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{{Contact Overview|Name=Operative Kuzmin|City=V|Zone=Mercy Island|x=-1219|y=243|z=-88|Pronoun=his|HoodYN=Y|Hood=Mercy|OriginYN=N|Origin=Technology|LevelYN=Y|Level=1-9}}  He is the first contact villains will receive.
{{Contact Overview|Name=Operative Kuzmin|City=V|Zone=Mercy Island|x=-1219|y=243|z=-88|Pronoun=his|HoodYN=Y|Hood=Mercy|OriginYN=N|Origin=Technology|LevelYN=Y|Level=1-7}}  He is the first contact villains will receive.

Revision as of 19:20, 22 February 2012


Operative Kuzmin

Villain Liaison
Zone Mercy Island
Coordinates (-1219, 243, -88)
Level Range 1-4
Introduced By None
Introduces == Level 1-9 ==
Fire Wire
Doctor Weber
Enemy Groups Longbow
v  d  e

Operative Kuzmin is a villain contact in the Mercy neighborhood of Mercy Island at coordinates (-1219, 243, -88).  His level range is 1-7. He is the first contact villains will receive.


Contact Introduced By

The mission Speak with Operative Kuzmin.

Contact Introduces

Level 1-9

Fire Wire is... an interesting man. He is a known villain amongst Mercy, due to his bragging. There have been rumors that he has a big plan in store, big enough that he isn't running his loud mouth about it.

Keep your eye on Fire Wire, Character. He may be pompous, but he is as cutthroat as anyone else around here.

Doctor Weber is one of our... 'contract' scientists. He is researching the Infected on Mercy Island, ever since our previous scientist was terminated.

He is unethical and amoral, the perfect person to do what needs to be done.

You've made a wise choice with Doctor Weber. You two may even find that you have much in common, hrm?


Villain Liaison

Operative Kuzmin has been assigned the role of liaison to new villains in Mercy Island. He is a serious man who has dedicated his entire life towards the goals of Arachnos.

Many in Arachnos whisper that he'd sell his family out for Arachnos. Others say he already has.

Prior to Introduction

Initial Contact

Greetings, Character. I am Operative Kuzmin, and I am here today as a representative of Arachnos.

Your ruthlessness has been recognized, and Arachnos would like the opportunity to help you grow in your power.

Already, there are forces at work here in Mercy Island who would seek to stop your... destiny, before it begins.

Why should I accept? What is Arachnos?

An excellent question. Arachnos is the organization that rules over the Rogue Isles.
We are led by Lord Recluse. We protect the Rogue Isles and all the supers that inhabit it from those so-called 'do-gooders' in Paragon City. If you are in the Isles, you can rest assured that you are... supposed to be protected from Longbow, an organization who claim to bring law and orders to all parts of the globe.
Alright, and what forces are stopping you?
Longbow. They have attacked Mercy Island and taken over our Fort Darwin. Now, they seek to spread their so-called 'law and order' and take over the rest of Mercy Island.
Even now, there are Longbow soldiers inside of Mercy City itself, trying to bring down Arachnos, and, more importantly, super-powered beings such as yourself.
You see, then, the current scenario you are in. If something is not done, if we do not work together, then we risk Longbow taking over the rest of Mercy, sending us all back to their prisons in Paragon.

What forces?

Longbow. They have attacked Mercy Island and taken over our Fort Darwin. Now, they seek to spread their so-called 'law and order' and take over the rest of Mercy Island.
Even now, there are Longbow soldiers inside of Mercy City itself, trying to bring down Arachnos, and, more importantly, super-powered beings such as yourself.
You see, then, the current scenario you are in. If something is not done, if we do not work together, then we risk Longbow taking over the rest of Mercy, sending us all back to their prisons in Paragon.

Longbow knows that I'm here?

They do, and they are after you and every person like you at this very moment. It is no secret that the Rogue Isles is a breeding ground for... More unsavory types.
Longbow seeks to stop this and enforce their own laws. But we will not let them do so in Mercy Island, Character. Let us push these red and white soldiers back to Paragon and make them know fear.

Let's do this.


Character, good to see you. We've got a lot of work to do if we're to push Longbow out of Mercy Island.

Too Busy

No More Missions

You and I have nothing left to discuss, Character. Your destiny is yours for the taking. I look forward to seeing what you do with it.


Story Arc

Underdogs Never Win


Souvenir: Broken Longbow Symbol

You retrieved this shattered Longbow symbol from a defeated Longbow soldier. He was but one of many soldiers that you put down when you first arrived in Mercy in an experience you call...

Underdogs Never Win

You were introduced to Operative Kuzmin in Mercy Island. He was a representative for an organization called Arachnos, which was seeking to fight Longbow and support you. Kuzmin mentioned that Longbow was trying to take over Mercy Island; one of their main goals would be to arrest any villain they could find. You decided to work together with Kuzmin to try to kick Longbow out of the immediate area of Mercy.

