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{{Mission Objective|Entrance=|Primary=Meet with Crimson|Secondary=|Additional=|Completion=}}
{{Mission Objective|Entrance=|Primary=Meet with Crimson|Secondary=|Additional=|Completion=}}

'''Briefing''' [[Crimson]]
{{Mission Briefing|Type=Briefing|Contact=Crimson|Text=I'm glad you've agreed to help us on this one.  I'm sure Indigo told you that we can't give you a lot of background on this operation, but I'll tell you what I can, outline the plan, and send you on the way.
I'm glad you've agreed to help us on this one.  I'm sure Indigo told you that we can't give you a lot of background on this operation, but I'll tell you what I can, outline the plan, and send you on the way.

First thing, the man you're looking to rescue is named Melvin Langley.  Secondly, he's been grabbed by the [[Knives of Artemis]].  And finally, we think he's being held in a warehouse out in [[Kings Row]].   
First thing, the man you're looking to rescue is named Melvin Langley.  Secondly, he's been grabbed by the [[Knives of Artemis]].  And finally, we think he's being held in a warehouse out in [[Kings Row]].   

I hope you understand that from the moment you start this you're going to be operating in dangerous territory.  You're going up against some bad people with no compunctions about silencing anyone who crosses them.  And I hope you can find Melvin.  He doesn't deserve to have this happen to him.
I hope you understand that from the moment you start this you're going to be operating in dangerous territory.  You're going up against some bad people with no compunctions about silencing anyone who crosses them.  And I hope you can find Melvin.  He doesn't deserve to have this happen to him.}}

{{Mission Objective|Entrance=|Primary=Rescue Melvin Langley|Secondary=Find Melvin Langley|Additional=|Completion=Though you confronted his abductors and found some of his notes, you were unable to find Melvin Langley himself.}}
{{Mission Objective|Entrance=|Primary=Rescue Melvin Langley|Secondary=Find Melvin Langley|Additional=|Completion=Though you confronted his abductors and found some of his notes, you were unable to find Melvin Langley himself.}}

Revision as of 21:44, 30 July 2008



Stealth Operative
Zone Founders' Falls
Coordinates (-4244, 261, 4568)
Level Range 40-44
Introduced By Colleen Nelson
Maxwell Christopher
Merisel Valenzuela
Enemy Groups

Knives of Artemis

Malta Operatives
v  d  e

Indigo is a hero contact in the Hutchinson Park neighborhood of Founders' Falls at coordinates (4244, 261, 4568). Indigo is a Mutation origin contact. Her level range is 40-44.

Villains can fight her in the Unmask the deceiver mission from Arbiter Leery for levels 35-39.

Villain Information

Agent Indigo


Rumors abound throughout the villain underground about two incredibly dangerous government operatives, code-named Agent Crimson and Agent Indigo. Indigo is supposed to be the information and retrival specialist, a deadly opponent who can read thoughts and see into the future.


During the mission Unmask the deceiver from Arbiter Leery:

Before combat: "So, we keep after Mako, and let him take out Black Scorpion for us. Easy!"
Combat start: "So, Leery's figured me out, huh? Well, I'm not done yet!"
At 75% Health: "I hope you aren't getting tired already!"
At 50% Health: "I've had worse in training!"
At 25% Health: "Never count a good girl out!"
"I can't believe I lost!"
"Crimson's going to be so upset with me."
Upon defeating a villain:
"Oh, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have laughed at you."

See Also

  • Indigo's Longbow profile for a list of her powers


Contact Introduced By

New Contact(s)


Stealth Operative

Indigo may look like an innocent young woman, but if you peer closely into her eyes, you'll see that she's no ingenue. A master of stealth and intrigue, Indigo made a name for herself in the intelligence community by being the first to discover the villainous organization known as Arachnos. Currently she and her partner, Crimson, are assigned to look into the workings of the mysterious Malta Group. Indigo can't always play it straight with her hero contacts, but she tries to tell them anything that will give them an advantage in battle.

Initial Contact

I don't like being this exposed, but the time for confrontation with Malta is now, and my stealth abilities only go so far.


  • Inspirations

Story Arc


Template:Souvenir A painting called Gentlemen of Malta

Rescue Indigo's anonymous contact


Crimson and I need your help with something important. Our 'Friends' have kidnapped someone, a contact of ours though he didn't know it. Our contact's abduction caught us by surprise, which is bad enough, but if our 'Friends' figure out that he's associated with us, well, it could get bad. We think our contact is still alive, but if Crimson or I were to make a move to save this someone, it could tip off our 'Friends' to how much he might actually know. In which case, he wouldn't be alive for much longer. Now, like a lot of these kinds of things, I can't tell you much about who this person is, why he was taken, or what he might know. It's safer that way. I can tell you that if you can't rescue this particular someone, he won't survive for very long in our 'Friends' care.

When events like this start, they usually carry through to a potentially nasty end. This could be the start of a chain of events with a very tragic ending unless you can save that man.

Thank you. The first thing to do is go and meet with Crimson in person. He's been following the situation closely, and has been working on cover fictions.

I know we ask for a lot of trust from you, and I'm very glad you've been willing to give us that trust. This is one of those situations where the less we tell you, the better for everyone. Of course, if you pay attention and learn to read between th lines a bit, you could learn a lot about what's going on here.

Maybe even a bit too much.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Meet with Crimson



I'm glad you've agreed to help us on this one. I'm sure Indigo told you that we can't give you a lot of background on this operation, but I'll tell you what I can, outline the plan, and send you on the way.

First thing, the man you're looking to rescue is named Melvin Langley. Secondly, he's been grabbed by the Knives of Artemis. And finally, we think he's being held in a warehouse out in Kings Row.

I hope you understand that from the moment you start this you're going to be operating in dangerous territory. You're going up against some bad people with no compunctions about silencing anyone who crosses them. And I hope you can find Melvin. He doesn't deserve to have this happen to him.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Rescue Melvin Langley
    • Find Melvin Langley

Though you confronted his abductors and found some of his notes, you were unable to find Melvin Langley himself.

Melvin Langley's laptop
Though you didn't find Melvin Langley himself, you did find what appears to be his personal laptop. There are notes about what he was working on when he was abducted. It appears he was researching the Might for Right act of the 1950's and 60's.

'Might for Right Act - Passed 1956, declared unconstitutional 1967.

The act was written as a special case draft for meta-human American civilians. Intelligence community feared 'Meta-Gap' between Eastern/Western powers. Weird thing, though. Records show lot of people drafted, but I can't find many service records in the military. Intelligence community?

Records show lot of agents MIA or KIA years 1948-56. Right before Might for Right. Then, major intelligence turn-around. Might for Right at work?


  • Even though it isn't a stated mission objective, this mission cannot be completed until all enemies have been defeated.

Notable NPCs


Knives of Artemis
Malta Operatives


They moved Melvin before you even got there. There was nothing you could do, so you shouldn't blame yourself.

Melvin may still have a chance. It's likely that they don't really know what he knows, or how many people he's shared it with. They'll keep him alive while they try to 'clean up' the situation. That still gives us a chance to stop them before Melvin or other people get hurt. I'll try to find out who they're planning to target next.

And yes, by 'clean up,' I do mean they're going to kill a lot of people. That's why we have to stop them.

Save Jim Bartlett


I don't have any new leads on where Melvin Langley could be, but I did find out that he interviewed a man named Jim Bartlett right before he was abducted. As I understand it, Jim Bartlett used to be a hero back during the 1940's, code-named Thunderhead. Mr. Bartlett's granddaughter filed a police report that her grandfather has gone missing. I don't think this is a coincidence. Particularly since I know where Mr. Bartlett is being held at the moment. Remember how I mentioned that our 'Friends' might try to clean up any loose ends? Unless you can save Jim Bartlett, he may not have much longer to live in the hands of his captors.

Jim Bartlett's safety is your only objective. I'm sure you'll be able to save him.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Save Jim Bartlett

Your quick actions were able to save the life of Jim 'Thunderhead' Bartlett.

