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Added Enemy 'The Goddess Hequat'
Complete rewrite; this one is long and complex, so please read and help me correct it! Thanks! =)
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== History ==

'''Mu''' was a mighty nation in the mid-Atlantic created by [[Hequat]] to counter [[Ermeeth|Ermeeth’s]] reemerging dark power in [[Oranbega]].  Mu was the last great stronghold of magic.

In Mu, all men were sorcerers, as were all women and children. They were a warlike people eventually destroyed by an enemy they had thought too weak to fight back. But a few refugees survived, and many of today’s magic heroes can trace their ancestry back to Mu.
''Within a fortress-island forged of iron and fear they had been trained to hate us and to fight against us for generations. Their Goddess demanded it, and they obeyed her in all ways. They believed that their chosen place upon this world was to serve as the righteous implement of her will, and in their deeds and customs did they enshrine this so that to do otherwise would be unthinkable.''

== Enemy Types ==
- Akarist, Circle of Thorns mage

=== Archvillains ===
==== The Goddess Hequat ====

''Main Article:'' [[The Goddess Hequat]]
''The path of the Mu is the path of denial of the worthless self, denial of all that would blind us to our service to our Goddess. She who shaped us, She who taught us, She who must be obeyed! Lord Recluse was a fool to think he could control the blood of Mu for his own ends, and Scirocco was even more a fool to think he could send the path to the Goddess to Arachnos' technicians to pick apart. The true powers of Mu will soon be unleashed!''  

The Goddess of the Mu, Hequat guided her people in the war against the people of [[Oranbega]]. Hequat does not abide the insolence of mortals who do not pay due worship to the gods.
- Rogue Mu Mystic


