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== Overview ==
== Overview ==

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|HoodYN=Y|Hood= |OriginYN=N|Origin= |LevelYN=Y|Level=1-10}}
|HoodYN=Y|Hood= |OriginYN=N|Origin= |LevelYN=Y|Level=1-10}} Cleopatra is the second contact in the [[Loyalist (Alignment)|Loyalist]] [[Responsibility Storyline]].
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=== Too Busy ===
=== Too Busy ===
{{Missing Too Busy}}
You got yourself a lotta things on your plate right now, hun. You get those taken care of and I'm sure I can fill it back up.

=== Too Low Level ===
=== Too Low Level ===
{{Missing Too Low}}

=== No More Missions ===
=== No More Missions ===
I ain't got nothing more for you right now, hun. We did some good though, that's for sure, I ain't gonna forget this.
'''If you chose to help the Resistance:'''
:I ain't got nothing more for you right now, hun. We did some good though, that's for sure, I ain't gonna forget this.
'''If you chose to help the Loyalists:'''
:{{darkorange|Cleopatra's phone has been turned off.}}
== Store ==
== Store ==
''I gotta say, I'm impressed, {{character}}. At first I didn't think you were cut out to do the work the PPD does everyday. Instead, you've shown that you're worth ten of them rolled into one!''
* [[Inspirations]]
* [[Inspirations]]

== Story Arc ==
== Story Arcs ==
=== Organized Crusaders ===
=== Organized Crusaders ===