Bartlett's story
After you rescued him from Malta Group commandos, Jim 'Thunderhead' Bartlett told you:

'Those guys hit me with somethin' fierce. Even in my younger days, I probably couldn't have taken that. They kept askin' me about some kid from the CIA I talked to a bit back, name of Melvin Langley. Of course, I didn't tell them anything. I dealt with enough jack-booted thugs in my younger days.

I did talk to Melvin Langley. He seemed like a bright fellow. He asked me about the Might for Right act, from way back in '56. I remember it pretty well. It let the government draft any US citizen with meta-human powers or paranormal abilities. I argued against it every chance I got, but everyone was afraid of the reds back then, so a little trampling on civil rights was considered a fair trade, I guess.

Thing is, it was passed in '56, but the idea of a special meta-human draft had been floating around through the military for years before. Back in the war, and I mean World War II, I knew this OSS spook named Roger Vrabel. He was always going on about how the country needed to be able to 'mobilize every super-human asset' and stuff. After the war, most folks were worried about the Russians having the bomb, he was worried about Russian supers. We'd kinda been friends, but when I left the army back in '48, he got real angry. Called me a traitor to my country, and worse if you can believe it. I figure he was under a lot of stress. Never did find out what happened to Vrabel. We didn't really keep in touch.'

Notable NPCs

NPC Text

Upon rescue:

Jim 'Thunderhead' Bartlett: "Good to see you. It's gotten to be so a man can't retire in peace."


Malta Operatives


I'm glad you were able to save Mr. Bartlett. These people are ruthless, you have to understand that. Jim Bartlett was a hero and a good person, and they were more than willing to kill him because they thought he might have known something. Just the fact that he talked to Melvin Langley was enough to put his life in danger.

Stop the Malta Group from wiping out Melvin's office


Our 'Friends' are doing a little clean-up work at Melvin Langley's office, the kind of clean-up work that makes a lot of people very dead. They're going to go into that office, steal anything Melvin worked on, assassinate anyone who worked with Melvin directly, and then set fire to the place. Very thorough and very brutal. I want you to stop them from wiping out Melvin's office.

You have two main objectives to accomplish: protect Melvin's co-workers and stop the bombings.

I'm a little surprised that our 'Friends' would be willing to do something this overt. They would have to be pretty upset to do something like that, wouldn't they?

Mission Objective(s)

  • Stop bombing, save office workers
    • 7 hostages to save, 6 bombs to disarm

You saved the CIA office from an attack by agents of the mysterious Malta Group.

Might for Right act draft records
These reams of paper contain hundreds of names of meta-humans drafted under the Might for Right act from 1956 to 1967. Curiously, few of them are recorded as going into military service. The order to draft nearly all of them traces back to one name: Roger Vrabel.
A word about Melvin Langley
After being rescued from Malta agents, Melvin Langley's office-mate told you:

'I don't know why they were after Melvin. He was a really nice guy. Really efficient and a wizard at searching through old paperwork. He'd started researching the old Might for Right act, I think as a favor for someone he knew, and he really started to get into it. He was pouring through old documents, talking to people, working late nights. He was kind of obsessed. He told me that he thought he'd found something big right before he disappeared.

I hope you're looking into what happened to him. Melvin Langley was a really nice guy, and after running into those commando guys, I'm kind of worried about him.'

Notable NPCs


Malta Operatives

NPC Text

Combat Start:

Malta Operative 1: "MHI in progress!"
Malta Operative 2: "All right, men, time for a little house cleaning."
Malta Operative 3: ""I can take you down."

Kitty Kat Bravo: "Yeah, I heard. CharacterName's on the way. I'll be waitin'."
Kitty Kat Bravo: "Well, and there you are, CharacterName. You're just what we need to finish this thing."

Upon rescue:

CIA clerk 1-3: "They were looking for anything to do with Melvin Langley, CharacterName, but he was just a normal guy."
CIA clerk 4-6: "I heard them mention Melvin Langley! He has been hanging out with some strange people recently, but not this strange."
CIA clerk 7: "CharacterName, they were trying to find out what Melvin Langley knew. I was his office mate. Let me tell you what I know."


Fast work. That bombing would have cost the lives of a lot of innocents. Unfortunately, we're not a lot closer to finding Melvin Langley. We'd better stay on his trail.

Speak with Crimson about the latest developments in the Melvin Langley case


I had something for you, but there's been a change to it. Crimson has the latest details, but I can tell you that it has something to do with the whole Langley situations. If you're interested, then you should go and speak with Crimson in person.

Crimson's information could be urgent; you should talk to him as soon as possible.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Meet with Crimson

Briefing Crimson

Thanks for coming. By now you should know a lot about the basic situation. The people who had Melvin Langley kidnapped are still trying to figure out how much he knows. In order to pin that down, they've been going through and trying to hit anyone and everyone he might have talked about his work with. They also aren't being very subtle about it, indicating that they're either very worried or very angry. Either state doesn't bode well for Melvin's future. Right now, the Knives of Artemis are about to dispose of a woman who used to proofread Melvin's reports for him. I'm going to send you to rescue her, that's pretty normal. After that, though, I want you to go to her office and plant some false copies of Melvin's reports.

The proofreader and the paperwork are the only really important elements in each operation, respectively. However, if you have to crack some heads on the way, I wouldn't be too upset. It's what we call 'verisimilitude.' Makes things look believable.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Rescue the proofreader
    • Find the proofreader!

You rescued Langley's proofreader from the Knives of Artemis. She gave you a portion of Melvin's last report that the Knives had also taken.

A proofread piece of Langley's work
These papers are part of a larger report written by Melvin Langley. They're covered with numerous red marks denoting corrections to his spelling and grammar. For the most part, they cover the end of the Might for Right act in 1967. In that year three drafted African-America heroes working in Paragon City protested when they were they were selected by the Might for Right act. They argued that the act had been used particularly to target poor minority meta-humans, as they wouldn't have the resources to fight it in court, and that the act also infringed on their civil rights by targeting them because of their meta-human status. In the end, the Supreme Court overturned the Might for Right Act in a tense 4-3 judgment with 2 abstentions.

Most interesting is the section afterwards, which discusses the impact of this judgment. This section deals almost exclusively with the angry reaction of Roger Vrabel. Vrabel was the head of the CIA's Project: Titan, which controlled covert meta-human operations. Melvin reconstructs the afternoon after the judgment was handed down in detail, as Project: Titan was destroyed with a single legislative decision. This section of Langley's paper ends just as Vrabel contacts Neil McIntosh, the head of England's MI6 at the time.

Notable NPCs


Knives of Artemis

Mission Objective(s)

  • Take Melvin's paper to Crimson

Briefing Crimson

Did you read this? I didn't ask you to. If you did, you probably shouldn't have. There's names in here that could be a lot of trouble for a person to even know. If you didn't, then you're not going to have a chance to. This piece of a report has places to go, and people who need to see it.

Now that the proofreader is safe and unharmed, the next step is to convince our mutual friends that they had no reason to go after her in the first place. So I'm going to give you an edited version of this paper, and have you place it in her office. Like I told you before, that's the only important part. If there are enemy operatives on site, they aren't your concern unless you decide to make them so. Are we clear?

If you have been curious, you might be starting to learn a lot by now. If not, well, that works too. When Indigo tapped you as a resource, she told you that we might never be able to explain why we ask you to do some of these things. That doesn't necessarily mean that all the clues aren't there. It's just safer if you put them together yourself or ignore them.

An edited piece of Langley's work
These papers are part of a larger report written by Melvin Langley. They're covered with numerous red marks denoting corrections to his spelling and grammar. For the most part, they cover the end of the Might for Right act in 1967. In that year three drafted African-America heroes working in Paragon City protested when they were they were selected by the Might for Right act. They argued that the act had been used particularly to target poor minority meta-humans, as they wouldn't have the resources to fight it in court, and that the act also infringed on their civil rights by targeting them because of their meta-human status. In the end, the Supreme Court overturned the Might for Right Act in a tense 4-3 judgment with 2 abstentions.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Plant edited paper
    • Plant edited file

You planted the edited files.