== References ==
== Mu ==
Mu is a name that is used to describe both an island an old civilization strongly focused on magic. It was nearly destroyed during a war against Oranbega and today, though its descendants are numerous, many of them are still unaware of their legacy. A legacy that puts them in a mortal danger:
The history of Mu starts back at the most unsuspected place: [[Oranbega]], about 14000 years ago. In those days, Oranbega had enjoyed a period of peace and prosperity for many years, until the coming of [[Mu'Rhakmet]]'s rebellion. Mu'Rhakmet demanded the Oranbegans' return to a total subservience to the gods of the past. He gained followers among those who felt disaffected by the Oranbegan civilization, and among those who were, disenfranchised by a lack of skill with magic. It began small at first, with attacks on Reasoners and Philosophers, and then progressed into street riots and open conflicts. Soon, Mu'Rhakmet's followers held banners with his stern visage everywhere, demanding that the people of Oranbega return to the worship of the gods they had so long forgotten. (1) Not until it was too late did the Oranbegans learn that there was another force behind the rebels. That Mu'Rhakmet practiced as he preached, and was in truth the earthly instrument of she who had forced the Oranbegans' ancestors across the sea: The goddess [[Hequat]]. She who had turned upon her lover, the Divine Teacher [[Ermeeth]]; she who had rallied her followers and forced the Oranbegans from their lands; now she had found them again and sought to undermine their society. Soon Oranbega was engaged in a civil war for control as those loyal to Oranbegan principles fought Mu'Rhakmet's followers in the streets of the city. Ultimately, Mu'Rhakmet's rebellion failed. The Oranbegan histories say that Mu'Rhakmet and his followers fled across the sea. The Oranbegans assumed that they had returned to the old lands of their goddess, and this assumption would lead them to disaster. For what they did not know was the Hequat had provided a new land for her people. An island risen from the sea, an island that she would call Mu. (1)
But another race, the [[Coralax]], already lived on the island of Mu before it was raised from the sea, (2) There was then a great war between the ancient Mu civilization and the Coralax. In the war, [[The Leviathan]] was called forth by the Coralax High Priest, [[Calystix the Shaper]]. (3) The Leviathan threatened to devour all the Mu, and it was only through the intervention of the Mu goddess Hequat that saved the Mu. She turned it into [[Red Coral|coral]] and trapped The Leviathan beneath the Island, (2) underneath what is now known as [[Sharkhead Isle]]. (3)
Mu then flourished, instructed by Hequat to hate the Oranbegans and to fight against them for generations. (4) They believed that their chosen place upon this world was to serve as the righteous implement of her will, and in their deeds and customs did they enshrine this so that to do otherwise would be unthinkable. At her command they performed generations of what would now be called eugenic breeding in order to strengthen the magical power within their blood lines to unheard of levels. At her command they crushed all contrary thought, and made no art that did not praise her name. (4) At this point, in Mu, all men were sorcerers, as were all women and children. (11)
Eventually, and at their Goddess' command they attacked Oranbega on a spring day (4), thinking they would be an enemy too weak to fight back. (11)
The initial stages of the war were a complete success for the Mu: the first few days of the conflict, Mu Skyships rained a magical fire down upon the outlying Oranbegan cities. (5) The surprised Oranbegans took drastic measures: they sank their city beneath the earth to shelter it from bombardment by Mu sky ships. (4 & 10) But Mu kept pressing, and then, the Oranbegans turned to other powers from darker worlds. A Prince of Demons came to them and offered his aid. The [[Circle of Thorns]], the ruling council of Oranbega, debated greatly, but in the end they bargained with him. (4 & 10)
Things started to change then: the demons' first gift to the Oranbegans was the [[Thorn Blades]], demon swords that turned men into blood-frenzied monsters. Armed with these they turned the tide, and the slaughter was indescribable.
But Mu wouldn't surrender: The wizards of Mu found new tactics, however, and blunted the Oranbegans' attack. Again they struck bargains with the Prince of Demons, and they brought forth troops to fight on their behalf from the depths of Hell. With wraiths and spectres did the Oranbegans march upon the Mu. With [[Circle of Thorns#Behemoth|Behemoths]] of the land and Leviathans of the sea did they fall upon their men, their city, their very land. The fiends had bargained for the slaughter of ever last man, child, and woman of Mu, and on that fine point the Oranbegans faltered. (4 & 10)
[[Image:Lilitu 01.jpg|100px|right]]
As the demons fell upon the last survivors of Mu, the demon-thralls of the Circle of Thorns were held back by the Circle's own, when the Oranbegans felt mercy. Then a demoness general called [[Lilitu]] rose from among the horde, and told the Circle mages to stand away. She said that the deal with the King of Demons was for the utter destruction of all the people of Mu. Still, the Circle mages protected the children and the elderly of the Mu who were their enemies. Their power alone hold back the horde until their great negotiator, the wizard [[Akarist]], could arrive to bargain for the Mu's lives. And still Lilitu shrilled for the Mu's deaths, and warned of the dire fate that would befall all of Oranbega unless the contract would be upheald and the demons allowed to spill the last drop of the blood of Mu. (1)
Akarist didn't arrive in time to the bargain,(1) but the Oranbegans let some Mu escape to far shores. When the fiends discovered this, they were both outraged and gleeful, for they had hoped for just such an outcome. (4 & 10) The Oranbegans would pay dearly for their mercy, and in the end, the war ended with no clear winner and both civilizations decimated. Still, Mu had survived.
