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== Overview ==
== Overview ==
{{Infobox Contact
|name=Unai Kemen
|image=Unai Kemen.jpg
|img_capt=Portal Corp Security Chief
|zone=[[Peregrine Island]]
|introed='''== Level 40-44 =='''<br />[[Tina Macintyre]]
|intros='''== Level 45-50 =='''<br />[[Harvey Maylor]]<br />[[Maria Jenkins]]
|enemies={{Enemy Banished Pantheon}}{{Enemy Circle of Thorns}}{{Enemy Council Empire}}{{Enemy Devouring Earth}}{{Enemy The Family}}{{Enemy Freakshow}}{{Enemy Ghosts}}{{Enemy Hydra}}{{Enemy Knives of Artemis}}{{Enemy Malta Operatives}}{{Enemy Nemesis}}{{Enemy Paragon Protectors}}{{Enemy Praetorians}}{{Enemy Psychic Clockwork}}
|badges=[[File:Badge tourist 01.png|25px]] [[Multidimensional]]
{{Contact Overview|City=H|Zone=Peregrine Island|x=-1519.5|y=0.5|z=-3425|Pronoun=his|HoodYN=Y|Hood=Portal Court|OriginYN=Y|Origin=Natural|LevelYN=Y|Level=45-50}} '''Note: Unai may provide one mission from level 42 after completing all of [[Tina Macintyre]]'s missions.

{{Contact Overview|City=H|Zone=Peregrine Island|Coord=-1519.5, 0.5, -3425|Pronoun=his|HoodYN=Y|Hood=Portal Court|OriginYN=Y|Origin=Technology|LevelYN=Y|Level=45-50}}

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=== Contact Introduced By ===
=== Contact Introduced By ===
==== Level 40-44 ====
* [[Tina Macintyre]]
=== Contact Introduces ===
; Multiple contact options
:''You should meet some of my other contacts.''
; Single contact option
==== Level 45-50 ====
{{NewContact Maria Jenkins}}
{{NewContact Harvey Maylor}}

=== New Contact(s) ===
=== Prior to Introduction ===
I believe you should be speaking with {{Active Contact}}.

=== Information ===
=== Information ===
'''Portal Corp Security Chief'''
'''Portal Corp Security Chief'''

'''Unai Kemen''' was given his name by a set of young Basque twin girls that he was hired to bodyguard. In their language it means 'Strong Shepperd'. Tragically, the girls were killed by a super powered villain and Unai retired. It was years before he was contacted by [[Portal Corporation]] to coordinate their security. He refused at first, but relented when the [[Freedom Phalanx]] sent [[Statesman]] to encourage him. Unai still has no idea why he was asked to assume so much responsibility, but he is determined not to fail again.
'''Unai Kemen''' was given his name by a set of young Basque twin girls that he was hired to bodyguard. In their language it means 'Strong Shepherd'. Tragically, the girls were killed by a super powered villain and Unai retired. It was years before he was contacted by [[Portal Corporation]] to coordinate their security. He refused at first, but relented when the [[Freedom Phalanx]] sent [[Statesman]] to encourage him. Unai still has no idea why he was asked to assume so much responsibility, but he is determined not to fail again.

=== Initial Contact ===
=== Initial Contact ===
The situation here on Peregrine Island is growing quite grave.

== Store ==
=== Greeting ===
* Allow me to help you.
* Greetings, {{Character}}.
* The storm is rising around us.

* Inspirations
=== Too Busy ===
* {{Store Tec|Level=45|Price=?}}
You need to finish some of the things you already have on your plate, {{Character}}
* {{Store Tec|Level=50|Price=?}}

== Badge Mission ==  
=== No More Missions ===
I don't have anything more for you, perhaps your other contacts have something?

== Story Arc ==

I have something, but it's classified beyond your current Security Level.
* There are two missions before the '''Extract missing scientists''' mission.

{{Souvenir Pure flame}}
== Store ==
* [[Inspirations]] {{3insp}}
* {{Store Tec|Level=45|Price=200}}
''I am grateful for your assistance, friend. I offer these {{green|Enhancements}} to you. Please call upon me if you are in need.''
* [[Inspirations]] (all)
''You are destined for greatness, {{Character}}. I want you to have the best {{green|Enhancements}} available.''
* {{Store Tec|Level=50|Price=200}}

=== {{UL|MissingMissionName}} ===
== Badge Mission ==
{{Mission Sidebar|Location=Portal}}

Ok, [[Portal Corporation]] analyzed all the data you brought us.  It was a little sketchy, but we think we've narrowed down the location of our missing scientists.  Now all you need to do is extract them.

