Roy Cooling
Roy Cooling | |
![]() FBSA agent | |
Zone | Talos Island |
Coordinates | (-659, 160.1, 6712.1) |
Level Range | 20-29 |
Enemy Groups |
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Badges |
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Roy Cooling is a hero contact in the New Troy neighborhood of Talos Island at coordinates (-659, 160.1, 6712.1).
Contact Introduced By
None. Roy Cooling is automatically unlocked when a character reached level 20.
Contact Introduces
Roy Cooling does not introduce any contacts.
FBSA Agent
Roy Cooling is one of the top agents within the FBSA. He served for many years in the Marine Corps before being honorably discharged for valor in the field. He was recruited by the FBSA to help regulate super-powered affairs in Paragon City and to also do field work when need be.
Prior to Introduction
I'm afraid I don't have anything for you to do.
Contact Unlocked
Roy Cooling, an agent of the Federal Bureau of Superpowered Affairs (FBSA) is requesting your aid in a delicate matter. He is waiting to speak with you in Talos Island.
Roy Cooling has been added to your contact list.
Initial Contact
- We've got ourselves a situation to handle, Character.
- Hold on, Character. Got the wife on my other phone. One second.
- No, look, I probably won't be back for dinner. I really need to get going, I'm sorry.
- Sorry, Character. Let's get to work.
- Hold on, Character. Got the wife on my other phone. One second.
- Yes, honey, look, I've got to go.
- Sorry, Character. Let's get to work.
- Hold on, Character. Got the wife on my other phone. One second.
- I'm just saying, he had every right to punch the kid in the face. Why should our child get in trouble for defending himself? Look, I've got Character here, I need to call you back.
- Sorry, Character, had a little trouble with our boy at school. Let's get to work.
Too Busy
You've got way too many issues to handle right now, Character. Finish up what you're doing and get back to me.
No More Missions
We did some good work solving the whole medi-porter crisis, Character. If anything else happens, I'll let you know.
None. Roy Cooling does not sell inspirations or enhancements.
Story Arc
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Merit Rewards: This activity awards 5 Reward Merits. |
Bad People, Good Intentions
Souvenir: Prototype Medi-Porter
Lucas Zanella, president of Medi-Corp, sent you this prototype medi-porter as thanks for your help in his rescue. This medi-porter was the alpha version of the ones currently used by heroes. It reminds you of an adventure you call...
Bad People, Good Intentions
It all began when Roy Cooling, an agent of the FBSA, requested your help with a delicate situation. The medi.porter technology was being upgraded to protect the heroes against the Praetorians, but this upgrade sent the public into an uproar. What was worse was that the technology had gone missing. PPD Sergeant Stanfield told Roy that a member of The Family had the technology. You went in and investigated the Family warehouse, only to discover everything but the medi-port technology. You returned to Roy, who believed that Stanfeld may have set you both up.
You next went to a conference between the Citizens for Medi-Porters and Medi-Corp to find Sergeant Stanfeld. Lucas Zanella was kidnapped by Sergeant Stanfeld and a group of Rogue PPD who were bringing him to the conference. You arrested Stanfeld and brought him to the Talos Island precint for questioning. It was there that you revealed to him the true nature of the 'upgrade' to the medi-porters. Horrified, Stanfeld confessed the location of the missing technology, but admited he did not know where Lucas Zanella was being held.
You went out to a cargo ship to retrieve the stolen technology, only to find it sunken and under attack by the Sky Raiders! You defeated the Sky Raiders and recovered the technology. You also discovered who ordered the Rogue PPD to steal the technology: Lawrence Harken, the leader of the Citizens for Medi-Porters! What's more, you found a red herring on a Sky Raider, claiming they were working for the Family.
Ray Cooling told you he would look into who the Sky Raiders were really working for. Meanwhile, you had to find Lawrence Harken, and fast; the Rogue PPD put out a broadcast that they would kill Lucas Zanella if the medi-porter technology was not delivered to them. You went to the office of Lawrence Harken to find out where they were holding Zanella. You found the location off of a Rogue PPD, but also walked into the middle of the group, 'ending' their alliance with Harken by trying to blow up the office building!
Afterwards, you went to the warehouse where Zanella was being held with a group of reliable SWAT to arrest Sergeant Fieldman, the man behind the Rogue PPD, and retrieve Lucas Zanella. When you arrived, you saw a Sky Raider taunt Fieldman and teleport away. After arresting Fieldman, you were told by a Sky Raider named Colonel Ford that they now had Zanella and were actually going to kill him if they didn't get the technology. Fieldman also revealed to you who was behind the Sky Raiders: The Malta organization!
