worry about physical harm, you could hurt my political standing within Arachnos, or worse, you could harm my Lord Recluse. So you must excuse me if I regard our relathionship with some trepidation. Still, you can be useful to me, particulary for more dangerous things. For example, Longbow has attacked a secret Arachnos facility I had constructed on Mercy Island, a facility where I've stored some important things. It would not do to see the items within that base fall into heroic hands.You must go at once and stop the attack.

Mission Acceptance

This base was a closely guarded secret, Villain's Name. I must know how that secret got out. Then, I may have something else for you to do.

Unecessary Solicitation

Why are you here? Longbow is even now rifling through my valued possessions, and I need you to stop them.

Mission Objective(s)

The air in here has the heady, powerful feel of magic recently cast. Someone has been doing spells here.

Notable NPCs

  • Rescue/Ally: Night Widow: Our lady sent you? Good! We've been over run!

Mission Complete

You have stopped the Longbow raid.

Mystic research
You found a great deal of mystic research in Ghost Widow's base. It seems to be mostly about mathods to make a spirit physically manifest, even against it's will. Some of the papers even speculate that it could be possible to give that manifested spirit actual life.


There were Mu present? Sent by Scirocco? Interesting. How did he know of my base, or that it was under attack? I will need to speak with him at some length. I do not like this kind of interference in my affairs. Remember that, Villain's Name. Still, what truly upsets me is that Longbow found that base at all.

Free the mystic

(Story Arc: Mystic Mayem. Mission 2 of 8)


I have spoken with Scirocco. He says that he had learned of the longbow attack from one of his Mu Mystics, who had been working on a special project. Unfortunately, that mystic's role in that project come to light, and the heroes have captured him. Scirocco tells me that if I have you recover that man, he'll share how he learned what he knows. I need you to free that mystic, Villain's Name.

Mission Acceptance

Try to bring this man out alive, Villain's name. He is the key to learning what Scirocco knows.

Mission Objective(s)

Longbow has managed to dot little hidden bases even near the Grandville coast.

  • Rescue the mystic
    • Lead mystic out

Mission Complete

You have freed Scirocco's mystic

Notable NPCs

  • Rescue/Ally: Mu Guardian: So the Ghost Widow sent someone after all. Let us proceed.


Excellent Scirocco and I have been talking. It's provided some interesting insights. it seems that he learned of the discovery of my base because he has been trying to keep the discoverer out of his own affairs. That person is no less than Numina, the spirit mystic of the hated Freedom Phalanx! And we have drawn up a plan against her.

Secure the spell components

(Story Arc: Mystic Mayem. Mission 3 of 8)


Numina and I are alike, in a way. We are neither of us alive. But whereas I am a ghost, she's an astral form. It makes it difficult for the two of us to hurt each other. But Scirocco's research has uncovered an interesting spell that might be able to effect her. Regrettably, a few of the components are quite rare. However, the Circle of Thorns often keeps what I'll need around for similar spells of their own. And I will need you to get those components from a Circle encampment beneath Thorn Isle in the Nerva Archipelago.

Mission Acceptance

There should be three components you'll need to find. Once we have those, Numina will soon come to regret her interference in Arachnos business.

Unecessary Solicitation

Until we have those spell components,Numina will remain a threat.

Mission Objective(s)

The air is sharp with mystical energy.

  • Steal spell components
    • 3 ingredients to steal

You have found a mystic sigil.

You have found the Oracular Octavo.

You have found a pouch of herbs.

Strange herbs
These herbs smell quite foul, but they are a necessary component of Ghost Widow's spell.

Mission Complete

You have the spell components.


Excellent, I feel Numina's time growing short. But so is ours. We must hurry to prevent further interference.

Set a trap for Numina

(Story Arc: Mystic Mayem. Mission 4 of 8)


We have the incantation. We have the components. The only thing we're missing for this ritual is Numina. But don't think you can just go busting into Paragon City to find her. No, she's clever, and will have to be lured into our territory, then trapped long enough to hold her to the fight. And while I have an idea of how to trap her, I need to know more about how to lure her in. And that's where my spies have come in handy. It turns out that the Crey Corporation recently did a study of Numina. I wan't you to get it for me. Their more scientific perspective may give me the clue I need to drow Numina into the trap.

Mission Acceptance

Get to the Crey facility on Grandville. There, find out everything they've learned about Numina.

Unecessary Solicitation

We must learn everything before we strike.

Mission Objective(s)

Crey collects data on all heroes, large and small. No doubt they'll have files on Numina

  • Find info on Numina
    • 2 pieces of information

You found files on Ghost Widow!

You found files on Numina.

Files on Ghost Widow
You weren't expecting to find this. These are Crey's file on Ghost Widow. They posit that the reason all previous attempts to exorcise Ghost Widow have failed is because her spirit is somehow bound to Arachnos itself. If she was somehow find herself in conflict with Arachnos, it could create enough dissonance within her to force her into a fight she would otherwise escape from.
Files on Numina
These Crey files indicate that Numina is greatly sensitive to psychic emanations. This allows her to locate many supernatural and paranormal dangers before they can become a threat. Many of the files talk about how to protect a project from her discovery.