I have to warn you, the world we're sending you to is inhabited exclusively by the [[Devouring Earth]].  Chances are they'll make your job a little harder.
{{Missions:Unai Kemen - Get some samples of Hydra Man DNA}}

{{Mission Objective|Entrance=|Primary=Extract the missing scientists|Secondary=6 scientists to save|Additional=|Completion=You rescued the Portal Corporation scientists.}}
== Story Arc ==
{{Mission Clue|Name=The scientists' confusion|Text=When you rescued the Portal Corporation scientists, they all seemed greatly confused.  None of them could even speak a coherent sentence.}}
{{Enemy Devouring Earth}}
Thanks for getting those scientists back for us.  I only wish they were in better condition.  I haven't been able to get a single straight answer out of them, they just keep saying things like, 'The carrot ate my socks.'  Something has addled their brains, and we need to find out what.
=== {{UL|Collect the results of Dr. Sheridan's examination}} ===
[[Portal Corporation]] is extremely grateful to you for rescuing those scientists.  I just wish we knew what was wrong with them!  They're still speaking nothing but gibberish!  We sent them over to [[Steven Sheridan|Dr. Steven Sheridan]] for a quick check up.  Will you go collect the results?
Sheridan's the best doc I know.  Maybe he can get to the bottom of this.
{{Mission Objective|Entrance=|Primary=Talk to Dr. Steven Sheridan|Secondary=|Additional=|Completion=}}
'''Debriefing''' [[Steven Sheridan]]
I've examined the Portal Corporation scientists, and even I was amazed at my findings.  I believe that you  actually only saved half the scientists.  Not half their number;  half of each person!  Allow me to explain.
When you first went looking for the scientists, you found only a dimensional rupture.  Well, it's my belief that this rupture actually fractured the scientists, splitting them into two people.  One half got sent to the [[Devouring Earth|Devouring Earth's]] world.  And the other half?  Still lost somewhere within the multiverse.  Perhaps the rest of the Portal's brain trust can help you figure out where.
So, each scientist you saved is actually just half of the original person?  Well, if Sheridan says so.  I gues we'll need to locate the other halves, then see if we can find a way to unite them.
=== {{UL|Rescue the scientists' other halves}} ===
{{Mission Sidebar|Location=Portal, City}}
So, [[Steven Sheridan]] thinks the Portal scientists were torn intow, and one half is still out there, somewhere in the multiverse.  I guess that explains the sketchy data we got the last time you tried to pinpoint their location.  I had the techs check out that data again, and they thing they've figured out the location of the scientists ' other halves.  Will you go rescue them?
You'll be hading for a dimension packed with [[Nemesis]] soldiers.  Watch your back.
{{Mission Objective|Entrance=Portal Corporation has charted many dimensions ruled by one version of Nemesis or another.  They are rich and varied, but all equally deadly.|Primary=Rescue scientists' other halves|Secondary=6 scientists to save|Additional=|Completion=You rescued the scientists' other halves.}}
'''Notable NPCs'''
* Portal Corporation scientist (6 Hostages)
{{Enemy Nemesis}}
Good work.  You rescued the scientists' other halves.  Now all we have to do is figure out how to rejoin them.  I'm not good at this whole dimensional fabric mumbo jumbo.  This may take some doing.
=== {{UL|Speak to Azuria about reuniting the scientists' disparate halves}} ===
You know, I have to admit I sort of hoped that once you had rescued both halves of the [[Portal Corporation]] scientists, they would just snap back together.  You know, their dimensional fabric would just knit itself right up.  But I guess that's not the way it works;  each scientist is still in two pieces.  And still spouting nothing but nonsense.  The technicians are stumped, and I think w may need to give science a rest and try a magical solution.  Will you go speak to [[Azuria]] about reuniting the scientists' disparate halves?
This is new ground we're treading on.  I really hope Azuria can help.
{{Mission Objective|Entrance=|Primary=Talk to Azuria|Secondary=|Additional=|Completion=}}
'''Briefing''' [[Azuria]]
I would like to help you, but this is uncharted territory.  I suspect that no one on this world knows of a spell that can reunite a person torn apart by a dimensional rupture.  I do have an idea, though.  I once heard that Portal Corporation had located a dimension filled with peaceful Oranbegans, a pacifist society that never turned into the bloodthirsty [[Circle of Thorns]].  Perhaps you can seek them out?  Their society was based entirely on magic; I imagine their lore is millennia beyond our own.
{{Mission Objective|Entrance=A screech rips though the air.  It seems the Oranbegans are under attack!|Primary=Defeat all villains in area|Secondary=4 mages to save, 7 ruptures to close|Additional=|Completion=You rescued the mages from the Banished Pantheon!}}
{{Mission Clue|Name=The Oranbegan's story|Text=One of the Oranbegan mages you rescued told you:
'Those hideous creatures came from a split in the Aether.  A dimensional rupture, as you call it.  Lately, such ruptures have been a plague upon the multiverse.  Even our greatest mystics cannot determine the cause of these ruptures, but they are becoming a grave threat.  I will tell you how to help your scientists; after all, it is a simple spell.  But in return, you must seek the cause of these ruptures.'}}

