User:Rugiel: Difference between revisions

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m (Badge up!)
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{{Userbox Generic|This character reached level 50 at 1:49am on Friday, 13 October 2006.|[[Image:Badge level 50.png]]}}
{{Userbox Generic|This character reached level 50 at 1:49am on Friday, 13 October 2006.|[[Image:Badge level 50.png]]}}
{{Userbox Generic|This character obtained the [[Isolator Badge]] the hard way - camping it out in [[Recluse's Victory]] - at 5:44am on Tuesday, 19 January 2007.|[[Image:Badge villain contaminated.png]]}}
{{Userbox Generic|This character obtained the [[Isolator Badge]] the hard way - camping it out in [[Recluse's Victory]] - at 5:44am on Tuesday, 19 January 2007.|[[Image:Badge villain contaminated.png]]}}
{{Userbox Generic|This character is a dedicated [[badge]] collector. (633)|[[Image:Bhfavicon.png|48px]]}}
{{Userbox Generic|This character is a dedicated [[badge]] collector. (644)|[[Image:Bhfavicon.png|48px]]}}
;[[/RugielMaint|Badges and Sets]]
;[[/RugielMaint|Badges and Sets]]

Revision as of 00:11, 22 April 2009

Globalchat.png This user's global chat handle is @zehntaur.
Badge vr months 057.png This user is Abiding.
Archetypeicon blaster.png This user's main hero is a Blaster.

V archetypeicon mastermind.png This user's main villain is a Mastermind.

CoX Game Icon.png This user plays both City of Villains and Heroes on the Protector server.
CoX Game Icon.png This user plays both City of Villains and Heroes on the Virtue server.
PST This user's time zone is PST.

Howdy. I've been playing this game continuously for going on five years and I know my way around it pretty well. As you can see from the massive list below, I (happily) suffer from serious altitis and am generally in no hurry to get anyone to 50.

I keep a Whiteboard of links and references for myself and others. Costume specs, RP reposts, and such.

A small compendium of useful little Tips.


Badge history 01.png A gene-spliced Siberian tiger rescued from Antarctica.

Badge history 01.png The Wide Open Door

Badge history 01.png

Badge history 01.png

Badge history 01.png Freedom Corps File H209
Subject: Blake Quincy Hannigan
Class: Augmented Human (Male)
Parameters: High heat output, requires constant refrigeration
Status: Under observation

V badge HistoryBadge.png It's supposed to be easy to get sick in the jungle.
Most people avoid this by not going to the jungle.
Unfortunately, sometimes the jungle comes to people. For revenge.

V badge HistoryBadge.png One mind, many bodies.
  • Thugs HirePosse.png Proto • Dicho
  • Thugs EnlistLieutenant.png Psycho

V badge HistoryBadge.png Being lost is not always a bad thing.

V badge HistoryBadge.png
  • Thugs HirePosse.png Greg • Micah

V badge HistoryBadge.png



Badge history 01.png Inspired by Cave Story

Badge history 01.png Inspired by Cave Story

Badge history 01.png Inspired by Cave Story

V badge HistoryBadge.png What does an out-of-work bouncer do with his life after killing his pompous bigot of a boss in a fight over why his bank account is still empty? Well, hire on to a spoiled rich boy as his bodyguard and get the last laugh! At least somebody appreciates him for who he is without judging the occasional flash of stray mutant energy.


Badge history 01.png Tegar Brockenfern of the Blackfoot Clan is a young halfling adventurer from an alternate reality. Because of his unusually large size and psychic abilities, his clan elder chose him to lead a foray into an evil wizard's stronghold. The last thing he remembers before tumbling out onto a street in the outskirts of Paragon City is being grabbed by a furious dragonkin and thrown at a large, glowing slab of stone while he and his fellow halflings attempted to escape the stronghold's excessively elaborate dungeons.

V badge HistoryBadge.png The mind-devourer. Hungry, cold, terrible.



Badge history 01.png HAMI-0 — Humanoid Autonomous Mechanical Intelligence 0 (Prototype) — was built by Rebecca Black, Ph.D. as an experiment in AI and robotics. Successful beyond her wildest dreams, he now patrols Paragon City beside her as a completely independent entity, yet bound by ties of loyalty (and offers of maintenance) to his maker — his "mother" — Rebecca, currently operating as the hero Pronoea.

V badge HistoryBadge.png The fat lady won't be singing anytime soon.


Badge history 01.png Good troll fight bad trolls!

V badge HistoryBadge.png The dead among the deities never rest easy, least of all those powerless, forgotten gods in the throes of stillbirth. Seldom, one manages to hoard enough power to manifest in the world of mortals. But when he does, his faithful thralls obey with blind devotion, and the world trembles at the chaos they herald …
  • Thugs HirePosse.png Ismu • Akol
  • Thugs EnlistLieutenant.png Erkut


Badge history 01.png So here you have a pyrogenic mutant stuck in the body of a demon. Brilliant. Something is going to get set on fire.
Badge time.png This character has been in play since Issue 1.
Badge level 50.png This character reached level 50 at 1:49am on Friday, 13 October 2006.
Badge villain contaminated.png This character obtained the Isolator Badge the hard way - camping it out in Recluse's Victory - at 5:44am on Tuesday, 19 January 2007.
Bhfavicon.png This character is a dedicated badge collector. (644)
Badges and Sets
Badge-Hunter tally

Badge history 01.png Not everyone needs to be brought back from the brink of death by a Kheldian.