You and Roy went to the Sky Raiders base to rescue Lucas Zanella and arrest the man known only as 'Peter', Malta's liaison to the Sky Raiders. It was a large assault, but Roy managed to get Zanella out safely, while you fought your way through numerous Sky Raiders, Captain Castillo, and even a Malta Zeus Titan to bring in the man known as Peter.
With Zanella back safely, along with the technology, the upgrades to the medi-porters could finally be finished. Zanella made a promise that medi-porters would be given to the elderly and extremely sick population of Paragon City. It's one step closer to giving the people what they want, but you can't help but wonder how many other Lawrence Harkens and Sergeant Fieldmans there are out there: people who are willing to go to extreme, even horrifying lengths to 'help' the people of Paragon City.
Are you one of them?
Part One: Everything and Nothing
We've got ourselves a possible lead with the help of a Sergeant Stanfeld in the PPD. Stanfeld and his squad have been working tirelessly to track down where we might find the medi-porter technology. He says that we might be able to make this an open and shut case before it gets too out of control, but we'll see just how easy that'll be.
Stanfeld believes that a number of the Family named Louie Dogger is behind the theft of the device. Now, Dogger has a rapsheet longer than my kid's Christmas' list, but the PPD are having a hell of a time tracking him down. Luckily for us, Stanfeld and his boys have it on good word that Dogger is coming in from an operation in Striga Isle to handle something personally in Talos.
That's where I come in, I imagine. Where will Dogger be?
Right nearby in a warehouse down by the docks. Now, I suspect that this might be as open and shut as Stanfeld says, but it could just be my old age getting the best of me.. My wife always tells me that I'm the kind of person who sees the glass as half empty, but I prefer my glasses to be full or empty, nothing in the middle.
We've got a limited window of opportunity to bust Dogger and get the location of the tech out of him. If we miss this, he'll get back to Striga and out to foreign waters. You've got to get into that warehouse and get to Dogger!
Unnecessary Solicitation
We've got to move fast if we're going to be a step ahead of Dogger, Character.
Mission Objective(s)
You knocked out two guards before they could warn the others inside of your presence
- Bring in Louie Dogger
- Find Louie Dogger
You discovered that the Family had no connection at all to the medi-port theft!
The Family
Notable NPCs
- Louie Dogger (The Family Underboss) (Boss)
Look, just stop, alright?! I ain't cut out for this sorta rough actin'. I'll tell you everything you wanna know! Where we got the dyne, what the deals are, you wanna know it, you got it!
You can see the fear in Louie's eyes. It looks like for all his bark, he had no bite. He appears to be willing to tell you anything you need to know about the Family.
Where's the medi-port technology that you stole?
W-what? We didn't steal no medi-port tech! N-now hold on! I'm tellin' you the truth here! I just wanna get outta this easy, alright?
Louie begins to ramble on about various operations he was involved in. The list is fairly long, but none of it involves the medi-porter technology. You notice in the surrounding area a few explosives.
We were gonna toast this warehouse once we got all the dyne in here out, leave no evidence! Look, Character, you gotta protect me! Take me to prison, whatever, but you gotta make sure those guys don't try to kill me! I told you everythin' you wanna know, can't ya just do me one favor and keep me alive?!
- Alright, I'll make sure you're safe, but only to receive your due justice.
- R-right! Just make sure they don't kill me!
- Stay down!
- Not today, Louie. I'm going to set this warehouse to blow up you and all your drugs!
- W-what?! You can't do this! What kinda hero are you?!
- The kind that gets things done!
Debriefing (if you arrested Louie)
Good work on bringing in Louie Dogger, kiddo. He's in the Talos precint right now for further questioning about other Family operations. It's a bad sign, however, that he knows nothing about the medi-port theft.
Stanfeld assured me that we would find our missing tech in that warehouse... the fact that we found the exact opposite makes me think that there might just be something rotten going on with Stanfeld...
Debriefing (if you blew up the warehouse)
Good to see you back, kiddo. Well, sort of. You kind of went... well, a little extreme on that case, don't you think? What with blowing up the warehouse full of Family. Now, normally, I would have our agents in the FBSA come to detain you, but right now we don't have a lot of time for rules. Just try to keep in mind, though, that we're trying to enforce the laws here, and not break them, alright?