'''Notable NPCs'''
* Oranbegan (4 Hostages)

=== To Save a Thousand Worlds ===
==== Souvenir ====
{{Enemy Banished Pantheon}}
{{Souvenir|Pure Flame}}
{{Missions:To Save a Thousand Worlds - Find the missing scientists}}
{{Missions:To Save a Thousand Worlds - Go see Tina Macintyre}}
* There is a Circle of Thorn portal room in this mission that spawns Circle of Thorns Behemoths.  Defeating the portals is not necessary to completing the mission.
{{Missions:To Save a Thousand Worlds - Extract the missing scientists}}
{{Missions:To Save a Thousand Worlds - Collect the results of Dr. Sheridan's examination}}
{{Missions:To Save a Thousand Worlds - Rescue the scientists' other halves}}
{{Missions:To Save a Thousand Worlds - Speak to Azuria about reuniting the scientists' disparate halves}}
Good work!  If this Oranbegan ritual works, we'll have our scientists back, good as new!  Of course, I don't think that means we can rest on our laurels.  I'm pretty worried about these dimensional ruptures;  everything we've heard indicates that they're becoming a huge problem.  Not just for us, but for other dimensions.  If that's true, then the fate of the entire multiverse may well rest on your shoulders.  Not much pressure, eh?
{{Missions:To Save a Thousand Worlds - Recover the Tome of Persephone}}
{{Missions:To Save a Thousand Worlds - Take the tome to Azuria}}
=== {{UL|Recover the Tome of Persephone}} ===
{{Missions:To Save a Thousand Worlds - Stop the villains and close the ruptures}}
{{Missions:To Save a Thousand Worlds - Defeat the villains and close the rupture}}
{{Missions:To Save a Thousand Worlds - Talk to Tina Macintyre}}
{{Missions:To Save a Thousand Worlds - Take some readings from the ruptures}}
According to those [[Circle of Thorns]] mages you rescued, we need to get our hands on the Tome of Persephone before we can perform this ritual.  Only problem is, the Tome of Persephone was destroyed long, long ago, back when Nero was emperor of Rome.  I've located a dimension that has an existing copy of the tome.  Unfortunately, it's a dimension full of Circle mages, and they aren't nearly as friendly as the last ones.  The tome's sure to be well-guarded, but we've got to have it.  Will you recover the Tome of Persephone?
{{Missions:To Save a Thousand Worlds - Go to Werewolf World and track down Requiem}}
{{Missions:To Save a Thousand Worlds - Talk to Peter Stemitz}}
Persephone lived her live half in sunlight, half in shadow.  Her tome contains many rituals dealing with the union of two disparate objects or beings.
{{Missions:To Save a Thousand Worlds - Defeat Requiem and all of his minions}}
{{Mission Objective|Entrance=These caves have been furnished with lavish gold candlesticks and lovely marble sculptures.|Primary=Recover the Tome of Persephone|Secondary=Find the tome!|Additional=|Completion=}}
'''Notable NPCs'''
* Aceotes {{Named|Faction=Circle of Thorns|Type=Death Mage}}
{{Enemy Circle of Thorns}}
Great work.  That tome is the last thing we need to perform the spell that will help those altered Portal scientists.  I must say, it's remarkable how varied the multiverse is.  On one dimension, the Oranbegans are as peaceful as can be.  On another, they'll tear your head off at a moment's notice!
=== {{UL|Take the tome to Azuria}} ===
Azuria's agreed to perform the ritual that will reunite the sundered Portal scientists.  All she needs is that Tome of Persephone; then she can get to work.  Will you take the tome to her?
If Azuria can't help those scientists, no one can.
{{Mission Objective|Entrance=|Primary=Take the tome to Azuria|Secondary=|Additional=|Completion=}}
'''Debriefing''' [[Azuria]]
Thank you.  If the information provided by the Oranbegans was correct, I should be able to perform the ritual to reunite the sundered halves of those poor scientists.  It will take some time.
I must warn you of something.  I have sensed a presence reaching out from the Aether. A most malevolent presence.  It may be that a conscious mind is behind these dreadful dimensional ruptures.  If that's so, I fear you must be the one to face it down.
Well, the tome is in good hands now: Azuria's. <!-- RRRRIIIIGGGHHHTTT!!!! -->If anyone can help those scientists, it's her.  I'll keep looking into these dimensional ruptures.  Something tells me we're not done with them yet.
=== {{UL|Stop the villains and close the ruptures}} ===
{{Mission Sidebar|Location=Board Train|Map=Outdoors factory}}
You did good work helping those Portal scientists.  But it looks as if the mages you rescued are correct: the number of dimensional ruptures is increasing exponentially!  A rupture opened just minutes ago right here in [[Paragon City]]!  We need to close it, but, more importantly, we need to get rid of the creatures that came through.  I've got reports of [[psychic Clockwork]] in the old Walldorf Factory.  I need you to stop those Clockwork and close that rupture!
This is bad.  We need to deal with these ruptures before all the dangers of the multiverse wind up in our back yard!
{{Mission Clue|Name=Dimensional stabilizer|Text=The second generation of Portal Corp's dimensional stabilizer, this device should close the dimensional ruptures that have opened in [[Paragon City]].}}
{{Mission Objective|Entrance=[[The Clockwork King|The Clockwork King's]] world is one of Portal Corporation's restricted dimensions.  It's terrifying to think that his creations are in Paragon City!|Primary=Defeat all Clockwork at factory|Secondary=|Additional=|Completion=You defeated the Clockwork and closed the dimensional rupture.}}
{{Enemy Psychic Clockwork}}
Whew, I owe you for that one.  You did a good, clean job, and you did it fast.  If these ruptures keep opening, I'm going to have to start calling in all my favors from the hero community.  We simply can't let another dimension's villains get a foothold in Paragon City!  It can't happen!
=== {{UL|Defeat the villains and close the rupture}} ===
{{Mission Sidebar|Location=Board Train}}
Portal is still working around the clock to stay on top of the rupture situation.  I've got another rupture open at the Jamison Office Park, and I need you to take care of it.  We got a force field up quickly, but there are still a lot of people trapped inside.  Get over to Jamison, stop the villains, and close the rupture!
According to reports, that office park is full of some sort of malevolent ghosts!
{{Mission Objective|Entrance=The ghosts of dimension Alpha Upsilon 24-2 are resentful of their fate.  They're more than likely to take out their frustrations on innocent civilians.|Primary=Defeat all ghosts in area|Secondary=Close the rupture!|Additional=|Completion=You defeated the villains and closed the dimensional rupture.}}
{{Enemy Ghosts}}
Thanks for dealing with that dimensional rupture.  I still can hardly believe that villains from all over the multiverse are spilling into [[Paragon City]]!  We've been treating the symptoms for far too long; we've got to find a way to fight the disease.  Somehow, we've got to stop those ruptures from occurring!
=== {{UL|MissionName}} ===
{{Mission Objective|Entrance=|Primary=|Secondary=|Additional=|Completion=}}
{{Mission Clue|Name=|Text=}}
'''Notable NPCs'''

