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Revision as of 20:45, 8 May 2010 by imported>Felderburg (→‎Steal all of Protean's funds)
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File:Leonard Silmon.jpg
Missing Info
Zone Sharkhead Isle
Coordinates (-502, 107, -1273)
Level Range 20-29
Introduced By Dean MacArthur
Introduces Missing info
Enemy Groups

Badge villain 5thcolumn.png 5th Column
Badge villain banished.png Banished Pantheon
Badge Defeat8ClonesChallenge.png Doppelgangers
Badge villain freakshow.png Freakshow
V badge PPD.png Paragon Police Department

Need more info

Badge Defeat8ClonesChallenge.png Army of Me

Badge I11HeroStoryArc2Complete.png Explosive Finale
v  d  e

Leonard is a villain contact in the Port Recluse neighborhood of Sharkhead Isle. He is on a catwalk west of the Black Market. He was first introduced as a contact in Issue 17.


Contact Introduced By

Contact Introduces

Missing info


Contact Information


Leonard Silmon was the bodyguard for Thomas Mane, the president of Mane Corporation.

It's odd however, for him not to be seen around Thomas Mane, the man he is supposed to be guarding.

Mission NPC Information (as "Leonard")

Mane Corp - Bodyguard

Leonard was the bodyguard for Thomas Mane, and your contact. But what is he doing down here in a 5th Column Warehouse?

Too Low Level

Missing Too Low Level Dialogue

Contact Unlocked

Missing info

Initial Contact

note: the initial dialogue needs to be checked for accuracy

Hello Character. I believe our mutual friend, Dean MacArthur, has told you that I am interested in aiding your efforts with your clone facility, correct?

My name is Leonard. Just Leonard, I'm not fond about giving out my last name.

I'm speaking with you today on behalf of Mane Corp.

We are willing to put all of our resources towards helping you get your cloning facility up, running, and, most importantly, properly defended.

  • I've never heard of Mane Corp. How could you help me?
Yes, Mane Corp isn't as big as we would like. It's difficult when you're competing with Crey Industries and Aeon Corp.
However, we firmly believe that we have the resources to support your research into this facility. If not, then you can feel free to remove us at any time.
  • Let's say I let you help me. What're you going to do?
We have enough money saved up that we can afford to supply the base with the proper defensive infrastructure.
The Isles are a dangerous place, as you're aware of. We will get the best guards that money can buy to ensure that no one else within Sharkhead even thinks about assaulting your facility.
We will also hire a team of scientists to work underneath the ones you currently have. Lastly, we shall increase the power supply for your base, allowing full production of the clones - once the process is complete.
  • And what do you want from me?
All we need from you is your support, Character.
You've already done most of the work of getting the clone facility. I will not lie to you - Mane Corp hopes that our research in this will help propel us onto the level of Aeon Corp and Crey.
All we ask from you is that when the time comes, you do not betray us and use your clone army to wipe Mane Corp from the map. I think that's a fair enough deal, yes?
Leonard's deal is very lucrative - given that your facility is under-funded, under-protected, and barely working. You can work together with Mane Corp, for now. But when push comes to shove, who is going to stop you and an army of your clones?
  • Alright Leonard, we have a deal. Send your team in.
  • What reason do I have to trust you?
I know, Character, that you're used to people using you, double-crossing you.
I shall be upfront about this. We do intend to use this for our own gain. Mane Corp has been hurting for quite some time to make a name for ourselves, to be elevated to the level of Crey or Aeon Corp.
However, I can promise you that we have no intention of back-stabbing you.
We will use the research done here to show that Mane Corp has the skill to get things done. And perhaps, if you'd allow us, to say that we're allied with you, the woman with a clone army at their disposal.
We have enough money saved up that we can afford to supply the base with the proper defensive infrastructure.
The Isles are a dangerous place, as you're aware of. We will get the best guards that money can buy to ensure that no one else within Sharkhead even thinks about assaulting your facility.
We will also hire a team of scientists to work underneath the ones you currently have.
Lastly, we shall increase the power supply for your base, allowing full production of the clones - once the process is complete.
  • And what do you want from me?
All we need from you is your support, Character.
You've already done most of the work of getting the clone facility. I will not lie to you - Mane Corp hopes that our research in this will help propel us onto the level of Aeon Corp and Crey.
All we ask from you is that when the time comes, you do not betray us and use your clone army to wipe Mane Corp from the map. I think that's a fair enough deal, yes?
Leonard's deal is very lucrative - given that your facility is under-funded, under-protected, and barely working. You can work together with Mane Corp, for now. But when push comes to shove, who is going to stop you and an army of your clones?
  • Sounds promising. When can you start?
Right away. I'll send our team in now to help get your base set up, along with our guards.
We can begin to move in the proper militaristic provisions to get the base well guarded. It shouldn't take too long.


Hello to you, Character.

Let us continue this.

Shall we?