Anyway... the fact that Louie had no idea about the medi-port technology makes me worried. Stanfeld told me that we would definitely find something there. Either Louie was hiding something, or Stanfeld was wrong. Given how you said Louie acted in his last moments, I'm inclined to believe Louie told us everything he knew. Which means we might have an issue with Sergeant Stanfeld.
What's next?
Part Two: The Times Are Changing
I get the distinct feeling that Stanfeld was lying to us, Character. That's just me, however, but I always tend to jump to the worst-case scenario. My wife says it's pessimism, but I say it's being prepared.
Whatever the case, we need to meet with Stanfeld and get us some answers. Either the intel he got was wrong, or he has some sort of reason to lead us on a wild goose chase.
I spoke with Detective Rico down at the Talos precint who told me that Stanfeld is supposed to playing guard duty at a conference going on today. Remember the Citizens for Medi-Porters? Their leader, a man named Lawrence Harken, and some of the other higher-ups, are supposed to meet with the president of Medi-Corp, Lucas Zanella. Lucas is going there to try to come to some sort of middle ground and appease the group without being able to give them what they want. Pretty tall order, don't you think?
Possibly. Where is the conference taking place?
It's happening in a nearby office building. It should be simple enough. All you need to do is go there and meet with Stanfeld. Find out what went wrong, and be prepared for him to dodge any of your questions. You might need to put a little force behind your questioning to get Stanfeld to reveal what's going on.
You've got the FBSA's approval to do what needs to be done within reason. When you find out what's going on, give me a ring and we'll figure out our next step.
Unnecessary Solicitation
Hold on, Character. Wife is calling me up. Got a feeling this is going to be a long conversation.
Part One: At The Conference

Mission Objective(s)
Up ahead you can see members of the protestors speaking very harshly towards a representative from the PPD
- Find Stanfeld at the conference
- Wait for Stanfeld to arrive
- None
Notable NPCs
- Protestor (NPC)
- Protest Leader (NPC)
- (Paragon Police Department PPD Sergeant) (NPC)
Part Two: Into the Streets of Talos

Mission Objective(s)
- Find Stanfeld at the conference
- Look for any witnesses who might've seen the President
- None
Notable NPCs
- Onlooker (NPC)
- Witness (NPC)
- SWAT Sergeant Russell (Paragon Police Department SWAT Sergeant) (Lieutenant) (Ally)
Finally, a hero! I saw everything! I was just driving along when all of a sudden these thugs attacked the PPD van over here, it was horrible!
The odd thing was that the PPD inside of the van didn't put up much of a fight. I've seen them fight a lot harder against criminals, I swear. I saw the thugs take some guy in a suit out. Weirdest thing too is that there was a PPD Sergeant just talking with one of the thugs too. He looked angry. I thought he would've arrested him, but he didn't!
Where did the thugs go?
Into the sewers nearby! Look, if you don't mind, I'm getting out of here. Things are getting too crazy for me in this city.
Part Three: The Sewers
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Editor's Note: For some reason, Sergeant Russell will vanish as soon as you enter the sewers. |

Mission Objective(s)
- Find Stanfeld at the conference
- Track down the assault leader
Lucas Zanella is gone, but you've arrested Sergeant Stanfeld, who helped to kidnap Zanella!
Notable NPCs
- Assault Leader ( Rogue SWAT Grenadier) (Boss)
What happened, Character?
So, Stanfeld helped to kidnap Zanella? I'm betting the other thugs with him were part of the PPD who went rogue. This is a disturbing turn of events, Character. I knew that people were divided on the issue of the medi-porter, but I was hoping this divide wasn't going to affect the police. I can only assume that they're also behind the theft of the device. Argh! Stanfeld told us about Dogger just to buy himself some time!
We might've not gotten Zanella, but we've got Stanfeld. That's going to be a huge blow to this group. They might have the chip and the president, but we've got Stanfeld as our source of information for everything.
Part Three: A Decent Man
Interrogate Sergeant Stanfeld
Stanfeld is a decent man, Character. I still think he is, or at least I hope he is. I really believe that he is a man who will listen to reason. He doesn't know about what's going on behind the scenes with medi-porter tech and why this upgrade is so important.
If we appeal to his sense of decency, I think we can get him to crack about where they're keeping Zanella and the location of the tech.