== Missions ==
== Missions ==

=== {{UL|Seal Dimensional Ruptures}} ===
{{Missions:Unai Kemen - Go to Werewolf World and fix the dimensional patches}}
{{Missions:Unai Kemen - Close the dimensional ruptures}}
{{Missions:Unai Kemen - Investigate the new dimension}}
{{Missions:Unai Kemen - Save the military advisor from Nemesis}}
{{Missions:Unai Kemen - Set up the psychic blocker}}
{{Missions:Unai Kemen - Go after the thieves and bring them to justice}}
{{Missions:Unai Kemen - Extract the scientists from the Devouring Earth world}}
{{Missions:Unai Kemen - Save the carnies from the Praetorians}}
{{Missions:Unai Kemen - Arrest Dreck on Nu-Beta 9-7 in under 90 minutes}}
{{Missions:Unai Kemen - Explore the new dimension}}
{{Missions:Unai Kemen - Rescue Dr. Naples from the Council Empire}}
{{Missions:Unai Kemen - Defeat a few Malta agents}}
{{Missions:Unai Kemen - Take out some Devouring Eath on Peregrine Island}}
{{Missions:Unai Kemen - Hit the streets and show Nemesis his men aren't welcome}}

== External Links ==

I've been asked to bring you into the loop on one of the big security issues around here.  Can't say I'm happy about it, but maybe you'll make me eat those words.  I just hope all the good things I've heard about you are true.
* {{RedTomaxContact|City=h|ID=83}}
It seems these scientists bit off a little more than they can chew when they designed these portals.  They've been doing their best to keep things under control, but every once in a while, a dimensional rupture crops up.  A little schism in the dimensional fabric.  If we can't stay on top of them, these ruptures could put our entire world at risk.  Someone's got to close those ruptures, and you're the hero for the job.
I have to warn you, things could get tricky.  We may find ourselves dealing with limited time here.
We've located a number of ruptures linking our world to that of the [[Banished Pantheon]].  You'll have to go there to seal them up.
{{Mission Objective|Entrance=|Primary=Close the dimensional ruptures|Secondary=20 ruptures to close|Additional=|Completion=}}
Nicely done, but your job isn't over yet.  I just spoke to one of the techies, and it looks like some new ruptures have cropped up on another world.  Trouble is, this is one of the restricted dimensions: Omega Omicron 26-20, the Council Empire.
{{Mission Objective|Entrance=|Primary=Close the dimensional ruptures|Secondary=20 ruptures to close|Additional=|Completion=}}
This isn't looking good.  It seems that every time you close one of these ruptures, another one opens.  The scientists think that some sort of permanent damage may have happened to the dimensional fabric.  It's going to require some study, but for now they've come up with a quick and dirty fix: these new gadgets.  Their official name is 'spatial stabilimeters,' but I heard some of the techies calling them 'dimensional Band-Aids.'  That name works for me.
If you can't get these Band-Aids in place quickly, though, we may have even more problems.  The techs tell me the ruptures could become permanent.
{{Mission Objective|Entrance=|Primary=Close the dimensional ruptures - 1:30:00|Secondary=20 ruptures to close|Additional=|Completion=}}
Got to say, I'm impressed.  You handled everything those dimensions could throw at you.  But from what the techies tell me, this case is far from over.  You may have managed to patch up the ruptures, but there's an underlying problem that still needs fixing.  When [[Portal Corporation]] has a permanent fix ready, I'll know who to call on for help.
=== {{UL|Extract the scientists from the Devouring Earth world}} ===
{{Mission Sidebar|Location=Portal}}
Have you ever imagined what would happen if the [[Devouring Earth]] ruled the world?  Well, thanks to [[Portal Corporation]] technology, you don't have to.  We've located a world in which the Devouring Earth are just about the only creatures left alive.  A bunch of Portal scientists set up an observation post, but we've lost contact with them.  I've been given the go-ahead for an extraction mission, and you're the only one I'll trust to lead it.  You only have 90 minutes to rescue the scientists.
It was a big group, 10 altogether.  I'm counting on you to get every one of them home safely.
{{Mission Objective|Entrance=|Primary=Rescue the scientists - 1:30:00|Secondary=10 scientists to save|Additional=|Completion=You rescued the scientists from the Devouring Earth.}}
{{Enemy Devouring Earth}}
It sounds like those scientists may have made some important discoveries while they were on the Devouring Earth's world, stuff that could help us fight them in our own dimension.  It's thanks to you that those discoveries weren't lost forever.
=== {{UL|Go after the thieves and bring them to justice}} ===