[[Image:Salvage EnchantedWeapon.png|left|80px|]]
There is no mention of what happened next to those survivors, but it seems clear they managed to prosper and multiply, though not as their own civilization any longer. The Island of Mu became a myth and hasn't found still today, leaving behind only minor evidences such as [[Magic Salvage#Wapon of Mu|personal weapons]], still charged with mystical energies despite the milennia passed, or the [[Sands of Mu|sand of Mu]], described as "black volcanic sand that has an eerie dark glow around it when held in the light" found by [[Baron Zoria]] himself in 1921, (15) though there are evidencies that Mu was once the name of what we call today The [[Rogue Isles]]. (13)
As for the descendants of the people of Mu, nearly every magical hero, seer, mystic, wizard, witch, sorcerer, medium, and channel of today is one. (7) Numbered in the millions, some sources assure that they could be as many as one fifth of the worlds' population (more than a Billion people). (18) Many of them are unaware of their legacy, which puts them in a great danger:<br>
Their ancient enemies, the Oranbegans, have survived to the present as well, as have the demons of those days milennia ago which took part in the war. Having lost their bodies as a side consequence of their failure to complete the bargain with the demons, the Oranbegans know that should they destroy all of the Mu, the bargain will be reversed, and they shall have their old forms returned. This knowledge has fanned a long-forgotten desperation among them, and now they draw plans against those descended from the Mu. (9)
They have powerful tools at their disposal to do this. The [[Books#Codex of Bloodlines|Codex of Bloodlines]] is a magical tome that can trace a person's ancestry back to the time of the powerful pre-historic magic users. Any name written in its owner's blood blossoms out a crimson family tree on the book's black pages, in the arcane language of the Circle of Thorns. (11); The [[Books#Blood Tome|Blood Tome]] is a strange book appears to be blank, but if a single drop of a person's blood is placed on a page, that drop will flow and shift, drawing itself out to form a complete family history from the present all the way back, as far as the ancient civilization of Mu. (8)
Armed with such artifacts, adviced by demons (9) and tempting any power-hungry Mu descendant they find with the [[Spirit Thorns]] (12), the Oranbegans hunt down the Mu descendants trying to complete the bargain. There's another added benefit of the hunt: the bodies of the Mu descendants have strong magical potential, and the Oranbegans want the bloodlines. The more Mu blood, the more magical power. It suits perfectly their needs.
Still, not all the descendants of Mu are unaware of their powers and wait the sacrificial knife of the Circle quietly. Some are heros by their own right and can defend themselves perfectly. Others, instead, have a much more aggresive approach to this issue and aren't afraid to use their powers for personal gain. [[Arachnos]] somehow learned of the descendants of Mu and their potential, and formed a division of troops with them: The [[Mu Mystics]], and has recently put them under the command of [[Scirocco]]. They are a relatively new division in Arachnos' web but early evidence indicates they may well be one of the most powerful. Their part in the [[Paragon City]] [[Power Crash]] raises their potential threat rating to the highest levels. (6)
Among the actual Mu descendants of today there are some notable ones. From among the ranks of the Mu Mystics of Arachnos, there is one called [[Magus Mu'Drakhan|Mu' Drahkan]] who seems to be a prominent political leader of considerable magical power. The other, called [[Archmage Tarixus|Tarixus]] is a spirit living in [[Sharkhead Isle]] who may have been alive perhaps since the days of the war with Oranbega. It is unclear if he's serving Arachnos currently, but it is known that he has a long history of enemity with the Circle of Thorns.
Despite the harsh discipline in Arachnos' ranks, there is what it seems to be a fundamentalistic Mu faction among them (14) of mystics who long for the return of their goddess Hequat and, like their ancestors of old, serve her above any other thing, Arachnos, Scirocco or [[Lord Recluse]] included. (14) No one knows what would happen if the goddess would return to the modern world. However, it must be remembered that her hatred stemmed from the Oranbegans' refusal to bow down to the gods in all things, as she thought was proper for mortals. That aspect may bode ill for today's peoples and cultures. (17)
In-game, a player villain may gain some of the mystical powers of the Mu by choosing Scirocco as a patron, which will grant him access to the [[Mu Mastery]] patron power pool.
== Sources ==
1 - Magus Mu'Drakhan: Defeat Infernal <br>
2 - Diviner Maros: Force information on Calystix from the Legacy Chain <br>
3 - Captain Mako: Interrogate Circle leaders <br>
4 - Magus Mu'Drakhan: Defeat Aurora Borealis and take the books <br>
5 - Cadao Kestrel: Look into Akarist's kidnapping <br>
6 - CoV Official site: Scirocco <br>
7 - Paragon Times: June 15 2005 <br>
8 - Magus Mu'Drakhan: Retrieve the book for Mu'Drakhan <br>
9 - Magus Mu'Drakhan: Recover Ancient Mu Soul Crystal <br>
10 - Cadao Kestrel: Steal the Envoy's gifts to the Circle of Thorns <br>
11 - Allison King: Save the Wyatt mediums from the Circle of Thorns  <br>
12 - Peter Stemitz: Talk to Azuria <br>
13 - Johnny Sonata: Interrogate a Circle sorcerer: The mission entrance text of this mission mentions the abundance of the Mu ruins in the Isles. In Nerva the ruins are evident, and if the Leviathan was entombed under Mu by Hequat and today is under Sharkhead, Sharkhead was to be once part of Mu...unless someone moved the Leviathan somehow. Besides, the supposed location of Mu given by Akarist (an island in the Atlantic") matches. <br>
14 - Scirocco: Investigate Mu trap <br>
15 - CoH mission: Investigate the lost city of Oranbega <br>
16 - Salvage: Weapon of Mu <br>
17 - Cadao Kestrel: Disrupt the ritual and look for signs that Hequat is returning <br>
18 - Mage Killer Zuhkara: Stop the ceremony