==== Souvenir ====
==== Souvenir ====
'''Loyalist Health Insurance'''
{{Souvenir|Loyalist Health Insurance}}
{{Missions:Organized Crusaders - Part One: What Has This Place Become?}}
You received a card granting you the best health insurance that a citizen in [[Praetoria]] can have - not that you necessarily need it. Looking at the card reminds you of an adventure called...
{{Missions:Organized Crusaders - Part Two: You're the Monster}}
{{Missions:Organized Crusaders - Part Three: Five Minutes to Detonation}}
'''Organized Crusaders '''
It began when you met Cleopatra, [[Marauder|Praetor White]]'s girlfriend. She was trying to hunt down traitors hidden within the ranks of the [[Praetoria Police Department|PPD]]. She explained to you that there was an extremist group within [[the Resistance]] called 'Crusaders' and that they may have moles within the [[Loyalists (Praetoria)|Loyalists]] ranks. You went into a police precinct to plant bugs on three possible suspects.
There was very quick turnaround - you found out that Officer Pell was going to meet with the Resistance at a warehouse belonging to Troy Altman. The plan was to steal various explosives meant for construction. You were able to disrupt the meeting but the Resistance had already made off with the explosives. You also found out that the [[Syndicate]] were working with the Resistance, supplying the group with weaponry. Cleopatra helped you in finding where exactly the Resistance was stowing the weapons, but again, you arrived just in time to find out that the explosives were already planted throughout the city.
You rushed through the city, disarming various bombs that the Resistance had planted, only to find out that the main Resistance plot was to bomb the Cole Memorial Hospital!
Without any time to lose, you quickly made your way to the hospital, defeating all of the Resistance and Syndicate members in the hospital and disarming all of the bombs.
The day was saved, thanks to you and Cleopatra - though TPN reported that you were working together with [[Praetor Sinclair]] to disarm the bombs. Despite the inaccuracy of the news report having Sinclair steal your thunder, the workers at the hospital were grateful for your help, giving you a free pass to come and go in the hospital as you pleased.
==== {{UL|Part One: What Has This Place Become?}} ====
So suga', I know that you're all-knowin' about [[the Resistance]] and all that, but how much do you know?
Did you know them folks in the Resistance have their own little war going on? S'right, two little factions, Wardens and Crusaders. Now Wardens, they're the cats without claws, you don't gotta worry yourself one bit about them. Crusaders, though, they're dangerous. They'll do ''whatever'' it takes to take down [[Emperor Cole]] - even if it means killin' everyone around us. I don't know about you, suga', but I like bein' alive.
Problem we have right now is that I got word from on high some of these Crusaders might have gone and infiltrated the [[Praetorian Police Department|PPD]]. That's bad news all around, 'cause if they got themselves inside information, there's no tellin' how many people are gonna die.
So we got ourselves some traitors to weed out, suga'.
{{green|I'm all set. Do you have any posible leads?}}
You bet I do, or else I wouldn't be talkin' to you 'bout this.
I got my suspicions that someone within the PPD here in [[Nova Praetoria|Nova]] is our little turncoat.
Here, take these listening devices.I need you to be plantin' these devices on the computers of three suspected traitors in that PPD precinct. Now it ain't gonna be as easy as just walking up to their computers and plantin' it. We gotta make sure that our little traitor isn't in the know about our plan, you understand?
Here's some documents givin' some backgrond on each of our suspects. You can use the info here to lure 'em away from their computers. You've gotta make sure none of them traitors see you plantin' this bug on their computers. You might wanna snoop around the precinct for any additional information you can go and use to get 'em movin'.
''Cleopatra hands you the files on the officers suspected of treason.''
{{Mission Clue|Name=Officer Chance's Profile|Text=Cleopatra gave you this document on Officer Chance.
{{orange|Cleopatra added this note on a coversheet inside the report.}}
{{orange|'It seems Chance is a bit of a gambler and has been known to take some time off of work to go meet with those who owe him money.}}}}
{{Mission Clue|Name=Officer Shanning's Profile|Text=This is the document Cleopatra gave you regarding Officer Shanning.
{{orange|Cleopatra added this summary to the report.}}
{{orange|It's well known throughout the precint that Shanning is dying to do whatever it takes to get a promotion. This includes trying to get an audience with Emperor Cole in the hopes of showing off all he has done for the department.}}
{{Mission Clue|Name=Officer Pell's Profile|Text=Officer Pell's profile details the works he's done with Troy Altman, the CEO of a large construction corporation within Praetoria.
{{orange|Cleopatra wrote this nothe in the margin}}
{{orange|This is curious because Pellwas not invited to the ball that Altman is holding tonight, despite the support he has given to him.}}
'''Unsolicited Contact'''
Now come on suga', this ain't hard. Someone like yourself can do this easy, better than Michael could. He'd just walk in and kill everyone in there, if it meant findin' one traitor.
{{Mission Objective|Entrance=The PPD Precinct is bustling with activity. Normal citizens wouldn't be allowed to wander the area - good thing members of Powers Division get a free pass.|Primary=Plant bugs in the PPD Precinct|Secondary=Distract Officer Chance, Distract Officer Shanning, Distract Officer Pell|Additional=|Completion=You've planted the bugs. Now to get back to Cleopatra to see if she'll be able to find anything in the meantim}}
* Use the clues provided as appropriate to distract each officer.
* None
{{Enemy Praetorian Police Department}}
{{Enemy Praetorian Clockwork}}
'''Notable NPCs'''
* Officer  Chance {{Named|Faction=Praetorian Police Department|Type=Sergeant}}
* Officer  Shannings {{Named|Faction=Praetorian Police Department|Type=Justicar}}
* Officer  Pell {{Named|Faction=Praetorian Police Department|Type=Investigator}}
{{NPC Text|title=Clockwork Greeter Dialogue Dialogue|text=
'''At the precint entrance:'''
{{NPC Text|title=PPD Dialogue|text=
'''PPD 1:''' ''Hear about the ball that Troy Altman is holding?''<br>
'''PPD 2:''' ''Who hasn't? I heard some of the guys in the department were invited over.''
'''PPD 3:''' ''Hoping to get back home early today? ''<br>
'''PPD 4:''' ''Yeah, me and the wife are going to a ball that Altman is holding.''<br>
::''We helped out with some construction project he's doing in [[Imperial City|Imperial]]''
{{NPC Text|title=Praetorian Citizens' Dialogue|text=
'''Citizen:''' ''This is ridiculous! What is this state coming to if I have to worry about my CAR being blown up?''<br>
'''PPD:''' ''I understand your concern, but you need to calm down and tell me everything that happened.''<br>
'''Citizen 2:''' ''Getting a little thirsty... I think I'll have some [[Enriche]]...''
Good job on buggin' them desks, suga'. Now we just gotta play the old waitin' game to see which one of our boys is the real traitor...
You have a phone on you, tiger? Call me if you need to talk, 'k baby? Just don't let [[Marauder|Michael]] know you have my number, he gets jealous easily.
==== {{UL|Part Two: You're the Monster}} ====
===== {{UL|Stop the raid on Altman's warehouse}} =====
Hey suga', it looks like we got ourselves a catch from that bait we set out.
Looks like our boy is Officer Pell. He's been slippin' info to some guy named Grossman. Now I ain't heard of a Crusader named Grossman, so I think this is another one of [[the Resistance]]'s undercover agents. Accordin' to the computer, the little backstabber is organizin' a raid on a supply warehouse belongin' to Troy Altman. That's bad news for us, 'cause that warehouse contains explosives that Altman was plannin' on usin' to tear down some old buildings in [[Neutropolis]]!
{{green|I'll get over there before they can get away.}}
S'why I'm feelin' good about the two of us workin' together, suga', you got yourself drive to protect the people in this here city.
You get down there and stop them Resistance from scamperin' off with those bombs. I'll see if I can get some of my boys to bust into Altman's ball to arrest Pell for the little traitor that he is.
'''Unnecessary Solicitation'''
You don't need to worry about things on my end, suga', you just need to make sure you're able to take care of things with the Resistance in Altman's warehouse.
{{Mission Objective|Entrance=Something doesn't seem right. There's no sign of the usual brute force the Resistance uses to break into buildings. The break in seems much too... refined.|Primary=Stop the raid on Altman's warehouse|Secondary=Deal with Grossman
** Defeat Officer Pell
|Additional=|Completion=You broke up a Syndicate gathering. Return to Cleopatra.}}
{{Enemy Syndicate}}
{{Enemy Praetorian Police Department}}
'''Notable NPCs'''
* Grossman {{Named|Faction=Syndicate|Type=Suit}}
* Officer Pell {{Named|Faction=Praetorian Police Department|Type=Investigator}}
'''After defeating Grossman''' you will be ambushed by '''a squad''' of PPD including '''Officer Pell'''}}
{{hidden|Officer Pell Discussion|bg1=orange|[[File:Contact_Small_Officer_Pell.jpg|thumb|100px|right|{{center|Officer Pell}}]]
''Officer Pell coughs, trying to regain his composure. ''
H-hold on... just... hold on... ! I'll... tell you whatever you want to know...
{{green|What are you doing working for the Syndicate?}}
