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== Missions ==
== Missions ==
{{Mission:Common - Assist the Security Chief in Independence Port}}
{{Mission:Common - Assist the Security Chief in Independence Port}}
{{Mission Common Decrease the Council presence in Independence Port}}
{{Mission:Common - Decrease the Council presence in Independence Port}}
{{Mission:Common - Deliver Package to Stephanie Peebles}}
{{Mission:Common - Deliver Package to Stephanie Peebles}}
{{Mission Common Go to Independence Port and stop the Council recruiting}}
{{Mission Common Go to Independence Port and stop the Council recruiting}}

Revision as of 11:04, 27 January 2012


John Strobel
File:Contact John Strobel 01.jpg
Citizen Defense Coalition Organizer
Zone Talos Island
Coordinates (-1180, 160, 6550)
Level Range 20-24
Introduced By == Level 15-19 ==
Sgt. Suzanne Bernhard
Cho Ge
Karen Parker
Warren Trudeau
== Level 20-24 ==
Jim Bell
Dr. Cheng
Claire Childress
Polly Cooper
Kevin Cordell
Dennis Ewell
Georgia Fields
Andrew Fiore
Tyler French
Vic Garland
Oliver Haak
Piper Irving
Josef Keller
Justine Kelly
Jake Kim
Amanda Loomis
Lt. Col. Hugh McDougal
Andrea Mitchell
Melanie Peebles
Wilma Peterson
Hinckley Rasmussen
Cain Royce
Lt. Manuel Ruiz
Kirsten Woods
Introduces == Level 20-24 ==
Jim Bell
Dr. Cheng
Claire Childress
Polly Cooper
Kevin Cordell
Dennis Ewell
Georgia Fields
Andrew Fiore
Tyler French
Vic Garland
Oliver Haak
Piper Irving
Josef Keller
Justine Kelly
Jake Kim
Amanda Loomis
Lt. Col. Hugh McDougal
Andrea Mitchell
Melanie Peebles
Wilma Peterson
Hinckley Rasmussen
Cain Royce
Lt. Manuel Ruiz
Kirsten Woods
== Level 25-29 ==
Christine Lansdale
Enemy Groups Sky Raiders
The Family
v  d  e

John Strobel is a hero contact in the New Troy neighborhood of Talos Island at coordinates (-1180, 160, 6550). John Strobel is a Natural origin contact. His level range is 20-24.


Contact Introduced By

Level 15-19

Level 20-24

Contact Introduces

Multiple contact options
Several people I am connected with want an introduction to you.
Single contact option
Someone in my network wants to meet you.

Level 20-24

Have you ever read any of Jim Bell's articles in the paper? He's a great reporter who's been doing a lot of articles on the Tsoo and the Warriors. Jim has access to Training Enhancements.

Jim is outspoken and opinionated, but he is extremely well informed.

There's a wise old man named Dr. Cheng who knows just about everything there is to know about the Banished Pantheon and the Circle of Thorns. He has access to Training Enhancements.

Dr. Cheng is very wise, Hero. Pay close attention to his words.

Claire Childress is as much a part of the spirit world as our own. Some say she's flighty, but there are few in Paragon City who can provide more aid to one who seeks to battle the Freakshow or the Family. Claire has access to Training Enhancements.

+++ Missing Information +++

I'd love for you to meet Polly Cooper. She's a coordinator for the Civil Air Patrol, and she knows a lot about the Sky Raiders and the Lost. Polly has access to Training Enhancements.

Miss Cooper is very skilled at her job and should prove to be a valuable asset to you.

I know a guy named Kevin Cordell who runs a small security consulting business. He's heard about you and would like to talk sometime about the Sky Raiders and the Lost. Kevin used to be a hero, and he still has access to Training Enhancements.

Kevin is not easily impressed, but I think you will do just fine with him, Character.

Do you ever read Dennis Ewell's columns? He's quite a writer, and he told me he'd like your help taking out the Tsoo and the Warriors. Dennis has access to Training Enhancements.

Dennis isn't convinced that the heroes of Paragon City are much better than the villains, but he is coming around.

I have to admit that Georgia Fields doesn't have the best reputation. No one really knows how she gets her information, but she's an excellent source on the Sky Raiders and the Lost. She is usually able to get her hands on training enhancements.