Notable NPCs


Malta Operatives


You did really well! I have it from excellent sources that our 'Friends' are starting to get nicely confused about what Melvin Langley may or may have not found out. Through the same sources, I also know that Melvin's still alive. Things might be looking up. We just have to keep them disoriented.

Rescue Lester Chesterford


A man was recently kidnapped from the British consulate here in Paragon City. His name is Lester Chesterford, and he recently arrived in the city on a diplomatic errand. Mr. Chesterford is a career diplomat with many powerful friends he's developed in his long career. He's also remarkably amicable, even giving candid interviews about historical people like, say MI6 director Neil McIntosh to young CIA historians and/or file clerks who politely request them. Lester Chesterford's abduction has thrown the British consulate into chaos. Mr. Chesterford needs to be rescued from his captors before he comes to further harm.

I'll give you the place where some mutual 'friends' of ours are holding Mr. Chesterford. You're objective will be to rescue Mr. Chesterford, and to defeat his interrogator, an operative code-named Paradox Black Gamma. You'll also need to take out Gamma's support team to make sure no information gets back to their bosses.

A sealed file
This manila envelope has Lester Chesterford's name on it and is held closed with a black wax seal showing a bird of prey. From the weight, it contains only a few papers.

Mission Objective(s)

Indigo gave you no indication of how she knew the Malta Group would be holding Lester Chesterford in this cave, but she's a woman of many secrets. As long as those secrets help you fight the bad guys, it shouldn't be a problem.

  • Rescue Chesterford & defeat his captors
    • Rescue Lester Chesterford

You rescued Mr. Chesterford!

Lester Chesterford's rescue
After you rescued Lester Chesterford from agents of the Malta Group, he took the sealed papers you had for him and read them on the spot. Afterward he told you:

'Well, well. If it weren't for your reputation, I wouldn't know if I should believe these papers or not. Crimson indeed! That's a name that's left a long and bloody shadow on several decades of recent history. But I'll make certain that I tell the proper story to the right people. Keep me out of danger, indeed. No worry! I'll ensure that in the official version of events, the records will show that Mr. Langley asked me about Mr. McIntosh, but that I didn't tell him anything about the intelligence conference on Malta, nor about the reaction in our spy community when your Might for Right act was overturned. Changes in records can change history as people know it, I'll make sure that the changes outlined here are made. And thank you again.

Oh, if you were to take my advice, you would move with care. You've done a lot of good for many people, but you're working for and against very dangerous individuals. Right now, the world could use a tale of heroism that does not end in tragedy.'

Notable NPCs


Malta Operatives


The British Embassy is very happy to have Mr. Chesterford back. I don't know if you were listening to him and I don't know if he told you anything of interest, but for your safety and mine, I don't think that's something we should really talk about. The important thing is that everyone's safe. And that some people are a step closer to being safer.

Evict the Malta agents from an abandoned building


While you were rescuing Lester Chesterford from the Malta Group, another cell of Malta agents occupied an abandoned building. Their exact intentions are unknown, but I'm sure they're up to no good. I think it would be a good idea to evict the Malta agents from that building, and maybe find out what they were doing there.

I suspect that whatever they're doing in there involves the continuing clean-up operation around Melvin Langley, but I can't say for sure. All your really need to do is defeat all of the Malta agents there, but if you look around you might find some interesting information.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Defeat all Malta agents in building
    • Look for clues

You defeated the Malta agents in the old office. Afterwards, you found several files on defeated agents that they hadn't had time to destroy.

A painting entitled 'Gentlemen of Malta'
This largish painting depicts a group of 17 serious looking older men around a conference table in a darkened room. A seal of a black bird of prey is visible on the table. You recognize the face of Roger Vrabel, the head of the CIA's Titan program, as well as Neil McIntosh, the head of England's 60's era MI6 meta-human program. Other men in the painting appear to be members of western intelligence agencies from most of the NATO countries of the era.

The artist did not sign the painting, but it has been dated in May of 1967.

A paper trail
You found these documents in an old office that had been taken over by Malta troops. The Malta Group agents were in the process of destroying them when you broke in. Though yellowed with age, water stained, scattered, crumpled, and torn, these documents look like business ledgers. Your examination reveals that these papers might trace the illegal movement of vast sums of money, as it was siphoned off from several major governments during the latter part of the 1960's. Where this money might have gone, the papers do not say.

Notable NPCs


Malta Operatives


You found some very interesting things, I can see why Malta would want to make sure they were all destroyed. It would almost seem like they were embezzling funds from a dozen different intelligence agencies. Maybe they still are.

I know, I know, I'm being mysterious again. Sorry. You'll just have to trust me. I can't promise that this will all be clear in the end, but it might be less obscure.

Rescue Melvin Langley before the Malta Group can move him


I asked you to do a lot of obscure things lately, but we may be on the verge of a big pay-off. Our 'Friends' are about to transfer a prisoner. I think it might be Melvin Langley. I want you to go in and rescue him before they can move Mr. Langley out of the city. This could be his last chance, and our 'friends' will be well prepared. I suggest you get yourself ready, too.

After all of the misdirection, rescuing Melvin alive and well would be a great end to this. Our 'Friends' are holding their prisoner in an old warehouse before they move him out. Your objective is to find that prisoner and free him from his captors.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Rescue Melvin Langley
    • Rescue Melvin Langley

Though Melvin Langley was not the prisoner being moved, you did rescue Art Reurio, a captive of the Malta Group. He was able to confirm that Melvin Langley was still alive.

Art Returio's story
After you rescued him from agents of the Malta Group, Art Returio told you:

'Wow, it's so great to meet you. I'm actually a big fan of yours. Look, these guys have been after me for a while. You see, I got a power. It's nothing really big, I mean, all I can do is make somebody forget the last 5 minutes. I always figured that really wasn't any use to anybody. But I told my doctor about it, and suddenly these strange guys were contacting me. They were all nice at first, promising to help me with money and stuff, but I got a bad feel off of them, so I told them no. Then they stopped bing nice. I figured I had to stand against them, but these guys are vicious. They took everything from me, then when I still said no they said it would be easier to 're-educate' me. I'm glad you got me in time.

I think I met that Langley guy you mentioned. They were giving him the third degree pretty badly. They made me watch some, to show me what could happen if I didn't cooperate. The guys working him over kept asking who'd been feeding him information, but I never saw him talk. I wish I could help you more, but that's all I know.'

Notable NPCs


Knives of Artemis
Malta Operatives


Well, that wasn't Melvin, but I'm sure Art Returio is happy to be free. I'll make certain that he's contacted by someone who can protect him from our 'Friends.' Just because we didn't find Melvin this time doesn't mean that it's over. According to Mr. Returio, Melvin's still alive, and they're still trying to figure out what he knows. I really wasn't expecting him to hold out this long. He's been a very brave man. I just hope he can hold out a little bit longer.

Talk to Crimson about changing strategy in the hunt for Melvin Langley


We know that Melvin Langley is still alive, and that our 'friends' aren't sure exactly what he knows. You've done a lot of good and saved a lot of people from nasty ends, but we're still no closer to finding Melvin. However, that's what Crimson wants to see you about. I'm not you, of course, but I think you should talk to Crimson about a change in strategy so we can try to get Melvin back safely. When you're ready, I'll tell him.

Crimson should be waiting to talk to you. This kind of thing, he'll insist on talking to you in person.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Meet with Crimson

Briefing Crimson

I've come to a decision. We still don't have Melvin Langley, and every day he stays in Malta's hands is another day he could be in danger or put Indigo or myself in danger. Our strategy has not worked up up to this point despite all of your hard work, so we now need to change that strategy. Part of the reason we've had a hard time getting Melvin back is because we've been trying to handle this too carefully. The idea was that when this was all over, Melvin Langley could walk right back into his office and have a normal life again.