Too Busy

Missing Too Busy Dialogue

No More Missions

Missing No More Missions Dialogue


Missing Store Unlock Dialogue

Leonard appears to remain an associate for his entire arc, there may not be a store dialog (or a store at all)

Story Arc

Good Villains Never Die (20-29)



The Cries of Clones

Sometimes, late at night, you can hear the screams of your clones, begging you to save them from being burned alive. When you focus yourself, the cries go away, as if it's just a lingering memory. A memory that reminds you of an experience called...

Good Villains Never Die

It all began when a man named Leonard contacted you about enhancing your clone facility. He worked for Mane Corp, a corporation that was trying to reach the leagues of Crey and Aeon Corp.

You agreed to work together with him, wary of what may come from it. In no time at all, Mane Corp had your facility up and running. Your presence was requested to test the combat abilities of your clones. It took a few tries, but the scientists in the facility were able to create an exact clone of you! With that success, there was one thing still left to do - find out more information on Mane Corp. You needed something else you could use against them aside from your sheer power.

Dean MacArthur played a critical role in helping you find this information. You gained the aid of the Freakshow - by force - to assault a portion of Independence Port. During the chaos, you retrieved the PPD files on Mane Corp. You discovered that Thomas Mane had siphoned all the funds from Mane Corp into a private account within the Isles, then fled to the Isles when the PPD tried to arrest him. His bodyguard, Leonard, was sent to deal with Mane, but supposedly had joined him.

Dean helped you track down where Thomas Mane was - old warehouse within Sharkhead. You went in there, only to discover that it was a base for the 5th Column! You also found Leonard deep inside of the warehouse. He revealed that Thomas Mane had been killed by the shapeshifter Protean, who was impersonating Leonard the entire time!

You went to retake your facility, fighting through the 5th Column soldiers that were now in place. At the bottom of the clone facility, you came face to face with Protean, overhearing that he was working for a man in Praetoria called 'Mr. G.' You fought Protean and defeated him, but in his final act of defiance, Protean launched a self-destruct sequence to destroy the facility. You were able to escape, but the facility, and your work, was lost.

However...Protean would not walk away with total victory. You were able to find out the information on Protean's account, allowing you to siphon all his money for yourself. You know this will slow Protean down whenever he tries to restart his activities. Some may believe that the blast - and your fight - killed Protean. But there's one thing that you know from personal experience:

Good villains never die.

Test out your clones

Good Villains Never Die
Part One: Revisions


Hello Character.

Let me begin by saying it's a pleasure to be working with you on this project. Your head scientists are currently working very hard to get the cloning facility up and running. With the help from our scientists, technicians, and guards, I believe that we're on the cusp of getting the facility operational.

I have been contacted by your head scientist, Dr. Higgins.

He requests that you go to your facility when you have a moment.

  • What do they want?

Dr. Higgins says that they require your abilities to put the clones they're creating to the test. I believe they want to avoid the mess that happened with your battle with Ajax. That is, having a defective clone of yourself.

The guards know to give you a pass through the facility, so you'll have no worry.

Should you need something from myself or Mane Corp, please do not hesitate to ask.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Yes, Character? Is the facility to your liking?

Mission Objective(s)

You passed by some heavy security in the facility. Sandbags set up for an attack, as well as turrets being constructed.

No one in the Isles will even think about trying to attack your facility when all is said and done.

  • Speak with Dr. Higgins
  • Activate the first phase of the test
  • Activate the second phase of the test
  • Activate the third phase of the test
  • Speak with Dr. Zeist

The clones are working perfectly now. But something still doesn't sit right about Mane Corp. They were able to get this off the ground very quickly. If you're going to work together with them, you'll have to get some dirt to use on the corporation.

Dr. Higgins 

Dr. Higgins: Hello Character. We have all the preparations ready for the first tests. Let's just go over a few last minute details.

Contact Small Dr. Higgins.jpg
Dr. Higgins

What are the options?

Hello sir.

We're finishing up a few things on our end here, but preparations for our first test are almost complete!

We're very proud with the progress we've made in this short amount of time. Everything is just about ready to go for your trial run inside, we'll just need to clarify one last thing.

  • What is is it?

Well...we'll be testing to see how well the cloning system works for yourself, correct?

Which means we'll be sending out three waves of clones for you to face.

Each one is using a different method that we have for cloning - we'll use the tests to determine which one is the most successful.

What we need to know from you is how many of your clones you'd like us to send out at a time.

  • What are the options?

We can send out as little as one clone in each wave or as many as eight clones in each wave.

Though I would not advise fighting more than three clones by yourself.

How many shall we set the program for?