If you are careful, Georgia can be of great assistance to you.

I think you should meet Andrew Fiore. Not only can he sell you quality electronics, but he's got information about lots of less savory business deals. He's helped more than a few heroes, especially with information about the Freakshow and the Family. Andrew has a lot of sources that give him access to Training Enhancements.

Andrew is a businessman first, but it's in his best interest to keep the heroes he works with up to date on information.

There's an amazing guy named Tyler French who runs a youth sports program; it keeps troubled teens off the streets. He hears a lot and likes to help heroes out, especially with the Tsoo and the Warriors. Tyler has access to Training Enhancements.

Tyler is really great for the kids, Character. Help him out however you can.

I think you should talk to Vic Garland. He's a civil rights activist who's doing some important work against the Freakshow. He's also more than a little curious about the Family. He could really use your help. Vic has access to Training Enhancements.

Vic is uncompromising and fiercely loyal.

If you can gain his confidence, Oliver Haak is a rich source of information on the occult. Don't be put off by his demeanor, Character, I know that you will impress him. He can really help you out against the Banished Pantheon and the Circle of Thorns. Oliver has access to Training Enhancements.

Your actions will speak for you with Oliver.

I'd like you to go see my friend Piper Irving. She's an anthropologist working here in the city. She knows a ton about the obscure beliefs of the Banished Pantheon and the Circle of Thorns. Piper knows where to get Training Enhancements.

I am sure you will find Piper quite knowledgeable.

I have no doubt you will enjoy working with Professor Keller

Although he is a bit eccentric, Joseph Keller has a great deal of knowledge. He can greatly aid anyone who wishes to go up against the Banished Pantheon or the Circle of Thorns. Professor Keller has access to Training Enhancements.

If you ever have a computer problem or want a lead on some computer related crime, you should talk to Justine Kelly. She's a whiz at technical stuff and a bit of an online hero in her own right. Lately she has been focusing her attention on the Sky Raiders and the Lost. Justine has access to Training Enhancements.

Justine is a very skilled young lady.

There's a noted weapons expert named Jake Kim who's in town trying to stop the spread of illegal weaponry. He is focusing his efforts on the Freakshow and the Family. Jake has access to Training Enhancements.

Jake has a very specific agenda, but he can still help you clean up Paragon City.

The INS has a woman named Amanda Loomis who works well with heroes. She is trying to keep the Tsoo situation from turning any uglier than it already has, and she also has a deep interest in the Warriors. Amanda should be able to get you Training Enhancements.

Amanda likes to use metaphors, but she understands the realities of Paragon City all too well.

I've been asked to tell you that Lt. Colonel Hugh McDougal of the Pentagon's Hero Outreach Program would like to meet with you about the Freakshow and the Family. His military connections give him access to Training Enhancements.

This could provide excellent connections for you in the future, Character.

If you are looking for a partner to help you take down the Banished Pantheon, Andrea Mitchell would be a great choice. She is very dedicated and her connections are top notch. She also has a lot of interest in the Circle of Thorns. Andrea has access to Training Enhancements.

I have a good feeling about you and Andrea.

Melanie Peebles has the power to see things through her dreams. Her most recent dreams have been about the Sky Raiders and the Lost. Melanie has access to Training Enhancements.

Do not dismiss Melanie's guidance lightly.

Have you ever heard of Wilma Peterson from the Department of Waste Management? She's one of the folks in charge of disposing of hazardous waste, like Rikti technology. You should stop by and see her sometime; she's got her eye on the Freakshow and the Family right now. Wilma has access to Training Enhancements.

Treat Wilma with respect and you will have a solid contact.

I know a rather interesting fellow named Hinckley Rasmussen. He works as a researcher for the Midnight Squad and takes an interest in helping heroes like you fight the Tsoo and the Warriors. Hinckley has access to Training Enhancements.

Cain Royce is strongly committed to his crusade against the Banished Pantheon and the Circle of Thorns. You would do well to have him as an ally. Cain can get you Training Enhancements.

Paragon City's evil-doers will soon feel the weight of this choice.

+++ Missing Information +++

Missing intro text

Missing rest of text

I've been asked to keep this very quiet, but someone from the CIA wants to meet you. Her name is Kirsten Woods and she knows quite a bit about the Sky Raiders. She also thinks there may be more to the Lost than meets the eye. As a CIA operative, Agent Woods has access to Training Enhancements.