Now, don't think that's because we're all nice and charitable. It comes down to utility. Langley would be a much better source of information if no one suspected him of being anything but an everyday file clerk. Well, you can't always get what you want. Even with all of your help, even if we get him away from Malta today, Melvin Langley would never have a normal life again. So it's time to stop pretending he will and start concentrating on getting him out of danger.

There's one last piece of information I want you to get. It's some notes Mr. Langley made during a trip to the island of Malta on his last vacation. This time, I do care about what happens to the Malta agents on the scene. I want you to get those notes and I want you to defeat every Malta agent on the scene when you do it. It's time to show those paranoid commando nutjobs just what they should be afraid of. When you've done that, bring them to me in person.

Mission Objective(s)

Crimson's information is right on target. This office is being used by the Malta Group's agents.

  • Defeat all Malta agents, get notes
    • Find Melvin's travel notes

You found Melvin's travel notes.

Melvin's travel notes
You recovered these notes from Malta Group agents. They were stolen from Melvin Langley, and cover his investigations during his trip to the island of Malta. There are notes from several interviews with local people who were around when the CIA's Roger Vrabel, MI6's Neil McIntosh, and 15 other intelligence agents in charge of Western meta-human intelligence divisions secretly met on the island of Malta in 1967. Unfortunately, Melvin wasn't able to find anyone still alive on the island who might have know exactly what was talked about, but his notes are full of conjectures about the meeting being the birthplace of an illegal intelligence conspiracy called the 'Malta Group.'

On the back of one pate, there's a small doodled sketch of a woman's face. The subject of the sketch's name is written inside a little cartoon heart off to the side. The name of the subject is 'Indigo.' Though Melvin was no artist, it's a pretty good likeness. You can almost see his daydreams in each penciled line.

Notable NPCs


Malta Operatives

Mission Objective(s)

  • Take notes to Crimson

Debriefing Crimson

Signed, sealed, and delivered. Malta should start to get the message. You've done enough, you've earned the right to know how this plan's supposed to play out. Now, as I'm sure you probably guessed, this wasn't so much about the notes themselves. Nothing big in there that Malta didn't already think Melvin knew. What this was really about was making sure that our 'Friends' in the Malta Group don't know what to think.

We've done a lot more to make them think that Melvin doesn't know anything, but because Indigo and I weren't able to find his actual location fast enough, by now all the things done to make them think that are only making them more paranoid about what Melvin knows and how you know about the situation. Now we've just sent a big message saying that he knows something, and it was probably in those notes, but hidden in a way they couldn't find. This should get them nice and confused, and as long as they're confused, Melvin stays alive. While you were doing all of that, Indigo scouted out the next few phases of this operation. She'll have them for you when you're ready.


Good job on the notes. I've already scouted out the next operation, and I'll have it ready for you shortly. With a bit of luck, this will all work out.

Crimson chewed me out about that sketch in Melvin's papers. Yes, it might have given me away, but it's not like I did anything. Okay, maybe I did lead Melvin on a little. I didn't mean to. We were trying to recruit him on to our side. 'Cultivate him as a resource' as Crimson would put it. A friend in the right place we could tap for information. So we fed him a few clues about the Malta Group here and there, and I did my woman-of-mystery bit and Crimson scared the hell out of him just by being Crimson. But maybe I was a bit too friendly.

I feel responsible. He might not have gone so far or gotten into so much trouble if I hadn't played it up so much. But he was nice and funny and sweet. I think I liked being his woman-of-mystery too much. You know how it is. In this kind of life, sometimes it's nice just to find someone really good to talk to who isn't a half-alien mutant, or the son of a god, or who becomes a programmed killer whenever he hears a train whistle. Just a nice guy.

Nothing really happened. I guess I just enjoyed being his mysterious muse so much I forgot that Melvin could be in so much danger.

I'm sorry, here I am, a deadly and mysterious super spy, and I'm unloading all this on you. Tell you what? How about we just say that I'm only trying to manipulate you or something? Okay? So if Crimson ever asks, I was only pretending to open up to appeal to your heroic nature? Get you to fight the good fight and all?

I hope this works. Melvin never deserved any of this.

Rescue Mavra Varvarinsky


Our mutual 'friends' have abducted an older Russian woman they've been looking for since, oh, about 1989. She currently goes by the name Mavra Varvarinsky, but that's just the latest one she's used in her long career. Rescuing her from them would probably count as a good thing, but what's almost as important is finding the transfer orders about where they were planning to stash her. Those orders could help to pinpoint where our friends' are holding Melvin Langley. So, will you rescue Mavra Varvarinsky and find out where they were going to take her?

We know enough about Ms. Varvarinsky to know that she doesn't deserve an ugly death at the Malta Group's hands.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Defeat all agents in sewers
    • Locate the Russian

You rescued Mavra Varvarinsky and defeated her captors. After the battle, you found some orders on one of the defeated Malta operatives.

Mavra Varvarinsky's story
After her rescue from agents of the Malta Group, Mavra Varvarinsky told you:

'These men, these people, I have known of them for some time. You call them Malta, yes? We had no name for them when we fought them in the Cold War. After your government eliminated the Might for Right act, we made great strides in the intelligence community. But then, within a year, we lost all that we had gained and more. Hundreds dead, spy cells destroyed, facilities wiped out no matter the guard. All done by a shadowy enemy that we could not directly link to any one Western government. We fought them for years and learned little except that they were powerful, and that they were brutal. They were more brutal than we thought any Western government would allow. We learned in time that we could not match the ferocity of this secret enemy. They were like wolves in search of blood. I had wondered what would become of them when the Cold War ended. It is unfortunate that they did not return to the shadows they came from.

It is unlikely we will meet again. Now I must disappear once more.'

Malta Group detention centers
You found this list on one of the Malta Group soldiers you defeated while rescuing Mavra Varvarinsky. The list consists of dozens of partial coordinates for the locations of detention centeres where the Malta Group can hold captives indefinitely.

Notable NPCs


Malta Operatives


My own sources tell me that Madame Varvarinsky has disappeared again, but this time of her own accord. Anyone who served with the KGB for 25 years can usually take care of themselves. Now, the real prize is that list you found. The locations are partial at best, and most of them are probably false leads, but it's a start. Even more important than getting the list, though, is making sure our 'friends' know we have it, and making them think we're close to deciphering it. That should keep them nervous, and unsure about what to do with Melvin. By now they think he either knows nothing and you're just crusading, or that he knows way more than they think. Either way, they'll keep him alive. Now all we need to do is keep the pressure on and find him before it's too late.

Attack the Malta computer lab for information


Crimson really sets me off sometimes. Now that we have a list of possible sites where our 'Friends' could be keeping Melvin Langley, he tells me about a government computer research lab that our 'Friends' have taken over and have been using illegally to move information and money around. He's known about this place for months and only now does he even mention this to me. It makes me so mad. The important thing, though, is that the information stored there could be the key to figuring out which of the detention facilities you located Melvin is being held in. Just tell me when you're ready and I'll tell you where the computer lab is. Keep on your toes, though, this probably won't be easy.

I've marked the spot for you. The place should be full of computers with all kinds of interesting information and bad guys guarding them, but your goal is to find information on Melvin. Any other work you do won't be wasted, but isn't necessary. I'm sure you'll be able to handle this, but try to stay safe. Our 'Friends' are sure to have some heavy firepower around to protect the place.

Mission Objective(s)

This extensive computer lab has been completely taken over by Malta Group operatives. You shudder to think about what happened to the men and women who might once have worked here.

  • Find location in lab
    • Find a clue about Melvin's location

You located solid information on the Malta Group's activities and gained more information about Melvin Langley's possible location.