There's been an attack on a weapons storage facility in [[Brickstown]]!  Oh, sure, that happens every day in [[Paragon City]].  But it's not every day that the thieves enter the building by portal!  That's right.  Whoever executed this attack has portal technology.  Fortunately, the techs have managed to trace the thieves' dimensional static to a lab in [[Founders' Falls]].  I need you to go after the thieves and bring them to justice.
One more thing: the portal technology the thieves were using has certain similarities to Portal Corporation's tech.  There's a good chance one of our own scientists was in on this raid.
{{Mission Objective|Entrance=|Primary=Defeat all villains in lab|Secondary=Recover weapons, Find Dr. Levy|Additional=|Completion=}}
{{Mission Clue|Name=Dr. Levy's story|Text=When you rescued Dr. Levy from the [[Malta Group]], he told you:
'I didn't want to help them, but they threatened me!  If I didn't do as they asked, they said they'd make my family disappear.  I couldn't let that happen.  So I've been helping them set up portals for several months now.  I introduced a little dimensional static into each one, though; I was hoping my colleagues could track them down.
'It's awful, but I even helped them set up bases on other dimensions.  You've got to get to those worlds and disrupt their dimensional stabilizers.  Malta's technology is still in its infancy; without those machines, they won't be able to maintain footholds in other worlds.'}}
{{Mission Clue|Name=Confiscated weapons|Text=The Malta Group stole these highly advanced weapons from a Brickstown facility.}}
{{Mission Objective|Entrance=|Primary=Stop Malta incursion|Secondary=4 dimensional stabilizers to destroy|Additional=|Completion=}}
{{Mission Objective|Entrance=|Primary=Stop 2nd Malta incursion|Secondary=4 dimensional stabilizers to destroy|Additional=|Completion=}}
{{Mission Objective|Entrance=|Primary=Stop 3rd Malta incursion|Secondary=4 dimensional stabilizers to destroy|Additional=|Completion=}}
Thanks for taking care of that garbage.  I still can't believe Malta got so many footholds throughout those other dimensions.  It's scary.  Turn your back for a second, and the whole multiverse can go straight to hell.
=== {{UL|Set up Blocker on Psychic Clockwork King World}} ===
People around here are getting pretty antsy about dimension Epsilon Tau 27-2.  That's the dimension ruled over by the ultra-powerful [[Psychic Clockwork King|Clockwork King]].  With all the dimensional ruptures that have been happening lately, there's a concern that Epsilon Tau's King may start extending his psychic tendrils into our own dimension.  I need you to go to his dimension and set up a psychic blocker.  That should keep him in check.
I'm sure you remember all the trouble this dimension's Clockwork King caused.  We can't have another, more powerful King on our hands!
{{Mission Clue|Name=Psychic blocker|Text=It would be hard for you to say whether this small metal disk operates by magic, science, or a mixture of the two.  When placed on a large [[Psychic Clockwork|Clockwork]] robot, it should produce a signal that keeps the Clockwork King's energies confined to his own wasted dimension.}}
{{Mission Objective|Entrance=You have a sense of unease as you step onto the ruined landscape of Clockwork Earth.|Primary=Find biggest Clockwork|Secondary=Place blocker on [[Babbage (Psychic)|Babbage]]|Additional=|Completion=You placed all the psychic blockers.}}
You faced [[Psychic Babbage|Babbage]] of Clockwork Earth?  And you lived to tell about it?  I'm impressed.  With that psychic blocker in place on Clockwork Earth, we shouldn't have to fear any psychic meddling from that world's Clockwork King.  It's clear that all the things I've heard about you were right.  You know how to get the job done.
=== {{UL|Investigate Revenant Hero World}} ===
I've got a new dimension for you to investigate.  Strictly recon.  No one's laid eyes on it yet, but the scientists have been getting abnormally high readings for super-powered activity.  That means a hero goes in first.  Guess you're nominated.
We're calling it Sigma Psi 20-7 for now.  Come up with something catchier, and we'll put it in the database.
{{Mission Objective|Entrance=|Primary=Investigate Sigma Psi 20-7|Secondary=Seek clues|Additional=|Completion=}}
{{Mission Clue|Name=Crey Conglomerate files|Text=These files detail the progress of Sigma Psi 20-7's [[Revenant Hero]] Project.  Apparently something went wrong in the mental programming of the manufactured heroes.  Their creators found that the Revenant Heroes could think, and act, as one person.  The last entry reads:
'The subjects have become distrustful of anyone whose thoughts they cannot share.  Preliminary findings indicate this could become a problem.'
It sounds as if the Paragon Protectors of Sigma Psi 20-7 developed some sort of hive brain.  Strange.  Strange, and a little impressive.  I'm not sure what happened after that.  Maybe they wiped out their creators.  Or maybe they merely hid themselves away in that lab facility.  Regardless, it seems clear that they want to be left alone.  Something tells me we should honor that request.