Keep a low profile when you are working with Kirsten.

Level 25-29

My friend Christine Lansdale is a military consultant who often helps heroes like you deal with the Sky Raiders and the Family. Through her military contacts, she has access to training enhancements.

Christine is efficient and easy to work with. I am sure you will find her a useful contact.


Citizen Defense Coalition Organizer

John Strobel is a retired police officer and army veteran who has served his city and country for over 30 years. When he retired he decided that there was still much he could do for the city, and so he formed the Citizen Defense Coalition, a group of retired or otherwise inactive individuals from law enforcement, the military, and the costumed hero business. The Coalition's main goal is to provide expertise to those actively involved in fighting crime. Although they seldom go out on the streets to battle villains anymore, they do provide valuable intelligence about what's going on in their neighborhoods. Many still retain their old snitches, informants, and contacts. John himself focuses his efforts on trying to rehabilitate good guys who have gone bad. He believes that it's possible to redeem some of the city's criminals, especially those like the Sky Raiders who have decent, military backgrounds.

Prior to Introduction

I'm just too busy for such things right now. You should help out on Active Contact's beat.

Initial Contact

Violence is not always the best solution to problems in Paragon City. I acknowledge, however, that it often is.


  • We got ourselves a situation here.
  • I need you to look into something for me.

Too Busy

It's the quality of work, not the quantity, that counts. You shouldn't take on more jobs than you can handle.

No More Missions

My jobs wouldn't do justice to your talents, Character. You better look for work elsewhere.


I am starting to be very glad you came to me, my friend. I think I can let you in on a few Enhancements the Coalition's been keeping under wraps.

  • Inspirations (all)
  • Level 20 Natural/Technology Dual Origin Enhancements (200% base costs)
  • Level 25 Natural/Technology Dual Origin Enhancements (200% base costs)

Working with an hero like you gives me a great deal of hope, Character. My most powerful Enhacements are now yours for the taking.

  • Level 25 Natural Single Origin Enhancements (150% base costs)

Story Arc

Merit Rewards: This activity awards 9 Reward Merits.

The Sky Raider Secret (20-24)


Captain Indomitable's Uni-Bands

You've kept Captain Indomitable's Uni-Bands, the wrist cuffs that focused his power into energy blasts. They're a reminder that sometimes the price of justice is too high. Captain Indomitable lost his life on the trail of:

The Sky Raider Secret

It began with a Sky Raider plot to eliminate three men who were meeting secretly in a Paragon City office. You stopped the assault, but were able to learn very little from the secretive gentlemen you saved. Your contact investigated, and learned that one of the men was General Toliver Jackson, former commander of Vigilance, a team of soldiers trained to fight super-powered threats. You were sent to talk to Andrea Mitchell, a former member of the team. She told you that the other two men you rescued were also involved in Vigilance. They were former Deputy Secretary of Defense Eli Hunt and Wayne Evans, AKA Captain Indomitable.

Your contact then learned that Eli Hunt was making a visit to a nearby lab. Concerned that the Sky Raiders might still be on the hunt, you followed Eli, and arrived in time to save him from the Sky Raiders' attack forces. He told you that Captain Indomitable had gone to check out some shipping irregularities at a nearby warehouse. You followed Captain Indomitable, but you were too late to save him from the Sky Raiders. On his body you found a shipping manifest, which indicated that some supplies intended for Vigilance had been diverted to another group.

You had a dead hero, a lot of questions, and the name of the man who diverted the supplies: Irving Katcher. Desperate for some answers, you showed up at Katcher's office in time to stop a team of Sky Raider assassins. And there you learned the entire, ugly story. Katcher told you that he had been tricked into diverting the supplies by a Colonel Duray. Duray disappeared along with the supplies and his men, and Katcher was left holding the bag. Your contact could only conclude that Duray and his men had become the Sky Raiders.

Stop the Sky Raiders' attack


I learned something rather disturbing from one of my contacts in Talos Island. It seems the Sky Raiders are planning an attack on a secret conference in an office building over there. It's all very hush-hush; I can't even find out who the attendees are. But I'm sure they don't deserve to be assassinated! Will you stop the Sky Raiders' attack?

