Basse Croupier

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Basse Croupier

Basse Croupier is a villain contact in the Babylon neighborhood of St. Martial. Basse Croupier is a Natural origin contact. His level range is 35-39. He is located inside the Golden Giza Casino.


Contact Introduced By

New Contact(s)


Casino Pit Boss

Basse Croupier had a promising singing career once upon a time, until a run of bad luck hit him hard and knocked him down for the count. A bankrupt record label, swindling managers, and several scandals ruined his career, leaving him destitute and on the street. His luck finally turned around when Johnny "The Pipes" Sonata, the crooner most people had picked Basse to replace before his downfall, offered the down-on-his-luck singer a job at his casino in the Rogue Isles as a pit boss. Basse's been thankful to Johnny ever since, and has become one of Sonata's most trusted men.

Initial Contact

Hey, you have to be *villain name*. That's crazy, man. Totally crazy. I always meet the most incredible people at this job. Now, I've heard what people have said about you, but I'm not a judgemental type. I'm Basse Croupier, and I handle some of the work Johnny says needs to get done around here.

Story Arc

Souvenir: Souvenir Item

Souvenir Description

Souvenir STory

Souvenir Description


Basse Croupier sells level 35 & 40 Natural Enhancements


Catch the Freakshow debtor before he skips town


We try to run a good operation here, but sometimes some people, well they find ways to make trouble for themselves. So, when that kind of thing happens, Mr. Sonata likes to have it handled, you know, quietly. Professionally. Without too much involvement from Arachnos, if you understand. If we call them in, and they take a simple case of some Freakshow rowdy who tried to skip out on his debts as a big tax evasion issue, well, then they take it as a challenge, and the next thing you know, a skip-trace turns into a war. So Mr. Sonata likes these things to be handled unofficially, you know? And it just so happens that we have a situation just like I described about to goin' on right now. And here I was just telling you all about how we like to handle things like this. Ain't that a kick in the head?

A lot of punks think they can disrespect Mr. Sonata, and that just ain't cool. So, there's this guy, he calls himself B4nKbUsTah, if you can believe it. He's one of those Freakshow types, and man, he's like a hundred kinds of crazy. Fact is, he's so crazy, he's trying to skip town on his gambling debts. All his other freakshow friends are trying to protect him so he can skidaddle before he has to pay up what he owes. That makes this a two-parter. You'll have to get his location from some of those other Freaks, then corner him. You're a professional, so I'll just leave it to you.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Defeat 20 Freakshow

Find B4nKbUsTah

Mission Objective(s)

  • Defeat B4nKbUsTah & Crew

This should probably be the place B4nKbUsTah and his cronies hide out.


Hard Luck says the freaks paid up to get their boy back, so I guess everything worked out in the end. And no one had to get bent out of shape. Well, except for B4nKbUsTah, I guess.

You've done pretty good, *villain name*. You're a real asset, you know? Take my private number. And take a look at these new Enhancements I've got.

Defeat Tsoo Racketeers


Some people never get a clue, man. See, when I started working for Mr. Sonata, I learned something important: That is, if you wanna be big time, you gotta think big-time. So, say, if you want to make yourself some money here in St. Martial, what you do is pay your dues and you set up a nice casino like the Giza or the Lucky Six. But some people just don't think big-time. So there are these guys, they're called the Tsoo, name's supposed to mean 'The Destroyers' or something. Real tough guys, maybe you've run into these cats before. Well, they're still thinking small-time. They're trying to set up a little protection racket, and started to threaten guys running the Lucky Six. So they called me, and I told Johnny, and Mr. Sonata, well, he got mad. Then he said he wanted it stopped. Then he asked about you. So, well, it's in everybody's interest to go break that little protection racket, you dig?

I'm glad to know you got it, man. This one's easy. First, take out the guys they got in the Lucky Six. Then, go to their hide-out. Make sure they don't keep any of what they've already taken. Keep it for yourself, give it to your friends, whatever you like, man. All Johnny wants is that those Tsoo guys know they can't keep it. You dig?

Mission Objective(s)

  • Defeat Tsoo Racketeers

You can hear people screaming over the jangling sounds of slot machines and clattering of coins.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Defeat & rob Tsoo gangsters
  • Open 4 safes

The Tsoo probably own this place through a front corporation. Everything around here is owned by one criminal or another.


Those Tsoo, man, I just don't get it. Some people got to do everything the hard way. All that work, and you take all their money. If they'd paid their dues and opened a card parlor or something, man, all they stole wouldn't even be a day's take! It's that small-time thinking, just like Mr. Sonata says.

You're doing great, *villain name*. Fantastic. You're a real performer, a real show-stopper! A mover and shaker like you needs the best Enhancements.

Dig up blackmail info on corrupt politician


Hey, *villain name*, I got another job for you. It's kinda complicated, and it'll take a couple steps to do, so it's gonna be a lot of work. Johnny asked me to get you for it, but it's a lot of trouble, and me, I don't like to impose. But still, I should ask you about it. See, there's this big-shot politico type from the mainland who spends way too much time causing trouble for us. He's always like 'People shouldn't go to St. Martial on vacation! It's run by supervillains! Blah blah blah!' Then he turns around and comes here under a false name and stuff. That's politics, man. Well, we have a policy here that all our guests secrets are safe and all, but breaking our policy for a hypocrite really ain't so bad. Particularly when it's not us that breaks it, but some, you know, free agent.