[ The Paragon Times - "Beyond Contact: Azuria and MAGI"]

[[Category:Game Background]]
[[Category:Game Background]]

Revision as of 05:17, 19 November 2007

Within a fortress-island forged of iron and fear they had been trained to hate us and to fight against us for generations. Their Goddess demanded it, and they obeyed her in all ways. They believed that their chosen place upon this world was to serve as the righteous implement of her will, and in their deeds and customs did they enshrine this so that to do otherwise would be unthinkable.

- Akarist, Circle of Thorns mage

The path of the Mu is the path of denial of the worthless self, denial of all that would blind us to our service to our Goddess. She who shaped us, She who taught us, She who must be obeyed! Lord Recluse was a fool to think he could control the blood of Mu for his own ends, and Scirocco was even more a fool to think he could send the path to the Goddess to Arachnos' technicians to pick apart. The true powers of Mu will soon be unleashed!

- Rogue Mu Mystic


Mu is a name that is used to describe both an island an old civilization strongly focused on magic. It was nearly destroyed during a war against Oranbega and today, though its descendants are numerous, many of them are still unaware of their legacy. A legacy that puts them in a mortal danger:


The history of Mu starts back at the most unsuspected place: Oranbega, about 14000 years ago. In those days, Oranbega had enjoyed a period of peace and prosperity for many years, until the coming of Mu'Rhakmet's rebellion. Mu'Rhakmet demanded the Oranbegans' return to a total subservience to the gods of the past. He gained followers among those who felt disaffected by the Oranbegan civilization, and among those who were, disenfranchised by a lack of skill with magic. It began small at first, with attacks on Reasoners and Philosophers, and then progressed into street riots and open conflicts. Soon, Mu'Rhakmet's followers held banners with his stern visage everywhere, demanding that the people of Oranbega return to the worship of the gods they had so long forgotten. (1) Not until it was too late did the Oranbegans learn that there was another force behind the rebels. That Mu'Rhakmet practiced as he preached, and was in truth the earthly instrument of she who had forced the Oranbegans' ancestors across the sea: The goddess Hequat. She who had turned upon her lover, the Divine Teacher Ermeeth; she who had rallied her followers and forced the Oranbegans from their lands; now she had found them again and sought to undermine their society. Soon Oranbega was engaged in a civil war for control as those loyal to Oranbegan principles fought Mu'Rhakmet's followers in the streets of the city. Ultimately, Mu'Rhakmet's rebellion failed. The Oranbegan histories say that Mu'Rhakmet and his followers fled across the sea. The Oranbegans assumed that they had returned to the old lands of their goddess, and this assumption would lead them to disaster. For what they did not know was the Hequat had provided a new land for her people. An island risen from the sea, an island that she would call Mu. (1)


But another race, the Coralax, already lived on the island of Mu before it was raised from the sea, (2) There was then a great war between the ancient Mu civilization and the Coralax. In the war, The Leviathan was called forth by the Coralax High Priest, Calystix the Shaper. (3) The Leviathan threatened to devour all the Mu, and it was only through the intervention of the Mu goddess Hequat that saved the Mu. She turned it into coral and trapped The Leviathan beneath the Island, (2) underneath what is now known as Sharkhead Isle. (3)

