Wilson Zucco

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Wilson Zucco
Former Gang Member
Zone Steel Canyon
Coordinates (-3590.5, 0, 2092)
Level Range 9-14
Introduced By == Level 5-9 ==
Ron Hughes
Juan Jimenez
Linda Summers
== Level 10-14 ==
Carla Brunelli
Tristan Caine
Athena Currie
Everett Daniels
Lorenzo DiCosta
Jill Pastor
Kyle Peck
Haley Philips
Hugo Redding
Wes Schnabel
Dr. Trevor Seaborn
Willy Starbuck
Introduces == Level 10-14 ==
Carla Brunelli
Tristan Caine
Athena Currie
Everett Daniels
Lorenzo DiCosta
Jill Pastor
Kyle Peck
Haley Philips
Hugo Redding
Wes Schnabel
Dr. Trevor Seaborn
Willy Starbuck
== Level 15-19 ==
Olivia Chung
Dr. Ann-Marie Engles
Pavel Garnier
Juliana Nehring
Enemy Groups

Badge villain lost.png The Lost

Badge villain skulls.png Skulls
v  d  e

Wilson Zucco is a hero contact in the Bronze Way neighborhood of Steel Canyon at coordinates (-3590.5, 0, 2092). Wilson Zucco is a Mutation origin contact. His level range is 9-14.


Contact Introduced By

Level 5-9

Level 10-14

Contact Introduces

Multiple contact options
Missing text
Single contact option
Missing text

Level 10-14

There's a gun dealer named Carla Brunelli who would like to meet you. She's a very responsible, proactive woman who's helped a number of heroes in her time. She is deeply troubled by the Clockwork. Their presence in Skyway City means that she can usually be found there.

Carla is tough but fair.

I'd like you to go and talk to my friend Tristan Caine. He's an environmental activist who keeps a close eye on everything that might impact the city's welfare, including criminals. He might have some good tips for you on the Vahzilok. Tristan has a lot of political connections, so he keeps near the city's center in Skyway City.

There's a talented young lawyer named Athena Currie who you should talk to. She's a big community activist and has had some serious run-ins with the Clockwork. Miss Currie practices law in Steel Canyon.

Athena can really use the help of a hero like you.

I know a lawyer, Everett Daniels, who's a pretty good guy. He goes after the big corporations and even the government sometimes, but he's usually on the right side of things. He's always got a lead on the Clockwork. Mr. Daniels' practice is in Skyway City.

Everett will get you into the thick of things.

I know a confidential informant named Lorenzo DiCosta. He can provide you with some solid leads on current Council activity. Lorenzo can be found on the streets of Skyway City.

Lorenzo is well placed to provide information; please don't judge him too harshly, Character.

I suggest you see if Jill Pastor from the FCC has anything for you. She's always looking for heroes to help her out with the Vahzilok. Jill's offices are in Skyway City.

Jill is very serious about catching the bad guys and is willing to give valuable info to any hero who can get the job done.

There's an EPA investigator named Kyle Peck who's known for working well with heroes. I'm sure he'd be happy to help you out as well, and, more importantly, I think you could help him against the Vahzilok. Kyle's connections keep him in Steel Canyon most of the time.

Kyle is fiercely dedicated. As long as you show commitment to helping Paragon City, you will have a strong ally.

You should talk to Haley Philips over at the Health Department. She specializes in identifying and dealing with health threats posed by the Hellions and the Circle of Thorns. She's always looking for more help from the city's heroes. She can be found in Skyway City.

Haley has very strong beliefs about safety.

You might want to go see Hugo Redding, a physician's assistant who specializes in taking care of heroes. He also moonlights as a reporter for a medical website, so he's always hearing interesting tidbits about the Hellions and the Circle of Thorns. Hugo hangs out in Steel Canyon.

Hugo is keyed into the latest medical practices.

I know a private eye named Wes Schnabel who wants to talk to you about the Council. He's always looking for new contacts and good heroes to work with. He usually takes cases in Steel Canyon.