Mission Acceptance

See if you can find out anything about the meeting while you're there.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Hurry up, the Sky Raiders won't be waiting around for you!

Mission Objective(s)

The lobby is silent, except for the coffee machine humming in a corner.

  • Defeat commander, his entourage
    • 3 men to rescue

You have defeated the Sky Raiders and rescued the hostages.


Sky Raiders

Notable NPCs

Sky Raiders Patrol 

Before Combat

Sky Raider 1: Have we got everyone?
Sky Raider 2: Don't know. Better check.

Combat Start

Sky Raider 1: You're a goner!
Sky Raider 2: I've got you now, Character!


Before Combat: No mistakes, take them all.
Combat Start: We can't afford any interference.

Mysterious Gentlemen 

Upon Rescue

Mysterious gentleman: Thank you for your timely assistance. That is all.
Mysterious gentleman: Thank you for your timely assistance. That is all.
Mysterious gentleman: Thanks. Listen, I'll tell you what I can.
Mysterious conversation
One of the men you rescued told you:

'I thank you for saving my life, but I'm afraid there's not much I can tell you. Our identities are a matter of national security, and so is our business in Paragon City. I only wish I knew how the Sky Raiders ferreted us out. I'll have my people look into it. In the meantime, I thank you and bid you farewell.'


I wonder who this mysterious trio was? You might think they'd give us a hint, since you saved their lives from the Sky Raiders.

Talk to Andrea Mitchell about the general


I've identified one of the men you rescued from the Sky Raiders. He's General Toliver Johnson. He used to be in charge of the Joint Command Special Threat Response Battalion, a special team of soldiers trained to fight super-powered threats. The battalion doesn't exist anymore, but I know a woman who used to be part of it. You should go talk to Andrea Mitchell about the general. While your at it, take her these three photos of the other men.

Mission Acceptance

The Sky Raiders might be on to you, so watch your back.

Unnecessary Solicitation

You still have those photos? Get those over to Andrea!

These photographs show the three men you rescued from the Sky Raiders.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Talk to Andrea Mitchell

Andrea Mitchell


So you guys are digging around in the history of Vigilance? That's what we used to call the Joint Command Special Threat Response Battalion. Much easier to remember! Most of the unit was killed during the Rikti War; I was wounded shortly thereafter and left, but at least I can ID the guys in those pictures. One is former Deputy Secretary of Defense Eli Hunt; the other is a former hero named Wayne Evans, AKA Captain Indomitable. Indom was our adviser on super-powered threats. Secretary Hunt was the man who got the unit approved in the first place. And you already know who General Johnson is. What they're doing together, I can't say.


So we know that those men you rescued from the Sky Raiders used to be involved with that military unit Vigilance. What we don't know is what they're doing in Paragon City. Now that I've got some names, we can do some more digging.

Protect Eli Hunt from the Sky Raiders


I have a lead on the whereabouts of Eli Hunt, one of the men you rescued from the Sky Raiders. One of my contacts told me Hunt's making a visit to a research lab here in Paragon City. If the Sky Raiders know about it, they might hit him there. I want you to protect Eli Hunt from the Sky Raiders. While you're at it, see if there's any more info you can dig up.

Be ready, though. If Eli knows something, you may not have much time to act on it after you rescue him. Maybe an hour or less, depending on how fast the Sky Raiders move once Hunt is rescued.

Mission Acceptance

If you save his life again, Mr. Hunt might be more willing to trust us.

Defeat commander, his entourage

Unnecessary Solicitation

Hurry up, the Sky Raiders won't be waiting around for you!

Mission Objective(s)

You look around and whistle. The equipment in one room of this state-of-the-art facility is worth more than the contents of your entire home.

  • Defeat commander, his entourage
    • Rescue Eli Hunt

You defeated the Sky Raiders and rescued Eli Hunt.

Eli Hunt conversation
When you rescued Eli Hunt for the second time, he said:

'You again? It seems your sources are almost as good as the Sky Raiders'. I can't tell you what we're in the middle of, at least, not yet. But I sure could use your help. When I came to the lab to have some technology analyzed, I sent my colleague, Wayne Evans, to investigate some shipping irregularities at a local warehouse. He's not answering his phone. If the Sky Raiders found me, they can probably find him. Can yo go to the warehouse and make sure he's all right? Wayne's a former hero, like yourself. I just hope he hasn't lost all his old moves.'