You overhear Roy's cellphone ringing.
Now, I know we talked about that info about the medi-porters was top secret, but I don't think we have any choice about telling Stanfeld about it.
If he knows, do you think he'll help us?
I do. Stanfeld wants to do what is right. All we gotta do is convince him that what we're doing is right. Best way to do that is to just be truthful and tell him the situation. We don't have the time to try to play the whole interrogation game, you understand?
We've got Stanfeld held in the precinct in Talos before he's supposed to be sent to the Zig. I had the precinct cleared for your interrogation of him. We've got four officers keeping watch on the place: Russell, Vitz, Hazen and Bassins. You'll want to talk to Bassins to get clearance to go inside, he's got orders to only let you and anyone you trust inside of that place. In the meantime, I'll be working the angles with the FBSA to see if there's any connection between the Citizens for Medi-Porters and Stanfelds's group.
Unnecessary Solicitation
No time to talk, Character. We both have issues to deal with.
Character, good to see you. I've got Stanfeld locked inside now. You better move fast, though. No one in the precinct knows why they were cleared out or that Stanfeld's there.
I'll be quick (Start mission)
Part One:Talk to Stanfeld

Mission Objective(s)
Sergeant Stanfeld is being held within the interrogation room of the precinct
- Interrogate Sergeant Stanfeld
- Speak with Sergeant Stanfeld
- None
Notable NPCs
- Sergeant Stanfeld (NPC)
Hmph. What do you want, Character? You're here to try to get me to speak?
Stanfeld spits at you
You supers don't know what it is like, walking around without your special medi-porter technology! Do you know what it's like to know that if you make one wrong move your kid isn't going to have a father? Or that your wife could die if some freak looks at her wrong, but that some super who can't be hurt in the first place will have that safety net for them?
Calm down, Stanfeld.You don't know what's going on!
Stanfeld sneers at you
You're too late to stop us, Character. Don't you see?! This is the will of the people, the -
(Cut off Stanfeld and explain the situation)
You cut off Stanfeld and explain the situation with the medi-porter and Praetoria. Stanfeld stands back with a shocked expression in his face
I... I didn't know. Character, I didn't know I thought this was all just a publicity thing, that they didn't care. But if what you say is true... then there's no time to lose.
I don't know where they took Zanella, but I can tell you where the chip is. It's in a cargo ship bound for Europe right now. They were going to bring it to scientist there to replicate the technology for citizens in Paragon. If you hurry, you can catch up to it.
You need to know, Character, that I'm not the head of this group. Someone else is pulling the strings, but I don't know who. Only Sergeant Fieldman does. I'm truly sorry for everything, Character. Believe me.
I believe you. I just-
An explosion rocks the precinct and you hear the Family yell something about getting revenge for Louie Dogger!
It's the Family!
I'll handle them.
Part Two: The Family Ambush
Mission Objective(s)
Sergeant Stanfeld is being held within the interrogation room of the precinct
- Interrogate Sergeant Stanfeld
- 2 Family capos to defeat
You defeated the Family seeking vengeance for your attack on Dogger. You need to hurry and retrieve the medi-port tech!
Notable NPCs
- Martie Mancer (The Family Consigliere) (Boss)
- Paulie Poppers (The Family Underboss) (Boss)
Recover Medi-Porter technology

Part One: Finding Survivors
Mission Objective(s)
The boat manages to catch up to the cargo ship, but you see a disturbing sight. The ship is sinking!
- Recover Medi-Porter technology
- Speak with any survivors
T-they attacked us, didn't even know it was c-coming. It was... it was the Sky Raiders! Don't know how they found out about our operation...
Did they get the device? Is it gone?
Didn't see them come out... with it yet... you've got to stop them, Character. We only meant... for the device to be used by the people. The raiders... they'll just sell it to... whoever the highest bidder is...!
I'll get it back. Don't worry.
Part Two: Deal with the Sky Raiders

Mission Objective(s)
- Recover Medi-Porter technology
- Recover the Medi-Porter technology
- Fend off the incoming Sky Raiders
You recovered the medi-porter technology!
Notable NPCs
- Sky Raider Jumpbot (Sky Raiders Assault Bot) (Boss)
- Sky Raider Skiff (Sky Raiders Sky Skiff) (Boss)
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Medi-Porter Technology |
You found a small circuitboard, about the size of a human hand. This is the key to the new medi-port technology. This small circuitboard is going to save the lives of thousands of heroes and possibly be the key to winning the entire war against Praetoria. You have to wonder if the engineer who designed this truly knew just how valuable their work would be.