Hah... the Syndicate... Cole thought he could wipe crime away. But now, they're stronger than ever. Smarter... better... they're better than us!
They work in the shadows, but soon, soon they'll bring [[Emperor Cole|Cole]] down. They're everywhere, {{Character}}!
They're not taking over through sheer brute force, like the Resistance, they're taking over from the inside!
Can't you see? Soon they'll all be controlling Cole, he'll have no choice but to follow them!
{{green|Not if I have anything to say about it.}}
It's too late to stop them now, {{Character}}. They're working together with the Resistance... they're going to move forward with the biggest plot to date.
The explosives here... they're going to put on a big show in Nova. In  Cole Memorial Hospital. Ask yourself, {{Character}}... how will the people look at Cole... if they see their beloved hospital go up in flames?
He won't be their protector anymore, their savior... they'll see Cole for who he really is... that he's just a man! No matter how powerful he becomes, he is still just a man!
And all men, {{Character}}, must eventually be brought down.
{{green|Your out of your mind! Blowing up a hospital to prove a point?}}
Don't you try to say... that I'm some sort of psychopath, that I'm a monster!
Do you know how many people Cole has killed on a weekly basis, just to protect his utopia?! Lives of innocents will be lost, that much is true... but we will free the people of this city from the grip of Cole! We will give them what they long for - freedom!
If this were a true war, a war that was fought in the open, those people in the hospital would GLADLY give their lives to see our ideals come to life! But since we fight from the shadows, we must make that choice for them.
It's not too late for you though, {{Character}}. You can still help us, you can still join us!
{{green|I'm here to protect the people of Praetoria, Pell. Unlike you.}}
The people?! Bah!
The people have become mindless sheep to a super-powered shepherd! The people you're looking to protect are nothing but toys that Cole uses for his own amusement!
You think I'm a monster, but you, you {{Character}}, you're the real monster for siding with Cole!
So just go ahead, finish me off. I know how the system works.
I won't be left alive for treason against the state, so just finish me off here and now.
* {{green|It's not my place to sentence you. Your fellow officers will be here to do that.}}
:You're just delaying my fate, {{Character}}! You had better pray that I don't escape... if I do... I'll find you. I swear I'll find you and stop at least one more of Cole's dogs!
:{{green|I'll be waiting, Pell.}}
* {{green|You made the decision to do this, Pell. You leave me no choice! (Kill Pell)}}}}
{{NPC Text|type=villain|title=Syndicate Thugs Dialogue|text=
'''Before combat:'''
:'''Initiate 1:''' ''The goods are in the proper hands? ''<br>
:'''Initiate 2:''' ''Yes, we were able to ship them off without a problem. Pell did his job. ''<br>
'''Combat start:'''
:'''Initiate 1:''' ''We've got some interference from the [[Powers Division]]!''<br>
:'''Initiate 2:''' ''Go home, boy. The adults are at work here. ''<br>
'''Before combat:'''
:'''Initiate 1:''' ''We've got rumors that Cleopatra is starting to snoop into our business.''<br>
:'''Initiate 2:''' ''Good thing that Pell is coming here instead, we were able to warn him ahead of time.''<br>
'''Combat start:'''
:'''Initiate 2:''' ''Cleopatra's partner, right? We'll kill you, then deal with [[Praetor White]]'s little honey. ''<br>
'''Before combat:'''
:'''Initiate 1:''' ''Are the other operatives set to move? ''<br>
:'''Initiate 2:''' ''As soon as Double Barrel gives the signal, we can move out.''<br>
'''Combat start:'''
:'''Initiate 2:''' ''A member of the Powers Division. Do you think you can stand against the Syndicate?''<br>
{{NPC Text|type=villain|title=Grossman Dialogue|text=
'''Before combat:''' ''We're at the location, Pell. Make your way over here. ''<br>
'''Combat start:''' ''{{Character}}, do you comprehend just who exactly you're dealing with? I don't believe you do.''<br>
{{NPC Text|type=villain|title=Officer Pell Dialogue|text=
'''Before combat:''' ''What's going on?! No one was supossed to know about this! ''<br>
'''Combat start:''' ''{{Character}}! I should've known... one of [[Tyrant|Cole]]'s dogs! ''<br>
'''At 50% Life:''' ''U-ugh... hold on... hold on...!''
===== {{UL|Tell Cleopatra about the bomb plot}} =====
{{Mission Objective|Entrance=|Primary=Tell Cleopatra about the bomb plot|Secondary=|Additional=|Completion=}}
{{Mission Briefing|Contact=Cleopatra|Text=Hey there suga', what happened? I sent some boys of mine to the ball, but they said Pell wasn't there.
{{green|Pell's with the PPD now. He was working for the Syndicaye, not Resistance.}}
''You explain to Cleopatra the events that happened within the warehouse. ''
You're a better person than me, suga', I woulda ripped Pell's head off then and there. But I guess that's what makes us different. Regardless, we got ourselves a little job to do - savin' that hospital.
{{green|Let's get to work.}}}}
We got ourselves tons of trouble, suga', and it ain't gonna get any better.
You sit yourself tight right there, I'm gonna see if I can't find out where exactly those members of the Resistance took our little bombs.
==== {{UL|Part Three: Five Minutes to Detonation}} ====
===== {{UL|Stop the Resistance Bombing Plot}} =====
Suga', things are goin' from bad to worse. We got word that the [[Syndicate]] already delivered all them bombs to those Crusader boys in [[the Resistance]].
Now, I got myself a little idea of where they could be in the tunnels, but I ain't givin' you a guarantee that you'll find somethin' down there, suga'. You're gonna have to go down there and destroy any sorta thing that looks like they might be usin' for bombs.
Also I got word that the gal leadin' the charge goes by the name of Poster Gal. We catch her, we can put a stop to this bombin' plot before it gets started.
{{green|Thanks for the information. I'll make sure to stop this here and now.}}
I know you will, suga'. We're gonna make sure that [[Tyrant|Cole]]'s little hospital won't be getting blown up by those lunatics. I'm one for free speech and all, but blowin' up a hospital just to prove a point? I don't wanna live in a world where those kinds of people are considered the 'good guys'.
'''Unnecessary Solicitation'''
You take care of things on your end, suga', and I'll handle anything that comes up here.
{{Mission Objective|Entrance=The Resistance have their main supplies somewhere in these tunnels - it's up to you to make sure they don't get to use them.|Primary=Stop the Resistance Bombing Plot|Secondary=3 Supplies to destroy
** Defeat Poster Gal
|Additional=|Completion=You stopped this group of Resistance, only to discover that another group have already planted bombs throughout Nova! You need to stop them!}}
{{Enemy Resistance}}
'''Notable NPCs'''
* Resistance Supplies x3 (Object)
* Poster Girl {{Named|Faction=The Resistance|Type=Officer}}
{{Mission Clue|Name=The real brains|Text=You defeated Poster Gal, but discovered that she isn't the brains behind the bombing operation! As she collapsed, she laughed that you were too late- a group of Resistance led by a man named Double Barrel has already planted bombs all around [[Nova Praetoria|Nova]] and are plannin to blow them up!}}
===== {{UL|Disarm the Resistance bombs in Nova!}} =====
{{Mission Objective|Entrance=|Primary=Disarm the Resistance bombs in Nova!|Secondary=Disarm 4 bombs|Additional=|Completion=You've disarmed all the bombs, but there are still more left in the Memorial Hospital!}}
{{EdNote|note=This takes place outside in Nova Praetoria. The bomb locations are shown on your map if the "Mission Objective" option of the map is selected}}
===== {{UL|Find an alternate way into Cole Memorial Hospital}} =====
{{Mission Briefing|Contact=Cleopatra|Text=What's that?
Bombs in the hospital?! What do they think they're doing? Suga', you gotta be the one to get in there and take care of this! I'll make sure the situation doesn't get outta hand out here.
{{blue|Members of the Resistance working undercover for [[Calvin Scott (Praetorian)|Calvin Scott]] should inform him of what is happening - before going inside the hospital.}}
{{green|I'm on it. (Start Mission)}}}}
{{Mission Objective|Entrance=You walked by several hallways, filled with patients. You had to act as if nothing at all was wrong. If the Resistance knew you were here too soon, it would cost everyone in this place their lives. Time to ensure that the good people of Praetoria remain safe and sound.|Primary=Find an alternate way into Cole Memorial Hospital|Secondary= 3 bombs to disarm
** Clear out the Resistance and Syndicate
|Additional=|Completion=The bomb plot has been stopped, the people of the hospital saved - for now.}}
{{Enemy Syndicate}}
{{Enemy Resistance}}
You did good today, {{Character}}. You went and saved all those people in the hospital from certain death. Those Crusader types, they're totally out of their minds.
You mentioned that a CEO was there, right? I'm gonna be makin' sure that is taken care of. I think we all are underestimatin' the power of the Syndicate, especially if they supposedly have members in high places like this.
Your work isn't over though, {{Character}}. [[Chief Interrogator Washington]] contacted me while you were in the hospital. Looks like he's got himself a lead on where the Resistance is storin' all this information of theirs. You up for one last hurrah?
I gotta say, I'm impressed, {{Character}}. At first I didn't think you were cut out to do the work the [[Praetorian Police Department|PPD]] does everyday. Instead, you've shown that you're worth ten of them rolled into one!