Malta data disk
This disc contains partial records of Malta Group activities for the past year. Not enough detail is given to make absolute connections, but the sheer volume of the files is unimaginable. From all around the world, the records list atrocity after atrocity committed in the interests of unethical governments and corporations, or for the Malta Group's own ends. There are records of assassinations of protesters in developing nations, of small governments toppled and larger governments intimidated, of hundreds of people illegally detained. Real democracies destroyed by blackmail and murder, non-cooperative businesses destroyed for competing with the Malta Group's corporate sponsors, and record after record of young meta-humans taken by threat, blackmail, or mind control and forced to work in Malta Group. All of this, this nightmarish tangle of illegal spying, blackmail, and assassinations, all of it carried out in the name of 'freedom' by people who've forgotten what that word means.
Controlled heroes
This disc contains partial records of Malta Group activities. There are many names of meta-humans who have been persuaded or forced to work for Malta. The listed methods of persuasion range from bribery to blackmail to all-out mind control. The list of names from around the world numbers in the hundreds, and you know that it is only a partial list.
A report on Meta-human Assets
You found this report on a computer in a Malta Group data center. It's a primer of sorts, for new agents who are assigned to handle meta-human assets. In other words, to help people who are in charge of super-humans under the Malta Group's ruthless control. It encourages handlers to use any tactic necessary, from bribes and threats, to brainwashing, mind control, and kidnapping loved ones. The techniques described are brutal and inhuman, but the rationale is even more chilling. Since these people are citizens of their governments, so the thinking goes, it is their duty to use their extraordinary abilities to defend those governments. Therefore, since it is their duty anyway, those powers rightfully belong to those governments, and should be used to the best interest of those governments. And it falls to the Malta Group to come in and take control of those abilities when a government fails to do so. All in the interest of freedom, of course.

The implications of this twisted logic are chilling.

Paragon personnel transfers
The data you found here lists transfers of Malta Group personnel and prisoners. Though all are identified only by code names or numbers, someone with sufficient knowledge of Malta activities could probably figure out who was sent where and when.


Malta Operatives


I'll take all the data you've collected. This is certain to be very interesting.


This doesn't quite give us an exact lock on Melvin, but it's more than I hoped for. I'm going to consult with Crimson and see if we can find a way to decipher this. We're finally close to freeing poor Melvin Langley, and it's all thanks to you.

Infiltrate the lab where Crey and Malta are negotiating and break it up


The information you found about our 'Friends'' operations almost puts Melvin Langley's rescue in our reach, but we still have to decipher and confirm the information before we can act on it. The next mission Crimson and I have worked out for you should do just that. Our 'Friends' have worked with Crey Industries many times in the past, cleaning up Crey's messes and eliminating the Countess' opponents and competitors in a deniable fashion, all in the name of capitalism. Well, with Crey on the ropes, they've been asking our 'Friends' to exert all of their considerable covert influence to get them out of trouble. As you could probably guess, this involves a lot of negotiations, one of which is about to start in a Crey lab. Crimson and I found out about it, and we want you to infiltrate the lab where they're holding this round of negotiation and break it up.

All right, the trick here is that we're not asking you to do this just for the sake of doing a good deed. Crimson and I think we understand the data you recovered, but we had to make some guesses. If we guessed right, then that data fits with what we know, and we can find Melvin Langley. So, if our guesses were correct, then Malta's negotiator should be an operative called 'Silhouette Azure Alpha.' You'll need to defeat him to confirm his identity. If we can confirm that he's the guy, then we know what base he came from and who he was reporting to. From there, we can fill in enough to know which prisoner code in the data you found is actually Melvin and where they're keeping him. Easy!

Mission Objective(s)

  • Defeat Silhouette & his team

In the aftermath of the battle, you were able to confirm the identity of Malta's negotiator as Silhouette Azure Alpha.

Silhouette's identity confirmed
Acting on the information you already had, you captured Silhouette Azure Alpha, confirming that Indigo and Crimson's interpretation of the information you gathered was correct.

Notable NPCs


Malta Operatives


That confirms it. If Silhouette Azure Alpha was there, then we know where he came from and where he was going. Combine that with what my own sources have, and we should have Melvin's exact location in no time.

Thank you. I know that Crimson and I aren't exactly the easiest people to work with, but you've really pulled through. Not just for us, not just against those Malta Group scum, but for Melvin and everyone else. So, thanks.

It's almost time for the grand finale. I'll tell you when we're ready, and then you can do what you do best.

Rescue Melvin Langley from the Malta Group


Well, we've found him. With all of your work and my own resources, Crimson was able to pin down where our 'Friends' in the Malta Group have been holding Melvin Langley. All that's left now is for you to go in there and get him out.

Crimson wanted to brief you first, before he sent you in. He wouldn't tell me why; he told me I didn't need to know. Turn about is fair play, I guess. So the first thing to do is go and see him. He'll give you the exact location, and you can proceed from there.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Meet with Crimson



All right, I'm glad to see you came. Indigo's information has checked out, as does yours. Melvin Langley is still being held in the city, they were too worried about you catching them in mid-transfer to try and smuggle him out. They're holding him in an old Council base. I scoped the place out myself earlier, but the guard was too heavy for me to get out boy out. That's going to be your job. Melvin himself is in as good a shape as can be expected. He's resisted their torture, and is still in pretty good health. They haven't done any brainwashing or mind control on him yet, because they didn't want to hurt any information he may have had, so that's one less worry. All you'll have to do is focus on taking out the guards and getting our boy to safety. Oh, and I almost forgot. You're gonna have to take out the base's leader, too. A hardcase called Paradox Black Omega. But that shouldn't be tough for you. As Indigo would say: Easy!

After you've rescued Melvin, come back and talk with me again. There's an explanation I owe you about something. I don't give many explanations, so you better just think of this as a special occasion..

Mission Objective(s)

  • Defeat Paradox Black & his men
    • Rescue Melvin Langley

You were able to free Melvin Langley and defeat his captors.

Notable NPCs


Malta Operatives

NPC Text

Upon rescue:

Melvin Langley: "CharacterName? You came for me? Indigo sent you, didn't she! I can't believe they sent you to save me."

Freedom for Melvin Langley
After you rescued him, Melvin Langley told you:

'They told me that I'd been abandoned, that I'd been betrayed. But I knew they were lying. I knew that Indigo wouldn't leave me to rot. I never expected they'd get someone of your stature to help, but, I've learned not to complain!

Listen, CharacterName, I don't know how much you've learned, but these Malta guys, they're worse than I ever feared. They think that they know what's right and what's wrong without question, so anybody who crosses them is in the wrong and deserves whatever they get. I stumbled onto it all bit by bit, but even after being their prisoner, the enormity of the conspiracy is overwhelming. These are the people who kill presidents, CharacterName. Presidents and heroes and whoever else gets in their way of what they think is best.

Malta are going to be concentrating on you for a while, so I can make it out on my own now, CharacterName. I'm not as helpless as I used to be. Indigo and Crimson have some safe locations I can use. Once I'm set up, I should be able to continue to help the fight. I'm not giving up now, CharacterName. Not after all I've been through. Malta will learn to dread the name of Melvin Langley!'

Mission Objective(s)

  • Get debriefed by Crimson



So Melvin's free, and more dedicated to the cause then ever. Now that is a best possible outcome. Good work. And as a reward of sorts for such work, I promised you a bit of an explanation. Now, I don't give these that often, so you better listen, because I am not in the habit of explaining myself, and I am definitely not in the habit of repeating myself.

If you've been paying attention, you might have learned a good deal about who the Malta Group are and why they were formed. Just in case, I'll give you a quick wrap-up. After World War II ended, a lot of super-humans who'd fought for the US left the service, leaving us weakened against the paranormal assets of our new enemies in the Soviet bloc. To counter this, a CIA spook named Roger Vrabel pulled enough strings to get the Might for Right act passed, which let him draft meta-humans into his own special strike force. When the Might for Right act was overturned in '67, the Soviets proceeded to kick our asses in all the Cold War spy games and it started to look grim.

So Vrabel, McIntosh, and a bunch of others got together at a little conference organized by Neil McIntosh on the island of Malta, and there the 17 of them formed an illegal intelligence conspiracy called the Malta Group. They acted outside of their own governments, recruiting meta-humans by any means fair or foul to fight their invisible war.