=== {{UL|Investigate Nemesis Automaton World}} ===
I've got a job for you to do.  [[Portal Corporation]] just located a new dimension.  We're calling it Tau Delta 8-7 for right now, but the first person to explore it gets to choose the unofficial name.  If you're up for it, that could be you.  What do you say?  Want to explore a brand new dimension?
When I say brand new, of course, I merely mean newly discovered.  This world has had millennia to develop and grow on its own.  It's possible you'll find just about anything there, so be on your guard.
{{Mission Clue|Name=Nemesis' epitaph|Text=The epitaph on the obelisk read:
'I no longer have any hope of saving myself from this despicable disease.  One thought alone consoles me: my creations will not allow a single thing to survive me.  They will rule this world forever, alone, in the name of [[Nemesis]].'}}
There was nothing left on that world but old [[Nemesis Automatons|Nemesis automatons]]?  What happened to all the people?  I think we have to assume that the [[Nemesis (Archvillain)|Nemesis]] of Tau Delta 8-7 did something terrible to his world.  I think you should go back.  It could be that there are still people there in hiding, but they can't come out for fear of the automatons.  If we allow Nemesis' leftover robots to run rampant across that planet, it'll be a dead world forever.
There have to be some sort of refueling machines in the area; even Nemesis' steam-powered creations can't run forever without some system for refilling their reservoirs.  I need you to find those machines and eliminate them.
{{Mission Objective|Entrance=|Primary=Disable refueling machines|Secondary=4 machines to disable|Additional=|Completion=}}
Good work.  I'll keep sending heroes to dimension Tau Delta 8-7, until we get the entire planet cleared of automatons.  If there's one thing I've learned in this job, it's this: even if it's on another world, you never, ever leave a doomsday device in working order.
=== {{UL|Retrieve Hydra DNA Samples}} ===
I've got a situation I'd like you to handle.  The [[Rikti]] have unleashed a biological weapon on a large section of [[Founders' Falls]].  Lots of people are sick, and the doctors aren't getting anywhere.  They only thing they've determined for sure is that the disease is linked to [[Hydra]] Man DNA.  [[Steven Sheridan|Dr. Steven Sheridan]] needs a wide sample of the DNA in order to begin figuring out a cure.  I need you to get to the Hydra dimension and get some samples of their DNA.  It may be our only chance of saving the Rikti's victims.
It's been determined that the Hydra Men are the innocent victims of the Rikti's machinations.  Do what you have to do to get those samples, but take care to cause no permanent harm.
{{Mission Clue|Name=Medical kit|Text=This medical kit contains several dozen syringes with extra sharp needles, meant for piercing the [[Hydra]] Men's tough hide and extracting their blood.  Each syringe is designed to deliver a dose of antibiotics upon insertion, to prevent any accidental harm to the [[Hydra]] Men.}}
{{Mission Objective|Entrance=|Primary=Get samples from all Hydra men|Secondary=Defeat all enemies|Additional=|Completion=}}
{{Mission Objective|Entrance=|Primary=Take samples to Dr. Sheridan|Secondary=|Additional=|Completion=}}
{{Mission Clue|Name=DNA samples|Text=Your medical kit now contains samples of DNA from a large selection of [[Hydra]] Men.  You only wish you could have taken them peacefully.}}
'''Debriefing''' [[Steven Sheridan]]
Good job.  These samples you took from the Hydra Men should help us not only construct a cure for the Rikti's new plague, but a vaccine as well.  It's too bad you had to take them from the Hydra Men by force.  If only I could devise some way of communicating with those creatures!  Perhaps then they could find some consolation in the fact that they're helping to foil a plot cooked up by their Rikti kidnappers!
Dr. Sheridan has already had great progress with his cure for the Rikti plague.  I must say, you performed admirably in a tough situation.  Quick, efficient, and with no permanent damage to any Hydra Men.  I'm glad to have worked with you on this.
=== {{UL|Stop Dreck}} ===
I just got word of a major security breach.  The Freakshow's leader, [[Dreck]], managed to break into [[Portal Corporation]] and access another dimension.  He chose dimension Nu Beta 9-7, a war world with few remaining defenses.  He plans to set himself up as the lord of that dimension!  As far as I'm concerned, the [[Freakshow]] are our problem, not Nu Beta 9-7's.  I want you to go in there and arrest every last Freak.
We've managed to isolate the Freaks within a force field, along with a few unlucky citizens of Nu Beta 9-7.  Remember, the [[Freakshow]] are nothing without Dreck.  Take him into custody, and this whole problem should go away.
