Category:Patch Watchlist

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Often, a change to a badge, a power, or to content is announced in advance of the change actually going live. This category can be used to keep track of such items, to make it easier to quickly update the article.

The upcoming change should be noted in the article or on the discussion page for the article, with a citation link if possible, using the {{Patch Watchlist}} template. To add an item to this category, use {{Patch Watchlist}} at the bottom of the article.

Alternately, there are "Issue flags" for content updates that pertain to major revisions of the game that come with Issue updates. Those changes are also tracked here, under their individual Issues.

Issue 24

Anything tracked by {{Issue24}} will show up below. If nothing is listed, then nothing is currently being tracked.

Tracked Pages

Anything tracked by {{Patch Watchlist}} will show up below. If nothing is listed below, then nothing is currently being tracked.

Pages in category "Patch Watchlist"

The following 126 pages are in this category, out of 126 total.