You also found a PDA near the circuit board. You activate it and read over the last message on it... 'Get the technology to the specified contact in France. He'll make sure it's put to good use. Tell him that Lawrence Harken sent you. He and I go back to my time abroad, he owes me the favor. Does this mean that the leader of the Citizens for Medi-Porters was the one behind this heist? |
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Sky Raider Contacts |
You defeated the Sky Raiders that attempted to stop you from taking the medi-porter technology. You found on one of their datapads very blatant evidence that connects them to... The Family? The evidence makes it appear that the Family hired out the Sky Raiders to attack the cargo ship and retrieve the medi-porter technology, though you have to wonder if it's really true. It was almost too easy for you to find this piece of evidence, as if it was meant to fall into your hands. |
Character! In the nick of time. Did you get the tech? Good, good. Send it over to me and I'll get it back to the boys over at Medi-Corp. It'll take them a while to implement the changes, but hopefully by them this will all have blown over. So the Sky Raiders tried to bring down the cargo ship and there was a note there that the Family hired them?
Hrm... no, something else is going on. The Sky Raiders may only be in it for the money, but they believe working for the Family is beneath them. The fact that you found that evidence so easily means that someone wants us to believe the Family is involved, just like that stunt Stanfeld pulled earlier. I'm going to investigate this angle further to find out who this third party could be.
Right now, we've got bigger fish to fry. If what you found near the tech is true, then Lawrence Harken is the one pulling the strings of the Rogue PPD. This information is going to be invaluable to us, especially given the recent circumstances that have just come up.
Part Four: The Only Way
While you were gone, the Rogue PPD released a broadcast. In it, they have Zanella tied to a chair with two armed thugs beside him. One man, who I'm guessing by Stanfeld's testimony is the leader of the Rogue PPD, is threatening to kill Zanella if Medi-Corp does not listen to their demands and put out a prototype medi-porter for the people of Paragon City. I admire their determination to get the job done, but they don't understand what's at stake here.
Medi-Corp is refusing to budge, saying that there's too many risks if they tried to release a system like that in such a short ammount of time. The members of the PPD working on the case say they have no idea where Zanella is being held... but then again, we don't know if these PPD are on our side or not. Good thing that we know who the mastermind is behind this, eh? Lawrence Harken.
It's too bad. Harken was a good man, family man like me. But he crossed the line and now we've got to make our move. If anyone is going to know where they're holding Zanella, it's going to be Harken.
Do you know where Harken is?
I just so happen to know. The Citizens for Medi-Porters have a small office over here in Talos Island. My bet is that he's there now. If we hurry, we can catch him by surprise. He and his team may not know about what happened at the cargo ship.
Also, Character, I know it'll be tough, but when you find Harken, take it easy on him. He's not a super or ex-military, he's just a regular guy, a pencil-pusher who decided to attach himself to this cause. From the research I did, it sounds like he latched himself onto this group after his son died in a botched rescue attempt by a hero. The man meant well, but somewhere along the way he lost his sense of right and wrong. Let's see what we can do to at least bring some justice to this situation.
Unnecessary Solicitation
I'm monitoring the situation with Zanella. We're still in a stalemate.
Part One: Capture Mr. Y
Mission Objective(s)
You enter the building to see members of the Rogue PPD standing guard. You'll have to get through them to reach Harken
- Find Lawrence Harken
- Defeat Mr. Y
Notable NPCs
- Mr. Y (Rogue Paragon Police Rogue SWAT Grenadier) (Boss)
Part Two: Flames Everywhere
Mission Objective(s)
- Find Lawrence Harken
- 12 injured Rogue PPD to save (Optional)
- Find Lawrence Harken before the building collapses
- 5 minutes until the interior collapses
You've found the location of Zanella!
Notable NPCs
- Injured Rogue PPD x12 (NPC)
- Lawrence Harken (escort NPC)
- Lawrence Harken is the leader of the citizens who are trying to get Medi-Port Tech to give medi-porters to all the people of Paragon City.
- Mr. X (Rogue Paragon Police Rogue SWAT Grenadier) (Boss) (Guarding Harken)
Just stay away! I know you're just going to arrest me for everything... just... just let me die here. It's over. Everything is... is over...