=== No Man's Lady ===
=== No Man's Lady ===

==== Souvenir ====
==== Souvenir ====
{{Souvenir|Cleopatra's Plea}}
{{Missions:No Man's Lady - Finale: You Know Me}}

'''Cleopatra's Plea'''
[[Category:Special Boss]]
During some downtime, you remember Cleopatra's plea to you, 'You know me! I helped you save the hospital!', when you and [[Chief Interrogator Washington|Washington]] confronted Cleopatra about her treason. It reminds you of an experience you call...
'''No Man's Lady'''
Cleopatra asked you to investigate a [[The Resistance|Resistance]] weapons cache after you and her saved Cole Memorial Hospital. You were expecting a fight, of course, but learned that this was all a trap set up by Cleopatra herself! Interrogator Washington sent in Sergeant Faulks in an attempt to ensure you were not overwhelmed by the Resistance.
Afterwards you spoke with Washington, who informed you about Cleopatra's treason and that she was a member of the Resistance. She was out to kill you because you were the one piece of ''physical'' evidence that proved her guilt.
You and Washington confronted Cleopatra in her office, and it was there that you had to make a decision. Did you save Cleopatra's life at the expense of Washington's, or did you help Washington carry out his execution of Cleopatra?
==== {{UL|Finale: You Know Me}} ====
===== {{UL|Raid the Resistance Base}} =====
Here's the deal, suga'. I just finished talkin' with [[Chief Interrogator Washington]], and he told me that he and his boys found out where [[the Resistance]] are keepin' one of their main supplies in the tunnels.
He asked for me to see if you could go in there and retrieve it. He said he'd do it himself, but he and his boys are tryin' to locate a woman named [[Ricochet]] for somethin' she went and did.
Shouldn't be too difficult for someone like you, right? He said the place has been abandoned, so it should just be a simple deal of takin' their supplies.
{{color|darkorange|This arc is a SINGLE PLAYER MORAL CHOICE story arc. You will not be able to have other people on your team assist you with this story arc. }}
{{green|You'd be surprised how quickly 'simple' turns to 'complicated'}}
Hah! I'm sure I would, suga'. I wouldn't worry too much about it, Washington is a good hound. He knows trouble when he sees it - believe me.
Here's the location of where this little box should be, just make sure to watch your back.
'''Unnecessary Solicitation'''
What's wrong, {{Character}}? Need that location again?
{{Mission Objective|Entrance=The halls seem to be silent, but you're prepared for the worst.|Primary=Raid the Resistance Base (Single Player)|Secondary=Find Resistance weapons cache
** Fend off incoming Resistance!
|Additional=|Completion=You survived the Resistance trap - did Cleopatra really set you up?}}
{{Enemy Resistance}}
{{Ambush|After checking the weapons cache, you will be ambushed by five waves of Resistance.}}
Hello?! Hello! {{Character}}! This is Chief Interrogator Washington!
Cleopatra set you up - I'm fighting off some of the Resistance going after you, but I couldn't get them all!
I'm doing everything I can here to help, you need to take down the Resistance, then meet me up in Nova!}}
===== {{UL|Meet with Chief Interrogator Washington}} =====
{{Mission Objective|Entrance=|Primary=Meet with Chief Interrogator Washington (Single Player)|Secondary=|Additional=|Completion=}}
{{Mission Briefing|Contact=Chief Interrogator Washington|Text={{Character}}, good to see you made it out of that fire fight alive. I was hoping Faulks would get there in time.
{{green|What's going on Washington? What do you know?}}
I'll tell you in one moment, {{Character}}. I just need to know one thing.
Were you the one who set those bugs up in the PPD Precinct?
{{green|I was, now answer my question.}}
''Washington smiles, letting out a relieved sigh. ''
I knew it. This was the final piece of the puzzle, {{Character}}. You were set up by Cleopatra.
Cleopatra is a Resistance spy, a member of the Wardens.
She wanted you dead because you knew the answer to the question I just asked you.
{{green|How do the bugs prove that she's a spy?}}
Sergeant Chance, one of the men you bugged, was killed earlier. He was sent to investigate a Resistance weapons cache and was killed. The same cache you were sent to investigate.
There was no way for them to know about it...until we discovered a bug in his desk. I asked Cleopatra about the bug - she claimed to not know about it, but I knew, I knew she was investigating something previously in that precinct. When I asked her where you went, she said to attack a warehouse the Resistance was holed up in.
My men reported back that it was empty - that was when I knew that Cleopatra was trying to kill you off, just like Chance.
You're the one person that can prove Cleopatra's guilt, {{Character}}! No one but you has the proof that she was the one who set up the bugs, which places her directly to blame for how the Resistance picked up the information on those bugs.
{{green|And now what, Washington?}}
Now, we prepare ourselves. Talk to me when you're ready, {{Character}}.
We're going to put an end to Cleopatra's treason.
{{green|Got it.}}}}
===== {{UL|Accompany Washington to Cleopatra's office}} =====
{{Mission Objective|Entrance=You can hear Cleopatra yelling at Washington. It seems things have already begun.|Primary=Accompany Washington to Cleopatra's office (Single Player)|Secondary=|Additional=|Completion=You've handled the situation - now to speak with Praetor White.}}
{{Mission Briefing|Contact=Chief Interrogator Washington|Text=So then, are you ready to confront the woman who tried to orchestrate your death, {{Character}}?
{{blue|Those members of the Resistance working undercover for [[Calvin Scott]] should inform him of what is happening - before going to confront Cleopatra.}}
{{green|I'm ready, let's go.}}}}
[[File:CleopatraWashington.jpg|thumb|250px|right|{{center|Your choice: Kill Cleopatra or save her.}}]]
'''Chief Interrogator Washington:''' 
:''...and now it ends, Cleopatra. I knew you would slip sooner or later.''
: ''You better get that finger outta my face before I break it in half!''<br>
:''...? {{Character}}?''
'''Chief Interrogator Washington:'''<br> 
:''{{Character}}, good to see you made it.''<br>
:''Shocked to see {{Character}}, Cleopatra? Since you tried to send him to his death?''
:''I did nothing of the sort!''<br>
:''{{Character}} was cleaning out a Resistance base for me, weren't you, suga'?''
'''Chief Interrogator Washington:'''<br> 
:''That base has been abandoned for weeks. It was abandoned before the first PPD clean up team was sent there.''
:''Under your orders, might I add. Make it easy on yourself and admit you're a resistance spy!''
:''Michael is gonna tear your head off and put it on a spike, Washington!''
'''Chief Interrogator Washington:'''<br>
:''Praetor White won't help you now. Nobody but {{Character}} knows about this investigation.''
:''And something tells me {{Character}} isn't in the mood to let you get away with this.''
'''Cleopatra:'''  <br> 
:''{{Character}}, stop Washington!''
:''You KNOW me, I helped you save the hospital!''
'''Chief Interrogator Washington:'''<br> 
:''I know Praetor White will only release you if you're arrested.''
:''Which is why we're carrying out your sentence here and now. {{Character}} and I are going to end this treason!''
:''{{Character}} don't you dare do this!}}''
'''Moral Choice'''
''Players are presented with a moral choice: to aid the Resistance or aid the Loyalists.''
* '''{{blue|Save Cleopatra.}}''' Kill Washington to save Cleopatra. '''Aid the Resistance.''' Interrogator Washington won't stop until Cleopatra is dead. But is Cleopatra truly in the wrong? She is part of the Wardens, the group who is trying to remove [[Emperor Cole|Cole]] from power without harming any innocents. Helping Cleopatra will help show the Resistance that not all [[Loyalists (Praetoria)|Loyalists]] are evil. But saving her life means Washington cannot be left alive! (As the story of [[Praetoria]] unfolds your character will have opportunities to change their mind and switch sides.)
*  '''{{orange|Kill Cleopatra.}}''' Help Washington carry out his sentence. '''Aid the Loyalists.''' Cleopatra has infiltrated the heart of the Loyalist and tried to kill you for having the key to her secret. She knows too much about the inner workings of Praetoria to be left alive. She may be trying to help the city, but she backstabbed you and sent you to your death. Cleopatra just goes to show that you can't trust any members of the Resistance - Warden or Crusader! (As the story of Praetoria unfolds your character will have opportunities to change their mind and switch sides.)
====== Aid the Resistance ======
====== Aid the Loyalists ======
{{Mission Objective|Entrance=|Primary=Kill Cleopatra|Secondary=Talk to Chief Interrogator Washington|Additional=|Completion=}}
{{Mission Briefing|Contact=Chief Interrogator Washington|Text=It isn't easy serving Praetoria, {{Character}}.
We all thought Cleopatra was one of us. I didn't want to believe it when my evidence began to point towards her.
We did the right thing. If we arrested her, we would have to deal with Praetor White. He would have shattered the peace that we're trying to hard to keep in Nova just to prove her 'innocence'.
Her death was the only way to keep the people of Praetoria safe. You understand, I'm sure.
All that is left is cleaning up some loose ends.
{{green|What else is hanging?}}
Dealing with Praetor White.
Someone is going to have to speak with him regarding what happened today.
I believe that someone should be you, {{Character}}.
Tell him what happened here - but tell him that I killed Cleopatra. If you tell him you had any role in harming her, he will strike you down where you stand. I don't want to see that happen, not to you.
He will be angry, but you must remind him that he serves Praetoria now, not his own selfish ambitions.
Do we have an agreement on this?
{{green|I'll speak with Praetor White.}}
Excellent. Good luck speaking with him, {{Character}}.
{{green|Thanks, Washington.}}}}
{{Mission Objective|Entrance=|Primary=Speak with Praetor White (Single Player)|Secondary=|Additional=|Completion=}}
{{Mission Briefing|Contact=Praetor White|Text=Eh? What do you want, {{Character}}?
{{green|Your girlfriend, Cleopatra. She was a member of the Resistance.}}
What?! This ain't funny, {{Character}}, you got two seconds to explain yourself! What's going on here?!
{{green|(Explain Washington's investigation and execution)}}
''Praetor White looks down, clenching his fists''
So...Washington went and offed her, huh...guess he had a point. I woulda gotten Cleo outta anything. Had to do what he had to do.
All for Cole's empire and safety, yeah?
''Praetor White stomps his foot hard on the ground, letting out a grunt.''
That's how it's gotta be, {{Character}}. You take a lesson from all this. Me? I was blinded by that woman. Who knows how long she was in the Resistance for? How long she was usin' me? I ain't gonna let it happen again though.
I don't care that she 'betrayed' Marcus' whole damn regime, I just care that she went and played me like that. Just...stay outta my way for now, {{Character}}. You see me walkin' into the tunnels, you better believe that I'm gonna kill any of those pieces of filth I come across.
{{green|That's it? Your girlfriend dies and that's all you have to say?}}
You got a better idea, {{Character}}?!
You don't wanna start this conversation, {{Character}}, I'm warnin' you, 'cause it ain't gonna end well for you!
{{green|I'm starting it, White. Did you even -care- about her?)}}
''Praetor White lets out a deep growl, hovering over you.''
You think I'm heartless, {{Character}}?! You ain't just gonna be with someone for all that time and not care!
But she betrayed me, betrayed what we had, made me look like a fool! You think I'm gonna be fine with that?!
I ain't! And it's all 'cause of them pieces of filth in the Resistance and old MArcus over there! If neither of 'em were part of this damn equation, this wouldn't be a problem, and she never woulda had to gone and do all that. And you know what? It's just how it is, 'til one of those two are taken care of.
{{green|The Resistance? Or Cole?}}
''Praetor White remains silent for a moment.''
Guess we'll see what happens. Now get outta here, I'm done talkin' with you.
{{green|Nice chat, Praetor White.}}

Latest revision as of 18:31, 25 June 2021



PPD Liaison to the Magisterium
Zone Nova Praetoria
Coordinates (-5184, 41, -728)
Level Range 1-10
Introduced By == Level 4 ==
Chief Interrogator Washington
Introduces None
Enemy Groups Resistance
v  d  e

Cleopatra is a Praetorian contact in Nova Praetoria at coordinates (-5184, 41, -728).  Her level range is 1-10. Cleopatra is the second contact in the Loyalist Responsibility Storyline.


Contact Introduced By

Contact Introduces


PPD Liaison to the Magisterium

Sassy and in a perpetual good mood, Cleopatra is more than just Praetor White's girlfriend, she's a high ranking official in Praetoria City's Magisterium.

Since she was a little girl, Cleopatra strove to be as strong a hero as her personal heroes; Praetor Tilman and Emperor Cole. She grew up in a privileged family and had want for nothing, but her drive to become a hero was always at the forefront of her actions. She trained hard and showed great determination. When she was a young woman she registered with the Powers Division, despite lacking any real superhuman talents.

It didn't take long for the rest of her peers to figure out that she didn't need super powers to win a fight against them, just skill and a will to win no matter what. Praetor White recognized a kindred spirit and immediately brought her into his Top Dogs. Though not the strongest, Cleopatra could definitely hold her own. She had to, for to show any weakness would invite the others to tear her down.

Years have passed and Cleopatra is retired from field work. She's taken up an official position working for the Magisterium, and has found love in the most unlikely of places: the heart of a Marauder.

Prior to Introduction

I don't know who you are, suga'. And right now ain't the best time to start gettin' to know strangers, if you catch my drift. If you're on the straight and narrow, then you'll get assigned to work with me.

Initial Contact

So you're Character huh? I hear you're workin' your way up this little ladder in Praetoria. Michael told me a bit about you, that you're part of his little group of pups.

Now suga', don't worry, I ain't meaning that in any sorta bad way.

My name's Cleopatra, and I ain't here to make you jump through hoops for my amusement, like Michael does. I'm here to work together with you to stop whatever is causin' this city to rot. I ain't gonna ask you to do any menial tasks, 'cause that ain't what you got yourself into Powers Division for, is it?

Me and you, suga', we're gonna make a name for ourselves. You ready?


Hey there, baby. You lost?

Too Busy

You got yourself a lotta things on your plate right now, hun. You get those taken care of and I'm sure I can fill it back up.

