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m Added mission (Stop the Malta Group from wiping out Melvin's office)
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I'm glad you were able to save Mr. Bartlett.  These people are ruthless, you have to understand that.  Jim Bartlett was a hero and a good person, and they were more than willing to kill him because they thought he might have known something.  Just the fact that he talked to Melvin Langley was enough to put his life in danger.
I'm glad you were able to save Mr. Bartlett.  These people are ruthless, you have to understand that.  Jim Bartlett was a hero and a good person, and they were more than willing to kill him because they thought he might have known something.  Just the fact that he talked to Melvin Langley was enough to put his life in danger.
=== {{UL|Stop the Malta Group from wiping out Melvin's office}} ===
Our 'Friends' are doing a little clean-up work at Melvin Langley's office, the kind of clean-up work that makes a lot of people very dead.  They're going to go into that office, steal anything Melvin worked on, assassinate anyone who worked with Melvin directly, and then set fire to the place.  Very thorough and very brutal.  I want you to stop them from wiping out Melvin's office.
You have two main objectives to accomplish: protect Melvin's co-workers and stop the bombings.
I'm a little surprised that our 'Friends' would be willing to do something this overt.  They would have to be pretty upset to do something like that, wouldn't they?
{{Mission Objective|Entrance=|Primary=Stop bombing, save office workers|Secondary=7 hostages to save, 6 bombs to disarm|Additional=|Completion=You saved the CIA office from an attack by agents of the mysterious Malta Group.}}
{{Mission Clue|Name=Might for Right act draft records|Text=These reams of paper contain hundreds of names of meta-humans drafted under the Might for Right act from 1956 to 1967.  Curiously, few of them are recorded as going into military service.  The order to draft nearly all of them traces back to one name: Roger Vrabel.}}
{{Mission Clue|Name=A word about Melvin Langley|Text=After being rescued from Malta agents, Melvin Langley's office-mate told you:
'I don't know why they were after Melvin.  He was a really nice guy.  Really efficient and a wizard at searching through old paperwork.  He'd started researching the old Might for Right act, I think as a favor for someone he knew, and he really started to get into it. He was pouring through old documents, talking to people, working late nights.  He was kind of obsessed.  He told me that he thought he'd found something big right before he disappeared.
I hope you're looking into what happened to him.  Melvin Langley was a really nice guy, and after running into those commando guys, I'm kind of worried about him.'}}
'''Notable NPCs'''
* Kitty Kat Bravo {{Named|Faction=Malta Operatives|Type=Gunslinger 2}}
{{Enemy Malta Operatives}}
Fast work.  That bombing would have cost the lives of a lot of innocents.  Unfortunately, we're not a lot closer to finding Melvin Langley.  We'd better stay on his trail.

=== {{UL|MissionName}} ===
=== {{UL|MissionName}} ===

Revision as of 22:32, 1 November 2006


Indigo is a hero contact in the Hutchinson Park neighborhood of Founders' Falls. Indigo is a Mutation origin contact. Her level range is 40-44.

Villains can fight her in the Unmask the deceiver mission from Arbiter Leery for levels 35-39.

Villain Information


Rumors abound throughout the villain underground about two incredibly dangerous government operatives, code-named Agent Crimson and Agent Indigo. Indigo is supposed to be the information and retrival specialist, a deadly opponent who can read thoughts and see into the future.

See Also

  • Indigo's Longbow profile for a list of her powers


Contact Introduced By

New Contact(s)


Stealth Operative

Indigo may look like an innocent young woman, but if you peer closely into her eyes, you'll see that she's no ingenue. A master of stealth and intrigue, Indigo made a name for herself in the intelligence community by bing the first to discover the villainous organization known as Arachnos. Currently she and her partner, Crimson, are assigned to look into the workings of the mysterious Malta Group. Indigo can't always play it straight with her hero contacts, but she tries to tell them anything that will give them an advantage in battle.

Initial Contact

I don't like being this exposed, but the time for confrontation with Malta is now, and my stealth abilities only go so far.


  • Inspirations

Story Arc

Rescue Indigo's anonymous contact


Crimson and I need your help with something important. Our 'Friends' have kidnapped someone, a contact of ours though he didn't know it. Our contact's abduction caught us by surprise, which is bad enough, but if our 'Friends' figure out that he's associated with us, well, it could get bad. We think our contact is still alive, but if Crimson or I were to make a move to save this someone, it could tip off our 'Friends' to how much he might actually know. In which case, he wouldn't be alive for much longer. Now, like a lot of these kinds of things, I can't tell you much about who this person is, why he was taken, or what he might know. It's safer that way. I can tell you that if you can't rescue this particular someone, he won't survive for very long in our 'Friends' care.

When events like this start, they usually carry through to a potentially nasty end. This could be the start of a chain of events with a very tragic ending unless you can save that man.

Thank you. The first thing to do is go and meet with Crimson in person. He's been following the situation closely, and has been working on cover fictions.

I know we ask for a lot of trust from you, and I'm very glad you've been willing to give us that trust. This is one of those situations where the less we tell you, the better for everyone. Of course, if you pay attention and learn to read between th lines a bit, you could learn a lot about what's going on here.