Mu then flourished, instructed by Hequat to hate the Oranbegans and to fight against them for generations. (4) They believed that their chosen place upon this world was to serve as the righteous implement of her will, and in their deeds and customs did they enshrine this so that to do otherwise would be unthinkable. At her command they performed generations of what would now be called eugenic breeding in order to strengthen the magical power within their blood lines to unheard of levels. At her command they crushed all contrary thought, and made no art that did not praise her name. (4) At this point, in Mu, all men were sorcerers, as were all women and children. (11)


Eventually, and at their Goddess' command they attacked Oranbega on a spring day (4), thinking they would be an enemy too weak to fight back. (11) The initial stages of the war were a complete success for the Mu: the first few days of the conflict, Mu Skyships rained a magical fire down upon the outlying Oranbegan cities. (5) The surprised Oranbegans took drastic measures: they sank their city beneath the earth to shelter it from bombardment by Mu sky ships. (4 & 10) But Mu kept pressing, and then, the Oranbegans turned to other powers from darker worlds. A Prince of Demons came to them and offered his aid. The Circle of Thorns, the ruling council of Oranbega, debated greatly, but in the end they bargained with him. (4 & 10)

Things started to change then: the demons' first gift to the Oranbegans was the Thorn Blades, demon swords that turned men into blood-frenzied monsters. Armed with these they turned the tide, and the slaughter was indescribable. But Mu wouldn't surrender: The wizards of Mu found new tactics, however, and blunted the Oranbegans' attack. Again they struck bargains with the Prince of Demons, and they brought forth troops to fight on their behalf from the depths of Hell. With wraiths and spectres did the Oranbegans march upon the Mu. With Behemoths of the land and Leviathans of the sea did they fall upon their men, their city, their very land. The fiends had bargained for the slaughter of ever last man, child, and woman of Mu, and on that fine point the Oranbegans faltered. (4 & 10)

File:Lilitu 01.jpg

As the demons fell upon the last survivors of Mu, the demon-thralls of the Circle of Thorns were held back by the Circle's own, when the Oranbegans felt mercy. Then a demoness general called Lilitu rose from among the horde, and told the Circle mages to stand away. She said that the deal with the King of Demons was for the utter destruction of all the people of Mu. Still, the Circle mages protected the children and the elderly of the Mu who were their enemies. Their power alone hold back the horde until their great negotiator, the wizard Akarist, could arrive to bargain for the Mu's lives. And still Lilitu shrilled for the Mu's deaths, and warned of the dire fate that would befall all of Oranbega unless the contract would be upheald and the demons allowed to spill the last drop of the blood of Mu. (1) Akarist didn't arrive in time to the bargain,(1) but the Oranbegans let some Mu escape to far shores. When the fiends discovered this, they were both outraged and gleeful, for they had hoped for just such an outcome. (4 & 10) The Oranbegans would pay dearly for their mercy, and in the end, the war ended with no clear winner and both civilizations decimated. Still, Mu had survived.

There is no mention of what happened next to those survivors, but it seems clear they managed to prosper and multiply, though not as their own civilization any longer. The Island of Mu became a myth and hasn't found still today, leaving behind only minor evidences such as personal weapons, still charged with mystical energies despite the milennia passed, or the sand of Mu, described as "black volcanic sand that has an eerie dark glow around it when held in the light" found by Baron Zoria himself in 1921, (15) though there are evidencies that Mu was once the name of what we call today The Rogue Isles. (13)

As for the descendants of the people of Mu, nearly every magical hero, seer, mystic, wizard, witch, sorcerer, medium, and channel of today is one. (7) Numbered in the millions, some sources assure that they could be as many as one fifth of the worlds' population (more than a Billion people). (18) Many of them are unaware of their legacy, which puts them in a great danger:
Their ancient enemies, the Oranbegans, have survived to the present as well, as have the demons of those days milennia ago which took part in the war. Having lost their bodies as a side consequence of their failure to complete the bargain with the demons, the Oranbegans know that should they destroy all of the Mu, the bargain will be reversed, and they shall have their old forms returned. This knowledge has fanned a long-forgotten desperation among them, and now they draw plans against those descended from the Mu. (9)