Schnabel is a good, old-fashioned gumshoe.

Dr. Trevor Seaborn expressed an interest in meeting you when I told him about your good work. He's a psychiatrist specializing in criminal behavior, and an expert on the Hellions and the Circle of Thorns. Dr. Seaborn is in Steel Canyon.

Trevor has a brilliant mind, and his insights on criminal behavior are invaluable.

You ever meet Willy Starbuck? He's a small time hustler, but he knows a lot about the Council, and he's willing to talk. You should stop by and introduce yourself. Willy grifts over in Steel Canyon.

Willy has the kind of mind that can lead you right to the heart of trouble.

Level 15-19

Did you ever see that weekly paper, the Asian Paragon? Well, its publisher, Olivia Chung, is a great woman. She knows all about what's going on in the immigrant community and has helped more than one hero sort out a jam involving the Vahzilok or the Outcasts. Olivia has her offices in Steel Canyon.

You won't meet many people as good-hearted as Olivia.

Dr. Ann-Marie Engles is a real expert in the field of cybernetics. She is fascinated with the technical aspect of the Vahzilok and the social impact of the Outcasts. Dr. Engles has set up shop in Skyway City.

You'll learn a lot from Dr. Engles; she's always happy to lend heroes a hand.

Agent Pavel Garnier from the FBI asked me to send you to him. He thinks you could help him with some of his cases involving the Vahzilok and the Outcasts. Pavel is currently looking into something in Skyway City.

A positive connection with the FBI is a very good thing to have.

Have you ever read Juliana Nehring's column? She's an Internet reporter who specializes in super-powered villains. She's always looking for new sources to help her investigate the latest Vahzilok and Outcast activities. Juliana files her stories in Skyway City.

Juliana is tough as nails and is willing to do whatever it takes to get a story.


Former Gang Member

Most old gangsters are either dead or in prison, but Wilson Zucco is one of the lucky few who survived and managed to turn his life around. Now he works as a youth outreach administrator, teaching kids about gang awareness and sometimes acting as a liaison between law enforcement and the gangs. He's liked and admired by both sides of the law, which gives him access to an unusual mix of information. Wilson is happy to work with heroes, especially since they can handle gangs in ways the police can't.

Prior to Introduction

Sorry, I'm crazy busy right now. Seen Active Contact recently? Maybe you should.

Initial Contact

The Skulls are pulling a lot of good kids into a bad situation. I want you to help me stop that.


  • I've heard a lot of crazy stuff from the kids today.
  • We got problems, serious problems.

Too Busy

You've got too much to do as it is, Character.

Too Low Level

Come see me when you reach Security Level 10 / 14. I just might have a job for you.

No More Missions

I have the gang situation in hand, Character, but I'm sure one of your other contacts can really use your help.


You're doin' a good job, Character. The kids tipped me off to a stash of powerful Enhancements. In your hands, I know they'll do some good. If there's some way I can help you, call.

You got your head, and your heart, in the right places, Character. Don't ask me how I got my hands on the new Enhancements in my store. Just take them, and use them well.

  • Level 15 Mutation/Science Dual Origin Enhancements (150% base costs)


Investigate Peterson Waste Management and stop any Skull plot you discover


No one has been seen leaving the offices of Peterson Waste Management for the last few days. I've heard rumors of Skulls in the area, and I'm afraid they may have done something to those office workers. I need you to investigate Peterson Waste Management and stop any Skull plot you discover. You only have 75 minutes to stop the Skull plot.

I have a bad feeling about this. But I firmly believe you can handle it.

Unnecessary Solicitation

I'm really concerned about Peterson Waste Management. Tell me when you've wrapped up there.

Mission Objective(s)

A woman's scream is followed by the sound of a vicious slap.

  • Stop Skull leader and his crew - 1:15:00
    • 5 hostages to save, 5 bombs to disarm

You rescued the hostages and dismantled the bombs.


