Hard Luck

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Revision as of 03:50, 12 October 2006 by imported>Yakovlev (→‎Breaking the Streak: added mission: Defeat Luckless)
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Hard Luck is a villain contact in the Babylon neighborhood of St. Martial. Hard Luck is a Natural origin contact. His level range is 30-34. He is located inside the Golden Giza Casino.


Contact Introduced By

New Contact(s)

Basse Croupier used to be an up-and-coming crooner, once upon a time. He hit a big streak of bad luck which ended his career. Johnny Sonata offered him a job as a pit-boss at the Golden Giza, and now he's loyal as they come. If Basse has something for you to do, you know that it's because Johnny wants it done. He can get you Natural and Technology Enhancements.

Basse won't steer you wrong. Oh, and his name is pronounced 'Bay-see'. He'll never correct you on it, though. He's funny that way.


Casino Enforcer

A few big winners are good for the casino's press, but when too many people start winning, profits take a hit. That's when Hard Luck comes in -- to hit back. Hard Luck will do whatever it takes to break the lucky streaks of people chipping away at the casino's profits. He's not afraid to get dirty, and he feels no remorse for the people he hurts. After all, they should know that the house always wins.

Initial Contact

The name's Hard Luck, and that's just what I bring. You stick with me, and we'll make sure no one goes home happy. That sounds all right to you?


Sells level 30 & 35 Natural Enhancements

Story Arc

Breaking the Streak

Souvenir: Luckless' Lucky Chip

You took this two dollar chip of the Freak's Luckless after you defeated him. It's a reminder of the little adventure you like to call:

Breaking the Streak

It began with a tip from Hard Luck. A member of the Freakshow was having remarkable success with the slot machines, and Hard Luck wanted his luck changed. You took to the streets and beat down Freaks until you learned the location of Luckless' hideout.

You went after him, but Luckless had already made his escape. You did, however, encounter a strange machine which gave you a solid chock when you tried to examine it.

Hard Luck put his ear to the ground, and learned that Luckless had sought refuge among the Carnival of Shadows. You didn't have a problem clearing a path through them. When you took down Luckless, he confessed his plot. Electrical bombardment at the hands of Crey Industries had granted him the ability to influence the slots' outcome. He had used the machine in his hideout to periodically recharge his abilities.

It's hard to say what Hard Luck and his goons have done with Luckless. But it's safe to assume that Freak won't be coming back to the Golden Giza.

Find out where Luckless is staying


I've got a freaky problem, Villain. It seems there's a member of the Freakshow who keeps winning at the slots. We're not sure how he's doing it, but I've got to get it stopped. So here's what you're going to do. You're going to take to the streets and take down Freaks until you find out where this Freak, Luckless, is staying. Get it?

This guy's cleaned over 500K from the machines already. We got to take him down. You should be able to get some tips on his hideout in Double Down.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Seek hideout in St. Martial
    • Defeat 10 Freakshow

The Freak's story


Okedoke. We got the location of Luckless' base. Now you gotta take him down.

Defeat Luckless


All right, we know where Luckless makes his bed. Now all you need to do is get over there, bring him to his knees, and make sure he never sets foot in the Golden Giza again. Got it?

See if you can figure out how he's making so much money off the slots. They're supposed to be rigged in our favor!

This Freakshow hideout smells of axle grease and body odor

Mission Objective(s)

  • Seek Luckless
    • Learn Luckless' methods



The shock of a lifetime
While investigating a machine deep within Luckless' hideout, you received a terrible electric shock. You're beginning to develop a few theories about Luckless' remarkable success with the slot machines.

Notable NPCs


Well, you sure look like you took a walk on the wild side. Got quite a shock from Luckless' machine, eh? I think I've got an idea how he's skewing the odds in his favor. Let's see if we can track him down.

Mission name


Mission Objective(s)



Notable NPCs



Get the unlucky artifacts


I've got a hot situation on my hands. There's a high roller in the casino who's been throwing sevens all night. He's too important to threaten, and way too important to kill, so we gotta break his luck another way. I've heard of a mystic who has some sort of lucky talisman. Or unlucky talisman, rather. It's an artifact that brings bad luck to all around the owner. We gotta get that artifact. And by we, I mean you. Now, the guy carrying the Blood of Xiang Xi may try to run. If he gets away, this job'll be a failure.

Way I hear it, this guy lives out in the Flop. Get down there, get the artifact, and bring it back to me.

Mission Objective(s)

These caves are chill and damp.

  • Steal artifact from Tavaris
  • Don't let Tavaris escape

You retrieved the Blood of Xiang Xi.

Clue: Blood of Xiang Xi

This glass vial is clouded with age, but you can discern a few drops of blood within it, still bright and liquid. According to Hard Luck, this unlucky talisman should bring bad luck to all those around the owner.


Completion of this mission earns a villain the Bad Luck Badge.

Bad Luck

You and Hardcase recovered a mystical amulet designed to jinx everyone around the wearer.


Great. I'll be sure to hang out in the casino when Mr. Money Bags is playing his next game of craps. This ought to have him throwing some snake eyes.

External Links