Sky Raiders

Notable NPCs

Lt. Paulson 

Before Combat: Find those tech samples.
Combat Start: It's Character, neutralize immediately.

Eli Hunt 

Upon Rescue: You again? I could really use your help.

Investigate warehouse

Unnnecessary Solicitation

You better get over to that warehouse and find Wayne Evans.

Mission Objective(s)

Everywhere you look, bombs are strapped to the walls. If you don't get Evans out of here quickly, there won't be much left to find.

  • Investigate warehouse - 60 minutes timed
    • 6 bombs remaining, Find Wayne Evans

You disarmed the bombs and found the body of Wayne Evans.

Shipping file
You found this large file of shipping manifests on the body of Wayne Evans.
Shipping records
These records describe a shipment of military supplies that was originally intended for Vigilance. The shipment was diverted by Irving Katcher, an officer in the Department of Homeland Security.


Sky Raiders

Notable NPCs

Sky Raiders Patrols 

Before Combat

Sky Raiders 1: Marshall wants no mistakes.
Sky Raiders 2: Right. All the evidence gets blown to kingdom come.

Lt. Marshall 

Before Combat: Explosives set, countdown has begun.
Combat Start: Defeat the enemy quickly!


That's a real shame about Wayne's death. I really admired him when he was Captain Indomitable. I sure hope this file you recovered was worth his life.

Let's see here. These are shipping records dating back to just after the Rikti War. Apparently the warehouse Wayne was investigating was supposed to send some supplies to the new headquarters of that military unit, Vigilance. But the stuff never showed up.

It says here the shipment was diverted on orders of the Department of Homeland Security. The guy who signed the order, Irving Katcher, is in the private sector now. Maybe he knows what happened to that old shipment.

Check out Katcher's office


Why don't you go check out Katcher's office? We need to learn more about those military supplies he diverted from the Vigilance unit. It looks like the Sky Raiders killed Wayne Evans to keep him from finding out what happened to those supplies. I'd like his death to mean something.

Mission Acceptance

Be on the lookout for Sky Raiders.

Unnecessary Solicitation

You haven't been to Katcher's office yet.

Mission Objective(s)

The silence is broken by a sudden, strangled shout. Something bad is going on here.

  • Defeat commander, his entourage
    • Find Irving Katcher

You have defeated the Sky Raiders and rescued Irving Katcher.


Sky Raiders

Notable NPCs

Lt. Richards 

Before Combat: Secure the area.
Combat Start: No one gets out!

Irving Katcher 

Upon Rescue: I have some information for you.

Katcher conversation
When you rescued Irving Katcher, he said:

'All this is about that old shipment for Vigilance? I guess I shouldn't be surprised. I lost my job over it. You see, the unit commander, a guy named Colonel Duray, asked me to change the shipping orders. He had papers from the Pentagon approving the change, but they turned out to be forged. I cut through some red tape for the colonel as a favor, only to find out he was playing me. He, his men, and the equipment just disappeared. No one ever figured out where they went.'


Have you figured it out yet? The disappearing soldiers, the stolen equipment? Col. Duray and his men have become the Sky Raiders! No wonder the army was being so secretive. A rogue military unit? It doesn't get much more embarrassing than that. Maybe someday we'll find some proof for my wild speculations; until then, I'm pretty confident in my conclusions.


Assist the Security Chief in Independence Port


Time to take a bite out of crime. The Security Chief in Indy Port wants some help with those scumbags from the Family. Go lend him a hand.

Mission Acceptance

If you get a chance, take a look at the Statue of Wavelength near the water. She was a speedster who fell in the Rikti War.

Assist the Security Chief

Unnecessary Solicitation

+++ Missing Information +++

Mission Objective(s)

  • Assist the Security Chief

Security Chief (Independence Port)


Here's some information on the area. We've been having a lot of trouble with the Family, especially in Crey Cove and Bell Point. I really need you to lend a hand.