- I'm bringing you in, alive. Come on, we're getting out of here!
- Harken pauses for a moment before finally nodding to follow
- Come on!
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Arresting Harken |
You told Lawrence Harken that you were going to arrest him after saving him from the burning building |
- I'm not going to arrest you. When you get out of here, run!
- You're... helping me get out of here? Alright... alright, let's go!
- Come on!
You've ensured the CFM leader got out of the building safely!
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No One Left Behind You helped save the injured Rogue PPD from being killed in a burning building, showing that you're willing to lend a helping hand even to your enemies. |
Debriefing (If Harken didn't survive)
What happened to Harken?
He died in the fire? That's a damn shame. All Harken wanted to do was help the people of Paragon, I'm guessing without any of this violence involved. Fieldman must have taken the reigns of the operation from Harken. We won't know how responsible Harken truly was until we bring in Fieldman. Luckily we know where Zanella and Fieldman both are right now. It's time for us to make our move.
Let's go.
Debriefing (If Harken survived)
Harken is being handed by agents of the FBSA now. He's agreed to name members of the PPD who were working with them. This will get him a lighter sentence, but he'll still have to serve some time in the Zig.
Harken revealed some disturbing information, however. It seems Sergeant Fieldman has taken control of the situation. He's the one who set up kidnapping Zanella. Too bad for Harken. All he wanted was the help of the PPD in obtaining his goals without any violence, and now it's ending in this. But at least now we know where Zanella is being held. Ready to end this once and for all?
Let's go.
Part Five: Patriots
We've got no time to lose, Character. We need to hit the warehouse they're keeping Zanella in. If Fieldman is there, he'll have plenty of backup to ensure that no one can get to Zanella.
I've spoken with Detective Rico and he has threee SWAT going in to help you get to Fieldman. You will be helped by Sergeants Russell, Vitz and Hazen. I went through their files after they helped us before. I can vouch for each and every one of them.
Alright. There's no time to lose.
Exactly. Let's end this thing here and now, kiddo. Once we get Zanella back, we can figure out what role the Sky Raiders are playing in all of this.
Unnecessary Solicitation
No time for talking now, Character. We've got to get Zanella back!
Mission Objective(s)
You're met outside by three SWAT Sergeants. It's time to break through the Rogue PPD to rescue Lucas Zanella!
- Rescue Lucas Zanella
- Bring in Sergeant Fieldman
- One minute until Rogue PPD sends in an attack team
- Forty seconds until the next Rogue PPD attack team pushes
- Thisrty seconds until the next Rogue PPD attack team pushes
- Twenty seconds until the final Rogue PPD team pushes
You've brought in Sergeant Fieldman, but the Sky Raiders have taken Zanella!
Notable NPCs
- Sergeant Russell (Paragon Police Department SWAT Sergeant) (Lieutenant) (Ally)
- Sergeant Vitz (Paragon Police Department SWAT Sergeant) (Lieutenant) (Ally)
- Sergeant Hazen (Paragon Police Department SWAT Sergeant) (Lieutenant) (Ally)
- Mr. M (Rogue Paragon Police Rogue SWAT Grenadier) (Boss)
- Mr. S (Rogue Paragon Police Rogue SWAT Grenadier) (Boss)
- Mr. B (Rogue Paragon Police Rogue SWAT Grenadier) (Boss)
- Sergeant Fieldman (Rogue Paragon Police Rogue SWAT Grenadier) (Boss)
- Colonel Ford (Sky Raiders Porter) (Lieutenant) (NPC, will despawn on sight)
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The Malta Initiative |
You were able to defeat Fieldman, but Zanella was not within the warehouse. Seeing that there was no way to recover the situation, Fieldman revealed to you the missing piece of the puzzle...
'We all agreed to Harken's proposal to get medi-porters distributed to the populace. Everyone in my squad was against the idea that the medi-porters weren't being distributed. However, Harken was too short-sighted to see that simply taking the tech wouldn't work. There had to be strength behind our demands; we had to take Zanella. That was when I took my most trusted men and began to make plans to kidnap Zanella. It was during this time that I was approached by a man who simply calls himself Peter. He told me about another organization that was against what was happening. It was a group called Malta. He told me everything about Malta, how they were fighting to protect the average person in America, how they wanted to keep the American Dream alive, and that supers were against us. He told me if I worked with the Sky Raiders that I could help the people of Paragon, that sometimes true patriots need to go against the law to bring freedom to the people. But now Zanella's gone and I'm left out in the cold. So just bring me in. I know what I did, and I don't regret a thing.' |
This is worse than I thought, Character. I never would've dreamed that the Malte Group would be behind this, but it all makes sense. Are you familiar with them? The're a shadow organization that is out to kill all supers, afraid that they're going to take over the world. Sort of like a certain alternate dimension that we are all aware of. It sounds as if they were using Fieldman and Harken to get their hands on the medi-port technology with help from the Sky Raiders. We're lucky, though, that they're using Sky Raiders; it means that Malta is trying to have as minimal a presence in this operation as possible. This man called 'Peter' is probably the Malta liason between the Rogue PPD and the Sky Raiders.