You retrieved this shattered Longbow symbol from a defeated Longbow soldier. He was but one of many soldiers that you put down when you first arrived in Mercy in an experience you call... Underdogs Never Win You were introduced to Operative Kuzmin in Mercy Island. He was a representative for an organization called Arachnos, which was seeking to fight Longbow and support you. Kuzmin mentioned that Longbow was trying to take over Mercy Island; one of their main goals would be to arrest any villain they could find. You decided to work together with Kuzmin to try to kick Longbow out of the immediate area of Mercy. You wiped out a squad of Longbow near the main square of Mercy and tortured one of the soldiers for information regarding where their bases were in Mercy. You discovered the location of one base, which you promptly blew up with carefully placed explosives. The destruction of this base led to the discovery of another in Mercy, one which held the hero Golden Palm.

The base was heavily fortified, but you managed to sneak in by disguising yourself as a member of Longbow. You triggered an explosion within the base, knocking out the majority of the guards that you snuck by to get in. You then faced off against Golden Palm and the remaining Longbow, putting them down before escaping from the burning facility.

Kuzmin congratulated you on a job well done and extended the thanks of Arachnos to you. Longbow wasn't defeated quite yet, but you made a major dent in their attempt to bring their versions of law and order to Mercy Island. You showed them that as long as you are here, you'll be making your own rules, and Longbow isn't included in them.

Part One: Welcome to Mercy, Now Get Out


Longbow knows that they are deep within enemy territory. They believe that they can cobble together a plan to defeat Arachnos and other villains such as yourself.

They are, unfortunately for them, wrong. The reach of Arachnos is long, and the power of villains immense.

Even now, Longbow swarms the area right beside us, looking to try to bring in any villains that Arachnos recovers from Longbow's reach around the world.

It looks like we'll have to take care of this.

Mission Acceptance

Yes, exactly. The forces of Arachnos are focusing on fighting Longbow down in Darwin's Landing. However, working together with someone such as yourself, we can weaken the Longbow forces here to allow our remaining soldiers to go in for the kill.

Show Longbow that they are... unwelcome here, and Arachnos shall ensure that the rest of your message is delivered, very... swiftly.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Arachnos forces cannot move in just yet, not with the number of Longbow present.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Kick Longbow out of Mercy City
    • Defeat 5 Longbow

You are now the active player of your team. Your teammates are currently experiencing the world created by your deeds.

List of Targets
You found a list on one of the Longbow agents detailing the targets they are supposed to go after. You see your name is on that list, along with several other villains.

The writer of this list looks to be a hero named Golden Palm, who is trying to strike down villains before they become, 'a blight to the world'.


Excellent job, Character. Our operatives have moved in to stomp out the remaining Longbow in the area. They'll have it under control momentarily.

You say that this operation is being led by a hero named the Golden Palm? Hrm, I'm inclined to believe you, given the idiotic name of the hero.

Well, Character, why don't you and I see what it takes to crush a hero beneath our boots?

Part Two: Boom, You're All Dead


One of the issues with finding Longbow in Mercy is the large amount of areas they could be hiding, like the rats they are.

However, we have methods of retrieving this information. Most of your typical Longbow grunts will not be able to withstand your most base levels of torture.

We have such a grunt in our... 'custody' now. I will give you the honors of delivering your own form of interrogation on the boy.

Alight. Where is this grunt?

Mission Acceptance

In the area where we were previously battling Longbow.

Oh, and Character, before I forget. You should consider yourself what we in Arachnos call a Destined One now. You are destined for something great, you see, much like many of the others. Whether or not you can achieve this destiny is based upon your own strength and mettle.

This is what Longbow fears, and what we in Arachnos seek to nurture. When you are done, you may contact me with your communication device.

After completing missions for contacts, you can gain the ability to call them up from any point in the world to receive further missions.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Have no mercy on the prisoner, Character. His kind deserve none.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Interrogate the Longbow Prisoner



You! I've seen you in the reports!

Do your worst to me, I'll never tell you anything, you hear me?!

I swore an oath to fight evil wherever I see it, and you are part of that!

1 - (Break the man's leg)
2 - (Break the man's arm)
3 - (Describe in painful detail what you could possibly do to the man.)

1 - (Break the man's leg)

You hear a rough SNAP as you break the man's leg.

AAAAGH! M-my leg! I-I can't... you...

Stop... please... stop! I'll tell you anything!

You grunts -do- break easily. Where is the Longbow base located?

W-we have two bases... I haven't been to the main one... but there's another in an office here in Mercy.

I-if you wanted to take it out, y-you could find the codes on Longbow technicians to issue a fake message to gather on the top floor. E-everyone would head over to there, y-you could do whatever you want!

Now, please, just... just leave me alone!

Not a bad plan. I think I'll do just that

2 - (Break the man's arm)

You hear a rough SNAP as you break the man's arm

AAAAGH! M-my arm! I can't... it hurts so much...!