Too Low Level


No More Missions

If you chose to help the Resistance:

I ain't got nothing more for you right now, hun. We did some good though, that's for sure, I ain't gonna forget this.

If you chose to help the Loyalists:

Cleopatra's phone has been turned off.


I gotta say, I'm impressed, Character. At first I didn't think you were cut out to do the work the PPD does everyday. Instead, you've shown that you're worth ten of them rolled into one!

Story Arcs

Organized Crusaders

Merit Rewards: This activity awards 2 Reward Merits.


Loyalist Health Insurance

You received a card granting you the best health insurance that a citizen in Praetoria can have - not that you necessarily need it. Looking at the card reminds you of an adventure called...

Organized Crusaders

It began when you met Cleopatra, Praetor White's girlfriend. She was trying to hunt down traitors hidden within the ranks of the PPD. She explained to you that there was an extremist group within the Resistance called 'Crusaders' and that they may have moles within the Loyalists ranks. You went into a police precinct to plant bugs on three possible suspects.

There was very quick turnaround - you found out that Officer Pell was going to meet with the Resistance at a warehouse belonging to Troy Altman. The plan was to steal various explosives meant for construction. You were able to disrupt the meeting but the Resistance had already made off with the explosives. You also found out that the Syndicate were working with the Resistance, supplying the group with weaponry. Cleopatra helped you in finding where exactly the Resistance was stowing the weapons, but again, you arrived just in time to find out that the explosives were already planted throughout the city.

You rushed through the city, disarming various bombs that the Resistance had planted, only to find out that the main Resistance plot was to bomb the Cole Memorial Hospital!

Without any time to lose, you quickly made your way to the hospital, defeating all of the Resistance and Syndicate members in the hospital and disarming all of the bombs.

The day was saved, thanks to you and Cleopatra - though TPN reported that you were working together with Praetor Sinclair to disarm the bombs. Despite the inaccuracy of the news report having Sinclair steal your thunder, the workers at the hospital were grateful for your help, giving you a free pass to come and go in the hospital as you pleased.

Part One: What Has This Place Become?


So suga', I know that you're all-knowin' about the Resistance and all that, but how much do you know?

Did you know them folks in the Resistance have their own little war going on? S'right, two little factions, Wardens and Crusaders. Now Wardens, they're the cats without claws, you don't gotta worry yourself one bit about them. Crusaders, though, they're dangerous. They'll do whatever it takes to take down Emperor Cole - even if it means killin' everyone around us. I don't know about you, suga', but I like bein' alive.

Problem we have right now is that I got word from on high some of these Crusaders might have gone and infiltrated the PPD. That's bad news all around, 'cause if they got themselves inside information, there's no tellin' how many people are gonna die.

So we got ourselves some traitors to weed out, suga'.

  • I'm all set. Do you have any possible leads?

You bet I do, or else I wouldn't be talkin' to you 'bout this.

I got my suspicions that someone within the PPD here in Nova is our little turncoat.

Here, take these listening devices. I need you to be plantin' these devices on the computers of three suspected traitors in that PPD precinct. Now it ain't gonna be as easy as just walking up to their computers and plantin' it. We gotta make sure that our little traitor isn't in the know about our plan, you understand?

Here's some documents givin' some backgrond on each of our suspects. You can use the info here to lure 'em away from their computers. You've gotta make sure none of them traitors see you plantin' this bug on their computers. You might wanna snoop around the precinct for any additional information you can go and use to get 'em movin'.

I'll be listenin' in on my end to see if anything juicy comes up.

Cleopatra hands you the files on the officers suspected of treason.

Officer Chance's Profile
Cleopatra gave you this document on Officer Chance.

Cleopatra added this note on a coversheet inside the report.

'It seems Chance is a bit of a gambler and has been known to take some time off of work to go meet with those who owe him money.'

Officer Shanning's Profile
This is the document Cleopatra gave you regarding Officer Shanning.

Cleopatra added this summary to the report.

'It's well known throughout the precinct that Shanning is dying to do whatever it takes to get a promotion. This includes trying to get an audience with Emperor Cole in the hopes of showing off all he has done for the department.'

Officer Pell's Profile
Officer Pell's profile details the works he's done with Troy Altman, the CEO of a large construction corporation within Praetoria.

Cleopatra wrote this note in the margin.

'-This is curious because Pell was not invited to the ball that Altman is holding tonight, despite the support he has given to him.'

Unnecessary Solicitation

Now come on suga', this ain't hard. Someone like yourself can do this easy, better than Michael could. He'd just walk in and kill everyone in there, if it meant findin' one traitor.

Mission Objective(s)


The PPD Precinct is bustling with activity. Normal citizens wouldn't be allowed to wander the area - good thing members of Powers Division get a free pass.

  • Plant bugs in the PPD Precinct
    • Distract Officer Chance
      • Plant a bug on Chance's computer
    • Distract Officer Shanning
      • Plant a bug on Shanning's computer
    • Distract Officer Pell
      • Plant a bug on Pell's computer

You've planted the bugs. Now to get back to Cleopatra to see if she'll be able to find anything in the meantime.


  • None


Praetorian Police Department
Praetorian Clockwork

Notable NPCs

PPD Station Dialogue 

At Entrance:

Clockwork Greeter: HELLO, LOYAL CITIZEN.

PPD Trooper: Hoping to get back home early today?
PPD Trooper: Yeah, me and the wife are going to a ball that Altman is holding.
PPD Trooper: We helped out with some construction project he's doing in Imperial.

PPD Trooper: Hear about the ball that Troy Altman is holding?
PPD Trooper: Who hasn't? I heard some of the guys in the department were invited over.

Praetorian Citizen: Getting a little thirsty... think I'll have some Enriche...

Praetorian Citizen: This is ridiculous! What is this state coming to if I have to worry about my CAR being blown up?
PPD Trooper: I understand your concern, but you need to calm down and tell me everything that happened.

Officer Shanning


Member of the Powers Division, huh? What do you need?

  • There's someone outside, saying something about owing you some money?
Eh? No one owes me any money. Trust me, I'm pretty strict about this sort of thing.
  • Well, that's a good quality to have, I guess.
  • There's a rep for Troy Altman outside, he's looking to get rid of tickets for the ball tonight.
The ball? I'd love to go, but I'm sitting in tonight to watch the new episode of Elf Cop.
  • ...alright then.
  • Emperor Cole wants to see you for a private audience regarding a promotion.
Really?! I knew it! I'm finally going to get recognized and get promoted into Cole's private division!
  • Good luck with the meeting.

Officer Chance


Yes? What can I do for a member of the Powers Division?

  • Emperor Cole wants to see you for a private audience regarding a promotion.
Hah, yeah right, real funny. I'm not desperate enough for a promotion to believe something like that.
  • Your loss then.
  • There's someone outside, saying something about owing you some money?
Finally! listen, let's keep this between us, alright?
  • You've got it.
  • There's a rep for Troy Altman outside, he's looking to get rid of tickets for the ball tonight.
I'm not too interested in the ball, I've got more important things to do tonight.
  • Suit yourself.

Officer Pell


You're part of the Powers Division, right? What do you need from us here?

  • There's a rep for Troy Altman outside, he's looking to get rid of tickets for the ball tonight.
Oh, I already got my tickets for that ball. Troy stopped by himself to give them to me, even apologized for the mix up. Turns out some other person received my tickets for tonight's ball.
  • Ah... but don't you need to prepare for it? know what, that's a very good point. I'll call it an early day to get ready, I wouldn't want to look bad in front of Troy.
  • Good to know.
  • Emperor Cole wants to see you for a private audience regarding a promotion.
Right, and I bet Praetor White is going to give me a bunch of flowers for doing a good job, right?
  • ...maybe?
  • There's someone outside, saying something about owing you some money?
Trust me, no one owes me money.
  • ...right.


Good job on buggin' them desks, suga'. Now we just gotta play the old waitin' game to see which one of our boys is the real traitor...

You have a phone on you, tiger? Call me if you need to talk, 'k baby? Just don't let Michael know you have my number, he gets jealous easily. / Call me whenever you fancy, girlfriend, we'll catch up for a bit and then get down to business.

Part Two: You're the Monster


Hey suga', it looks like we got ourselves a catch from that bait we set out.

Looks like our boy is Officer Pell. He's been slippin' info to some guy named Grossman. Now I ain't heard of a Crusader named Grossman, so I think this is another one of the Resistance's undercover agents. Accordin' to the computer, the little backstabber is organizin' a raid on a supply warehouse belongin' to Troy Altman. That's bad news for us, 'cause that warehouse contains explosives that Altman was plannin' on usin' to tear down some old buildings in Neutropolis!