Mission Complete

You have the spell components. this seems to be an mistake in the mission text

Notable NPCs

  • Boss Security Officer.The Malta group is willing to pay for those files, and for Dr. Nelson.
  • Boss Headhubter-725.We'll talk about this later


So. Numina is sensitive to psychic emanations, I see. I will need to find a way to take advantage of that. I think I'll also report to Lord Recluse about Crey's study of me. I doubt he'll be pleased, and that will bring bad business to Crey. That does leave the matter of those Malta group people, ut I don't think that's going to concern us for a while.

Speak to Scirocco

(Story Arc: Mystic Mayem. Mission 5 of 8)


Numina is drawn to psychic emanations, but even once she's been drawn in, she'll need to be kept in place to keep her from escaping. I have spoken with Scirocco, and he's been very willing to help me. He's almost... nice... to me, actually. It's strange. But then, neither of us wants Numina poking her astral nose into our affairs. Scirocco thinks he may have a way to draw her in,I want you to speak with him about it. At the same time, ask him if he's found a suitable group of Carnival folk. I have a plan to hold her in place, but I'll need some of the Carnival of Shadows' face-masks for it. I asked for help finding a Carnival of Shadows group, se he'll be able to tell you where to go.

Mission Acceptance

A word before you go. Scirocco has been very helpful to me, but then, so have you. I greeted you with such distrust, and I tell myself that the dead do not change, so that is just my nature. But though death is the strange stasis, one can find that there are parts of one's self that are not gone, but merely disused and forgotten. I mean, I was a whole personne before I died, even though I concentrate mostly on who I was at the moment of my death. What I'm trying tp say is, thank you. You have been a great help.

Unecessary Solicitation

Go. Hurry. Scirocco awaits you.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Speak to Scirocco

Mission Complete

Scirocco: Ah, yes. Villain's Name. The rising Star among our legions of darkness. I have heard that Ghost Widow herself has come to depend on you, and I see evidence of this in your presence. As she prepares her trap for Numina, she sends you to speak with me. Yes, I can create a spell that will act as a beacon for Numina's psychic sight. And while I am préparing it, no doubt the Widow seeks a group of Carnival revelers for their masks. I know just the place, out on St. Martial. You'll need to gather about six of the lesser masks that have not been bond ed to a wearer. You should also take the mask of the revelry's leader, a woman named Riallia.


Good! I somehow felt Scirocco would come through. Get those masks from the Carnival revelers I'll need them for the final step.

Crash Carnival revel to steal masks

(Story Arc: Mystic Mayem. Mission 6 of 8)

Mission Objective(s)

Looks like you're just in time to crash the party.

  • Crash Carnival evel to steal masks
    • 6 masks
    • Get Rialla's mask

You found a carnival mask.

You pull Riallia's mask off her face.

Riallia Mask
This mask was worn by Riallia, the leader of the revelry at the Carnival of Shadows party you attacked. Her mask is stronger then the others, and just the thing Ghost Widow will need.

Mission Complete

You have stolen the masks you need.

Notable NPCs

  • Boss Riallia.Now, who would be fool enough to stop our good time?


Scirocco awaits you.

Speak to Scirocco

(Story Arc: Mystic Mayem. Mission 7 of 8)

Mission Objective(s)

Mission Complete

Scirocco: You arrive at just the proper moment. I have created this self-sustaining beacon, I call it the sand riddle. Once set in motion, it will produce a great deal of psychic noise, all of wich will look very ominous indeed to Numina. Take it to Ghost Widow as a token of my good will to her.

But I should warn you. Drawing Numina in, and even holding her in place are but a start. Those actions alone will not guarentee you victory. I seem to recall a story about bells and cats that might be appropriate, but I'll leave it up to you to handle.

The Sand Riddle
Created by Scirocco, this self-perpetuating puzzle will act as a psychic beacon, drawing Numina like a moth to a flame.


Excellent My trust in you has been rewarded. I will take those masks, and the spell. Soon, Numina's Interference will be at an end. And it will all be thanks to you.

Defeat Numina

(Story Arc: Mystic Mayem. Mission 8 of 8)


I have forged Scirocco's spell and the most powerful mask you found to make a trap. Once activated, it will lure Numina, but prevent her from leaving. Now, go to a Longbow base and plant the beacon to lure Numina out. Numina will be drawn to it, like a fly to honey. When she arrives, as she surely will, you may do with her as you wish. The spell I have performed will allow you to attack her, end defeat her.

Mission Acceptance

The best place to do this will be inside oe of the hero bases in the Nerva Archipelago. Subtlety is not a necessity here. I will have my own agents place the six lesser masks at hidden points to make certain that Numina will never be able to escape!

Oh, and if you wish to make Numina suffer, that is your own affair. Personnally, it would not grieve me at all.

The Spirit Trap
Created by Ghost Widow using her own dark magics, Scirocco's psychic beacon, and the major Carnival mask you stole, this artifact will not only draw out Numina, but will trap her before she escape..

This Psychic trap will capture Numina for sure!

Unecessary Solicitation

Numina must be defeated, and I have given you the tools to do it. The other masks are in place, and this plan cannot fail. Go!

Mission Objective(s)

Numina won't be the first hero you've taken out, or the first ghost. But it should be a memorable experience nonetheless

  • Defeat Numina
    • Plant psychic trap

The psychic beacon should draw Numina, and the trap will keep her.