These days, communism's gone, the cold war is over, and the Malta Group's had to change. Now they've dedicated themselves to the spread of their version of democracy and capitalism, which really is more like a dictatorship wrapped in an American flag.

Now, I wanted you to learn all of this, and if you paid attention, you probably have, but there were other reasons for all this as well. I knew where Melvin Langley was for quite some time. Normally, at this point, I'd say that I don't need to explain myself to you, but you've earned some closure on all of this, so I'll explain why the hell I let this go on so long. When Melvin was targeted and abducted by Malta, it was right before I had planned a little test to make sure he wasn't a sleeper or a double agent. I was suspicious, but that's not unusual for me. I was wrong, as it turned out, but I decided to use this whole situation to make sure that he was the real deal, and more importantly, to make sure that if he had been a sleeper agent, Indigo hadn't been compromised. I spun this whole thing out and waited for someone to blow their cover. But no matter how many opportunities I left open for Melvin or Indigo, they were legit the whole way.

And that's why I owed you an explanation. No one likes to be used, and I can't really tell you that I'm sorry for using you to make sure of everyone's allegiances. I did what I had to do. I just felt you deserved to understand why.

If you're upset, think about all the good you've done and the defeats you've handed to the Malta Group. If you're still sore, then think about it this way: I love Indigo like a daughter and would trust that girl with the lives of my children, but I knew I could trust you to do the right thing the whole time I was testing her.


Oh. Hi.

Crimson told me everything.

I really can't be mad at him, though. I can understand why he went through all of this to make sure I hadn't been subverted. After I left the Knives, I never figured anyone would ever trust me again. You did, though, and so did Melvin. Because of you, Melvin's safe now, and more determined to fight the Malta Group than ever. You came through for Melvin, and for me, better than I could have hoped. So, thanks. Thanks for working with me, thanks for trusting me, and thanks for, well, everything.

The fight against Malta's not over yet, but even if it never ends, I know we can never lose with heroes like you on our side.


Let's get started


I've been watching you a lot CharacterName. You don't know it, but I've already had you 'rescue' me twice, just to see if you were as capable as I've heard. I think you can help us. I'm Indigo. Not 'Miss Indigo' or 'Indigo Smith' or anything. Just Indigo. And I can help you to fight some very bad people. If we both want to stay safe, that's all you'll ever know about me. I'm not trying to be a 'woman of mystery' or anything; I'm just playing things safe. Now, like I said, I can help you fight some very bad people. However, I may ask you to do some things without knowing why. I'm sorry about that, but that's kinda for both of our safety. Now, I'll never ask you to do anything bad, or hurt anyone who doesn't deserve it, but I may not be able to tell you how or why I know what I know. If you can work with that, if you're willing to trust the person who vouched for me, and if you want to put a hurt on some really bad people, then let's get started. I have to warn you, this first mission could turn out bad. In fact, it could turn out a failure.

Mission acceptance

I'm glad you decided to help. We have a lot to do.

Now, I'm sure you know about Crey? Really bad people, right? Well, Crey's been in a lot of trouble, and that's what this is about. I'm going to give you the location of a place where a bunch of Crey people are talking to a bunch of other people. I can't tell you why they're talking or what they're planning, but I can assure you it isn't good. You need to take out those other people, and the negotiator who's talking to them, Dr. Voight. Oh, and there will also be evidence you may want to keep them from destroying. And by 'Want,' I mean need. I'm sure you'll be able to handle it.

Afterwards, you'll need to take anything you've found to a man called Crimson.

Unnecessary solicitation

I've told you where to go and what to do, and you knew when we started that I wasn't going to be able to tell you why. Just find Dr Voight and the people he's negotiating with. Then I'll let Crimson introduce himself.

Mission Objective(s)

Indigo's information was correct, this is a Crey Facility. You have to wonder what this mysterious woman sent you to find, and who were the people she told you to look out for?

  • Defeat Dr. Voight & his visitors
    • 2 pieces of evidence to save

You found agents from the mysterious Malta Group meeting with Crey, and prevented them from destroying incriminating documents.

Incriminating documents
You rescued these documents just before the Malta Group could destroy them. A quick glance at the papers tells you they could be extremely damaging to Crey in the numerous court battles they're fighting.


Malta Operatives

Notable NPCs

NPC Text

Combat start (guarding Crate of evidence):

Random Malta Operative: "All units alert! We have an MHI in progress!"

Combat start:

Dr. Voight: "No! CharacterName! We are discovered!"
Nile Fire 9-7: "Stand aside and let us do our job. Go! Go! Go! We have an MHI! Repeat, MHI!"


After exiting the mission, there will be an ambush by Crey.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Take Evidence to Crimson



Hello, CharacterName. Call me Crimson. Not 'Agent Crimson,' or 'Mr. Crimson'; just 'Crimson' will be fine. Indigo told me to expect you. She thinks you'll be able to handle a lot of the things that are outside of our own ability. Me, I'm not so sure, but I'm willing to trust her. You'll be working with Indigo for now, maybe you'll be working with me later.

You know, there is something you can do for me right now. We have mutual 'Friends' who have just become much more aware of you. I need you to hold their attention for a little while, and I have just the job to do it. Our mutual friends are about to make a man disappear, permanently. I can't tell you why, but let's just say that he could have a very interesting story to tell Congress one day.

Oh, and thank you, CharacterName. I'll take that evidence. Don't you worry. It'll go where it needs to get to.

Mission Objective(s)

Though you don't know why, a man is still about to die in here unless you stop it.

  • Stop the assassination
    • Stop the assassination!

You prevented the assassination Crimson warned you about.


Malta Operatives

Notable NPCs

  • Assassination victim (non-escort hostage)

NPC Text

Upon rescue:

Assassination victim: "CharacterName? I guess I'm just lucky. Look, I gotta get out of here, but thank you. Thank you!"


I think you had a pretty good day, CharacterName. Not so bad a way to get started working with mystery people, huh? You hurt Crey and saved a man's life, and that's just the start. If you want to keep working with me, I'm sure that there will be many, many more things to do.

Find the people kidnapped by the Knives of Artemis


I have an investigation into some missing people for you, CharacterName, and while I can't tell you many specifics this time, that's really more because I just don't know what's going on. The Knives of Artemis have been abducting people, seemingly at random. Men and women in positions of power, or just normal family folk who are grabbed by Knives and never seen again. I can't figure out why. It isn't part of any contracts I know. The only lead I have is that the Knives occasionally request a few Malta soldiers as guards for something. I've traced where one group of guards went, and I'd like you to investigate. With some luck, you might even find the people kidnapped by the Knives of Artemis before anything happens to them.

Mission acceptance

I don't know why the Knives have picked these targets, but the people they take don't seem to come back. If there are any people there, find them and get them home.

Unnecessary solicitation

Same as mission acceptance.

Mission Objective(s)

These caves tunnel deep beneath the ground, but you spot telltale signs that others have passed this way recently.

  • Find people abducted by Knives
    • 5 victims to find

You disrupted the rites of the Knives' cult and saved their victims from ritual sacrifice.


Knives of Artemis
Malta Operatives

The Sisterhood of the Huntress
This book illustrates rites and rituals for mystical ceremonies associated with a secret society called 'The Sisterhood of the Huntress.' A cursory examination shows elements of moon worship, ritualized hunting of human beings, and violent human sacrifices. Though the book is filled with hateful screeds against all men and any woman who is not a member of the Sisterhood, you can see evidence it was probably twisted from the dogma of a once gentler fertility cult.

Notable NPCs

NPC Text

Before combat start:

Random Malta Operative 1: "Man, this 'Sisterhood of the Huntress' thing freaks me out. What are we even doing here?"
Random Malta Operative 2: "They asked for guards, they get guards. We don't ask questions, and we don't get freaked out by the answers."

Combat start:

Random Malta Operative: "That's CharacterName! This just got complicated."

Sister Hecate: "An outsider in our sacred rites! Slay CharacterName!"

