Buck Salinger

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Buck Salinger
Zone Croatoa
Level Range 30-34
Introduced By Kelly Nemmers
Introduces Anton Sampson
Colleen Nelson
Gordon Stacy
Ginger Yates
Cadao Kestrel
Enemy Groups Red Caps
v  d  e

Buck Salinger is a hero contact in the Broken Teeth neighborhood of Croatoa.  His level range is 30-34.


Contact Introduced By

New Contact(s)

Completing Buck Salinger's story arc missions will allow you to talk to Katie Hannon to start her Task Force, but she is not explicitly introduced.

Buck will, however, introduce a level 35ish contact. Anton Sampson, Colleen Nelson, Gordon Stacy, Ginger Yates, Cadao Kestrel


Midnight Squad Researcher

The Midnight Squad is but a shadow of its former self, but you wouldn't know it to hear Buck Salinger's stories. Buck loves re-living the glory days, when the Midnight Squad was Paragon City's first line of defense against any and all mystical evils. Buck's not afraid of what's under the bed, what's hiding in the closet, or what's slinking through the shadowed lanes of Croatoa. His maverick attitude has gotten him in trouble with his bosses in the past, but even they have to admit, Buck knows his stuff and he's got the gumption to see the job through to the finish.

Initial Contact

Some people say I'm reckless. Some people say I'm washed up. But listen to me, and listen good: I will get you the information you need to save these people. And I will give you the support you need to come back alive.


  • Inspirations
  • Level 30 Magic/Mutation Dual Origin Enhancements (100% base costs) (Power 10 only)
  • Level 30 Natural/Magic Dual Origin Enhancements (100% base costs) (Power 10 only)
  • Level 35 Magic/Mutation Dual Origin Enhancements (100% base costs) (Power 10 only)
  • Level 35 Natural/Magic Dual Origin Enhancements (100% base costs) (Power 10 only)
  • Level 30 Magic Single Origin Enhancements (200% base costs)
  • Level 35 Magic Single Origin Enhancements (200% base costs)


Push back the Red Caps


I've heard good things about you, kid, but you should know, I've worked with the best. The Damsel of Distress. Empyreal. The Crimson Fist. They all worked with me in their heydays, and they all know one thing: I will not let my heroes down. With that in mind, I'd like you to take a quick tour through the Broken Teeth. The Red Caps are out of control in this area, and I need you to help push them back.

The folklore on the Red Caps is varied and disturbing. Fascinating reading, and not a little scary. These are vile creatures. Do not underestimate them.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Combat Red Caps in Broken Teeth
    • Defeat 10 Red Caps

You have decreased the number of Red Caps in the area.


Red Caps


Thanks. I'll be honest with you: that was a test. I believe in giving my all to the heroes I work with, but I like to know whether they're going to give me the same in return. Keep it up, and I believe you'll stake a claim on history yourself.

Bring the captured citizens back


I've gotten word from Gordon Bower that several of his citizens have been kidnapped by the Red Caps. I'm not going to lie to you. Those citizens are probably in terrible danger. Most likely they'll wind up dead; at worst, they'll wind up as playthings for the Red Caps for all eternity. Fortunately, I know where they are. And I need you to bring them back.

The Red Caps have taken the kidnaped villagers to the spirit world. Be careful there.

Mission Objective(s)

A discarded notebook bears the logo for Paragon City University.

  • Escort hostages to safety
    • 4 citizens to save

You rescued the captive citizens.


Red Caps

Notable NPCs

  • 4 Kidnapped Salamancans (Captives)


You did well. Four Salamancans are home safe in their beds thanks to you. And what do you get? Well, you get to go up against the forces of evil again. No one ever said being a hero was a walk in the park.

Recover the Red Caps' iron hoard


I think I've uncovered a way to strike at the Red Caps. It seems they've been hoarding all the iron in the area; fey creatures, as I'm sure you know, are afraid of iron. It can harm them quite greviously. If you would go into the caves and recover their iron hoard, I think we could really hit them where it hurts.

When you've finished, take the recovered iron over to Mayor Bower. I'm sure he'll be happy to get his citizens' pots and pans back to them.

Mission Objective(s)

A high, chittering laugh rings off the low walls of these caverns.

  • Recover the iron
    • 5 hoards to find

You have recovered all the iron.

According to Buck Salinger, Red Caps are highly susceptible to damage from iron. No doubt this is why they were trying to hoard it.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Take iron to Gordon Bower

Gordon Bower


Thank you. I'll get this iron back to its owners. Except for this piece. This blade. It belonged to my grandfather, you see. I've kept it as something of a memento, but now I want you to have it, at least for a while. I can't think of a better use for it than in defense of my grandfather's home.