Blank message ?!? should be a bug

Mission Complete

You have defeated Numina!

Notable NPCs

  • Hero Numina How? How is it you can conjure me?


You did your job to perfection. I felt the moment of Numina's defeat. Unfortunately, one of my handmaidens and her guardians were ambushed on the way to place one of the lesser masks by Blue Steel. I fear that Numina's spirit was able to escape, but even so, she will be weakened and of no concern for some time as she tries to re-gather her spectral essence. You have done well, Villain's Name. Well Indeed. You are an asset to my organization, and to Arachnos. I am... I am glad, yes, glad that you chose me as your patron. And now that Numina's interference is done with, I can move forward with my greater plans. Plans that will now include you, I think.

It's difficult for the dead to learn to trust, but you have done much for me. I think I will trust you. Contact me at any time.


Completion of this mission awards the Spider's Kiss Badge and the Crab Spider Longfang Badge.

{{#ask:Spider's Kiss Badge |?Image|limit=1|default=|format=list|link=none|template=Template:BadgeBox/icons}} Spider's Kiss

In a world of treachery who can you trust but Ghost Widow?

{{#ask:Crab Spider Longfang Badge |?Image|limit=1|default=|format=list|link=none|template=Template:BadgeBox/icons}} Crab Spider Longfang

One fight is as good as another to the Longfangs.

Help Ghost Widow get her body back

(Story Arc: Life and Death. Mission 1 of 8)


We've worked together for a while, you and I, and I think you have proven that I can trust you to help me, in even the most delicate of matters. Tell me, Villain's Name, have you ever wondered what it would be like to be a ghost? Immortal, untouchable, unchanging. By some standards, a perfect being. I won't deny that my existence has it's benefits, but I still long to be human again. I can't help it. The dead cannot change, and when you are dying you want nothing more than life. And now I may have found a way to return from this state and live once again. This is what I have been working towards. Villain's Name, I want your help to bring me back to life.

Mission Acceptance

I am close to developing a ritual that will help me reclaim my body, but I need some more information from the Circle of Thorns. Seek them out, and force them to tell you about a book called the Tome of Tormvodel.

Unecessary Solicitation

If the Circle has the tome, then I will be on the verge of a new life.

Mission Objective(s)

Mission Complete

One of the mystics you defeated told you what you wanted to know.

The mystic's story
One of the Circle mages you defeated said: The Tome of Tormvodel? I know it. It's secrets are useless to us, but if you truly sought to restore a ghost to it's body, perhaps it could work. We've recently recovered a copy from a seller in the Nerva Archipelago. But if you value your life and soul, you'd never be fool enough to try and take it from us!.


You never disappoint, Villain's Name. I knew I could turn to you for results. Now, we must acquire this Tome of Tormvodel. I trust you will be your usual capable self.

Get the Tome of Tormvodel

((Story Arc: Life and Death. Mission 2 of 8)


If that Circle mystic can be believed, the Tome of Tormvodel contains the last secret I need to restore my life. You must get it from Nerva Archipelago at once.

Mission Acceptance

I long, Villain's Name, I hunger to once again shuffle on the mortal coil. Come back quickly.

Unecessary Solicitation

Do not keep me waiting. I want that book.

Mission Objective(s)

If the mage was correct, the tome should be somewhere within these ancient halls.

  • Get the Tome of Tormvodel

You have the Tome of Tormvodel

Tome of Tormvodel
This ancient tome, stolen from Oranbega, should provide the clues Ghost Widow needs to restore her mortal form.

Mission Complete

You have stolen the tome, as Ghost Widow requested.


The Tome of Tormvodel. The key to my mortality. Soon I will touch it with warm hands of living flesh, and look back on all these dark years lived in death's shadow as no more than a dream. But first, I must make certain that it will work. And oh, do I have a plan for that.

Test the ceremony

(Story Arc: Life and Death. Mission 3 of 8)


We now have the spell that will turn me human once more. And though I yearn for life with every echo of my ghostly heart, my years in Arachnos have taught me, often painfully, to retain my caution. The Circle was almost too willing to give up that spell, and I think that it might be a trap. So, I will test this new process, and I know just the subject. Unfortunately, Lord Recluse might not be happy with the idea. So, I'm going to need you to get a few things for me.

Mission Acceptance

Our subject will be someone who was once very dear to Lord Recluse. Sometimes I think I feel her spirit around these islands still. It is on her that we shall test the ritual. I know of an Arachnos base where many of her belongings are kept. Go there, and bring me all that you can. In order to keep our secret a little longer, you must leave no witnesses within.

Unecessary Solicitation

I must have the spirit's belongings before I can test the spell on her.

Mission Objective(s)

You have entered these bases both as ally and adversary. You have no illusions that Ghost Widow's blessing will protect you in here.

  • Defeat all Arachnos troops
    • 3 items to steal

You have found some spellbooks.

You have found a long, red cloak.

You have found a tall, red hat.

You stole these books form an Arachnos base. They belonged to the spirit Ghost Widow intends to enchant.
Red cloak
You stole these books form an Arachnos base. It belonged to the spirit Ghost Widow intends to enchant.
Red hat
You stole these books form an Arachnos base. It belonged to the spirit Ghost Widow intends to enchant.

