Tina Macintyre

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Tina Macintyre is a hero contact in the Portal Court neighborhood of Peregrine Island. Tina Macintyre is a Natural origin contact. Her level range is 40-44.


Contact Introduced By

New Contact(s)


Portal Corporation Research Scientist

Tina Macintyre is one of the leading researchers in the growing field of dimensional portal technology. After losing most of her team into the first wild portal ever created, she has focused her energy on assisting heroes to deal with the negative side effects of the portals. Tina is equally motivated by her love of science and the guilt she carries for her part in the loss of her team.

Initial Contact

I am convinced that dimensional portals will be an important part of our future. I am counting on you to help me stabilize the current situation so that we can make that dream a reality


  • Inspirations
  • Level 40 Natural Single Origin Enhancements (200% base costs)
  • Level 45 Natural Single Origin Enhancements (200% base costs)

Badge Mission

Investigate the psychic signal


I hope you're ready for the many challenges Portal Corporation will throw at you. Why, just last week, we had to beat off an attack of winged monkeys! Ha, ha, I'm kidding, I'm kidding! Seriously, though, it's a big, wide, multiverse, and it's not for the faint of heart. For your first mission, I'd like you to go to the dimension we've designated Epsilon Tau 27-2. We've detected a very strong psychic signal there, and we want to make sure it doesn't pose a threat.

Let me tell you a little about how this works. We have to erect a force field to keep part of an alternate dimension stable in relation to our own. If that field ever goes down, we could lose you in another world. Explore the selected area thoroughly, then report back.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Find source of psychic energy
    • Defeat Clockwork King

You defeated the Clockwork King.

Notable NPCs


Psychic Clockwork


Upon completion of this mission, the Emancipator Badge is awarded.


You have defeated the Clockwork King in a dimension where he realized his full potential.


The Clockwork King? I haven't thought about him in the longest time. I guess I always heard that he had truly phenomenal psychic powers, that he could do remarkable things if he weren't limited by his insanity. It sounds like that other dimension fell totally under his dominion. You say there were no people at all? I wonder what happened. I wonder how long the King can survive there all by himself? With his fantastic psychic powers sustaining his brain, I guess he could spend the next millennium roaming that barren rock alone.

Missing Mission name


There's good news. After months of effort, some Portal Corporation techs have managed to isolate the dimension the Hydra comes from. We want you to go there and learn anything you can about the Hydra. Thanks to the efforts of Paragon City's brave heroes, the monster is relatively contained within the sewer system. But it has enormous regenerative powers, and we need to find a way to defeat it for good. If you find anything, take it to Dr. Steve Sheridan. He knows a lot about extra-dimensional species.

I'm not really sure what you'll find there. From our initial probes, it looks like a pretty scary place.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Unknown, possibly Defeat all villains in area

Missing clue





The Hydra that lives under Paragon City is rumored to be a refugee from this dimension.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Talk to Steven Sheridan, need correct text

After fighting the Hydra Men, you're covered in a gelatinous green goo.

Briefing Steven Sheridan

Mighty interesting. Mighty interesting indeed. I'll tell you one thing: these Hydra Men aren't the simple blobs of protoplasm we thought they were. In fact, I think this green goop they were covered in is actually their method of communication. Now, mind you, this is only a theory.

I think the Hydra communicate through chemical signals. One Hydra Man secretes certain chemicals into that green plasma. Then he touches another, who can instantly 'read' his message. It's quite sophisticated, I assure you. If you'll bear with me for a moment, I believe I can develop a new plasma that will let you understand their chemical signals. Communication will be only one way, but it should give you a better idea of what's going on in that world.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Defeat all villains in area
    • 3 portals to shut down

When you fought the Man O'War, Aue'io, you hear his thoughts inside your head.

Notable NPCs





The Hydra that lives under Paragon City is rumored to be a refugee from this dimension.