Temporary Power

Upon successful completion of this mission, a hero will earn the Iron Blade temporary power.

Iron Blade Melee, Moderate Damage(Lethal), Foe -Defense
According to Buck Salinger, it's a well known fact that Fey creatures such as the Fir Bolg, Red Caps and Tuatha fear iron more than any other substance. This Iron Blade you recovered may be of some use against them. You may carry it for 3 days before returning it to the village.


Exploiting the weaknesses of the Red Caps will be key to defeating them. Use that blade well.

Check out the Red Caps gathering


A friend of mine may be in trouble. His name's Daschle. Walter Daschle. He's a member of MAGI. Not the most talented mystic you'll ever meet, but very talented when it comes to summoning spells. Last I heard of him, he was working on ways to summon the varied creatures of Croatoa. I imagined that's why the Red Caps came after him. I need you to travel to the spirit realm and bring Daschle back. He's a good man, and he's in trouble. It's within the spitit realm. Now, be careful out there. From the intelligence I've recieved, it sounds like this gathering is truly massive.

All signs indicate that the Red Caps are increasing their activities. It could be that they're ready to draw Salamanca into Croatoa permanently.

Mission Objective(s)

As you step into the spirit world, you feel ill at ease.

  • Seek clues from Red Caps
    • Save Walter Daschle

You defeated the Red Caps!

Walter Daschle's story
When you rescued Walter Daschle, he told you:

'We're in more trouble than you understand, my friend. A few of my colleagues and I have been investigating this area ever since things went bad last Halloween. The Red Caps are preparing to draw Salamanca permanently into the spirit world. My friends and I cooked up a way to stop them, but before we could do anything, we were captured by the vile creatures. Three of my fellow mystics are still in grave danger. And the whole village is on the verge of tumbling into Croatoa forever!'


According to Daschle, three of his fellow mystics are still missing. We should track them down immediately.

Break up the Red Caps ceremony


You managed to save Walter Daschle, but it sounds like there are three mystics still in danger. I've located a large Red Cap ceremony in the spirit world; it seems likely that the mystics are there. Even if they aren't, we're likely to learn something about the Red Caps plans to subsume Salamanca. So, I need you there. Now.

The ceremony is taking place in the spirit world. I need to know everything you observe while you're there.

Mission Objective(s)

A gleeful little laugh breaks off into a wicked chortle.

  • Defeat Broadkin & his friends

You defeated the Red Caps, but learned that Salamanca is still in peril.


Red Caps

The Red Cap's tale
One of the Red Caps you defeated chortled:

'You too late! Ceremony over; Salamanca be ours! We attack at village fountain! You never stop us, silly, silly person.'

Notable NPCs

  • Broadkin (Fiend)


The mystics weren't there? That's bad. What's worse, it sounds like the Red Caps are ready to suck Salamanca into Croatoa. We have to stop it. We are officially out of time.

Stop takeover of Salamanca


According to the Red Caps you faced, Salamanca is under attack right now. I need you to get over there and stop it. There are three mystics still under the Red Caps' control: Janet, William, and Gregori. I need you to find them and get them to the village fountain. Once there, they'll start working on a spell to banish the Red Caps from the village. You'll need to protect the henge around the fountain, which keeps the village safe, while the mystics work their magic. Otherwise, the Red Caps may be able to take over Salamanca for good!

That henge is the only thing standing between Salamanca and certain destruction. Keep it there.

Mission Objective(s)

Somewhere in the village, three mystics are in peril. They need your help, and you need theirs.

  • Stop takeover of Salamanca
    • 3 mystics to save
    • Lead to stones
    • Protect the henge - 15:00

You saved Salamanca!

Notable NPCs


I have to tell you something. According to the mystics, their spell never went off. Just at the moment of completion, some other power tapped into the mystic energy they were creating. The mystics never meant to kill the Red Caps, just remove them from Salamanca. Someone else's hand is at work here.

What's worse, the mystics tell me that spell nearly eliminated them, too. I've got a good idea of who's behind it, and they may well intend to damage only the Red Caps themselves. But, according to my colleagues, that spell could have drastic effects for all magic life: good creatures, magicians, even Magic Origin heroes. If The Cabal is behind it, we've got to stop them!

Someone I know could use your help. But you should also see if you can be of help to Katie Hannon. You can find her in Sunset Ridge.

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