{{Mission Objective|Entrance=|Primary=Arrest Dreck and his henchmen|Secondary=4 hostages to save|Additional=|Completion=}}
'''Notable NPCs'''
* [[Dreck]] (Archvillain)
From what I understand, Nu Beta 9-7 just fought a terrible war against their own version of the [[Council]].  They won it, but at a terrible cost.  You saw what it was like there: tumbled ruins, no cars or Light Rail, little infrastructure of any kind.  Trust the Freakshow to always find the weakest prey to sink their teeth into.  I hope we've given the people of Nu Beta 9-7 a shot at rebuilding their world.  With Dreck in prison, this world also got a big boost.
=== {{UL|Save Carnival of Light from Praetorians}} ===
We just got a call for help from the strangest of sources: the [[Carnival of Shadows]]!  Well, actually, the Carnival of Light.  It seems that on Praetorian Earth, [[Vanessa DeVore]] is actually one of the good guys.  She's claiming that [[Neuron]], one of the Praetorian supervillains, has hatched a plan to open up dimensional ruptures all over [[Paragon City]].  If they manage it, it'll be a madhouse: strange creatures and crazed villains wandering around every city block.  Vanessa's willing to help us, but we have to help her first.  You have to save some of her carnies from the Praetorians.  It's the only way to get the information we need.
It feels weird to trust Vanessa DeVore about anything, but all signs indicate that she's shooting straight.
{{Mission Objective|Entrance=|Primary=Unknown|Secondary=|Additional=|Completion=}}
{{Orange|Missing Debriefing}}
=== {{UL|MissingMissionName}} ===
Perhaps you've heard of a dimension called Gamma Upsilon 28-3.  It's ruled over by a brutal [[Nemesis (Archvillain)|Nemesis]], who's opposed by a secret cadre of freedom fighters.  [[Portal Corporation|Portal Corporation's]] heroes have helped those freedom fighters before.  Well, it looks like it's time to do so again.  I was just contacted by the leader of the resistance, Julianne Thompson.  She says that her most valuable military advisor has been kidnapped and forced to work for Nemesis.  If we can't save that military advisor, it may mean the end of freedom on Gamma Upsilon 28-3.
While you're there, I'd like you to find out anything you can about how Nemesis conquered that world.  This request comes all the way from the FBSA.
{{Mission Objective|Entrance=|Primary=Unknown|Secondary=|Additional=|Completion=You rescued Alfred Yaney, Julianne Thompson's military advisor.}}
{{Mission Clue|Name=Alfred Yaney's story|Text=When you rescued Alfred Yaney, he told you:
'So, you want to know how Nemesis conquered my world, eh?  Well, it was a doomsday device.  A powerful machine that could wipe out a whole city.  Once New York was gone, and San Francisco, and Dallas, everyone agreed to serve Nemesis.
'But, listen, if you're really interested in Nemesis' tactics, you should explore some of the other dimensions he's conquered.  That's right.  Several dimensions are ruled by their own versions of Nemesis.  That's why I was kidnapped in the first place.  They want me to help them coordinate attacks on the other Nemesis dimensions.  Nemesis won't be happy until he controls the entire multiverse, and he considers his other selves his steepest competition.'}}
{{Mission Objective|Entrance=You hear the sounds of battle.  Apparently, Nemesis' interdimensional war has begun.|Primary=Explore 2nd Nemesis world|Secondary=5 citizens to save|Additional=|Completion=You stopped the battle and learned the secrets of this dimension.}}
{{Mission Clue|Name=The citizen's story|Text=One of the citizens you rescued told you:
'Sure, I'll tell you how Nemesis conquered my world.  It's the least I can do, after you saved me from that mob.  Well, it all went down like this:  Nemesis found a way to permanently blot out the sun.  Some sort of self-replicating smog machines or something.  After that, we had no choice but to follow him.  He had the only reliable methods for providing energy and light!'}}
'''Notable NPCs'''
* Helpless citizen (5 Hostages)
{{Enemy Nemesis}}
{{Mission Objective|Entrance=According to Alfred Yaney, this is the final battle of Nemesis' dimensional war.|Primary=Explore 3rd Nemesis dimension|Secondary=5 citizens to save|Additional=|Completion=You have learned much about Nemesis.}}
{{Mission Clue|Name=Missing clue|Text=Missing text}}
'''Notable NPCs'''
* Helpless citizen (5 Troll Hostages)
{{Enemy Nemesis}}
Three worlds, each ruled by its own version of Nemesis.  It's diabolical to contemplate the many ways he found to cement his rule over those dimensions.  I'll pass all your findings along to the FBSA; maybe they'll help us be ready for Nemesis' next trick.
I know you wanted to do more for those worlds, but stepping into a war between Nemeses is a bit more than Portal Corporation can bite off.  I'll see what I can do te get some aid to those people;  maybe we can even bring some of them to safety.
== External Links ==