  • Just one.
Very good sir. I'll go ahead and get the program set up for just one clone.
  • I'll fight two.
Very good sir. I'll go ahead and get the program set up to send out two clones.
  • Let's go for three.
Very good sir. I'll go ahead and get the program set up to send out three clones.
  • I'm down for four.
Are you sure sir? Four clones might be a bit too much to handle at once - even for someone with your abilities.
  • Let's try five.
Are you sure sir? Five clones might be a bit too much to handle at once - even for someone with your abilities.
  • I'm feeling six clones.
Are you sure sir? Six clones might be a bit too much to handle at once - even for someone with your abilities.
  • Set it to seven clones.
Are you sure sir? Seven clones might be a bit too much to handle at once - even for someone with your abilities.
  • Send out all eight clones.
Eight clones?
Sir/ma'am, even for yourself, this may be too much. I would only do this if you have some cohorts of your own to assist you in this task.
Do you really want to go through with this?
  • Yes, prepare all of the clones!
  • Hrm, what were my options again?

The green dialog selections are missing for some options. Essentially an "accept" or "decline" for some numbers: probably 4 and up (see 8 for an example). Some of the options give you a dialog, like the option for 8, whereas some take you straight to the test.

Phase One 

Dr. Largs: Clone procedure starting up.

Clone Gone Horribly Wrong: Urgh...!

Disgusting Clone: Naaarrgh...

Rancid Clone: Huuuuurgh...

Walking Corpse: Guuuuhh...

Dr. Largs: That...didn't go so well.

Dr. Largs: Could you activate the next set, miss/sir?

Phase Two 

Dr. Largs: Starting phase two.

War Wolf Clone: Aroooo!

Dr. Largs: Hrm. I believe we're almost there.

Dr. Largs: This final phase will be using the formula we made based off the previous two.

Phase Three 

Dr. Largs: Final phase commencing.

Perfected Clone: You can't hope to defeat me, Character!

Angry Clone: I will...tear...you...APART!!

Serene Clone: I will show you what I am made of, Character.

Rude Clone: You're just an old relic, Character! I'll show you who the REAL deal is!

Profane Clone: #*!&

Self-Absorbed Clone: There's no way that I could look like such a wretch, you've gotten me all wrong!

Shy Clone: ....

Insane Clone: Hehe...ho...hoho...HAHAHAHA!

Dr. Largs: Excellent. We can begin movement on producing multiple clones.

Dr. Largs: Please speak with Dr. Zeist if you have any more questions.

Dr. Zeist 
Contact Small Dr. Zeist.jpg
Dr. Zeist

Mane Corp?

Hello Character, you did quite well against those clones. I'm happy to say that we'll have this cloning technology perfected in no time, thanks to our...mutual friends over in Mane Corp.

Was there something else you wanted?

What do you know about Mane Corp?

Hrm? Aside from what was given out on that dossier?

Nothing much, I'm afraid. We at Crey looked down on Mane Corp for quite some time.

There were some threats here and there from the company in the past few years, but as of late the company had been oddly silent.

With this, however, I can see them making a comeback.

If you allowed them, of course.

I need more information on our benefactor. The head of Mane Corp.

I wish I could tell you, Character, but none of us know much about him. Aside from his name, of course - Thomas Mane

All I know is that he has plenty of money and wants to invest it in this.

If I were you, I would talk to that Leonard, though I imagine you might not want to set off any alarms by talking to him, hm?

Right...I'll think of something. Carry on.

Very well, Character.

Mane Corps Scientist 

We're working as hard as we can here, Character. No worries.

Notable NPCs

Dr. Higgins used to be one of the top Crey Scientists, until he joined forces with you to help get this clone factory up and running.
  • Dr. Largs
Dr. Largs used to be one of the top Crey Scientists, until he joined forces with you to help get this clone factory up and running.
  • Dr. Zeist
Dr. Zeist is a young and ambitious doctor, willing to do whatever it takes to make a name for himself, even if it means getting involved in experimental cloning procedures.
  • Mane Corp Scientist
This scientist was hired on by Mane Corp to help run the clone facility.
  • Ex-Crey Guard
Mane Corp has hired the former security from Crey to guard the premises of the cloning facility. Extensive background checks have been performed on each of them to ensure that they are not leaking any information from the lab to Crey.


Badge villain banished.png Banished Pantheon
although the first group of clones uses the BP models, and is labeled as part of the BP, they really are clones... should this be removed?
Badge Defeat8ClonesChallenge.png Doppelgangers

The second round contains clones of many factions. Should this be noted somehow?


I heard the tests went quite well, Character. I'm very excited for that. This is going to be a terrific experience for both yourself and for Mane Corp.

It's only a matter of time now until your clone army is built up and Mane Corp is elevated beyond the fools within Crey and Aeon Corp.


The Army of Me Badge is awarded upon defeating all of your clones when set to fighting eight clones at once.

File:Badge Defeat8ClonesChallenge.png Army of Me

You don't understand the math behind it, but you're pretty sure you're equal to or greater than eight of yourself.

What I Saw

Good Villains Never Die
Part Two: What I saw


Greetings Character. At the moment, we're doing everything we can to get your facility up and running.

There's nothing further that you need to do - simply sit back and wait, or go about your normal business. I will let you know when everything is settled.

  • Very well, good job Leonard.

