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Hidden deep in the icy continent's wilderness used to be a secret research station. One of the many experiments involved cold fusion; another, a new technique in gene splicing. When the prototype cold fusion reactor exploded, one of the human researchers' remains showered a Siberian tiger cub. Crey agents arrived a few days later, alerted to the renegade scientists' base by the explosion. They found a survivor: a boy, hungry and frightened — and distinctly feline.

The Crey took him back to a regular research station, where he was observed and tested. Not so much raised as grown, the boy found that he had kept some of the memories of the human that had fused with his genetic material. "Remembering" that Crey was not to be trusted, he escaped with what rudimentary combat knowledge he had picked up, made his way to Paragon City, and registered under the name Antarcticat, driven by a compelling need to push himself, perhaps eventually to work against Crey Industries.


Portal Code

You keep this code handy, as a reminder of the escapade you like to call:

The Wide Open Door

It all began when Portal Corp scientists appeared in your aerie. Though initially surprised to find a world of "dragons," the scientists quickly befriended your aerie's pilot.

The scientists and several of the local pilots agreed to a permanent portal connecting Ati-Xitlec to Earth. Your excitement was obvious, and you were invited to help. You accepted eagerly, and the portal was soon finished. Despite your pilot's attempts to soothe your indignation at being denied access, that evening you and your lover slipped through under cover of its noisy operation

You were soon roped into helping contain an illness, and acquitted yourself handsomely by not only rounding up several dozen victims but also obtaining a formula for a cure. Your pilot relented, allowing you use of the portal only with a chaperon; but you get away often enough.


Being forgotten is rarely easy. In this young dragon's case, however, it was the very fact of being forgotten that spared him a much crueler fate. Sixty eggs, stolen from a portal-linked parallel world, were brought to Earth; but only fifty-four were delivered to their doom.

Qrygwlr was one of the lucky six, lost and forgotten — and, as a result, still alive. He does not know what happened to the other five survivors. He does not even know that they exist.