Shauna Stockwell
Shauna Stockwell | |
![]() Independent journalist | |
Zone | Kings Row |
Coordinates | (-1601, -42, 424.5) |
Level Range | 7-20 |
Introduced By | None |
Introduces | Eagle Eye |
Enemy Groups |
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Shauna Stockwell is a hero contact in the The Gish neighborhood of Kings Row at coordinates (-1601, -42, 424.5). Her level range is 7-20. Shauna Stockwell is located in front of the ramp down the tram.
Contact Introduced By
None; Shauna Stockwell is automatically added to contacts when entering Kings Row for the first time or after training up to Security Level 8.
Contact Introduces
A former member of the venerable Regulators, Eagle Eye has come out of retirement to help combat The Skulls and their Superadine dealing in Kings Row.
You've chosen to meet with Eagle Eye in Kings Row.
Independent journalist
Shauna Stockwell is an independent journalist who hosts an online news site and blog called Raw from the Row. Her journalism has recently trended toward the refugees in Kings Row from Galaxy City and the rise in Superadine use and Skulls influence over her city of Kings Row.
Prior to Introduction
Missing Prior to Introduction Dialogue
Contact Unlocked
Shauna Stockwell is looking for heroes...
Shauna Stockwell is looking for help in curbing the rising crime rate in Kings Row.
This Contact has now been added to the active tab in your Contact window.
Initial Contact
Kings Row is in some serious hurt, Character. Ever since Galaxy City got smushed the refugees have been flocking to Kings Row, hoping that they can return home soon. Unfortunately, a lot of them are out on the street with nowhere to go, and that's made them easy pickings for gangs like The Skulls.
I've been keeping tabs on the Skulls for some time with my news site Raw from the Row, and I'm telling you, it looks like we are about to have an epidemic of Superadine addicts if the PPD or someone can't crack down on them. The people of Kings Row need your help.
- How you doin'?
- Hey, what's up?
Too Busy
I can see that you are busy helping other people, {{Character}]. Talk to me once you've cleared your schedule some, I've got a juicy new scoop I'd like you to follow up on.
Too Low Level
Missing Too Low Level Dialogue
No More Missions
I can't believe I helped you bust a Superadine drug shipment and put one of the Lords of Death behind bars. Actually, now that I think about it... maybe I should be a bit discreet in how much of a hand I had in all of that, just in case any of the Skulls read my blog.
I don't have any other news stories to follow up on. But I'm sure there are other people in the city that could use your help.
Story Arc
The Superadine Ring
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Merit Rewards: There are no Reward Merits awarded for this activity. |
Your name and picture in the paper
You saved this newspaper article written by Shauna Stockwell about the amazing work you did in cracking down on the Skulls, arresting Chernobog Petrovic, and breaking...
The Superadine Ring
It all started when you met Shauna Stockwell. She was doing investigative reporting about the recent rise in Superadine drug use in Kings Row for her blog Raw from the Row. She directed you to a doctor at Crowne Memorial hospital by the name of Genevieve Sanders who informed you that the Skulls were operating a secret Superadine Den in Kings Row. You hit the streets and learned the location of the den and the name of the man who ran it; Toothbreaker Jones. After busting up the den and arresting Jones, you learned that his den was just one of many others. In addition, Jones had been talking to someone about a shipment coming in. Kings Row's Superadine troubles seemed to only be beginning.
Shauna thought that the shipment sounded familiar and wanted to talk to one of her sources in private, in the meantime you went to work with Genevieve in tracking down another drug den location from the patients recovering at Crowne Memorial. When you arrived at the den down in Industrial Avenue, however, it was empty. The whole place turned out to be an ambush. Somehow the Skulls knew you were coming and tried to take you out but they were no match for you. You questioned Genevieve about how the Skulls knew you were coming and she suspected that someone at the hospital was working for the Skulls. She resolved to be more careful who she talked to about what in order to keep other heroes safe from Skulls ambushes.
Shauna had some bad news about her source, Emily Rodriguez. She'd gone missing. Emily's family believed the Skulls kidnapped her, and Shauna seemed convinced that was the case. She sent you to talk to a beat cop in The Gish by the name of Vic Johansson for help in locating Emily before the Skulls did something drastic. Vic agreed to help you patrol for a Skulls indoctrination ceremony that he believed Emily would likely be taken to. Together you discovered the ceremony in the abandoned Kings Garment Works. Vic called for backup while you went in to save Emily before it was too late for her. You arrived just in time to stop the Skulls' leader, Misery, from beginning the mass sacrifice for the ritual. In addition to rescuing Emily Rodriguez you also rescued a freelance photographer by the name of Juan Jimenez and over a dozen construction employees from Anderson Construction. Together they testified that you had just missed one of the Lords of Death, a leader of the Skulls by the name of Chernobog, and that the shipment had arrived in Kings Row.
Together, you and Shauna pieced together the puzzle. The Anderson Construction employees weren't just random victims, the Skulls had kidnapped them purposefully. You resolved to investigate Anderson Construction on the hunch that the shipment must be going down there. Your hunch proved correct.
You arrived as Chernobog and the Skulls were moving the shipment of Superadine drums. Chernobog proved strong, but you were stronger. At his defeat the rest of the Skulls ran, leaving the Superadine behind to be confiscated as evidence in Chernobog's impending court date. Toothbreaker Jones' Jar of Broken Teeth
This empty mayonnaise jar is filled with the broken trophies that earned Toothbreaker Jones his cheerful monicker. You retrieved it from a desk drawer in Jones' Superadine Hideout during...
The Superadine Ring.
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Editor's Note: The Jar souvenir is only awarded if the player investigates the desk in the first mission, which is not a required objective. |
Template:Mission:The Superadine Ring - Part One: Product Placement Template:Mission:The Superadine Ring - Part Two: Push Comes To Shove Template:Mission:The Superadine Ring - Part Three: Marked For Death Template:Mission:The Superadine Ring - Finale: Death by the Truckload
Shauna Stockwell does not have any missions available outside of her arc.