Stop... please... stop! I'll tell you anything!

You weren't that tough after all. Where is your Longbow base located?

W-we have two bases... I haven't been to the main one... but there's another in an office here in Mercy.

I-if you wanted to take it out, y-you could find the codes on Longbow technicians to issue a fake message to gather on the top floor. E-everyone would head over to there, y-you could do whatever you want!

Now, please, just... just leave me alone!

Not a bad plan. I think I'll do just that.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Find 3 codes from Longbow Technicians
    • Find 3 more key codes

You overhear an emergency broadcast from Longbow!

Emergency Broadcast
You found all the proper codes from Longbow and used them to set up an emergency broadcast. You can hear the soldiers gathering inside of the building.

All you have to do now is set up a few bombs in order to blow them all away!

Mission Objective(s)

  • Blow up Longbow's office
    • Arm 3 more bombs

You've blown up the Longbow office!

Mission Objective(s)

  • Call Operative Kuzmin

Operative Kuzmin


Character, I can see the smoke billowing from here. Excellent work.

The prisoner mentioned that there was a main base, correct? Even better for us, then. I believe I may have a method for us to locate this base.

Longbow will not know what hit them, you will be safe, and the power of Arachnos will be seen by those fools.

What is your idea?

Finale: Making an Impression


We intercepted a distress call from the Longbow office you blew up. Our technicians were able to determine where it was going. Their last attempt to try to survive will lead their comrades straight to their doom.

There is one thing, however. We've traced them back to a lab, which is most likely well fortified inside of it. I've pulled up the schematics and have seen numerous blast doors located within.

If you're going to assault the base, you'll need a better way in than destroying anyone who stands in your way.

And you have a suggestion?

Mission Acceptance

I do. Disguise yourself as one of them.

I assume there will be a front guard of Longbow at the entrance. If you take them out, you can make yourself a disguise to get in there and get to the heart of the facility.

From there, you can overload their systems, causing a catastrophic explosion. You'll also, if all goes well, have the... pleasure of facing against Golden Palm. I wish you luck in your expedition, Character.

Unnecessary Solicitation

The longer we wait, the higher the chance that Longbow will get away!

Mission Objective(s)

Kuzmin was right about the guards. You can hear a few of them talking at the entrance. Take them out quickly and you'll be able to sneak right into the heart of this base!

  • Destroy Longbow's Base in Mercy
    • Knock out the front guards to take their uniforms

Caption: Operative Kuzmin 

Operative Kuzmin here. Those Longbow should do fine.

I've hacked their security cameras to give you some breathing room. I would work fast, however.

Temporary Power

After completing the first objective, players will be granted the Longbow Disguise temporary power.

Longbow Disguise Auto: Map
You are disguised as a Longbow agent.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Destroy Longbow's Base in Mercy
    • Sneak into Longbow's main planning room.

Sergeant Kinney and Golden Palm 

Sergeant Kinney: Operations in Fort Darwin are going according to plan.
Golden Palm: Excellent! What about the crackdown on Arachnos?
Sergeant Kinney: We're working on it. Arachnos is getting desperate enough that they're trying to treat their 'Destined Ones' like kings and queens, at least in Mercy.
Golden Palm: Hrmph, figures. I almost feel bad for the Destined Ones. Then I remember all the horrors they go on to commit, and suddenly, I don't feel so bad anymore.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Destroy Longbow's Base in Mercy
    • Overload the computers to trigger an explosion

Sergeant Kinney and Golden Palm 

Sergeant Kinney: What's going on?!
Golden Palm: You just made a BIG mistake, Character

Mission Objective(s)

  • Destroy Longbow's Base in Mercy
    • Rescue Dario Stanzini (optional), Defeat the Longbow Ambush

Ambush Dialogue 

Longbow Guardian: We've got a villain on the loose, secure the area!


After defeating Golden Palm and Sergeant Kinney you will be ambushed by two waves of Longbow.

Dario Stanzini Dialogue 


You see the villain, Dario Stanzini, laying prone on the ground.

If something isn't done, he'll die in the fire.

You notice that he has an emergency teleporter on him, which was previously disabled by Longbow. Activating it will save his life.

  • (Save Dario Stanzini)
You activate the teleporter, sending Dario Stanzini back to safety!
W-What... I'm being saved...?
  • (Leave)
  • (Kill Dario Stanzini)
You use your abilities to swiftly kill Dario Stanzini!
  • (Leave)
  • (Leave him to die)





Excellent work, Character. There are still a few stragglers left in Mercy City, but as long as their main base is gone, we'll leave them be. After all, we need something to keep the Rogue Isles Police on their toes, hrm?

You and I are done for now, however. There is much still for me to do, and you, Character, have the rest of your destiny to fulfill. I'm quite interested to see where exactly you will go from here.

There are other people in Mercy who have some... plans of theirs. You may be interested in meeting with them to see just how you can benefit from their work.