Maybe even a bit too much.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Meet with Crimson

Briefing Crimson

I'm glad you've agreed to help us on this one. I'm sure Indigo told you that we can't give you a lot of background on this operation, but I'll tell you what I can, outline the plan, and send you on the way.

First thing, the man you're looking to rescue is named Melvin Langley. Secondly, he's been grabbed by the Knives of Artemis. And finally, we think he's being held in a warehouse out in Kings Row.

I hope you understand that from the moment you start this you're going to be operating in dangerous territory. You're going up against some bad people with no compunctions about silencing anyone who crosses them. And I hope you can find Melvin. He doesn't deserve to have this happen to him.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Rescue Melvin Langley
    • Find Melvin Langley

Though you confronted his abductors and found some of his notes, you were unable to find Melvin Langley himself.

Melvin Langley's laptop
Though you didn't find Melvin Langley himself, you did find what appears to be his personal laptop. There are notes about what he was working on when he was abducted. It appears he was researching the Might for Right act of the 1950's and 60's.

'Might for Right Act - Passed 1956, declared unconstitutional 1967.

The act was written as a special case draft for meta-human American civilians. Intelligence community feared 'Meta-Gap' between Eastern/Western powers. Weird thing, though. Records show lot of people drafted, but I can't find many service records in the military. Intelligence community?

Records show lot of agents MIA or KIA years 1948-56. Right before Might for Right. Then, major intelligence turn-around. Might for Right at work?


  • Even though it isn't a stated mission objective, this mission cannot be completed until all enemies have been defeated.

Notable NPCs


Knives of Artemis
Malta Operatives


They moved Melvin before you even got there. There was nothing you could do, so you shouldn't blame yourself.

Melvin may still have a chance. It's likely that they don't really know what he knows, or how many people he's shared it with. They'll keep him alive while they try to 'clean up' the situation. That still gives us a chance to stop them before Melvin or other people get hurt. I'll try to find out who they're planning to target next.

And yes, by 'clean up,' I do mean they're going to kill a lot of people. That's why we have to stop them.

Save Jim Bartlett


I don't have any new leads on where Melvin Langley could be, but I did find out that he interviewed a man named Jim Bartlett right before he was abducted. As I understand it, Jim Bartlett used to be a hero back during the 1940's, code-named Thunderhead. Mr. Bartlett's granddaughter filed a police report that her grandfather has gone missing. I don't think this is a coincidence. Particularly since I know where Mr. Bartlett is being held at the moment. Remember how I mentioned that our 'Friends' might try to clean up any loose ends? Unless you can save Jim Bartlett, he may not have much longer to live in the hands of his captors.

Jim Bartlett's safety is your only objective. I'm sure you'll be able to save him.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Save Jim Bartlett

Your quick actions were able to save the life of Jim 'Thunderhead' Bartlett.

Bartlett's story
After you rescued him from Malta Group commandos, Jim 'Thunderhead' Bartlett told you:

'Those guys hit me with somethin' fierce. Even in my younger days, I probably couldn't have taken that. They kept askin' me about some kid from the CIA I talked to a bit back, name of Melvin Langley. Of course, I didn't tell them anything. I dealt with enough jack-booted thugs in my younger days.

I did talk to Melvin Langley. He seemed like a bright fellow. He asked me about the Might for Right act, from way back in '56. I remember it pretty well. It let the government draft any US citizen with meta-human powers or paranormal abilities. I argued against it every chance I got, but everyone was afraid of the reds back then, so a little trampling on civil rights was considered a fair trade, I guess.

Thing is, it was passed in '56, but the idea of a special meta-human draft had been floating around through the military for years before. Back in the war, and I mean World War II, I knew this OSS spook named Roger Vrabel. He was always going on about how the country needed to be able to 'mobilize every super-human asset' and stuff. After the war, most folks were worried about the Russians halving the bomb, he was worried about Russian supers. We'd kinda been friends, but when I left the army back in '48, he got real angry. Called me a traitor to my country, and worse if you can believe it. I figure he was under a lot of stress. Never did find out what happened to Vrabel. We didn't really keep in touch.'

Notable NPCs


Malta Operatives


I'm glad you were able to save Mr. Bartlett. These people are ruthless, you have to understand that. Jim Bartlett was a hero and a good person, and they were more than willing to kill him because they thought he might have known something. Just the fact that he talked to Melvin Langley was enough to put his life in danger.

Stop the Malta Group from wiping out Melvin's office


Our 'Friends' are doing a little clean-up work at Melvin Langley's office, the kind of clean-up work that makes a lot of people very dead. They're going to go into that office, steal anything Melvin worked on, assassinate anyone who worked with Melvin directly, and then set fire to the place. Very thorough and very brutal. I want you to stop them from wiping out Melvin's office.

You have two main objectives to accomplish: protect Melvin's co-workers and stop the bombings.

I'm a little surprised that our 'Friends' would be willing to do something this overt. They would have to be pretty upset to do something like that, wouldn't they?