Of course ma'am/sir. Male word needs confirmation

You should use this time to dig deeper into Mane Corp. While they're helping you out tremendously, you have nothing to hold over them, should they try to backstab you.

What you need right now is information and you know the exact person who can get you it - Dean MacArthur.

You'll have to ensure that Mane Corp isn't aware of your digging around - not just yet.

Talk to Dean

Unnecessary Solicitation

missing text

Dean MacArthur:

EdLetter.png Editor's Note:

Dean's dialog varies depending on your character's gender. At least, it is assumed to. Confirmation needed. Additionally, much of Dean's later dialog appears to be gender neutral. If it is, only the first part of Dean's dialog needs to be seperated, while the rest can go under a "both" category.


Yo, Character!

You here to ask me out on a date? D-Mac has plenty of time for you!

  • No Dean, I need information.


That's cool! I was just totally thinking of you, you know, of all the crazy times we had.

Remember that time you ran into your clone? I was all going on about Ajax, and you went, 'My clone is more important' and I was like, 'Whaaaat! A clone! That's right!'.

Haha...so anyway, what's up? What can D-Mac do for you?

  • I need you to get me some information on Mane Corp.

Huh? Mane Corp?

Isn't that the corporation helping you out with that clone stuff?

Ohhh, you're clever, I see what you're doing! Huh...okay...uhm...let's see...okay! Yeah I know the exact guy who can locate that info.

Dean takes out his phone and sends a quick text message.

  • (Wait for the reply)

Dean's phone plays a pop song popular with teenage high school girls. He bobs his head to it for a moment before checking the message.

Rock! Okay this guy know his stuff. It's that pal of mine in the Sky Raiders. He's kind of a mook but man he makes a wicked bunch of raviolois. Am I right or am I right? I kinda think he should be in the Family, be he's feelin' the Sky Raiders more.

So okay, he says that the PPD precinct in Independence Port could have the files you need on Mane Corp.

See, usually they keep this stuff in Kings Row, but I had a feeling the guys in the PPD would be moving that info around.

There's just one problem though.




  • .... .... What's the problem?

I'm glad you asked!

So that place has high security, you know? Meaning that if you went in there, it'll be real obvious to those guys in Mane Corp what you were up to.

So there's gotta be another way to go about this.

From your knowledge of the Isles, you know that a group of Freakshow would be willing to lend you their aid - so long as you proved to them that you can take them in a fight. It's just a matter of finding a Freakshow cell that needs to get into Paragon.

  • Dean, I need you to find a Freakshow group that's going into Paragon.

I already know one!

Take a moment and bask in D-Mac's knowledge of the streets, yeah!

So check it, this guy, his name's Killdozer, he's rotting right now in the PPD jail, yeah?

Freakshow guy by the name of Rampager is trying to organize his guys to get in there and save Killdozer.

He's in a warehouse in Sharkhead, I'll totally write down the address for you. He's meeting up with his lieutenants now.

You come to the conclusion that if you show Rampager and his other Freakshow who holds the power around here, you can get them to help you into Independence Port, while also making a promise that you'll help them save Killdozer. Of course, it is your decision whether or not you actually help them rescue this Freak.

  • Excellent work Dean. We'll talk again soon.


Notable NPCs

Defeat Rampager and his Freakshow

Unnecessary Solicitation

missing text

Mission Objective(s)

This is the small warehouse where Rampager is meeting with his Freaks. Beating them down will get you a small army of Freaks to use in your operations in Independence Port!

  • Put down all the Freakshow in the warehouse!

You put down all the Freakshow and earned the respect - and aid - of the Rampager! Now it's time to gather them up and go to Independence Port.

Rampager's Crew 

Before Combat:

Mad Freak: I'm super stoked for the next rampage tonight!

Enforcer: Yeah but we gotta find out WHERE we're gonna gonna rampage!

Mad Freak: We gotta rampage Killdozer RIGHT OUTTA JAIL!

Combat Start:

Mad Freak: Character! RAMPAGE TIME!

the order of this dialog needs confirmation

T3h r4MP493r 

Before Combat: Gotta find where...Gotta find where...

...no good at planning...

...just wanna SMASH!

Combat Start: Yeah! Character! Time for some RAMPAGING FROM THE RAMPAGER!

Notable NPCs


Badge villain freakshow.png Freakshow

Get the PPD files in Independence Port!

Unnecessary Solicitation

missing text

Mission Objectives

You step out from the submarine to see the Freakshow have started their attack on this part of the city.

Time to make your move amidst all the chaos!

  • Get to the PPD Precinct!
  • 2 Groups of PPD to defeat in the precinct!
  • Hack the PPD's Database!
  • Speak with the Freakshow Rep
EdLetter.png Editor's Note:

Your choices with the Representative determine which of the following objectives you receive:

  • Break Killdozer out from the precinct's prison!
  • Defeat T3h r4MP493r!
  • Get to the PPD files!
  • Defeat LeoKnight!