Like, say, you, for instance.

So, the guy's name is Councilman Wenkler. He's from Paragon City, and we used to think of him as free advertising. But then he went too far, man. He got Johnny's new album banned, and man, Johnny ain't happy about that. Now Johnny told me to handle it, and I thought of you.

First thing, that Councilman Wenkler does a lot of 'Family Values' stuff, which is good and all if you're into that kind of thing. Then he comes over here and parties it up with the Carnival. Well, Jezebel found out that the Carnies got a lot of blackmail photos, but they aren't willing to share. So, I want you to get them. Throw a little mayhem in there if you want, but, don't go overboard on my account.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Steal blackmail photos from Carnival
  • Find the photos

The Carnival is storing some of their gear here between shows. They probably aren't expecting any trouble. Too bad for them.

Clue: Blackmail Photos

These photos show Councilman Wenkler having a *VERY* good time with several members of the Carnival of Shadows. It's really quite amazing. Any one of these photos could be a scandal, and the whole set could destroy his career. For someone who claims to be happily married and uses moral appeals in nearly every speech, he really knows how to cut loose, and the Carnies seem quite eager to help him.


You totally got that one wrapped up. I'll just take these photos and WHOAH!

Man, I so did not want to see that! But I'm sure there are a bunch of reporters Johnny knows that would.

Man, that image is gonna be stuck in my head for a while. Might make it hard to sleep.

Clue: Fat Cat City

Basse Croupier is one of Johnny Sonata's confidents, a former rival crooner with a ruined career whose loyalty Johnny bought for the price of a decent job at the Golden Giza. So when you heard from him that there was a matter Johnny wanted you in particular to know about, you asked to know more. Turns out this was about a certain corrupt politician from Paragon City called Councilman Wenkler. He'd been stirring up a lot of trouble for Johnny and the Giza, then flying out to the Rogue Isles under an assumed name to live it up. Unforunately for him, his antics had finally crossed the line, and Johnny wanted someone capable to get blackmail material on Wenkler. It proved easy enough to do. You stole some compromising photos showing the Councilman cavorting with the Carnival of Shadows, and passed them on the Basse for your pay.

Get proof of Paragon City Councilman Wenkler's double dealings

Scoodie dooby doo... Oh hey, *villain name*!


Man, I been reading up on Councilman Wenkler, and I gotta tell you, I just can't believe that guy. He's been kidnapped by the Circle of Thorns, and Paragon City heroes saved him. He's been threatened by the Vahzilok, and heroes saved him. So he gets in over his head in debts here, and what does he do? He starts selling hero's secrets to Arachnos. Now, I'm all 'Praise Arachnos' and all that, sure man, whatever. But that's just wrong. Now, Johnny tells me he feels the same way, and so he asked me to ask you to get some proof. Extra insurance, you know.

Like I said, Wenkler's been selling secrets to Arachnos. They're not gonna be too willing to give 'em up, so don't be expecting a friendly reception. On the other hand, Johnny will smooth things for you afterwards. Mr. Sonata always takes care of things. You see, the way Johnny figures it, if you're blackmailing somebody, it's best to have two different things to blackmail them with. That way, if they think they're prepared for one thing, you can reveal the other, and up the stakes. That's why Mr. Sonata is the top. He's always a couple steps ahead.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Steal proof from Arachnos
  • Find proof against Wenkler

Defeating a patrol could bring a lot of heat down on you. It might be better to keep things quiet.

Clue: Double Dealing

Looks like the base commander was a bit paranoid, and kept copies not just of all payments made to Councilman Wenkler, but also copies of the information he provided. There are hero secret identities, details on how Paragon City's teleportation system works, all kinds of things. When Wenkler sold out, he sold out big-time.


Man, being a hypocrite and partying with chicks is one thing, but Jeez, this guy is such a toal sleeze. I mean, yeah, selling out secrets like this helps out Arachnos and all, but it's just low. Me, I try to keep some class, you know. Kinda like Mr. Sonata.

Clue: Fat Cat City

Basse Croupier is one of Johnny Sonata's confidents, a former rival crooner with a ruined career whose loyalty Johnny bought for the price of a decent job at the Golden Giza. So when you heard from him that there was a matter Johnny wanted you in particular to know about, you asked to know more. Turns out this was about a certain corrupt politician from Paragon City called Councilman Wenkler. He'd been stirring up a lot of trouble for Johnny and the Giza, then flying out to the Rogue Isles under an assumed name to live it up. Unforunately for him, his antics had finally crossed the line, and Johnny wanted someone capable to get blackmail material on Wenkler. It proved easy enough to do. You stole some compromising photos showing the Councilman cavorting with the Carnival of Shadows, and passed them on the Basse for your pay.

Johnny wanted more blackmail material, and you were happy to oblige. Seems the Councilman had been selling heroes secrets to Arachnos to pay his gambling debts. You stole evidence of his double dealings from Arachnos, and let Johnny smooth things over.

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