They have powerful tools at their disposal to do this. The Codex of Bloodlines is a magical tome that can trace a person's ancestry back to the time of the powerful pre-historic magic users. Any name written in its owner's blood blossoms out a crimson family tree on the book's black pages, in the arcane language of the Circle of Thorns. (11); The Blood Tome is a strange book appears to be blank, but if a single drop of a person's blood is placed on a page, that drop will flow and shift, drawing itself out to form a complete family history from the present all the way back, as far as the ancient civilization of Mu. (8) Armed with such artifacts, adviced by demons (9) and tempting any power-hungry Mu descendant they find with the Spirit Thorns (12), the Oranbegans hunt down the Mu descendants trying to complete the bargain. There's another added benefit of the hunt: the bodies of the Mu descendants have strong magical potential, and the Oranbegans want the bloodlines. The more Mu blood, the more magical power. It suits perfectly their needs.


Still, not all the descendants of Mu are unaware of their powers and wait the sacrificial knife of the Circle quietly. Some are heros by their own right and can defend themselves perfectly. Others, instead, have a much more aggresive approach to this issue and aren't afraid to use their powers for personal gain. Arachnos somehow learned of the descendants of Mu and their potential, and formed a division of troops with them: The Mu Mystics, and has recently put them under the command of Scirocco. They are a relatively new division in Arachnos' web but early evidence indicates they may well be one of the most powerful. Their part in the Paragon City Power Crash raises their potential threat rating to the highest levels. (6)

Among the actual Mu descendants of today there are some notable ones. From among the ranks of the Mu Mystics of Arachnos, there is one called Mu' Drahkan who seems to be a prominent political leader of considerable magical power. The other, called Tarixus is a spirit living in Sharkhead Isle who may have been alive perhaps since the days of the war with Oranbega. It is unclear if he's serving Arachnos currently, but it is known that he has a long history of enemity with the Circle of Thorns.

Despite the harsh discipline in Arachnos' ranks, there is what it seems to be a fundamentalistic Mu faction among them (14) of mystics who long for the return of their goddess Hequat and, like their ancestors of old, serve her above any other thing, Arachnos, Scirocco or Lord Recluse included. (14) No one knows what would happen if the goddess would return to the modern world. However, it must be remembered that her hatred stemmed from the Oranbegans' refusal to bow down to the gods in all things, as she thought was proper for mortals. That aspect may bode ill for today's peoples and cultures. (17)

In-game, a player villain may gain some of the mystical powers of the Mu by choosing Scirocco as a patron, which will grant him access to the Mu Mastery patron power pool.


1 - Magus Mu'Drakhan: Defeat Infernal
2 - Diviner Maros: Force information on Calystix from the Legacy Chain
3 - Captain Mako: Interrogate Circle leaders
4 - Magus Mu'Drakhan: Defeat Aurora Borealis and take the books
5 - Cadao Kestrel: Look into Akarist's kidnapping
6 - CoV Official site: Scirocco
7 - Paragon Times: June 15 2005
8 - Magus Mu'Drakhan: Retrieve the book for Mu'Drakhan
9 - Magus Mu'Drakhan: Recover Ancient Mu Soul Crystal
10 - Cadao Kestrel: Steal the Envoy's gifts to the Circle of Thorns
11 - Allison King: Save the Wyatt mediums from the Circle of Thorns
12 - Peter Stemitz: Talk to Azuria
13 - Johnny Sonata: Interrogate a Circle sorcerer: The mission entrance text of this mission mentions the abundance of the Mu ruins in the Isles. In Nerva the ruins are evident, and if the Leviathan was entombed under Mu by Hequat and today is under Sharkhead, Sharkhead was to be once part of Mu...unless someone moved the Leviathan somehow. Besides, the supposed location of Mu given by Akarist (an island in the Atlantic") matches.
14 - Scirocco: Investigate Mu trap
15 - CoH mission: Investigate the lost city of Oranbega
16 - Salvage: Weapon of Mu
17 - Cadao Kestrel: Disrupt the ritual and look for signs that Hequat is returning
18 - Mage Killer Zuhkara: Stop the ceremony