Ouroboros Badges

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Ouroboros Badges (also called Flashback Badges) are earned by completing Flashback content. These badges are available to characters of any alignment.

In addition to the badge listing further below in this article, there is also a checklist available for use during badge collection.

Known Issues

There are two main issues that affect which Flashback Arcs will properly award a challenge badge which must be accounted for:

  • Badge missions/Arcs in Flashback do not award Challenge badges.
  • Most Story Arcs that cross multiple ranges grant the story arc reward table (which the badges are part of) at the lowest range. However, due to back end organization of how arcs are categorized and displayed in the Flashback menu, arcs are listed in the highest range that they are available. There are many mismatches between the Ourboros level

Work Around

One way to address the issues above is to consult the appropriate Hero/Villain Story Arc list to find an arc with a starting level in the range you are targeting, then check to ensure that the arc itself does not offer badges. Please note that some contacts have prerequisites and may not be available in Ouroboros until those requirements are met.

Ouroboros Badges

All For One, One For All   Complete a Flashback arc with zero defeats
Divided Mastery   Complete a Flashback arc with one or fewer defeats
Proportional Supremacy   Complete a Flashback arc with three or fewer defeats
Shared Victory   Complete a Flashback arc with five or fewer defeats
Gold Medalist   Complete a Flashback arc in under 30 minutes
Silver Medalist   Complete a Flashback arc in under 60 minutes
Bronze Medalist   Complete a Flashback arc in under 120 minutes
Venturous   Complete a level 1-15 Flashback arc while debuffed
Headstrong   Complete a level 16-19 Flashback arc while debuffed
Adventurous   Complete a level 20-24 Flashback arc while debuffed
Daredevil   Complete a level 25-29 Flashback arc while debuffed
Rash   Complete a level 30-34 Flashback arc while debuffed
Venturesome   Complete a level 35-39 Flashback arc while debuffed
Reckless   Complete a level 40-45 Flashback arc while debuffed
Temerarious   Complete a level 46-50 Flashback arc while debuffed
Audacious   Complete a level 1-15 Flashback arc with enemies buffed
Courageous   Complete a level 16-19 Flashback arc with enemies buffed
Bold   Complete a level 20-24 Flashback arc with enemies buffed
Fearless   Complete a level 25-29 Flashback arc with enemies buffed
Valiant   Complete a level 30-34 Flashback arc with enemies buffed
Stalwart   Complete a level 35-39 Flashback arc with enemies buffed
Lionhearted   Complete a level 40-45 Flashback arc with enemies buffed
Intrepid   Complete a level 46-50 Flashback arc with enemies buffed
Contributor   Complete a level 1-15 Flashback arc using no pool powers
Vocational   Complete a level 16-19 Flashback arc using no pool powers
Professional   Complete a level 20-24 Flashback arc using no pool powers
All Business   Complete a level 25-29 Flashback arc using no pool powers
Archetypical   Complete a level 30-34 Flashback arc using no pool powers
Obligated   Complete a level 35-39 Flashback arc using no pool powers
Missionary   Complete a level 40-45 Flashback arc using no pool powers
Undertaker   Complete a level 46-50 Flashback arc using no pool powers
Refrained   Complete a level 1-15 Flashback arc using no travel powers
Shut Down   Complete a level 16-19 Flashback arc using no travel powers
Desisted   Complete a level 20-24 Flashback arc using no travel powers
Barred   Complete a level 25-29 Flashback arc using no travel powers
Still   Complete a level 30-34 Flashback arc using no travel powers
Stalled   Complete a level 35-39 Flashback arc using no travel powers
Stemmed   Complete a level 40-45 Flashback arc using no travel powers
Suspended   Complete a level 46-50 Flashback arc using no travel powers
Diminished   Complete a level 1-15 Flashback arc using no temp powers
Curtailed   Complete a level 16-19 Flashback arc using no temp powers
Capped   Complete a level 20-24 Flashback arc using no temp powers
Inhibited   Complete a level 25-29 Flashback arc using no temp powers
Hindered   Complete a level 30-34 Flashback arc using no temp powers
Bound   Complete a level 35-39 Flashback arc using no temp powers
Limited   Complete a level 40-45 Flashback arc using no temp powers
Demarcated   Complete a level 46-50 Flashback arc using no temp powers
Cut-Off   Complete a level 40-45 Flashback arc using no Ancillary powers
Marginalized   Complete a level 46-50 Flashback arc using no Ancillary powers
Cliche   Complete a level 1-15 Flashback arc using no inspirations
Unimaginative   Complete a level 16-19 Flashback arc using no inspirations
Flat   Complete a level 20-24 Flashback arc using no inspirations
Unoriginal   Complete a level 25-29 Flashback arc using no inspirations
Dull   Complete a level 30-34 Flashback arc using no inspirations
Phoned It In   Complete a level 35-39 Flashback arc using no inspirations
Indifferent   Complete a level 40-46 Flashback arc using no inspirations
Uninspired   Complete a level 46-50 Flashback arc using no inspirations
Lessened   Complete a level 1-15 Flashback arc using no enhancements
Debilitated   Complete a level 16-19 Flashback arc using no enhancements
Anemic   Complete a level 20-24 Flashback arc using no enhancements
Weakened   Complete a level 25-29 Flashback arc using no enhancements
Deflated   Complete a level 30-34 Flashback arc using no enhancements
Decreased   Complete a level 35-39 Flashback arc using no enhancements
Devalued   Complete a level 40-45 Flashback arc using no enhancements
Unenhanced   Complete a level 46-50 Flashback arc using no enhancements
Entrusted with the Secret   Complete a story arc that gives a time travel-related Souvenir, or obtain any time travel-related Badges
Troubleshooter   Complete 5 Flashback story arcs
Adjuster   Complete 10 Flashback story arcs
Calibrator   Complete 15 Flashback story arcs
Alterist   Complete 20 Flashback story arcs
Balancer   Complete 25 Flashback story arcs
Correctionist   Complete 30 Flashback story arcs
Repairman   Complete 35 Flashback story arcs
Overhauler   Complete 40 Flashback story arcs
Time Fixer   Complete 45 Flashback story arcs
Ouroboros Mender   Complete 50 Flashback story arcs


  • Following a discussion with a GM from PlayNC in January, 2009, it would appear that there is a fault in the awarding of some of these badges. If you select a mission which would ordinarily award you a badge (Agent badge etc) then the challenge setting screen should not appear and the mission just played out as normal. The purpose being that challenge badges would not be issued for normal badge missions. The fault lies in the fact that the challenge settings menu does appear and can be altered. The developers are looking into this fault and hope to rectify it soon. The actual report from them is as follows:
The problem you have reported is a known issue and the development team is already working on an appropriate solution. However, we are going to forward your inquiry to our Quality Assurance (QA) department in order to provide the development team with as much information as possible.
Note that badge missions in Flashback do not award Challenge badges. The challenge parameter window should not show when doing a badge mission in Flashback. We apologize for any confusion caused by this.

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