  • I'll get there before they can get away.

S'why I'm feelin' good about the two of us workin' together, suga', you got yourself drive to protect the people in this here city.

You get down there and stop them Resistance from scamperin' off with those bombs. I'll see if I can get some of my boys to bust into Altman's ball to arrest Pell for the little traitor that he is.

Stop the raid on Altman's warehouse

Unnecessary Solicitation

You don't need to worry about things on my end, suga', you just need to make sure you're able to take care of things with the Resistance in Altman's warehouse.

Mission Objective(s)

Map: N_Warehouse_30_Layout_09_01

Something doesn't seem right. There's no sign of the usual brute force the Resistance uses to break into buildings. The break in seems much too... refined.

  • Stop the raid on Altman's warehouse
    • Deal with Grossman
    • Defeat Officer Pell

You broke up a Syndicate gathering. Return to Cleopatra.


Praetorian Police Department

Notable NPCs

Syndicate Dialogue 

Before Combat:

Blade Initiate: The goods are in the proper hands?
Brawler Initiate: Yes, we were able to ship them off without a problem. Pell did his job.

Combat Start:

Blade Initiate: We've got some interference from the Powers Division!
Brawler Initiate: Go home, boy / girl. The adults are at work here.

Before Combat:

Pistol Initiate: Are the other operatives set to move?
Pistol Initiate: As soon as Double Barrel gives the signal, we can move out.

Combat Start:

Pistol Initiate: I appreciate that our next promotion is walking right up to us.
Pistol Initiate: A member of the Powers Division. Do you think you can stand against the Syndicate?

Before Combat:

Blade Initiate: We've got rumors that Cleopatra is starting to snoop into our business.
Blade Initiate: Good thing that Pell is coming here instead, we were able to warn him ahead of time.

Combat Start:

Blade Initiate: Cleopatra's partner, right? We'll kill you, then deal with Praetor White's little honey.

Grossman Dialogue 

Before Combat:

Grossman: We're at the location, Pell. Make your way over here.

Combat Start:

Grossman: Character, do you comprehend just who exactly you're dealing with? I don't believe you do.

Ambush! After defeating Grossman you will be ambushed by a squad of PPD including Officer Pell

Officer Pell Dialogue 

Before Combat:

Officer Pell: What's going on?! No one was supossed to know about this!

Combat Start:

Officer Pell: Character! I should've known... one of Cole's dogs!

50% Health:

Officer Pell: U-ugh... hold on... hold on...!

Officer Pell


Officer Pell coughs, trying to regain his composure.

H-hold on... just... hold on... ! I'll... tell you whatever you want to know...

  • What are you doing working for the Syndicate?

Hah... the Syndicate... Cole thought he could wipe crime away. But now, they're stronger than ever. Smarter... better... they're better than us!

They work in the shadows, but soon, soon they'll bring Cole down. They're everywhere, Character!

They're not taking over through sheer brute force, like the Resistance, they're taking over from the inside!

Can't you see? Soon they'll all be controlling Cole, he'll have no choice but to follow them!

  • Not if I have anything to say about it.

It's too late to stop them now, Character. They're working together with the Resistance... they're going to move forward with the biggest plot to date.

The explosives here... they're going to put on a big show in Nova. In Cole Memorial Hospital. Ask yourself, Character... how will the people look at Cole... if they see their beloved hospital go up in flames?

He won't be their protector anymore, their savior... they'll see Cole for who he really is... that he's just a man! No matter how powerful he becomes, he is still just a man!

And all men, Character, must eventually be brought down.

  • Your out of your mind! Blowing up a hospital to prove a point?

Don't you try to say... that I'm some sort of psychopath, that I'm a monster!

Do you know how many people Cole has killed on a weekly basis, just to protect his utopia?! Lives of innocents will be lost, that much is true... but we will free the people of this city from the grip of Cole! We will give them what they long for - freedom!

If this were a true war, a war that was fought in the open, those people in the hospital would GLADLY give their lives to see our ideals come to life! But since we fight from the shadows, we must make that choice for them.

It's not too late for you though, Character. You can still help us, you can still join us!

  • I'm here to protect the people of Praetoria, Pell. Unlike you.

The people?! Bah!

The people have become mindless sheep to a super-powered shepherd! The people you're looking to protect are nothing but toys that Cole uses for his own amusement!

You think I'm a monster, but you, you Character, you're the real monster for siding with Cole!

So just go ahead, finish me off. I know how the system works.

I won't be left alive for treason against the state, so just finish me off here and now.

  • It's not my place to sentence you. Your fellow officers will be here to do that.
You're just delaying my fate, Character! You had better pray that I don't escape... if I do... I'll find you. I swear I'll find you and stop at least one more of Cole's dogs!
  • I'll be waiting, Pell.
  • You made the decision to do this, Pell. You leave me no choice! (Kill Pell)
Using your powers you swiftly carry out Pell's sentence for attacking the people of Praetoria.
  • Goodbye, Pell.

Officer Pell Dialogue 

Upon Defeat:

Officer Pell: You'll!

Tell Cleopatra about the bomb plot

Unnecessary Solicitation

We should talk about this in person, suga'.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Tell Cleopatra about the bomb plot



Hey there suga', what happened? I sent some boys of mine to the ball, but they said Pell wasn't there.

  • Pell's with the PPD now. He was working for the Syndicate, not Resistance.
You explain to Cleopatra the events that happened within the warehouse.
You're a better person than me, suga', I woulda ripped Pell's head off then and there. But I guess that's what makes us different. Regardless, we got ourselves a little job to do - savin' that hospital.
  • Let's get to work.
  • Pell's dead. And the Syndicate are working with the Resistance.
You explain to Cleopatra the events that happened within the warehouse.
I... see. Well, suga', you did right, takin' him down on the spot. S'what you gotta do against traitors, he knew what he was getting into when he decided that blowing up a hospital was a good idea. You and me, suga', we got ourselves a job to do. Savin' those people in the hospital.
  • Let's get to work.


We got ourselves tons of trouble, suga', and it ain't gonna get any better.

You sit yourself tight right there, I'm gonna see if I can't find out where exactly those members of the Resistance took our little bombs.

Part Three: Five Minutes to Detonation


Suga', things are goin' from bad to worse. We got word that the Syndicate already delivered all them bombs to those Crusader boys in the Resistance.

Now, I got myself a little idea of where they could be in the tunnels, but I ain't givin' you a guarantee that you'll find somethin' down there, suga'. You're gonna have to go down there and destroy any sorta thing that looks like they might be usin' for bombs.

Also I got word that the gal leadin' the charge goes by the name of Poster Gal. We catch her, we can put a stop to this bombin' plot before it gets started.

  • Thanks for the information. I'll make sure to stop this here and now.

I know you will, suga'. We're gonna make sure that Cole's little hospital won't be getting blown up by those lunatics. I'm one for free speech and all, but blowin' up a hospital just to prove a point? I don't wanna live in a world where those kinds of people are considered the 'good guys'.

Stop the Resistance Bombing Plot

Unnecessary Solicitation

You take care of things on your end, suga', and I'll handle anything that comes up here.

Mission Objective(s)

Map: P_Tunnels_30_Layout_03_01

The Resistance have their main supplies somewhere in these tunnels - it's up to you to make sure they don't get to use them.

  • Stop the Resistance Bombing Plot
    • 3 Supplies to destroy
    • Defeat Poster Gal

You stopped this group of Resistance, only to discover that another group have already planted bombs throughout Nova! You need to stop them!



Notable NPCs

Resistance Dialogue 

Before Combat:

Resistance Recruit: We gotta get these supplies movin' before them badgers get wind of this!

Combat Start:

Resistance Recruit: Got ourselves a powered badger!

Before Combat:

Resistance Recruit: Tyrant is getting sloppy...
Resistance Recruit: Yeah, we've been down here for months and them badgers is none the wiser.

Combat Start:

Resistance Recruit: We're gonna slam this badger 'till he / she stops movin'!

Before Combat:

Resistance Recruit: Man, those sins sure are useful, huh? Gotta wonder what kinda mary-lou wouldn't wanna be workin' together with 'em.
Resistance Recruit: You know how some of 'em symps are, they don't wanna get their hands dirty but they still wanna clean up the yard.

Combat Start:

Resistance Recruit: Oh, yeah. We're gonna do some slammin' today!

Before Combat:

Resistance Recruit: So I was talking to one of 'em mary-lous, right? They're all 'oh, don't blow up the hospital.' Can you believe it? It's like they don't wanna win this war or something.
Resistance Recruit: They don't got what it takes to win this thing.