We could discuss the motives and twists on Malta for days no end, but we have a deadline to meet. The Sky Raiders want us to deliver the medi-port tech to them in exchange for Zanella's life. Unfortunately, Medi-Corp hasn't finished making duplicates of the medi-port tech. I don't know what's taking them so long, but I've filed my complaints with the FBSA. This means that we only have the original copy of the tech to exchange. We have no choice but to give the Sky Raiders the medi-port tech.
Finale: The Value of Life
Well, okay, we're not exactly going to give them the technology. I've got a plan. I'm going to have the schematics of the base we're probably going to sent to my PDA. That's right, Character, old Roy is tagging along for this one. We're going to make this a two prong operation.
On your end, you'll be handling 'giving' them the tech and tracking down this Peter fellow to put a stop to the Sky Raiders operation and Malta's involvement in it. On my end, I'll be working on recovering the president and the tech. If I know the Raiders, they'll have you transfer the data on the tech through a computer. I'll hack into the computer and finish the back-up process that Medi-Corp was doing. When it's done, I'll fry the copy that the Sky Raiders have and rescue Zanella.
You've got the hard part. You'll have to fight through the entire Sky Raiders base and get to this 'Peter' person. Make sure you bring him in, along with any Sky Raiders working with him.
Sounds good. Anything else?
Aside from being very careful because you'll be going into an extremely dangerous situation? There is one thing. If you've worked before with agent Jenni Adair from SAM, you can contact her subordinate, Keith Nance, and request his help in this operation before going in. That's everything I can think of. I'll see you on the other side, Character. Let's hope neither of us gets killed, eh?
Optional: Contacting Keith Nance
Character. I've been briefed by Roy Cooling about the current situation. It's a bit ironic that we're handling a conspiracy with people having medi-porters when your double died because he / she didn't have one, don't you think?
- ... Look, will you help me on this operation?
- I will. I'll make my way to the base now. There should be a computer terminal in there somewhere. When the coast is clear, message me on the terminal and I'll meet you.
- Sounds good
- ... You know, on second thought, I don't need your help
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Keith Nance's Aid |
You spoke with Field Agent Keith Nance, who agreed to meet you in the Sky Raider base to help you bring the whole conspiracy to a close. |
Part One: The Delivery

Mission Objective(s)
You're taken by submarine to the underwater sea base of the Sky Raiders
- End the Medi-Port conspiracy
- Insert the chip into the Sky Raiders' computer
- Retrieve chip data after transfer (Roy's objective)
- None
Notable NPCs
- None
Part Two: Recovering the Chip
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Editor's Note: The security Chief's office has a computer in it. Use it if you requested help from Keith Nance and he'll spawn in the room |

Mission Objective(s)
- End the Medi-Port Conspiracy
- Recover the chip from the Security Chief
- Rescue Lucas Zanella (Roy's objective)
Notable NPCs
- Security Chief (Sky Raiders Captain) (Lieutenant)
- Field Agent Keith Nance (Ally) (Only if you requested his help)
Part Three: Inside the Base
Mission Objective(s)
- End the Medi-Port Conspiracy
- Destroy the communication computer
- Get Lucas Zanella to safety (Roy's objective)
- Defeat Colonel Ford (Roy's objective)
Notable NPCs
- (Sky Raiders Assault Jump Bot) (Boss)
- Communication Computer (Object)
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Editor's Note: Destroying the Jump Bot Generator Guard in the Generators room will cause a Force Field Generator ally to spawn and follow you around for the rest of the mission. |

Mission Objective(s)
- End the Medi-Port Conspiracy
- Push forward to catch up with the Malta agent
- Destroy radio beacon to halt Sky Raider back up
- Hold off Sky Raiders until rescue ship arrives (Roy's objective)
Notable NPCs
- Jump Bot Generator Guard (Sky Raiders Assault Jump Bot)
- (Sky Raiders Force Field Generator) (Ally)
Mission Objective(s)
- End the Medi-Port Conspiracy
- Push forward to catch up with the Malta agent
- Defeat Captain Castillo
- Hold off Sky Raiders until rescue ship arrives (Roy's objective)
Notable NPCs
- Captain Castillo (Archvillain)
Part Four: The Surface
Mission Objective(s)
- End the Medi-Port Conspiracy
- Arrest the Malta Operative
- Lower the firewall on the turret mainframe (optional)
- Hold off Sky Raiders until rescue ship arrives (Roy's objective)
Notable NPCs
- 'Peter' (NPC)
- Captain Castillo (Archvillain)
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Medi-Porter Tech recovered |
You once again recovered the medi-porter technology, this time from the Malta operative named Peter! |
Mission Objective(s)
- End the Medi-Port Conspiracy
- Defeat Captain Castillo
You've fought through a small army of Sky Raiders, Captain Castillo and a Malta Zeus Titan to recover the medi-porter technology, and ensure that Lucas Zanella made it out of the base safely!