Upon rescue:

Sacrificial victim man 1: "Those women said a lot of messed up things, CharacterName. I'll just be glad to be out of here."
Sacrificial victim man 2: "They said I was a 'usurper of the goddess's divine mysteries.' I'm a doctor! I help people!"
Sacrificial victim man 3: "They were going to kill me. They said my wife would be stronger if I was dead!"
Sacrificial victim woman 1: "They said I led a weak life! Who are they to judge?"
Sacrificial victim woman 2: "They said they would take my life, my success, and wear it like a mask!"


Let me make sure I understand this. You found a cult within the Knives of Artemis that have been performing human sacrifices? Okay, that's just weird. I don't know if this 'Sisterhood of the Huntress' is a new addition, or a tradition I've never heard about, but it's important that we now know it exists. I'll update Crimson, it may make a few things fit together. Thanks again, CharacterName. Not just for the information, either. You saved a lot of lives tonight. I guess heroes like you do that a lot, though.

Well, at least the Sisterhood of the Huntress is pretty equal opportunity. Man or woman, if you're not one of the Knives, then they'll find a reason to sacrifice you. Makes me glad I got out of that sorority of killers early.

RSVP for an ambush


I have a little something for you to do, CharacterName. It's kind of complicated, but because of that it's really pretty simple. You see, certain mutual friends of ours are quite upset that some of their plans have been discovered, so they've decided to set a trap. However, I know that it's a trap, and I must assume that they know I know it's a trap. So really, it's more of an invitation. An invitiation to an ambush. Shall I send your RSVP?

Mission acceptance

Just so you know, they've set up a whole 'kidnapped celebrity' cover as the draw for you. There aren't any, so it's not something to worry about. However, there are a whole lot of dangerous people waiting to hurt you very badly. Your goal is simple: take them all out. Oh, and do play along some if you get the chance. That should help to really freak them out.

Unnecessary solicitation

Remember, there aren't actually any kidnapped celebrities or anything. Just a bunch of people who want to hurt you. Defeat all of them and you're done.

Mission Objective(s)

Since you know this ambush is coming, it doesn't seem like much of a surprise.

  • Defeat all ambushers

You defeated the trap that had been laid for you.


Knives of Artemis
Malta Operatives

Notable NPCs

NPC Text

Before combat:

Ice Cold Panther: "They're through the line. CharacterName should be here soon. Get ready."

Combat start:

Ice Cold Panther: "CharacterName, at long last. I been waitin' for this."


Nice work, CharacterName. While you were out springing the trap, I spent a bit of time planting confusing counter-evidence indicating that there was no way you could have known it was a trap. It should keep them running in circles for a while trying to figure out if they have a leak or if you've just been lucky. But then, that's part of the fun of dealing with these sorts of conspiratorial paranoids. Just give them few clues and they'll invent all of your plots for you.

Frame a despicable person for something he didn't do


I've got another job for you, CharacterName. It's a bit mean, but I'd like your help to do some very bad things to a very bad person, by doing bad things to other bad people. It's not the most pleasant mission, but if you're willing, I'd like your help to frame a despicable person for something he didn't do

Mission acceptance

I'm glad you'll help. The person in question is an agent for certain mutual friends of ours. He goes by the code-name Sunset Gold, and made his name killing troublesome heroes fighting criminal cartels in South America. Since he got picked up by Malta, he's been one of their top gunslingers.

He has access to a lot of top secret information, which, unknown to him, we also know. This puts Mr. Sunset in a unique and precarious position. If certain operations that only he knows about were compromised, Malta would be quick to point the finger at him. I'll point you to the first one, a raid on a government lab by the Knives of Artemis. If you can defeat them there, that's the first step.

While you're doing that, Crimson and I will work on our end of things Crimson will brief you next.

Unnecessary solicitation

Defeat all of the Knives of artemis in that lab, that will be stage one. Then go talk to Crimson.

Mission Objective(s)

The Knives of Artemis have begun their attack, not knowing that their secret operation has already been compromised.

  • Defeat all Knives in lab
    • 3 lab workers to save

You averted the Knives of Artemis' attacks on the secret government lab, and now need to speak with Crimson.


Knives of Artemis

Notable NPCs

  • Lab worker x 3 (non-escort hostage)

NPC Text

Upon rescue:

Lab worker 1: "I think they were trying to steal our new fusion cell technology, CharacterName!"
Lab worker 2: "This is a secret government facility, CharacterName! I'm happy to see you, but how could you even have known we were in trouble?"
Lab worker 3: "CharacterName! They attacked out of nowhere!"

Unnecessary solicitation

You did great on the first park, but there's more to come. Crimson will tell you the next step.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Talk to Crimson



Good job on the first stage, CharacterName. Let me tell you about the next phase. Our friends are planning a little bit of wet work, an assassination. You don't need to know why, the important thing is that it's stopped very visibly. While you're doing that, Indigo and I will be taking our time to make sure that our friends make the connections we want them to make about our pal Sunset.

You concentrate on stopping up that assassination. Indigo and I will take care of our end. Talk to me again when you're done. In person.

Unnecessary solicitation

That assassination has to be stopped. Crimson will have another job for you after that.

Nice moves, hotshot. Here are some more Enhancements.

Mission Objective(s)

This is the location Crimson gave you. Signs of forced entry show that the Malta Group is likely already on the scene.

  • Stop the assassination

You stopped the assassination in time.


Malta Operatives

Notable NPCs

  • Assassination victim (non-escort hostage)

NPC Text

Before combat:

Random Malta Operative 1: "I was able to confirm it. CharacterName decimated that operation by the Knives."
Random Malta Operative 2: "Who could be feeding that information to CharacterName? That whole operation was top secret."

Combat start:

Random Malta Operative 1: "Forget about the Knives! CharacterName's found us!"

Upon rescue:

Assassination victim: "Thank you, CharacterName! I hoped someone would come, but I thought it would be too late. I'll never recant my testimony, though, no matter how much they threaten me!"


After you exit the mission, you will be ambushed by Malta Operatives.

Unnecessary solicitation

Good work again, but you'll need to speak with Crimson. I think he has one last job for you.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Meet with Crimson



Now it's time for the final play. Sunset Gold is supposed to pick up some important documents at a drop off point. Indigo's set up a little surprise that should delay him. What you need to do is go in there and attempt to get those documents. You won't have a lot of time, maybe an hour, but it doesn't matter if you succeed or fail, just that you try. Meanwhile, I'll finish things up on our end.

By the time this is done, either we'll have the documents and Malta's board will think that Sunset's going to sell them to the top bidder, or he'll have them, but they'll think he's going to cut and run. Best of all, either way you have a decent cover story for any operation you've taken or will take against Malta Group assets. That's what we calll 'Deniability'. And it all gets pinned on Sunset Gold.

Oh, and don't feel bad for ol' Sunset Gold. That low-down bushwackin' traitor lost any claim on sympathy five years ago in Columbia, when he buried one friend of mine too many.

Unnecessary solicitation

Like Crimson said, it doesn't really matter if you succeed or not. Either works for us. We already know everything in those secret documents anyway. A lot of this kind of work is about presenting your enemies with a story plausible enough for them to want to believe it.


On your way to the mission in The Hollows, you will be ambushed by Malta Operatives.

Mission Objective(s)

These offices are unused, but kept in working shape by a shell company to deflect attention.

  • Try to get Malta documents - 1:00:00

Failure - will be added later
Success - You found the documents.


Malta Operatives

The documents are on this computer. You take the laptop with you.

The Maltese Laptop
The files on this computer, while often encrypted, could be very disturbing when combined with enough information about the Malta Group's organization.

NPC Text

Before combat:

Random Malta Operative 1: "Sunset Gold had better be here soon."
Random Malta Operative 2: "Don't be too sure. Rumor is Gold was feeding info to CharacterName."

Combat start:

Random Malta Operative 1: "CharacterName! Gold must have told you where to strike!"

Before combat:

Zeus Class Titan: "Security remains enforced."