Poster Gal Dialogue 

Before Combat:

Poster Gal: Double Barrel has this whole thing wrapped up, we just gotta make sure them badgers don't go walkin in before the candles die out.

Combat Start:

Poster Gal: So one of 'em puckerfaces, huh? You're gonna get slammed big time!

The real brains
You defeated Poster Gal, but discovered that she isn't the brains behind the bombing operation! As she collapsed, she laughed that you were too late - a group of Resistance led by a man named Double Barrel has already planted bombs all around Nova and are planning to blow them up!
Disarm the Resistance bombs in Nova!

Unnecessary Solicitation

Wha? They already got their bombs set to go? You gotta stop 'em, suga'! I'll get some of my boys to comb the streets, but you're gonna have to be point on this little operation!

Mission Objective(s)

  • Disarm the Resistance bombs in Nova!
    • Disarm 4 bombs

You've disarmed all the bombs, but there are still more left in the Memorial Hospital!

Editor's Note:

This takes place outside in Nova Praetoria. The bomb locations are shown on your map if the "Mission Objective" option of the map is selected

Ominous Message
You disarmed all the bombs in Nova, but an audio message played on the final one, clearly recorded by someone in the Resistance...

You got us good, gettin' those bombs, Character. Too bad, you aren't lookin' upward, huh? Them bombs, they weren't gonna send much of a message. At worst, they bought us time. At best, they were gonna increase the body count. See, right now, as you are listenin' to this, we got ourselves a squad inside the hospital. You ain't gonna be able to stop us before the whole building goes kaboom! I just think it's too bad I couldn't have metcha face to face to take you out myself! - This is DB signing off.

Find an alternate way into Cole Memorial Hospital

Unnecessary Solicitation

Let's hurry this up, suga'!



What's that?

Bombs in the hospital?! What do they think they're doing? Suga', you gotta be the one to get in there and take care of this! I'll make sure the situation doesn't get outta hand out here.

Members of the Resistance working undercover for Calvin Scott should inform him of what is happening - before going inside the hospital.

  • I'm on it. (Start Mission)

Contacting Calvin Scott 


Character. Good to hear from you. What's your current situation? You're working with Cleopatra, right?

  • Right. There's a bombing plot happening at the hospital.
Yes, I'm aware of that. Double Barrel is working with some of the Syndicate to set it up. You may think it's extreme, but sometimes these things have to be done to move progress forward against Cole's regime.
  • Are you out of your mind? Blowing up a hospital is progress?
Out of my mind? No, I'm not out of my mind, Character, I'm just focused on what has to be done.
The people need to see that Cole is fallible, that Cole is just a man. A blow to the hospital would show that Cole can't protect the people from everything. But, not today. What's more important is keeping your cover, and your cover involves saving that hospital.
We need you deep in the Loyalists, Character, and sometimes that means making sacrifices. When you take down Double Barrel, make sure to plant some tracking bugs on him - that way we can see where they take him and bust him out later on.
  • Alright, Scott.
  • So you want me to let them do this?
Not today, Character. It looks like Double Barrel has run into some bad luck on this one. His mission on the hospital is important, but not as important as keeping you as an undercover agent in the Loyalists.
We'll need you to go in there and take him out to stop the bombing plot. Oh, also, try to plant some tracking devices on him and the soldiers you defeat. It'll help us break them all out of whatever prison the PPD send them to.
  • Will do, Scott.
  • I am, but I have a question, first. What happened with Monroe?
Ah, yes. He's been helping us out a great deal. Some members of his Syndicate have been giving us very important information on the ineer workings of Cole's regime.
I've heard about the trouble you're running into, actually. I may be able to shed some light on it.
  • Shed away.
Monroe says there's a split in the Syndicate, that the head of the group was killed.
There is a power struggle going on at this very moment.
The group that you've been fighting is a group of 'rebel Syndicate' - if you could say that about a group that is centered around organized crime.
They're seeking to use this cell of the Resistance they found towards their own ends.
  • And so the hospital bombing plot was their doing
Exactly. I wish we could claim credit for it -and carry it out- but doing so would not only reveal your cover as a member of the Resistance, but it would also aid a group that seeks to undermine all of the Resistance.
You'll need to carry out your orders and take down everyone you find in that hospital - especially the Syndicate.
Just make sure to plant any tracking devices you have on Double Barrel - we'll need it to get him out of the prison he'll be sent to.
  • Understood. I'm on it
Calvin Scott's Plan
You spoke with Calvin Scott regarding what to do about the bombing plan in the hospital. He asked that you ensure it doesen't happen to keep your cover, but to also plant some tracking devices on the resistance soldiers you defeat. This way the Resistance can break them out wherever the PPD take them.

Mission Objective(s)

Map: P_TECH_BIO_30_LAYOUT_01_01

You walked by several hallways, filled with patients. You had to act as if nothing at all was wrong. If the Resistance knew you were here too soon, it would cost everyone in this place their lives.
Time to ensure that the good people of Praetoria remain safe and sound.

  • Find an alternate way into Cole Memorial Hospital
    • 3 bombs to disarm
    • Clear out the Resistance and Syndicate

The bomb plot has been stopped, the people of the hospital saved - for now.



Notable NPCs

Syndicate Dialogue 

Before Combat:

Blade Initiate: Let's make sure to leave before the bombs blow, I'm not here on a suicide mission.
Sword Initiate: Just remember our orders. We make sure they do this right, then we got out.

Combat Start:

Blade Initiate: Great. Powers Division! Did that idiot Double Barrel gloat about this?
Sword Initiate: Doesen't matter, we take him / her out, then go back home.

Before Combat:

Blade Initiate: Is it a good idea for Lombard to be here?
Brawler Initiate: Altman had to send someone down, he's not foolish enough to be seen here himself!

Combat Start:

Blade Initiate: Another problem. This is why we were sent in as backup.

Resistance Dialogue 

Before Combat:

Resistance Recruit: You ready? To end it all for this?
Resistance Recruit: Born ready. I got family waitin' for me on the other side, 'least I'll know I'll have made a difference.

Combat Start:

Resistance Recruit: You ain't gonna stop this, Character!
Resistance Recruit: We put too much into this to get thrown down now!

Before Combat:

Resistance Recruit: These sins, they really know how to set up a plan, huh? I think we gotta work more often with them.
Resistance Recruit: Yeah, I think so too, long as them mary-lou's ain't gonna bring us down by going against them.

Combat Start:

Resistance Recruit: Oh, man, we got ourselves a puckerface, let's do this!

Double Barrel Dialogue 

Before Combat:

Double Barrel: This is it! I'm gonna kinda miss this life, but my kid is gonna remember what I lived for, what I went out for! He's gonna live in a world of freedom!

Combat Start:

Double Barrel: Character, you stinkin' Powers Division badger! You ain't gonna stop this, you ain't gonna stop the people of Praetoria from bein' free!

Richard Lombard Dialogue 

Before Combat:

Richard Lombard: Yes, everything is going according to plan. I'll be making my way out shortly.

Combat Start:

Richard Lombard: Hold on. It seems we've got ourselves an issue - Powers Division.

75% Health:

Richard Lombard: You really don't understand, do you? Character, was it?

50% Health:

Richard Lombard: You're part of a dying breed, a dying nation. Cole may rule, but we will control everything else.

25% Health:

Richard Lombard: It doesn't matter if I'm defeated. We have people everywhere.

Upon Defeat:

Richard Lombard: Your victory is a hollow one, Character.

Richard Lombard, CEO
You fought against Richard Lombard inside Cole Memorial Hospital. He seemed to be the Syndicate's contact with the Resistance. Possibly the man who helped them plan this entire scheme

The identification he had on him shows that he is a Senior Executive for Altman Industries, the very same company that the Resistance stole these bombs from! If what Lombard said is right, there could be many others like him within the Syndicate, maintaining high positions of power within the corporations of Praetoria.


You did good today, Character. You went and saved all those people in the hospital from certain death. Those Crusader types, they're totally out of their minds.

You mentioned that a CEO was there, right? I'm gonna be makin' sure that is taken care of. I think we all are underestimatin' the power of the Syndicate, especially if they supposedly have members in high places like this.

Your work isn't over though, Character. Chief Interrogator Washington contacted me while you were in the hospital. Looks like he's got himself a lead on where the Resistance is storin' all this information of theirs. You up for one last hurrah?

No Man's Lady

Merit Rewards: This activity awards 2 Reward Merits.