Badge villain skulls.png Skulls

Notable NPCs

  • 5 Terrified office workers (Hostages)
Icon clue generic.png
The office worker's story
One of the office workers you rescued told you:

'They tried to force us to take Superadine! And I heard one of them say that taking too much can turn you into one of the Trolls!'


  • There is not a named Skulls leader in the mission. Clearing the final room fulfils the objective requirements.

Hostage rescued dialogue 

Terrified office worker: They're crazy, Rescuer! There are bombs everywhere!

Hostage rescued dialogue 

Terrified office worker: I've got to tell you what they tried to do!


So the Skulls were trying to poison those people by forcing them to overdose on Superadine? It just doesn't make sense. There's no connection at all between the Skulls and Peterson Waste Management. I really think the Skulls are small time players with big time backing. I'd bet my life they're doing the bidding of somebody else!

Confiscate the drugs


I've got a good lead on an abandoned warehouse where the Skulls are storing their stash of Superadine. I need you to get in there and confiscate the drugs. That should put a serious crimp in the Skulls' distribution plans!

Mission Acceptance

Watch out for the Skull they call the Defier. He's sent more than one hero to the hospital.

Unnecessary Solicitation

I need you to confiscate that Superadine before it hits the streets!

Mission Objective(s)

Time hasn't been kind to this old building, and the Skulls' willful destruction has completed its ruin.

  • Defeat Defier and his crew
    • 5 drug stashes to confiscate

You confiscated the Superadine and arrested the Defier.

Icon clue generic.png
Confiscated Superadine
You confiscated this Superadine from a Skulls' base.

Notable NPCs

EdLetter.png Editor's Note:

The name of the Skulls leader varies. Possible names include Bonebreaker, Defier, Lasher, and Strong Man.


Badge villain skulls.png Skulls

Patrol Dialogue 

Random Skull 1: Spread out and cover the place. This shipment can't be derailed.
Random Skull 2: Gotcha. No one messes with the Skulls!
Random Skull 1: I found a hero!
Random Skull 2: I'm going to rip you apart!

The Defier Dialogue 

The Defier: Paulie called, he wants a status report on the Dyne.
The Defier: My guys won't be happy with your interference, Character.


Well, that's one load of Superadine that will never see the streets! Excellent work, Character.

Talk to the Skyway City Security Chief

Talk to Security Chief


The Trolls are rampaging again! The Security Chief asked for you by name. Find him, and get your assignment.

Mission Acceptance

These rampages are happening more and more. Something has to be done!

Unnecessary Solicitation

+++ Missing Information +++

Mission Objective(s)

  • Talk to Security Chief

Contact Small Security Chief (Skyway City).jpg
Security Chief (Skyway City)


Take this and get on the streets immediately. Stop those Trolls! They've caused a lot of havoc in Vista Plaza and the Astral District.

Icon clue generic.png
Skyway City briefing
Back in the 1970's, there was a huge drive to create highways to relieve congestion in the city. No one would need to drive on the surface streets - instead, we would drive above them! So the city started building high spanning bridges everywhere, and Skyway City quickly turned into one big highway in the sky. Now this zone is home to a street gang that likes to camp out underneath bridges: the Trolls. These are thugs who've mutated, thanks to taking a bit too much Superadine. But watch out; the drug has given many of them inhuman strength and resistance.

Stop rampage in Skyway City

Unnecessary Solicitation

+++ Missing Information +++

Mission Objective(s)

  • Stop rampage in Skyway City
    • Defeat 10 Trolls

You have stopped the rampage.


Good job today. There must be some link between Superadine and these rampages. The Trolls need to be cut off from their supply.

Missions (Level 10+)

Template:Mission Common Hit the streets and defeat a few Lost (Level 10-14) Template:Mission Common Go to Kings Row and show the Skulls they can't pick on Paragon City's businessmen Template:Mission Common Go to Kings Row and put an end to the Lost assaults Template:Mission Common Investigate the warehouse

External Links