Badge history 01.png Wanting to be a hero is all it takes. Having powers is just frosting.

Badge history 01.png A man destroyed, a hero made — by SCIENCE!

Badge history 01.png Diego Calarenho was an ordinary film student until his Mutant Ability™ manifested, giving him telekinesis and allowing him to twist and stretch his body like taffy. Now, in addition to helping produce indie films, he patrols the streets of Paragon City.

Badge history 01.png

Badge history 01.png Back Alley Brawler's biggest, and possibly most annoying, admirer.

Badge history 01.png Hardworking farmboy turns hero! Story on page 5.

V badge HistoryBadge.png He's out for himself, and he's taking his family tree with him.
Badge level 50.png This character reached level 50 on Saturday, 26 April 2008.
  • Ninjas CallGenin.png Kishu-sama • Negoro-sama • Saika-sama
  • Ninjas CallJounin.png Tarao-dono • Rigyoku-dono
  • Ninjas CallOni.png Akiba-ue
  • Ninjas QuickShot.png Kyu-jomon
  • Arachnos Patron ConeImmobilize.png Mano • Niho • Luhi • Pololi
  • Arachnos Patron TargetedHold.png Oiku (or "Spaz")

V badge HistoryBadge.png Night Widows are trained in stealth, infiltration, disguise and cold blooded murder. Most of their victims never see them coming.

V badge HistoryBadge.png 'Z 'kkk kk, kktt z kztk' zktkkzkkkkzt'z k'tkz? Zt 'ktzzzktk ztztzt!
(Why me, and how am I supposed to invade anything? Forget about it!)
  • Robotics BuildRobotArmy.png Tzt-kttk • Zkk-tzzz • Kzk-kkzz
  • Robotics ConstructProtectorBot.png Zztz-k’k
  • Traps DroppedAoEBuffDefense.png Z’t-tkk

V badge HistoryBadge.png Zap.
That's right: ZAP.

V badge HistoryBadge.png Carved from a single block of magic-infused ice, this creature's amateur sculptor survived a mere twelve minutes before succumbing to hypothermia once his supposed slave was complete.

V badge HistoryBadge.png Better living through chemistry, even when it blows up.
  • Thugs HirePosse.png Timothy “T Boy” Young • Carlos “Slim Chaz” Puentes • Andrew X. “Ax-L-Red” Wong
  • Thugs EnlistLieutenant.png Peter “McGrunge” McGroom • Wayland “DragonZ” Kavitz
  • Thugs EnlistBoss.png Sean “Mack” Glass
  • Thugs TargetedSummonMob.png Oscar's homies

V badge HistoryBadge.png "Atlantis was real?"
"So what happened to it?"
"We did."
  • Thugs HirePosse.png Dut • Dyn


Badge history 01.png A Prophecy in Steel

V badge HistoryBadge.png "Our best generals are General Mud and General Frost." (old Russian saying)
An ancient guardian spirit of the Russian motherland's spring. Enslaved by Mr. Bocor's dark magicks, working through Lenin Reborn's mystical connection to the land. He now faithfully serves and kills for the tyrant who once ruled the land he is sworn to protect …


Badge history 01.png Animals aren't evil, even when they're treated that way.

Badge history 01.png Watch out, this one kicks like a mule!

V badge HistoryBadge.png Blue Screen of Death!
  • Robotics BuildRobotArmy.png Kernel Panic • Compile Error • Ping Crash
  • Robotics ConstructProtectorBot.png Memory Leak
  • Traps DroppedAoEBuffDefense.png Data Backup

V badge HistoryBadge.png They have a fight. Particle wins!
  • Robotics BuildRobotArmy.png Erythron • Prasinon • Galazion
  • Robotics ConstructProtectorBot.png Audion • Thermion
  • Robotics AssembleAssaultMech.png Micron

V badge HistoryBadge.png Banished from his home fleet because of the grotesque mutation he bears, this energy-wielding alien crash-landed on Earth in precisely the same spot as the meteor that created the Gulf of Mexico. He yearns to exact his revenge, but first he must find a way to get off this iceball, something he intends to do by any means. Any means.

V badge HistoryBadge.png This demon comes from the deeper recesses of hell for the sole purpose of wreaking havoc on this world.


Full Virtue character profiles are on the Virtueverse wiki.


SpruceHammer.png Spruce Hammer

For your efforts in editing an untold number of articles in the wiki for consistency and completeness, Guy Perfect has awarded you an honorary Spruce Hammer.