It seems Thomas Mane has gone rogue and bankrupted his company. According to the PPD files, Leonard went to the Isles to bring Mane in. It's clear that the two are working together now. This evidence will go a long way, but you'll still need more. Perhaps finding Thomas Mane himself will help secure your position in this deal.

"Stop the Freakshow!" 

SWAT: Call in all units, we have to stop the Freakshow here and now!

Rampaging Freakshow 


Precinct PPD 

Before Combat:

SWAT: The Freakshow are all over the port!

Combat Start:

PPD: Not now...! Call in LeoKnight, anyone! We need some back up!

SWAT: Character? Here?!

Freakshow Representative 

Character! Time to live up to your end of the bargain!

We helped stir up some trouble for you here in the IP, now you gotta help us break out Killdozer!

  • Deal's off, I've still got more work to do.
Hrmph...should've known. We ain't gonna forget this Character!
Come on guys, we're outta here!
  • Good riddance.
  • Let's get Killdozer.
Yeah! Alright, we'll go outside and make sure none of them rats get in here, you gotta break out Killdozer from downstairs!
  • Leave it to me

PPD Warehouse Guards 

Before Combat:

SWAT Officer: We need to make dure the Freakshow don't get this far.

Swat Equalizer: If we can get some hero back up in a city of HEROES perhaps we'll be okay.

Combat Start:

missing text

PPD files 

You crack open this crate to find a number of PPD files, all neatly organized. You can easily access anything you want by just looking up the proper folders. What do you want to find?

EdLetter.png Editor's Note:

Note: Choosing Mane Corp's files first will not allow you to choose other information.

  • (Look up information on Mane Corp)
Founded in 1994 by Jonathan Deacon, Thomas Mane, and Leonard Milton.
In 1998 Jonathan Deacon handed over rights to Thomas Mane.
Thomas Mane spent ten years trying to raise Mane Corp to the level of Crey Industries, but to no avail.
Every technological advancement made by Mane Corp was overshadowed by the leaps and bounds that Crey was taking.
Activity from Mane Corp died down in 2008.
All was silent until recently, when Thomas Mane bankrupted the company by siphoning all of its funds to a private account in the Rogue Isles.
  • (look up information on Thomas Mane)
Thomas Mane.
New Hampshire
Former President of Mane Corp
Thomas Mane, some weeks ago, was caught transferring all of the funds of his company, Mane Corp, into a private account held in the Rogue Isles.
We attempted to arrest him, but he fled before we could do so.
We are currently trying to get cooperation from Arachnos, but that's going as well as it sounds.
Mane's bodyguard, Leonard, has recently offered to go to the Isles to lure Mane back. Unfortunately, we have not heard from Leonard since.
We suspect he has either been captured by Mane, or has joined up with his former employer.
  • (Copy the files down, the burn the remaining folders!)
The folders all catch fire easily, burniong in a manner of moments. You hear the sounds of footsteps pounding towards you - one of the heroes from Paragon has arrived!
  • And here I thought this was going to be boring...
  • (Look up information on yourself)
You do some digging to find the file that the PPD has on you...
Character's Origin
Character's Archetype
Character was one of the last people to see Ajax. One of our agents in the Isles reports Character was working with a man named Dean to get rid of Ajax.
We are currently unable to locate Ajax - all leads for him have gone cold.
  • (look for other information)
  • (Look up information on anyone else)
You flip the various files, looking for anything interesting. One file catches your eye. It's about Dean. You open it up and read it over...
Dean MacArthur
Former PPD Officer
Known Family:
Father - Franklin Macarthur - DECEASED (Murdered)
Mother - Emily MacArthur -DECEASED (Natural Causes)
Murder of Francesco 'The Boss' Lorenzo.
Current Location:
Rogue Isles
  • (look for other information)

V archetypeicon stalker.png Ambush! LeoKnight will appear immediately after you burn the PPD Files.
LeoKnight: I'm stopping you here and now, Character!

Icon clue generic.png
Dean MacArthur's Past
{| style="background-color: #F5F5BE; border: 1px solid #C7C38B; color: #000; margin: 0.5em 2em; -moz-border-radius: 10px; -webkit-border-radius: 10px; border-radius: 10px; -khtml-border-radius: 10px;" EdLetter.png Editor's Note:

This clue will not be available if you do not search for information on anyone else in the PPD files.

While rummaging throught the PPD files, you found some information about Dean. It seems he was a former PPD officer who is now wanted for the murder of Francesco Lorenzo. You may want to speak with Dean about this when you get the chance.


Notable NPCs


V badge PPD.png Paragon Police Department
Badge villain freakshow.png Freakshow

Speak with Dean about finding Thomas Mane

Unnecessary Solicitation

missing text

Dean MacArthur:


Yo Character, I totally saw the Freakshow rampaging in the port! Yeaaaah!

I was all proud, knowing I helped out with that, bringing down the man one guy at a time, you dig?

