User:VuDu DawL

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VuDu DawL
VuDu DawL, level 50 Empathy Defender on Liberty Server.

Global: @VuDu DawL


  • VuDu DawL - level 50 Empathy/Electrical Blast Defender
    Real name: DeLara Mandana
    Mother: Shanabethe Mandana
    Father: Azazel, Demon of the Second Order
    Origin: Magic
    Skills: Empathy - Healer
    Electrical Blast

    VuDu DawL is the daughter of one of the Ageless Ones. Her mother is a sibyl who is keeper of the 7th Oracle, and one who has a Pure Heart. Her mother prophesied against the demon Azazel, drawing his anger, upon which he attacked her in retaliation. DeLara was born as a result of that attack. She arrived in Paragon City in November of 2004, and was soon found crying for help in Perez Park by a scrapper named Keres, who became her career-long partner. A bit of a wild one, she has five children by three fathers. Zakai is her firstborn son, fathered by a handsome scrapper. Mark (Golden Tan) Church, James (Golden Song) Church, fathered by Miles (Golden Ace) Church, and the twins, fathered by Bloodwynd, Sheken and Appolion. She achieved Security Level 50 on May 31, 2005, by the side of her partner Keres, and in the midst of a crew of fellow Canteen Warriors. She has now settled down, and is retired. She lives with her son Zakai, and her mate in an apartment out on Talos Island.

  • Azazela - level 50 Illusion/Empathy Controller
    Real Name: Azazela
    Mother: Chrysis Apokalita
    Father: Azazel, Demon of the Second Order
    Origins: Magic
    Skills: Spells of Illusion
    Empathy - Healer

    Her mother was an Amazon Priestess, later found to be herself a Nephilim (demon/human hybrid), making Azazela less than one sixteenth human. Her father was the demon Azazel. Eschewing the wickedness of her parents, Azazela sought refuge in the caverns beneath Paragon City. Found by her half-sister, she tended to shun contact with humans. One of her father's princes, Xandaros, attacked her in an attempt to force her to submit to her father's evil will. Azazela bore a female child, the demoness Naimah, of whom she rarely speaks, as a result of this attack. Her career was largely solitary, with a few exceptions. She was befriended by an empath who was bound by magic to servitude. She placed upon him a spell of protection, so that he might never be abused. She then spent time under the tutelage of a kind Tanker. He later left on a hiatus, and returned in the company of a new partner. Azazela finally found a steadfast partner in a brave Warshade. They achieved Security Level 50 together, on April 13, 2006. She is still busy battling evil, in Paragon City, and even unto the gates of Hell. She has a small flat in Kings Row but spends much of her time with her partner, and the father of her daughter, Adara. Read more at (website access for 18 and over only, please)

  • Silky Kitty - Katana/Invulnerability Scrapper

    Real Name: Shandra Cameron
    Mother: Unknown
    Father: Unknown
    Origins: Human bestowed with Magic talisman
    Skills: Wields a mean Katana
    Spells of Invulnerability

    Shandra, or Shandie, as DawL affectionately calls her, was an orphan. A tough girl who grew up streetwise, she stood up for herself and those around her. She worked her way through college until one night, coming home late from classes, she was jumped by a gang of thugs. Her guardian angel, in the form of VuDu DawL appeared, scattering her assailants, and befriending the young girl. She lived with DawL for a time, during which she was given a talisman that granted her magical powers, and lots of lessons in being a courageous warrior, courtesy of Azazela. She now joins the sisters in fighting evil all over Paragon City and beyond. Once incredibly footloose, wild, and free with her affections, she was tamed by a Stalker, who asked her to marry him. He disappeared one night, and she still waits, faithfully, for the day he returns...

  • Zakai - Tri-form Peacebringer

    Real Name: Zakai Mandana
    Mother: DeLara Mandana aka VuDu DawL
    Father: Rumored to be a certain Spines/Regen Scrapper
    Origins: Born Magic however fused with a Kheldian energy being, which instead gave him Natural Kheldian power abilities.
    Skills: Shapeshifting
    Energy attacks

    Zakai was born to VuDu DawL after spending a passionate night alone in the Arena with a certain scrapper. The child did not survive a rather difficult birth, and his mother was so weakened by the ordeal that she could not save him. A Kheldian had been watching from nearby, and offered to fuse with the child. DawL quickly consented, and the child become a host to the kind energy being. The fusion gave him abilities like shapeshifting into other forms, and the ability to use the pure energy of his Kheldian half to blast his foes. Zakai is a very polite and studious young man, beloved by all who know him. He lives with his mother, while he continues his studies, and trains to become a better hero.

  • Sheken - Dark Miasma / Psychic Blast Defender

    Real Name: Sheken Mandana
    Mother: DeLara Mandana aka VuDu DawL
    Father: Bloodwynd aka Blood Prime
    Origins: Magic
    Skills: Dark powers
    Psionic prowess

    Sheken is the only daughter of VuDu DawL, born of a passionate, forbidden tryst with the angel known as Bloodwynd. She is the female of a set of fraternal twins, the male child having been stolen away by the demon prince Deathwynd. Sheken was raised in Talos Island by her mother and became a willful and stubborn child. That stubborn streak tends to get her in an inordinate amount of trouble. Against the wishes of her mother, she is paired with a former assassin who was hired by Naimah to kidnap and then kill her.

  • Ziva - Illusion / Kinetics Controller
  • Krinalle - Tri-form Warshade


Global: @DawL


  • Avidan - Energy Blast / Energy Manipulation Blaster
  • Karishka - Stone Armor / Energy Melee Tanker
  • Adara Westmarch - Kinetics / Dark Blast Defender

    Real Name: Adara Westmarch
    Mother: Azazela
    Father: Cale Westmarch, Archmage
    Origins: Magic
    Skills: Kinetic energy manipulation
    Command of Dark powers

    Adara is the daughter of Azazela and her partner Cale Westmarch, who is also known as the hero Dark Cenotaph since his fusion with the Nictus Balregu. Her demonic origins caused the girl to develope skills at manipulating kinetic energies from a very early age, and the ability to command negative energy from being exposed to the dark quantum energies of her father while she was still in utero. She grew up living with her mother in Kings Row although, at the urging of her father, she was sent off to study at a boarding school for mystic studies in Salamanca.

  • Minh - Illusion / Empathy Controller
  • Steel Wasp - Katana / Dark Armor Scrapper