Mission Complete

You have the spirit's possessions


Wonderful. These items once belonged to the woman who stood at Lord Recluse's side. The dreaded Red Widow. She perished in an avalanche while Lord Recluse battled Statesman, or so it is said. Sometimes I think Lord Recluse still thinks of her. With these, we shall test the ritual, and see if we can restore her to life. What happens to her afterward? That is a question I shall have to ponder.

Test the ceremony on Red Widow

(Story Arc: Life and Death. Mission 4 of 8)


Villain's Name, I have thought it over at some length, and have come to a decision. I wish to test this ceremony, but I do not truly wish to make Red Widow live again. No. Were she to live once more, she would likely be able to wrest control of the Widows and Fortunatas from me. And I cannot allow that to happen. In order to complete the ceremony without rendering her solid, you will need a vessel for her spirit, such as a Circle of Thorns soul crystal. Seek out one of these crystals, perform the ceremony, and bring Red Widow's spirit back to me.

Mission Acceptance

What will I do once I have Red Widow's spirit in my grasp? It is hard to say, Villain's Name. No witnesses or clues remain to implicate us in the theft of her belongings. And once you have the soul crystal, there will be nothing to stop us.

Do you know that Lord Recluse call me by her name, once? He confided his uncertainty about an upcoming operation to me, and then told me that he felt he could trust me above all others. And it was minutes later that I realized he had called me by her name, and not my own. no. It's best not to think of what will become of Red Widow. I think it is better if you do not wonder.

Unecessary Solicitation

I want Red Widow's soul!

Mission Objective(s)

Somewhere herein, you must find a soul crystal. That shall be the trap for Red Widow's soul.

  • Test ceremony on Red Widow
    • Utilize Soul Crystal
The Soul of Red Widow
This clear crystal is lit by a reddish light, and contains the captured soul of the Red Widow. You have to wonder whether holding this thing is entirely safe.

Mission Complete

You have captured the soul of Red Widow!


So you were able to draw out her soul? Excellent! Let me have it. Now, I will prepare some basic tests, and quickly.

The soul of Red Widow, at last. Who is my lord's pet now, vile creature? I have always known that you were weaker than me.

Talk to Arbiter Daos

(Story Arc: Life and Death. Mission 5 of 8)


You must go at once to Nerva Archipelago. Arbiter Daos has summoned you. He would not tell me his purpose, and I have no authority to compel him to answer. Whatever he wants, please dispense with it quickly. He probably has some errand for the glory of Arachnos. Which is important, of course, but not something I can be bothered with. I must work out the extent of the ceremony, and prepare it. This should buy some time to do so.

Mission Acceptance

Daos may know of our actions, but I doubt he knows the purpose. I urge you to tell him nothing he has not already uncovered!

Unecessary Solicitation

Arbiter Daos will not be kept waiting

Mission Objective(s)

Replace Crystals

(Story Arc: Life and Death. Mission 6 of 8)


Arbiter Daos : Welcome, Villain's Name. I believe you have put yourself in an unfortunate predicament, and I am here to give you the chance to extricate yourself. First of all, do not attempt to act innocent. Yes, I know everything that's happened and I know what's being planned. Ghost Widow has far underestimated my intelligence gathering, and she's going to pay for that. Ghost Widow's actions against Red Widow are unforgivable, and she must be punished for them. Normally, you would be executed for your part in this, but Lord Recluse believes that you may have a greater destiny, and has decided to spare your life and possibly even promote you, if you are willing to betray Ghost Widow and mete out her punishment.

Your first task is to recover the Red Widow's soul. Take ths false crystal, go to the Widow's tower in Mercy Island, and replace the crystal with the decoy. When that's done, return to me.

Mission Acceptance

A false Soul
This Circle of Thorns soul crystal contain one soul. You hear the anguished cry of an innocent woman when you touch it, but it is not the Red Widow. Rather, it's some poor victim of Arachnos used to make this false crystal.

Unecessary Solicitation

Hurry and complete whatever task Daos has given you. I'm deep in my researches. I'll have need for you soo.

Mission Objective(s)

You remember the first time you saw the Widow's Tower, when you arrived at Mercy Island. Who'd have thought it would come to this?

  • Replace Crystals

You replaced the real crystal with a fake one.

The soul of Red Widow
This clear crystal is lit by a reddish light, and contains the captured soul of the Red Widow. You have to wonder whether holding this thing is entirely safe.

Mission Complete

You switched the crystals.

Return crystal to Daos

(Story Arc: Life and Death. Mission 7 of 8)


You have replaced the real crystal with the fake one. Betraying Ghost Widow may not be smart, but it's got to be better than betraying Lord Recluse. Now, to give the real crystal to Arbiter Daos.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Are you done with Arbiter Daos's errand yet?

Mission Objective(s)

  • Return crystal to Daos

Arbiter Daos


My Lord Recluse will be glad to have this. And that gratitude will almost be enough to spare your life, despite your part in all of this. Do one more thing, and not only will you be forgiven your trespasses, but you may well be rewarded. When Ghost Widow attempts to restore her life, you are to use that moment to strike her down once more. Her soul will resume it's ghostly un-life, and once more be bound to Arachnos.