Independence Port briefing
This is where many brave heroes defended the city against an invading space armada back in the 50's. Paragon City renamed the area Independence Port, in honor of the heroes who died in that epic battle. You'll see the big statue of Cassiopeia by the bridge; she was one of the famous heroes who died in that fight. It's a shame that organized crime runs the docks nowadays. The Family pulls all the strings here, despite the best efforts of law enforcement.

Keep peace in Independence Port

Unnecessary Solicitation

+++ Missing Information +++

Mission Objective(s)

  • Keep peace in Independence Port
    • Defeat 20 Family

+++ Missing Information +++


The Family


Nice job helping clean up a historic zone!

Decrease the Council presence in Independence Port


The neighborhood watch in Independence Port is reporting an increase in Council troops in the area. They seem to be fighting the Tsoo and the Family for territory, and it's resulting in a lot of violence. I need you to decrease the Council presence in Independence Port.

Mission Acceptance

You can usually find Council soldiers in Bell Point or Wave Landing. Maybe you should start in one of those neighborhoods.

Unnecessary Solicitation

+++ Missing Information +++

Mission Objective(s)

  • Combat Council in Independence Port
    • Defeat 20 Council

+++ Missing Information +++




Violence seems to follow the Council wherever they go. Thanks for putting a stop to it.

Deliver package to Stephanie Peebles


Have you ever been over to Striga Isle, Character? There's a woman there named Stephanie Peebles who needs our help. She's got all she can do trying to hold Port Noble together against the onslaught of the Council. Will you take this package over to Stephanie? I'd appreciate it if you didn't look inside. Oh, you might want to take some friends. It can get pretty dicey over there.

Mission Acceptance

The Council has managed to entrench itself on Striga Isle but good. If you can give Stephanie any assistance against them, I'm sure she'll be grateful. Of course, I hope you won't forget about your old friends here in Paragon City. We'll always be grateful for your help, too.

Here's the package. It's for Stephanie's eyes only.

Mysterious package
This package, intended for Stephanie Peebles, has a strange scent. Try as you might, you can't quite place it.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Stephanie's waiting for that package.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Go see Stephanie Peebles

Stephanie Peebles


Thanks for the package, Character; I'm grateful. So, what do you think of Port Noble? Doesn't look like much, maybe? Well, it's my home. I've been doing what I can to kick those Council goons out, but I need more help. I'd appreciate it if you could stick around.

Otherwise, you can keep following leads from your other contacts. I'll always be here, and I'll always be grateful for assistance.

Editor's Note:

There is no debriefing from your original contact for this mission and no experience is given for it. Additionally, the mission will drop off your mission list automatically and you are not required to return to your contact to remove it. This is because it is intended to be an introduction to the contact Stephanie Peebles, and the Striga Isle arcs by extension.

Template:Mission Common Go to Independence Port and stop the Council recruiting Template:Mission Common Hit the streets and defeat a few Council soldiers Template:Mission Common Recover the Council data

See Siren's Call Liaison


I don't know if you realized this, but as we speak, Paragon City is under assault. Over in Siren's Call, Lord Recluse and his men are making every effort to get themselves a foothold. If we let them manage it, we'll be in serious trouble. I'd appreciate it if you'd go speak with the Longbow Warzone Liaison over in Steel Canyon. She could use the help of heroes like you.

Siren's Call is a PVP zone, where you may be killed by other players.

Mission Acceptance

The Warzone Liaison can help you get the right contacts in Siren's Call.

Unnecessary Solicitation

The Warzone Liaison wants to speak to you about Siren's Call.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Talk to Warzone Liaison

Longbow Warzone Liaison


If you're ready to take on a real challenge, you can be a big help to Longbow here in Siren's Call. We have to push Arachnos out. If you're willling, you can talk to Agent Brinson. He's got a number of missions that will swing the battle in Longbow's favor. Or you can talk to the Security Chief at the Longbow Base; he can tell you all about bounties.

Siren's Call is a PVP zone. If you enter, you may be killed by other players. Do not enter if you are not willing to risk this.


I hope the Warzone Liaison gave you the info you need to help out in Siren's Call. It would be a shame to lose that zone to Arachnos. Template:Mission Common Show the Sky Raiders Terra Volta isn't their personal property Template:Mission Common Stop the Council bombing Template:Mission Common Stop the Sky Raider bombing Template:Mission Common Stop the Sky Raiders before they can make off with Balsim's designs

External Links