Mission Objective(s)

  • Stop bombing, save office workers
    • 7 hostages to save, 6 bombs to disarm

You saved the CIA office from an attack by agents of the mysterious Malta Group.

Might for Right act draft records
These reams of paper contain hundreds of names of meta-humans drafted under the Might for Right act from 1956 to 1967. Curiously, few of them are recorded as going into military service. The order to draft nearly all of them traces back to one name: Roger Vrabel.
A word about Melvin Langley
After being rescued from Malta agents, Melvin Langley's office-mate told you:

'I don't know why they were after Melvin. He was a really nice guy. Really efficient and a wizard at searching through old paperwork. He'd started researching the old Might for Right act, I think as a favor for someone he knew, and he really started to get into it. He was pouring through old documents, talking to people, working late nights. He was kind of obsessed. He told me that he thought he'd found something big right before he disappeared.

I hope you're looking into what happened to him. Melvin Langley was a really nice guy, and after running into those commando guys, I'm kind of worried about him.'

Notable NPCs


Malta Operatives


Fast work. That bombing would have cost the lives of a lot of innocents. Unfortunately, we're not a lot closer to finding Melvin Langley. We'd better stay on his trail.



Mission Objective(s)


Notable NPCs




Let's get started


I've been watching you a lot. You don't know it, but I've already had you 'rescue' me twice, just to see if you were as capable as I've heard. I think you can help us. I'm Indigo. Not 'Miss Indigo' or 'Indigo Smith' or anything. Just Indigo. And I can help you to fight some very bad people. If we both want to stay safe, that's all you'll ever know about me. I'm not trying to be a 'woman of mystery' or anything; I'm just playing things safe. Now, like I said, I can help you fight some very bad people. However, I may ask you to do some things without knowing why. I'm sorry about that, but that's kinda for both of our safety. Now, I'll never ask you to do anything bad, or hurt anyone who doesn't deserve it, but I may not be able to tell you how or why I know what I know. If you can work with that, if you're willing to trust the person who vouched for me, and if you want to put a hurt on some really bad people, then let's get started. I have to warn you, this first mission could turn out bad. In fact, it could turn out a failure.

I'm glad you decided to help. We have a lot to do.

Now, I'm sure you know about Crey? Really bad people, right? Well, Crey's been in a lot of trouble, and that's what this is about. I'm going to give you the location of a place where a bunch of Crey people are talking to a bunch of other people. I can't tell you why they're talking or what they're planning, but I can assure you it isn't good. You need to take out those other people, and the negotiator who's talking to them, Dr. Voight. Oh, and there will also be evidence you may want to keep them from destroying. And by 'Want,' I mean need. I'm sure you'll be able to handle it.

Afterwards, you'll need to take anything you've found to a man called Crimson.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Defeat Dr. Voight & his visitors
    • 2 pieces of evidence to save

You found agents from the mysterious Malta Group meeting with Crey, and prevented them from destroying incriminating documents.

Incriminating documents
You rescued these documents just before the Malta Group could destroy them. A quick glance at the papers tells you they could be extremely damaging to Crey in the numerous court battles they're fighting.

Notable NPCs



Mission Objective(s)

  • Take Evidence to Crimson

Briefing Crimson

Hello. Call me Crimson. Not 'Agent Crimson,' or 'Mr. Crimson'; just 'Crimson' will be fine. Indigo told me to expect you. She thinks you'll be able to handle a lot of the things that are outside of our own ability. Me, I'm not so sure, but I'm willing to trust her. You'll be working with Indigo for now, maybe you'll be working with me later.

You know, there is something you can do for me right now. We have mutual 'Friends' who have just become much more aware of you. I need you to hold their attention for a little while, and I have just the job to do it. Our mutual friends are about to make a man disappear, permanently. I can't tell you why, but let's just say that he could have a very interesting story to tell Congress one day.

Oh, and thank you. I'll take that evidence. Don't you worry. It'll go where it needs to get to.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Stop the assassination
    • Stop the assassination!

You prevented the assassination Crimson warned you about.

Notable NPCs

  • Assassination victim (Hostage)


Malta Operatives


I think you had a pretty good day. Not so bad a way to get started working with mystery people, huh? You hurt Crey and saved a man's life, and that's just the start. If you want to keep working with me, I'm sure that there will be many, many more things to do.

Fight Malta agents in Peregrine Island


I need you to get and hold the attention of the Malta Group for a little while. Nothing to complicated, just fight their agents on the ground in Peregrine Island. They shouldn't be hard to find there, so this should be pretty easy. Aside from all the fighting and stuff.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Unknown, probably hunt Malta Operatives


Missing Debriefing

'Work to reduce the numbers of the Malta operatives deployed in Paragon City'


I have a message from Crimson asking that you quote: 'Work to reduce the numbers of the Malta Operatives deployed in Paragon City,' end quote. He didn't give me any more information, but then if he had I probably couldn't pass it on to you anyway. We have to keep our secrets in this kind of thing if we want to stay safe.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Unknown, probably hunt Malta Operatives


Missing Debriefing

External Links