So what's up? What can the Deanster do for you today?

  • Thomas Mane. He's somewhere here in the Isles. I need to find him.

Thomas Mane huh?

Yeah sure, no problem, I can find him for you. Let's see...lemme get a pic of him on my phone...

...oookay. Man that guy is not good looking.

Okay...let me send the pic to some of my bros out here, see if anyone has found anything...

  • (Wait for someone to reply)

Once again, Dean's phone rings with a girly pop song.

Bingo! Okay, so I got a bro in Arachnos, yeah?

Says he saw this guy walking in and out of an old warehouse nearby.

Even better, he said he's seen that Leonard guy going there too! I guess that's why my man joined Arachnos, dude goes above and beyond the call of duty, you know?

Me, if I was a betting man, that must be where they're running Mane Corp now, you know?

  • I do know. Thanks Dean.
EdLetter.png Editor's Note:

The following dialog will be unavailable depending on what PPD files you looked at.

  • Before we go Dean, I found some information. On you.
Eh? What're you talking about?
  • That you used to be in the PPD.
Man...you're going to get this thing started on being all serious and all that stuff huh?
Alright, yeah sure, okay, I'll tell you what went down with the D-Mac. You deserve to know, yeah? I mean, we're not strangers or anything.
So yeah, it's totally true that I was in the PPD. I was just a regular cop though, yeah? Nothing special, not high-ranking, not some action-hero taking down helicopters stuff.
  • Go on...
So one day, my pop, good guy, he's killed. Real bad stuff. I know I might be sounding all casual about it now, but it's just 'cause I'm over it.
Me, I wasn't the kinda guy to rally the troops to try to track down this guy. I handled my own stuff with my dad dying while they looked for the guy who killed hi,
That's when everything just collapsed, yeah? They found the guy, Francesco Lorenzo.
It was supposed to ba an open and shut case, you know?
  • I'm assuming it wasn't.
Not at all babe. if this is the only gender specific word, just use a slash to separate (e.g. him/her) Dude had one of the best defense attorneys around, meanwhile, we got a proscutor who didn't know up from down.
Worst part of it? The murder weapon, the one they freakin' found?
Defense attorney had it thrown out of court 'cause the cops didn't get the warrant to search Lorenzo's place for it.
All that added up to this guy getting off scott free for murder, when everyone knew he did it!
Man, I was angry.
  • So you took justice into your own hands.
Of course I did! Guy had it comin' to him, you know?
I figured that the law is supposed to serve the people, yeah? So when it doesn't, a man has gotta handle things on his own.
I killed that guy, shot him right in the head. No prob.
Unfortunately for me, my 'friends' in the PPD didn't look the other way. They got a warrant to search my place and for my arrest!
Guys I worked with for years, I even was in the freakin' academy with one guy that was sent to arrest me!
No way I was gonna just let myself rot in jail though, not when I didn't do anything wrong.
  • Which led you to flee to the Isles.
Yeah. I got away from them of course. I knew all the secret routes outta the city - had to in order to do my job.
They can't reach me here though cause of jurisdiction issues.
Ever since then, my whole view on stuff has changed, big time, yeah? Like a balloon being blown up and then POPPING.
The Isles, great place, someone wrongs you, there's no legal loopholes to go through. You just go take them down, and if anyone's got a problem with it, you take 'em down too. Might makes right, that's the way to live baby!
That's why I wanna help folks like you. Paragon hates what you're doin', which means I'm totally on your side. Everyone over there, rotten to the core man, they just don't know it yet. Here, at least, everything is open, you know what's going on!
Way I see it, me helpin' you out is me takin' the fight back to Paragon, in my own way. Nothing wrong with that, yeah?
  • We're fine as long as you don't go running back to the PPD.
Far as I'm concerned, them guys in the PPD? Dead to me. Least figuratively, if not literally just yet.
Them cops in the force, they become my enemies the day they said what I did was wrong, meanwhile they're fine with letting folks jump through loopholes to get away with murder. You don't gotta worry about me, Character, I'm in this thing to win it.
  • Perfect Dean.


note: the male dialog may be identical to the female dialog. If so, just delete the sub headings

Notable NPCs

Find Thomas Mane

Unnecessary Solicitation

missing text

Mission Objectives

You enter the warehouse to find the first level devoid of any around. It's run down, with the security cameras not operational.

If Mane Corp is here, they're not trying too hard to keep this place in shape.

You find a piece of paper on the floor with a series of numbers on it - it seems to be half of someone's bank account information.

  • Find Thomas Mane!
  • Find out what Leonard is doing here
  • Defeat the incoming kill team
  • Defeat the next kill team
  • Defeat the kill team leader

Time to head back up top to get some answers from Leonard.


Before Combat:

5th Column Soldier: Where do we need this to go?
5th Column Soldier: Hold on, let me check...

Combat Start:

5th Column Soldier: You're not supposed to be down here!
5th Column Organizer: Intruder!