The Red Widow was one of Lord Recluse's most trusted assistants. It was she who assassinated the original leader of Arachnos, leaving our Lord in charge. And, over all the years he has been in power, Lord Recluse has never forgotten this. Remember that. Lord Recluse never forgets. And if you fail to meet out the punishment I decree for Ghost Widow, Lord Recluse will not forget that, either.

I have often thought our poor Ghost Widow might hold a hatred for Red Widow. A rivalry, of sorts, though the two have never met. They are both beautiful ghosts who still haunt Arachnos, though in different ways. Maybe it is jealousy that drove Ghost Widow to this? In the end, it doesn't matter. Just remember your part. Instead of helping return to life, you are to defeat her.


You return, and alive. That can only mean that Daos knows nothing. if he suspected anything, he surely would have had you... Dealt with.

Did that sound callous of me? It's difficult to tell. The dead often forget the perils of the living. It will be so strange to experience it all once more.

I now stand on the cusp of mortality, and I have you to thank. I will not forget this moment, I assure you.

Perform the ceremony

(Story Arc: Life and Death. Mission 8 of 8)


Whatever Arbiter Daos wanted from you, it need not delay my ceremony any longer. I will be flesh again, Villain's Name! I will walk these streets once more!

Mission Acceptance

You must go to the tunnels of Mu once more. There, you can enact the ritual that will make me mortal at last!

Unecessary Solicitation

I grow impatient, Villain's Name. Complete the ceremony at once!

Mission Objective(s)

Ghost Widow has no idea that Arbiter Daos has ordered you to stop this.

  • Betray Ghost Widow
    • Trap Ghost Widow
    • Defeat Ghost Widow!

Ghost Widow is now trapped between life and death.

Mission Complete

You have defeated Ghost Widow!

Notable NPC

  • Archvillain Ghost Widow You have deceived me, and I will not suffer this betrayal!


Arbiter Daos was waiting for me the moment I returned to my ghostly form. He told me everything. So, Villain's Name, you chose to obey Arbiter Daos, and to betray me. An interesting choice. One that secures your future within Arachnos, but does considerable damage to our relationship. But don't think that I'm mad, or will seek revenge. Such passions are the folly of the living. No, I will do as I have been ordered. I will free the soul of Red Widow, as Arbiter Daos commands. But I will have to give great consideration to which task I give you next.

Perform a task


I have not forgotten your recent betrayals. Nor shall I ever forget. But I am bound to Arachnos, and thus to my Lord Recluse. And my Lord Recluse feels that your success against me is the ultimate display of your true power. You have risen up through the ranks, and now stand at the heights of power, as was foretold. No doubt you've heard that Lord Recluse seeks a 'Destined One' to bring about his final victory against Statesman and the heroes of Paragon City? He believes that you are that one, and that it is time for you to join us in Operation: Destiny. The first step on that road begins with a small task

There is an Arachnos operative who has information that is critical to Operation: Destiny. Unfortunately, she is having some trouble reaching the Rogue Isles. I wish you to rendezvous with her ship and make certain that information reaches me.

Mission Objective(s)

The sea breeze is bracing.

  • Rescue agent aboard
    • Meet the operative

You have acquired the files from Ghost Widow's operative.

Operation DESTINY files
The files you recovered from Ghost Widow's operative list several men whom Arachnos may call on for 'assistance' in Operation DESTINY.

Faction(s) Encountered:


Wonderful. These files contain information that means a great deal to Arachnos. You have done well.

Kidnap Dr. Franks

(Story Arc: Brainpower. Mission 1 of 5)


According to these files you recovered, my agent had found four probable candidates whose knowledge and talents are needed for Operation: DESTINY to succeed. Of course, in order to properly persuade them, I need these gentlemen to be in Arachnos custody. You can take care of that, can't you? The first candidate is a Dr. Franks. He is a SERAPH researcher, currently working with their temporal mechanics division. And while the Paragon Police will likely have him under heavy guard, that should present no obstacle for you to go in and retrieve him from Paragon City.

I would exercise caution in this task if I were you. Breaking into a SERAPH lab is not exactly the world's easiest assignment.

Mission Objective(s)

You take a moment to reflect how it's always the little people, like Dr. Franks, who are hurt by Arachnos' big schemes. Saps.

  • Kidnap Dr. Franks

Faction(s) Encountered:

You have kidnapped Dr. Franks.


I assure you, Dr. Franks is being attended to most well. He is comfortable, and will remain so as long as he continues to expend his considerable talents in service of Arachnos. Now, we have two more scientists to 'recruit'.

Kidnap Dr. Murphy

(Story Arc: Brainpower. Mission 2 of 5)


Your next target is a Dr. Murphy. He used to work for Portal Corporation, and it is there that he acquired the expertise that we so desperately need. Fortunately, the good doctor then defected to the Council, so you will not have to go quite so far this time. Murphy is quite close, in the Council compound on Sharkhead Isle. I trust he will be here shortly.

The Council's tunnels will be well guarded, but I trust you know that by now.

Mission Objective(s)

Dr. Murphy sounds like a sensible man. No doubt he'll go along willingly.