Combat start:

Zeus Class Titan: "MHI! Threat level extreme!"

Debriefing Mission Failure

Will be added later

Debriefing Mission Successful

Well, Sunset Gold showed up to get the documents in the end, only to find you'd already snagged them. He decided it was safer to run than try to explain himself to his bosses. They've branded him a traitor based on your work and our work, and want him for 'interrogation.' Ouch. I feel a bit bad for him. I'm not too big on dirty tricks, even if the target deserves it. Crimson's as close to happy with this ending as I've seen him in a long time. I have the feeling that he got a big dose of closure from this.

I know that, as a hero, you were probably hoping for a big climatic battle against this musterious Sunset Gold character, but those sorts of things don't happen so much in the end of the business. For what we do, this is a pretty solid wrap-up. You did the right things, saved lives, and hurt the bad guys. So, no regrets.

Stop the assassination of Dan Irish


I hate camping, CharacterName. Personally, I don't get it. We've spent 10,000 years developing civilization, and people still like to go out and sleep in the woods. But some people do. And what I want you to do is stop someone from getting it while they're camping. The person in question is a reporter named Dan Irish. He's enjoying the great outdoors, and is about to be killed for getting a little too close to some nasty truths in a book he's working on. The killers are the Knives of Artemis. I want you to stop the assassination of Dan Irish. You'll need to act fast, though. Dan's no woodsman, I'll be surprised if he can evade the Knives of Artemis for more than 2 hours.

Mission acceptance

Dan's book, 'As if by an Occult Hand: Secrets Behind the News' is going to be very interesting when it comes out, but it won't see the light of day if the Knives kill him. I've called for an emergency force field to be erected around the area where Dan's camping. That should help you find him quickly and get him out. There's a light rail stop near the preserve where he's staying. Hopping a rail is your best bet at getting there in time.

Unnecessary solicitation

will be added later

Mission Objective(s)

This nature preserve is one of the few natural areas still open to the public within Paragon City.

  • Save Dan Irish from Knives - 2:00:00

Failure - will be added later
Success - will be added later


Knives of Artemis

Notable NPCs

  • Dan Irish (non-escort hostage)

Debriefing Mission Failure

will be added later

Debriefing Mission Successful

You pulled it off, CharacterName! Dan dodged the Knives thanks to you. He might actually live long enough to finish his book. I can't wait to see the faces of certain prominent persons in national government when that hits the shelves. I'm also glad to see you show up the Knives of Artemis. They always hate to lose, and I love to see it when they do.

Stop the Malta Group from smearing the good name of a rising hero


I can't tell you who and I can't tell you why, but our mutual friends are going to set a trap of sorts for an up and coming hero. They won't be out to hurt or kill her, just to badly discredit her. I hate that kind of thing. I may be a cover operative, but that doesen't mean I relish dirty tricks. So, since I know it's about to happen, I'd like you to stop them from smearing the good name of a rising hero.

The timing on this is going to be tight, though. You have to stop this plan before the heroine arrives, because if she finds out about Malta right now, they may just kill her. She's pretty punctual, so you'll only have about 90 minutes at the most.

Mission acceptance

Here's the set-up:
Our young heroine's contact is about to get an anonymous tip that will send her to investigate a possible Sky Raiders office invasion. When she gets there, Malta Group operatives are going to jump her, knock her out, and then make it look like she failed to stop a group of Skulls and got everyone in there killed. Any protest she makes about 'mysterious commandos' will be ridiculed as attempts to save her image.

Of course, what they don't know is that we know this is all about to happen. So, your goal is to rescue the people the Malta Group plans to kill, disarm the bombs they're using to cover their presence, and take out the commanding officer in charge of the operation. All before the heroine arrives on the scene in about an hour and a half. See? Easy!

Unnecessary solicitation

will be added later

Mission Objective(s)

As you rush in the scene, you have to wonder if you were on the receiving end of this kind of smear attack earlier in your career. Maybe there's another hero out there you owe your good name to.

  • Stop op leader & his men - 1:30:00
    • 4 victims to save
    • 6 bombs to disarm


Malta Operatives

Notable NPCs

NPC Text

will be added later


You may have saved more than lives today, CharacterName, you may have saved someone's soul. Smear tactics like this are pretty popular in the Malta Group as a way to leave super-powered people down and desperate. That way they can later come in and pick up the pieces, recruiting the victim as an asset of the organization that just destroyed their career. They'll plant false evidence for blackmail, even threaten lives and loved ones. They like to leave you broken, then take you in, without ever revealing they're the ones who hurt you in the first place. The sick part is, they do all of this and they still think they're the good guys. I told you that you'd be fighting some very bad people if you helped me out.

Stop the Knives of Artemis from massacring a law firm


I've got another job for you, CharacterName. A very nasty bit of business that's sure to leave a lot of people dead and even more lives ruined. I can't tell you how I know about this, or who's involved, but the Knives of Artemis are about to do a bit of dirty work for their employers. The Knives have been hired to eliminate a small legal firm called Beecham & Becksley that has a fair bit of history. Their plan is to massacre everyone and then pin it on another group. I want you to stop the Knives of Artemis from massacring that law firm.

The Knives work to a pretty tight time table, so you probably won't have more than 60 minutes to save that firm.

Mission acceptance

The Knives of Artemis are top-notch mercenaries, CharacterName. They're very brutal and they're very thorough, but they are mercenaries. So if they think the operation's going badly, they'll pull out. If you can upset their plans, it should disrupt their time table enough to make them quit the operation. In order to do that, you'll need to find the people they've rounded up and free them, and disarm the firebombs they're going to use to gut the place and cover their tracks. All in 60 minutes. Easy!

Unnecessary solicitation

The Knives will call the operation and retreat if you disturb their plans. You'll need to rescue the people they've rounded up and disarm their bombs.

Mission Objective(s)

No one else in this building seems to be aware of the Knives' attack. The law office of Beecham & Becksley was their only target, and they've struck with surgical precision.

  • Disrupt Knives' attack - 1:00:00
    • 3 victims to save
    • 4 bombs to disarm

Failure - will be added later
Success - You stopped the Knives of Artemis' attacks and saved the law firm.


Knives of Artemis

Notable NPCs

Victim x 3 (non-escort hostages)

NPC Text

Random chatter 1:

Before combat:
1: "Keep the civvies in line until the big ending."
2: "Right. Anyone resists, kill them."
Combat start:
1: "You're dead."
2: "I'll massacre you!"


1: "They just burst down the doors and started attacking, Character!"
2: "I don't know what this was about, Character, but I'm glad you came when you did!"
3: "They were just rounding us up. They wouldn't tell us anything."

Debriefing Mission Failure

will be added later

Debriefing Mission Successful

I'm glad you were able to save Beecham & Becksley, Character. They have a long history in the often obscure field of meta-human civil rights. That's not so big a deal these days, but that used to be quite a major issue. I can't tell you more than that, of course, but you did save a lot of lives today.

Fight Malta agents in Peregrine Island


I need you to get and hold the attention of the Malta Group for a little while. Nothing to complicated, just fight their agents on the ground in Peregrine Island. They shouldn't be hard to find there, so this should be pretty easy. Aside from all the fighting and stuff.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Unknown, probably hunt Malta Operatives


Missing Debriefing

'Work to reduce the numbers of the Malta operatives deployed in Paragon City'


I have a message from Crimson asking that you quote: 'Work to reduce the numbers of the Malta Operatives deployed in Paragon City,' end quote. He didn't give me any more information, but then if he had I probably couldn't pass it on to you anyway. We have to keep our secrets in this kind of thing if we want to stay safe.

Mission acceptance

I'll send Crimson word that you agreed to help. He didn't specify any zones of the city in particular, so I guess anywhere is fair game. Good luck.

Unnecessary solicitation

Crimson has sent along his acknowledgement. Tell me when you're done with the job.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Defeat 50 Malta Operatives


Missing Debriefing

See Also

  • Indigo's Longbow profile for a list of her powers

External Links