Raserai: What're we doing with the prisoner?
Nacht: He wants that guy drilled for more info, then we're dumping him.

Villains Need to Eat Too 

Rifle: Is someone going out for food later on?
Fire: We sent Steinbeck before. Don't even think of going out yourself, we need to maintain our cover in here.

"I hate this gig." 

Before Combat:

5th Column 1: I hate this gig. I want to be out there fighting in Boomtown.
5th Column 2: We've all got to do our parts. When we've taken control of the world, then we can bask.

Combat Start:

5th Column 2: You're just one more obstacle to be taken care of!

Clone Status? 

Before Combat:

Rocket: What's the status on those clones?
Rifle: The ones of Character? Yeah I think they're taking off real well.

Combat Start:

Rifle: Character! You're not one of the clones...are you?


Before Conversation: H-help...someone...help...

An Explanation

Leonard looks battered and beaten, as if he has been held hostage in here for quite some time.

Who...who are you...?

Please...you have to help me...I don't even know how long I've been down here for..!

  • Cut the act Leonard. What's going on here?
What act? Look at me!
If I was playing some sort of act, I assure you I wouild have stopped it long before it involved being beaten by these people.
  • What are you planning with Mane?
Mane is dead! I saw him killed with my own eyes, that's why I came to the Isles!
  • The files said you're working with the PPD to get Mane back!
That's because I couldn't tell them what I saw.
Or at least...what I thought I saw.
  • Alright, what did you see?
Before Leonard can explain what's going on, an alarm goes off in the warehouse. It looks like the 5th Column are well aware of your presence here!
  • Just stay here, Leonard.
  • Leonard? What are you doing here?
How do you know me?
You must have talked to him!
  • Him?
Okay...alright, look, I'll start from the beginning.
You know of Thomas Mane, right? He's who you're looking for?
Well...Mane is dead.
  • Dead? How?
Before Leonard can explain what's going on, an alarm goes off in the warehouse. It looks like the 5th Column are well aware of your presence here!
  • Just stay right here, Leonard.

After Conversation: I'll tell you everything if you can get me out of here alive!

V archetypeicon stalker.png Ambush! Three 5th Column kill teams will appear after you are finished talking with Leonard. They will auto-agro hidden Stalkers.

First Kill Team 

We've got orders from Protean! Kill Character!

Second Kill Team 

Protean's project has come too far to let Character get in the way now!

Kill Team Leader 

If you fools can't handle Character then I'll just have to take him/her down myself!


I need to get out of here, I'll tell you everything topside!


Character, I've got it all figured out.

This has all been the work of Protean, the shapeshifter who killed the hero Manticore's parents!

He is the one who killed Thomas Mane, then assumed his form to steal everything from Mane Corp! I came here to get answers, only to be taken prisoner by Protean when I ended up in that warehouse.

This entire time, you've been dealing with Protean who assumed my form!

I can only assume that he's done all this to fund whatever project you're working on for himself!

Notable NPCs


Badge villain 5thcolumn.png 5th Column

The Bigger Villain

Good Villains Never Die
Part Three: The Bigger Villain

Retake your Cloning Facility!


Character, I must again apol-

  • Enough with the apologies Leonard. Just stay here. I'm going after Protean.

Ah...yes, of course. Very well. I will do everything I can from up here to prevent him from sending in any reinforcements.

I would be very careful if I was you, Character. I fought Protean once and he was terribly strong. This may be a fight you cannot win on your own.

That is all I will say - I shall not delay you any further.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Missing Text

Mission Objectives:

The once friendly security guards have now all been replaced by 5th Column. You'll just have to tear through all of them to show Protean who exactly he's dealing with.

  • Retake your Cloning Facility!
  • Defeat Protean!
  • Get out of the base before it explodes!

Protean is defeated, but the facility explodes in a large ball of fire!


"I can't wait." 

Before Combat:

Raserai: I can't wait for the real Character to show up. This'll be good.

Combat Start:

Nacht: There's Character! Stop him/her here and now!

5th Column Sniper 

Combat Start: Visual confirmed,opening fire.

Lycan Nightwolf 

Before Combat: I'll give the word the second I spot Character.
Combat Start: There's Character! Kill him/her!

"Fire everything!" 

Before Combat:

Nacht: Get ready for Character to come running through here...
Raserai: How many of Character are we fighting today?

note: these may be out of order, and may even be from two different mobs

Combat Start:

Nacht: Fire! Fire everything!

Protean prepares for the real version of you! The file "ProteanCutScene2" could also be used








Before combat: I've practised this fight on plenty of your clones, Character. You have no hope of winning!

Combat start: How does it feel? To know you're surrounded by your clones in these chambers, all waiting to serve me?

At 75% Life: Both Manticores couldn't kill me - what makes you think you can?

At 50% Life: Typical manuever, your clones did the same thing - before I killed them!

At 25% Life: Hrmmph...I will not let your own ambitions ruin MINE! The rule of Primal earth is coming to an end, Character!