Cleopatra's Plea

During some downtime, you remember Cleopatra's plea to you, 'You know me! I helped you save the hospital!', when you and Washington confronted Cleopatra about her treason. It reminds you of an experience you call...

No Man's Lady

Cleopatra asked you to investigate a Resistance weapons cache after you and her saved Cole Memorial Hospital. You were expecting a fight, of course, but learned that this was all a trap set up by Cleopatra herself! Interrogator Washington sent in Sergeant Faulks in an attempt to ensure you were not overwhelmed by the Resistance.

Afterwards you spoke with Washington, who informed you about Cleopatra's treason and that she was a member of the Resistance. She was out to kill you because you were the one piece of physical evidence that proved her guilt.

You and Washington confronted Cleopatra in her office, and it was there that you had to make a decision. Did you save Cleopatra's life at the expense of Washington's, or did you help Washington carry out his execution of Cleopatra?

Finale: You Know Me


Here's the deal, suga'. I just finished talkin' with Chief Interrogator Washington, and he told me that he and his boys found out where the Resistance are keepin' one of their main supplies in the tunnels.

He asked for me to see if you could go in there and retrieve it. He said he'd do it himself, but he and his boys are tryin' to locate a woman named Ricochet for somethin' she went and did.

Shouldn't be too difficult for someone like you, right? He said the place has been abandoned, so it should just be a simple deal of takin' their supplies.

This arc is a SINGLE PLAYER MORAL CHOICE story arc. You will not be able to have other people on your team assist you with this story arc.

  • You'd be surprised how quickly 'simple' turns to 'complicated'.

Hah! I'm sure I would, suga'. I wouldn't worry too much about it, Washington is a good hound. He knows trouble when he sees it - believe me.

Here's the location of where this little box should be, just make sure to watch your back.

Raid the Resistance Base

Unnecessary Solicitation

What's wrong, Character? Need that location again?

Mission Objective(s)

Map: P_Tunnels_15_Layout_02_01

The halls seem to be silent, but you're prepared for the worst.

  • Raid the Resistance Base (Single Player)
    • Find Resistance weapons cache
    • Fend off incoming Resistance!

You survived the Resistance trap - did Cleopatra really set you up?



Weapons Cache
At first glance the weapons in the crate looked real enough, but once you picked one up you realized they were nothing more than a few real components attached to scrap.

You've been led into a trap!

Ambush! After checking the weapons cache, you will be ambushed by five waves of Resistance.
Resistance Recruit: Slam this scrammer!

More Ambush Dialogue 

Resistance Recruit: We gotta get movin' to bust this pucker face!

Resistance Recruit: We got ourselves a long-livin' chopper-face here!

Resistance Recruit: We're gonna send you back to the gold man in pieces!

Resistance Recruit: You're just another part of the system, Character, a part we're gonna rip out!

Meet with Chief Interrogator Washington
It's pretty obvious that you were expected and quite possibly even set up. Could Cleopatra be behind this?

Unnecessary Solicitation

You okay there, suga'?

Mission Objective(s)

  • Meet with Chief Interrogator Washington (Single Player)

Chief Interrogator Washington


Character, good to see you made it out of that fire fight alive. I was hoping Faulks would get there in time.

  • What's going on Washington? What do you know?

I'll tell you in one moment, Character. I just need to know one thing.

Were you the one who set those bugs up in the PPD Precinct?

  • I was, now answer my question.

Washington smiles, letting out a relieved sigh.

I knew it. This was the final piece of the puzzle, Character. You were set up by Cleopatra.

Cleopatra is a Resistance spy, a member of the Wardens.

She wanted you dead because you knew the answer to the question I just asked you.

  • How do the bugs prove that she's a spy?

Sergeant Chance, one of the men you bugged, was killed earlier. He was sent to investigate a Resistance weapons cache and was killed. The same cache you were sent to investigate.

There was no way for them to know about it...until we discovered a bug in his desk. I asked Cleopatra about the bug - she claimed to not know about it, but I knew, I knew she was investigating something previously in that precinct. When I asked her where you went, she said to attack a warehouse the Resistance was holed up in.

My men reported back that it was empty - that was when I knew that Cleopatra was trying to kill you off, just like Chance.

You're the one person that can prove Cleopatra's guilt, Character! No one but you has the proof that she was the one who set up the bugs, which places her directly to blame for how the Resistance picked up the information on those bugs.

  • And now what, Washington?

Now, we prepare ourselves. Talk to me when you're ready, Character.

We're going to put an end to Cleopatra's treason.

  • Got it.
According to Chief Interrogator Washington, Cleopatra is secretly a member of the Resistance. You are the witness he needs to uncover her treason.

Accompany Washington to Cleopatra's office

Unnecessary Solicitation

It's time to confront Cleopatra.

Chief Interrogator Washington


So then, are you ready to confront the woman who tried to orchestrate your death, Character?

Those members of the Resistance working undercover for Calvin Scott should inform him of what is happening - before going to confront Cleopatra.

  • I'm ready. Let's go.

Contacting Calvin Scott 


Character. Good to see you are still alive and breathing. Tell me what's going on.

  • Cleopatra, she's an undercover agent. Did you know this?
I did know this. I'm assuming if you know this that it means she's been discovered.
  • It was Washington. We're going to confront her now. What's the plan? (A)
Washington is probably going to kill her. He's a cunning man, he knows that Marauder will do anything he can to prove her 'innocence'. Even so, it means that everything she does will be looked at with a suspicious eye.
Help Washington and kill Cleopatra.
  • Understood. I'll make it happen.
Good, Character. When she's out of the picture, you'll take her place. Her death will assure you a concrete position within the Loyalists.
You'll just have to make sure not to make the same mistake that she did.
  • I don't plan on it.
  • What? She's one of us, Scott!
She is. That is why she will understand why this has to happen.
She was weak and paranoid, Character. Cleopatra let her guard down when she gave you those bugs and endangered all of us by making that decision to kill you.
She made her choice, and we've made ours. We can't allow her to go on.
Kill her, and take her place as our agent seeded deep within the Loyalists. Make sure to not make the same mistake that she did, Character. This isn't a game - I'll do whatever it takes to bring Cole down and get my wife back, even if it means having to deal with those who become weak in the face of our goal.
  • We'll see what happens, Scott.
  • Cleopatra was with us the entire time, Scott! Why didn't you tell me? She tried to have me killed!
Part of the job, Character. I couldn't risk you knowing that she was an inside agent, just as I couldn't risk her knowing that you were on the inside as well. You might've acted differently with her, which would've caused someone to notice.
It was safer to have the two of you operating in the dark. You have to understand this, Character
  • ...alright, I understand. She's been discovered. What should we do?
This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented. (A)
  • I'm sticking my neck out here, Calvin, you can't leave me in the dark again. Are we clear?
I know the risks you're taking for us, Character. When I can, I'll do my best to inform you of what I know. That's the best I can do.
  • Whatever. Look, Cleopatra's been outed by Washington. What's the 'plan'?
This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented. (A)

Mission Objective(s)


You can hear Cleopatra yelling at Washington. It seems things have already begun.

  • Accompany Washington to Cleopatra's office (Single Player)

You've handled the situation - now to speak with Praetor White.

Your choice: Kill Cleopatra or save her.

Chief Interrogator Washington: ...and now it ends, Cleopatra. I knew you would slip sooner or later.
Cleopatra: You better get that finger outta my face before I break it in half!
Cleopatra: ...? Character?
Chief Interrogator Washington: Character, good to see you made it.
Chief Interrogator Washington: Shocked to see Character, Cleopatra? Since you tried to send him / her to his / her death?
Cleopatra: I did nothing of the sort!
Cleopatra: Character was cleaning out a Resistance base for me, weren't you, suga'?
Chief Interrogator Washington: That base has been abandoned for weeks. It was abandoned before the first PPD clean up team was sent there.
Chief Interrogator Washington: Under your orders, might I add. Make it easy on yourself and admit you're a resistance spy!
Cleopatra: Michael is gonna tear your head off and put it on a spike, Washington!
Chief Interrogator Washington: Praetor White won't help you now. Nobody but Character knows about this investigation.
Chief Interrogator Washington: And something tells me Character isn't in the mood to let you get away with this.
Cleopatra: Character, stop Washington!
Cleopatra: You KNOW me, I helped you save the hospital!
Chief Interrogator Washington: I know Praetor White will only release you if you're arrested.
Chief Interrogator Washington: Which is why we're carrying out your sentence here and now. Character and I are going to end this treason!
Cleopatra: Character don't you dare do this!