Notable NPCs
- 'Peter' (NPC)
- Captain Castillo (Archvillain)
- (Malta Operatives Zeus Titan) (Elite Boss)
The Helping Hand Badge is awarded upon completion of this mission.
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Helping Hand You've helped to solve the Medi-Porter crisis in Paragon and get the devices distributed to those who need them. |
Debriefing (If Harken didn't survive)
Kiddo, it's been a wild trip, hasn't it? We've got this Peter fellow in custody now. We got off lucky today with Malta, let me tell you. I'd hate to have seen what would have happened if they made off with that medi-porter technology.
Speaking of which, there's been some interesting developments on that side. Zanella and Medi-Corp have come to a new conclussion after all the events that we've gone down. While they can't make medi-porters available to every citizen, Medi-Corp is starting a program where they'll give out medi-porters to the handicapped and elderly of Paragon City. Their reasoning is that these are the people who need them the most, given that if they're in a life-threatening situation, those folks won't be able to get themselves to a hospital. While the folks who were pushing for the widespread handout of the tech still aren't fully happy, they've at least got something, huh?
Finally, the boys at Medi-Corp have finished implementing the new tech. About time, huh? You'd think they'd need it to get lost a few more times before gettin' it right. This means you hero folks are gonna be a-OK when you're going up against Cole's big bad Praetorians. As for me? Well, I've still got some business here on behalf of the FBSA, like helpin' out Harken's family. They're pretty broken about his death, and I don't blame'em. He might've started this whole situation, but all the man wanted was to do some good. It's the fault of groups like Malta and the Sky Raiders that folks ended up dying today.
Anyway, I'm sure you've got plenty of other issues to handle, and I've got a wife who is gonna kill me if I don't make it home for dinner at least once this week.
- See you around, Roy
Debriefing (If Harken survived)
Kiddo, it's been a wild trip, hasn't it? We've got this Peter fellow in custody now. Harken is telling us that he never met this fellow before in his life, and I'm inclined to believe him. We got off lucky today with Malta, let me tell you. I'd hate to have seen what would have happened if they made off with that medi-porter technology.
Speaking of which, there's been some interesting developments on that side. Zanella and Medi-Corp have come to a new conclussion after all the events that we've gone down. While they can't make medi-porters available to every citizen, Medi-Corp is starting a program where they'll give out medi-porters to the handicapped and elderly of Paragon City. Their reasoning is that these are the people who need them the most, given that if they're in a life-threatening situation, those folks won't be able to get themselves to a hospital. While the folks who were pushing for the widespread handout of the tech still aren't fully happy, they've at least got something.
Finally, the boys at Medi-Corp have finished implementing the new tech. About time, huh? You'd think they'd need it to get lost a few more times before gettin' it right. This means you hero folks are gonna be a-OK when you're going up against Cole's big bad Praetorians. As for me? Well, I've still got some business here on behalf of the FBSA, like dealing with Lawrence Harken's arrest. Shame about Harken, but that's what happens when good men are blinded by their own ambitions.
Anyway, I'm sure you've got plenty of other issues to handle, and I've got a wife who is gonna kill me if I don't make it home for dinner at least once this week.
- See you around, Roy