Defeated: Even if...I'm defeated...I won't let you have this facility...activate...self...destruct...

Crey Scientists 

Dr. Higgins: Not like...this...!

Dr. Largs: Aa-aghhh...!

Dr. Zeist: My...research...

Out of Service 

Some elevators will be unusable due to fire damage:

Elevator: The fire destroyed this elevator, you can't use it!

Dying Clone 

Help...someone...please...help me...can't...move...


EdLetter.png Editor's Note:

Please see the Briefing in the next mission.

Notable NPCs


Badge villain 5thcolumn.png 5th Column


The Explosive Finale Badge is awarded upon completion of this mission. Note: it is unknown what happens if you fail the mission (i.e. don't get out before the timer runs out). It is unknown if that even causes you to fail the mission at all.

File:Badge I11VillainStoryArc2Complete.png Explosive Finale

Protean thought he could put an end to you by blowing you up - you proved him wrong.

Steal all of Protean's funds


Hello Character. I saw what happened. Everything destroyed.

I...apologize, for all your hard work to have gone to waste...

  • I'm aware of that, Leonard.

I wish there was something I could do to make it up to you, Character.

Unfortunately, all I have is part of the account information where Protean transferred all of Mane Corp's money.

You remember that you have in your possession a piece of paper you found back in that old warehouse. That paper contained the other half of the account information!

Even though Protean destroyed your lab, you can have the last laugh by taking all of Protean's money for yourself! If...when he tries to make his next move, he'll find himself quite drained of all his funds.

  • Give me that information, Leonard.



Ah. Yes...here you go. I understand, Character.

The time for Mane Corp...has come to an end. I would rather use this to finally bury the corporation once and for all - and to get vengeance against Protean.

You can use this to transfer all the funds from his wireless account - you wouldn't even need to rob the bank, just simply get an electronic transfer.

  • We'll see what happens.
  • You don't want a cut of this?
No, Character. You don't understand.
I've spent the past ten fifteen years of my life, following around Thomas Mane. Even before the corporation was formed.
All for the hopes of one day being successful with Mane Corp. I didn't even care for Mane Corp, to be honest. And now look at me, Character.
Mane Corp has left me with nothing at all, no friends, no family.
I want nothing at all to do with Mane Corp, even if it means the promise of all this money. I know now that...I can't rely on that, anymore.
  • Alright Leonard.

Mission Objectives

The bank is quiet today. Security seems to be lax, not that these security guards could ever hope to stop you.

  • Speak with the bank teller
EdLetter.png Editor's Note:

Your choice with the teller determines whether or not you must complete the following objective:

  • Get into the vault!

It's done. You've taken all of the dirty money that Protean has been collecting during his criminal career. He may have destroyed your facility, but now you've left him to be a poor - and badly burnt - wretch.

Door Guards 

Before you show up:

Security Guard 1: Slow day today huh?
Security Guard 2: Great. You went and jinxed it.

After you walk in:

Security Guard 2: See, what did I tell you!
Security Guard 1: Character! F-freeze..O-or we'll shoot!
Security Guard 2: Don't make any funny moves Character!

If you rob the bank:

Guard: We're putting you down Character!

The order as well as who says which line needs to be confirmed. Further note: the 1st 2 lines of the "after walk in" section have been seen in both orders. Also, if there is dialogue for not robbing the bank, that needs to be added

Bank Customers 

Upon Entrance:

I-it's Character!
Just take whatever you want Character! Don't hurt me!

If you rob the bank:

I'm getting out of here...!

if there is dialogue when you don't rob the bank, it needs to be added

Bank Teller 

Character...! L-look...just take everything! We won't stop you!

Just don't hurt me!

  • Calm down. I'm here to make a wireless transaction.

Y-you're - what? A wireless transaction?


  • (Hand the teller Thomas Mane's information)

Okay...okay, we can do this. Get Character this transaction, NOW!

It'll just take a few minutes, Character.

  • Alright...




  • No need for small talk

Ah..okay...of course.



  • .....

All of the funds from this account have been transferred to your own, Character.

And I might add, we're all very appreciative that you chose not to rob our bank today.

  • You're welcome.

missing text

  • Who said I wasn't going to rob the bank after the transfer?
I-I'm getting out of here! Security...!
  • You're not required now, anyway.


So the deed is done, isn't it Character?

Part of me wishes that you'd use the money to start up Mane Corp, but I know that isn't possible. It's time for me to move on from that cursed corporation.

At the very least, our vengeance has been wreaked on Protean. He won't be recovering anytime soon from that blow. He's left with nothing now - no men, no money, no one to turn to for help. Almost like myself, in a way.

I'm going to stay here, in the Isles. If you ever need a bodyguard or someone to act as a distraction, you will have my aid. This is the start of a new life for me, I suppose.

Until we meet again, Character.

Notable NPCs


Badge Defeat8ClonesChallenge.png Doppelgangers
V badge Security.png Security Guards