Missing debriefing

Story Arc


Investigate the new dimension

Briefing I've got another dimension for you to check out, if you're ready for it. It's called Alpha Upsilon 24-2. I have to warn you, we've been getting some very strange life signs from this dimension. It's best to be on your guard.

I really don't know what you'll find in this dimension. But I'm sure you can handle whatever comes up.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Seek Clues

Extract the rebels from the Pantheon's dimension


Are you familiar with the Banished Pantheon, the evil cult that overran the cemetery in Dark Astoria? Well, they're not just a problem for our world. I've been in contact with a world in which the gods that make up the Pantheon were never banished to the spirit world. Instead, they became the dominant gods on their planet and wreaked havoc for millennia! The resisters on that planet have asked for a favor. They've asked us to extract a group of captives held by the Pantheon. Will you do it? You only have 90 minutes to save the captives.

The Pantheon's gods are a brutal, bloodthirsty lot. I'd hate to find out what horrors they could dream up after millennia of free reign.

Mission Objective(s)

You hear a thunderous footstep. A pause, then you hear another.

  • Defeat Adamastor & its servants - 1:30:00
    • 5 people to save

You saved the rebels from the Banished Pantheon.

The captive's story
One of the rebels you rescued from the Banished Pantheon's world told you:

'Our gods live on pain and fear. Some of their favorite dishes, like myself and my companions, they have enchanted with everlasting life. They keep us alive for century after century, feasting on our misery. After I return with you to your world, I won't be immortal anymore. That doesn't matter. I only want to be free.'

Notable NPCs



Banished Pantheon


I feel so sorry for those people. For centuries, they've been the Banished Pantheon's favorite playthings! I'm going to talk to the security branch, see if I can get a steady underground railroad going. We should move as many people out of that dimension as we can!

Defeat all Crey in lab

Mission 1 of 2


Portal Corporation really needs your help. A group of Crey operatives are attacking a lab in Founders' Falls. They want Portal Corporation's technology, and they're not going to give up without some strong encouragement. That's where you come in. I need you to get over to that lab and repel the Crey incursion. Portal Corporation's technology is far too dangerous for the likes of Crey!

I doubt Crey has any idea how dangerous that tech can be. You've got to stop them from getting their hands on it!

Mission Objective(s)

  • Defeat all Crey in lab
    • 3 scientists to save

You stopped the Crey incursion and found a clue to their next target.

The scientist's story
One of the Portal Corporation scientists you rescued told you:

'They said when they were through with us, they were going to go after the RM-Delta facility on Peregrine Island. I can't tell you what goes on therel it's highly classified. What I can tell you is that if you don't stop those Crey forces, they could gain the technology they need to change our world forever!'




Crey's going after the RM-Delta facility! You've got to stop them!

Defeat all Crey in lab

Mission 2 of 2



We just got an emergency call. Vivian van Dyne, a world class scientist, has just been kidnapped. Our technology indicates that she's been taken to another dimension, and we've managed to pinpoint the correct one: Omicron Zeta 12-20. Portal Corporation's techs discovered the dimension just last week; it was a chunk of broken rubble, ruled over by a clan of Freakshow. Perhaps our investigation into their territory provoked this attack. I don't know if the Freaks on that world are as nasty as the ones here, but I need you to rescue Vivian van Dyne.

Dr. van Dyne's employers tell me she was hard at work on a new anesthetic drug. Perhaps her kidnapping has something to do with that.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Rescue Vivian van Dyne

You rescued Vivian van Dyne.

Notable NPCs

  • Dr. Vivian van Dyne (Hostage)




Missing Debriefing

Defeat all negotiators in area


I just got word of a major security breach over on Peregrine Island. It seems the Council has broken through a portal, and they're trying to gather recruits from a world where the Council is in total control. If that happens, we could be overrun with agents in no time flat. I need you to get over to Peregrine and stop those Council soldiers!

This dimension you'll be going to is designated Omega Omicron 26-20, but most people just call it the Council Empire.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Defeat all negotiators in area


Council Empire


Missing debriefing

External Links