The Infected are an enemy group which appeared initially in City of Villains, in Mercy Island. But now it seems they are spreading and have already reached Paragon City as well, where they can be seen in neighborhoods such as Atlas Park or Galaxy City.
Enemy Types
Stricken Brawler

It doesn't take long for the cesspool water to have an effect. These petty thugs have been drinking from it for only a few days, but already the change in their appearance is apparent.
Revolver Ranged, Lethal, Med Damage
Small caliber side arm. Not very accurate.
Brawl Melee, Smash
Relentless but slow.
Stricken Scavenger

It doesn't take long for the cesspool water to have an effect. These petty thugs have been drinking from it for only a few days, but already the change in their appearance is apparent.
Revolver Ranged Lethal, Med Damage
Small caliber side arm. Not very accurate.
Pipe Melee, Smash, Moderate Damage
Pick up a stick or a piece of pipe and clobber your foes.

Blighted have been subsisting on cesspool water for many weeks now, and the changes they have undergone are far greater than skin deep. They no longer desire any nourishment other than that they take from the cesspool. Their old friends and dreams are entirely forgotten as they slip deeper into their irradiated daze.
Shotgun (Ranged) Cone, Lethal, Foe Knockdown
Good at close range. Fires a cone of buckshot pellets and can knock some foes down.
Brawl Melee Smash
Relentless but slow.

Most people on Mercy agree: the Devolved no longer qualify as human. After months of consuming nothing but cesspool water, they have become tireless, witless, and wickedly strong. It would be fair to call them more zombie than man.
Neutrino Bolt Ranged, Energy, Low Damage, Foe -Defense
A very quick, but low damage attack, Neutrino Blast can reduce the targets defense.
X-Ray Beam Ranged, Energy, Foe -Defense
Sends a ray of X-Ray radiation energy that deals heavy damage. X-Ray Beam can bypass some of a targets defenses and reduce the targets defense.
Electron Haze Short Range, Energy, Foe -Defense, Knockback
A short range conical blast of electron radiation. The attack can bypass some of a targets defenses and reduce the targets defense. It can also knock down some targets.
Contaminated Strike (Melee, Energy/Smash, Foe Knockdown) Foe -Defense
The Contaminated Strike has weakened your Defenses!
Named enemies
Biopulse (Boss?)

Main Article: Biopulse
Biopulse is one of the rare Infected who drank from the toxic cesspools on Mercy Island and actually manifested super powers! He now hopes to champion the cause of the Infected on Mercy Island as a hero.
Charged Bolts Ranged, Energy, Foe -Endurance
The Hero can quickly hurl small bolts of electricity at foes. Charged Bolts deals light damage and also drains some endurance.
Lightning Bolt Ranged, Energy, Foe -Endurance
The Hero can send a large blast of electrical energy at a foe. Lightning Bolt deals good damage and also drains some endurance.
Ball Lightning Ranged, Targeted Area of Effect, Energy, Foe -Endurance
Hurls a highly charged ball of lightning that explodes on contact. Ball Lightning deals good damage in an area and also drains some endurance from each target it hits.
Charged Brawl Melee, Smash, Energy
Gremlin brawling attacks.