  • Kidnap Dr. Murphy
    • Lead Dr. Murphy out

You have kidnapped Dr. Murphy

Faction(s) encountered

The second scientist was Dr. Murphy, a former Portal Corporation technician who had been lured away by the Council. Dr. Murphy was only too happy to go with you, and now there was just one more scientist to acquire.


Dr. Murphy seemed most amenable to our terms. There is only one more scientist I need you to recover.

Kidnap Dr. Nelson

(Story Arc: Brainpower. Mission 3 of 5)


We have but one scientist left to recover. Dr. Nelson was lured away from Portal Corporation by the Malta Group. I have learned that the lab he works in is right here, on Grandville. Go and get him for me, won't you?

Yes, every one of the men we seek has experience in working on portal technology. That experience will be most critical to Operation: DESTINY.

Mission Objective(s)

The Malta Group hates and fears all super-powered beings. You have to wonder how Nelson will react to you.

  • Kidnap Dr. Nelson
    • Lead Dr. Nelson

You have kidnapped Dr. Murphy

Faction(s) Encoutered

The last man was Dr. Nelson, also an erstwhile employee of Portal Corporation. You kidnapped him from the Malta Group, over his strident protest.


Excellent. All three scientists are now busily doing the work of Arachnos, with differing degrees of cooperation. But do not imagine that you have worked off your debt to me yet. I have more work in store for you.

Stop Longbow from freeing the scientists

(Story Arc: Brainpower. Mission 4 of 5)


We have only 2 more scientists to go, but my spies have discovered that Longbow is attempting to stop us by stealing our kidnapped scientists back. They must be stopped, and as the Destined One, it falls to you to stop them.

Longbow is attacking the research facility where the prisoners--er--scientists are being kept. Your job will be to extract all 3 of them. While you're getting that finished, I'll prepare the final phase of our part of this operation.

Mission Objective(s)

There are sounds of fighting within.

  • Stop scientist rescue

You have fended off the Longbow attack!

You now had three scientists in custody, all of whom had experience with portal technology. Ghost Widow was worried about a Longbow raid, and with good reason. Soon enough you were battling to keep Longbow from recapturing the scientists you'd worked so hard to acquire.




You did well. Doctors Frank, Murphy, and Nelson remain in Arachnos custody, and shall do so for the rest of their natural lives. The feelings of admiration and trust in your abilities are spreading among Arachnos. They see you as strong, powerful, and on the rise. And since I am bound to Arachnos, the feelings of the troops influence my opinions. Fortunately for you. But you will have to perform greater services to truly re-earn my trust.

Capture last scientist for Operation: DESTINY

(Story Arc: Brainpower. Mission 5 of 5)

The preparations for Operation: DESTINY continue, but our part is nearly complete. Black Scorpions' forces are preparing to strike Portal Corp to steal technology. I want you to go along with his team, but your target will be different. You are to capture one last scientist during the Portal Corp raid. Then, our part of the preparation will be complete. But before you leave, I do strongly suggest you bring some cronies with you. The heroes surely know what we're up to by now, even if they don't know why. They will likely have someone in place, ready to protect this last asset.


You will be joining an assault force on the three main buildings of the Portal Corp campus on Peregrine Isle near Paragon City. Your target is building 112, on the right side of the Portal Corp. campus. But in order to get inside, you'll need to take the codes from the security computer. There should be one in the lobby of both buildings 110 and 111, but I cannot tell you which you'll need to access. Once you're inside, find Dr. Roberta Crow and extract her back to the flyer. Black Scopion's troops have been told not to interfere in building 112, so you should be clear to face any guardian without their interference.

And I would again recommend you bring some allies. I do confess, much as I hope that we will succeed for the greater glory of Arachnos, I would not be saddened to hear that you were humbled. I suppose that's petty, but at least I'll be honest about it.

Mission Objective(s)

Black Scorpion's boys are already on the attack. They'll stay away from the building on the right. That's going to be your target.

  • Kidnap Dr. Crowe
    • Find Bldg 112 Security Codes.

You have kidnapped Dr. Crowe.


Paragon Police Department

Notable NPCs


With Dr. Crowe added to our newly acquired scientists, we have completed our part of Operation: DESTINY. Or rather, I have completed my part of it. Surely you feel the excitement in the ranks of Arachnos? They all believe Lord Recluse's 'Destined One' is here, and Operation: DESTINY is about to begin. And Operation: DESTINY is all about you. Or rather, how you will finally change Destiny itself and allow my Lord Recluse to change the fate of the world. This is what your entire existence has been leading up to. I hope you won't disapoint.

Go through the portal

(Story Arc: Time After Time. Mission 1 of 6)


Operation DESTINY has reached a critical juncture, and now I must ask you to take a greater role. You must go to the experimental portal here in Grandville and venture through it. Once through the portal, you will be able to assess what the future holds for Lord Recluse and Arachnos. You will be one of our first scouts to a brave new world.

In some ways, I envy you. This is a grand adventure you embark on.

Mission Objective(s)

You hear a loud crackle and are nearly blinded by a flash of light.

You have found... and defeated Dr. Aeon.


Rogue Arachnos

Notable NPCs


You met Dr. Aeon within the portal? Very troubling. Aeon is supposed to be a loyal servant of Arachnos, but I have heard rumors in the past that this is not entirely true. If he truly redirected our portal, there will be trouble for him.

Time After Time
It began when Ghost Widow asked you to take a more active role in Operation: DESTINY. You would enter the experimental Arachnos portal, and bring back knowledge of the future. But when you stepped into the portal, something strange happened. There was a sound, and a blinding light, and before you knew it, you were fighting for your life against Dr. Aeon!

Talk to Arbiter Daos

(Story Arc: Time After Time. Mission 2 of 6)


You must go and visit Arbiter Daos. Only with his permission can you accost Dr. Aeon and bring him in for questioning.

Daos, like all arbiters, has the power to save lives, or to destroy them.

Mission Objective(s)

Some say Dr. Aeon is a genius. Some say he's mad. And there are quite a few who say that he's both.

  • Talk to Arbiter Daos

Arbiter Daos

If Dr. Aeon is redirecting the portals in use by Operation: DESTINY, it is a serious matter indeed. You have my permission to question him, by any means necessary. Almost any means, that is. You must leave him alive.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Question Dr. Aeon

You have defeated Dr. Aeon.



Notable NPC's

  • Dr. Aeon
Dr. Aeon's story
When you defeated Dr. Aeon, he said:

'I swear to you, I don't know anything about redirecting the Operation: DESTINY portal. It wasn't me! But, I did have a bit of a strange encounter recently. I was visited by a Dr. Echo, who claimed that he would do anything to forestall your terrible future. Perhaps it was he who redirected the portal?'


Aeon's story is a strange one. We will have to follow up on this 'Professor Echo' he mentions. He sounds as though he is particularly interested in your future, and he could be a threat to Operation: DESTINY.

Go to Arachnos center for prognostication

(Story Arc: Time After Time. Mission 3 of 6)


Dr. Aeon mentioned a Professor Echo who hinted at your future. But rather than send you of to catch some old fool, we have our own means of determining these things. I know that Lord Recluse often consults with both my Fortunata seers and Scirocco's Mu Mystics to find glimpses of the future. I want you to go to the Mu Mystic prognostication group, and confirm this strange tale with their leader, Mu'Kau. They won't be happy to see you, but any mayhem you cause while looking for Mu'Kau will only ensure that he tells you the truth when you do find him.

Oh, Scirocco will no doubt be upset when he hears of the damage you caused, but I can calm him. And besides, if they did not see it coming, they can't be terribly good at seeing the future, now can they? You have my permission to use any force necessary to wring the truth from those you encounter.

Mission Objective(s)

This place is filled with Mu Mystics floating about in their strange way.

  • Learn your future
    • Defeat Mystic Mu'Kau

You have learned your future.

Your future
Mystic Mu'Kau told you:

'It does not surprise me that Echo sought to destroy you. Your future is writ large upon the fabric of time, and it is written in blood. No doubt Echo was trying to forestall your fate, for it is a terrible one. For if Lord Recluse succeeds, and his Operation: DESTINY comes to fruition, you and he will destroy the world in battle. If you are defeated, the world will survive.

No one expects you to succeed, you poor deluded tool. Lord Recluse would rather have the world under his feet than you at his side. Already, he is taking steps to have you eliminated.'




So, my dear. Either you will survive, or the world will. The mystics are seldom wrong, and they never lie. I'm afraid our association will soon come to an end; Recluse will surely have you destroyed.

Time After Time (part 3)
Just what was your terrible future? Ghost Widow knew some people who might have the answer. They were the Arachnos center for prognostication, and you went to visit them at once. There, you learned through force that should Operation: DESTINY succeed, it would risk the destruction of the entire world unless you were killed! And Lord Recluse had planned for this all along.

Go through the portal

(Story Arc: Time After Time. Mission 4 of 6)


According to Mu'Kau, your success will mean the destruction of the entire world. It is a great favor, but I can allow you to find out whether this is true. I can help you explore a future in which all your plans succeed. If the mystics are telling the truth, you will find that future barren and wasted, beyond redemption. Go to the portal, and look closely at what you find.

The technicians will locate a world in which you rise to glory and power, then send you into it's future. I fear what you find there may shock you. But all of this must be kept quiet. You'll have to return to the portal by yourself, after you've found what you need to.

Mission Objective(s)

Despite the smoldering fires and the burning sky, this blasted landscape is unnaturally cold and barren. Nothing lives here, not anymore.

  • Examine your future
    • Seek clues

Find Mission Exit You have learned your future.

Plaque from the future
You found this hand-carved plaque on a pile of rubble in the strange future Arachnos sent you to. It reads:

'This marks the spot on which the final battle occurred. After the Arachnos war, the second Rikti war, the Council War, the Nemesis War, the Rikti Civil War, and the final Arachnos War, here did the Destined One and Lord Recluse fight their final battle. With their death, the wars ended, but the world had already passed away. All that is left to this world is chaos and we, the isolated scraps of humanity. We have no home, no community, no pleasure, and no peace. As for hope, it exists only in memory.'

The date on the plaque is for 15 years from when you left. And buried beneath the rubble below the plaque, you can see the wrecked form of one of Lord Recluse's armored spider-arms, still clutched in the grasp of your own skeletal hand




So, it was as the mystics said. You destroyed the world. Or rather, you will destroy it, unless you die or Operation: DESTINY is stopped.

Time After Time (part 4)
Ghost Widow helped you to confirm this by sending you to a future in which you had succeeded in gaining power. It was a barren wasteland inhabited only by tormented ghosts.

Take the hint and get Ghost Widow's help to 'Flee'

(Story Arc: Time After Time. Mission 5 of 6)


You are in a serious situation, my young apprentice. It would appear that you are the greatest obstacle to all of my lord's plans. I am bound to Arachnos, but still I am appalled that my Lord Recluse would continue on his course, even knowing that he risked the future of Arachnos and the world. But what could I do? I cannot disobey my Lord. And I could not even counsel you to challenge him, for to do so would only bring about the ruin you saw earlier. No, your only option is to flee. Well, flee or find some way to prove to Lord Recluse how great a threat you are without actually fighting him in the present time, where it could cause the end of the world. But that would be nearly impossible to imagine. Even were you find Lord Recluse at the point in the future he seeks where he finally defeats Statesman and were to attack him then, well, it would be difficult at best. But, bound to Arachnos I am, I can only tell you how to escape to any point in time.

I confess I have grown fond of you. Though we have clashed in the past, you have done much for Arachnos, and therefore, much for me. So I can do you one last favor. Speak with Technician Grant Naylor on Nerva Archipelago. He should be able to re-align the Destiny Portal for you to reach any point in time within, oh, say, the next 10 to 15 years. I suppose he could even alter the portal so that you could come back, perhaps with a trophy of some sort.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Speak to Technician Naylor
    • Seek clues

Find Mission Exit You have learned your future.

Harmonic redistributor
Given to you by Technician Grant Naylor, this device should allow you to redirect the Arachnos portal and send yourself to Lord Recluse himself.
Time After Time (part 5)
It was true. Your goose was cooked. In order to ensure Arachnos' future, Lord Recluse would surely have to eliminate you. Ghost Widow had grown quite fond of you, and even though she could never betray Arachnos of its master, she presented you with a plan: You could speak with Grant Naylor and see if he could provide you with a way to escape into the multiverse. You spoke with Grant, all right, but following the hints that Ghost Widow had been dropping, you had him whip up a method that wouldn't help you to flee, but would instead send you into the future, at the moment of Lord Recluse's victory. You can't fight Recluse in the here and now without starting the civil war within Arachnos that sparks the end of the world you saw, but if you were able to defeat him then, it could dissuade him in the present and prevent it all from happening.

Debriefing Technician Naylor

Oi. I 'ear you're in big trouble. You want me to... WHA? You're kiddin' me, right? You want to go ta the moment of Lord Recluse's victory? Sure, I can do tha' for yeh. We've had people there a 'undred times before though, an' really you should be talkin' ta Operative Grillo, but you're the 'Destined One', I guess. Let me adjust this Harmonic Redistributor for yah. Take it with ya next time ya go through tha Destiny Portal, an' that should fix things for yah.


So, it has come to his. I will do you this one last favor, and allow you to slip into the Destiny portal. Perhaps, lost in the multiverse, you may be able to find your true destiny.

Enter Destiny Portal and defeat Lord Recluse

(Story Arc: Time After Time. Mission 6 of 6)


With that device from Technician Naylor, you should be able to reach exactly where you need to go. Still, I must counsel that you flee. Unless, of course, you think yourself able to defeat Lord Recluse at his moment of triumph then return and show him the proof. That would be pure madness, even with a group of helpful cronies with you. No, that's a task that might even stop you.

Sometimes my Lord Recluse forgets that my spirit is bound to Arachnos, not necessarily to its leader. I hope you find just the time and place that you're looking for.

Mission Objective(s)

This is what the future could be: Recluse's Victory, and possibly your moment to triumph.

  • Defeat Lord Recluse

You have beaten Lord Recluse!

Mission Objective(s)

It's over. Time to show Lord Recluse your prize.

  • Show Lord Recluse your trophy.

Debriefing Lord Recluse

This is mine, is it not? I understand your message. The Fortunatas warned me that your growing power might become inconvenient for my plans. And perhaps, one day we will clash for real, in a true final battle. But for the moment, you have earned some measure of my respect. You have grown in strength, you have grown in power, and you would challenge even me to battle without fear. I will no longer attempt to use you for Operation: DESTINY. You have grown beyond a mere tool. No, in you I have created something more. Through your long struggle you have become a true villain, wielding power over all and beholden to none. Go now, and work your terrors upon the Earth!


Who could have imagined such a thing would come to pass? My Lord's plans in shambles when his chosen puppet disobeys orders! It is unthinkable. But such is the nature of villainy, don't you think? To do the unthinkable, to challenge the impossible, to conquer all before you and make destiny your own. I see many great things before you. Foes yet unconquered, challenges yet unfaced. The future is yours, and I envy it of you. I think we are done. I must return now to my own work within Arachnos, and you have your future ahead. but I will keep watching you.

{{#ask:Usurper Badge |?Image|limit=1|default=|format=list|link=none|template=Template:BadgeBox/icons}} Usurper

You have claimed victory over the master of villainy himself, Lord Recluse!

See Also

  • Ghost Widow's Arachnos profile for a list of her powers

External Links