* {{NoFutureContact|City=h|ID=83}}
[[Category:Badge Contacts]]

Latest revision as of 19:06, 25 June 2021


Unai Kemen

Portal Corp Security Chief
Zone Peregrine Island
Coordinates (-1519.5, 0.5, -3425)
Level Range 45-50
Introduced By == Level 40-44 ==
Tina Macintyre
Introduces == Level 45-50 ==
Harvey Maylor
Maria Jenkins
Enemy Groups Banished Pantheon
Circle of Thorns
Council Empire
Devouring Earth
The Family
Knives of Artemis
Malta Operatives
Paragon Protectors
Psychic Clockwork
Badges Multidimensional
v  d  e

Unai Kemen is a hero contact in the Portal Court neighborhood of Peregrine Island at coordinates (-1519.5, 0.5, -3425). Unai Kemen is a Natural origin contact. His level range is 45-50. Note: Unai may provide one mission from level 42 after completing all of Tina Macintyre's missions.


Contact Introduced By

Level 40-44

Contact Introduces

Multiple contact options
You should meet some of my other contacts.
Single contact option
+++ Missing Information +++

Level 45-50

Maria Jenkins Maria Jenkins is a close friend of Statesman. She has become deeply involved in the search for him, including the possiblity that he might be stuck in an alternate dimension. She also has Relic, Focus, Gadget, Invention, and Genetic Alteration Enhancements. I'll warn you: Maria is investigating some very dangerous people. If you work with her, you'll want to bring along some friends to help you out.

Very few people have the kind of insight into Statesman that Maria does.

Harvey Maylor is a loudmouth and a sensationalist, but he is on the hot on the trail [sic] of the Carnival of Shadows. He loves to work with heroes, especially ones skilled with magic, and can provide Relic and Focus Enhancements.

I hope you don't mind being on the cover of the Paragon Tattler, Character.

Prior to Introduction

I believe you should be speaking with Active Contact.


Portal Corp Security Chief

Unai Kemen was given his name by a set of young Basque twin girls that he was hired to bodyguard. In their language it means 'Strong Shepherd'. Tragically, the girls were killed by a super powered villain and Unai retired. It was years before he was contacted by Portal Corporation to coordinate their security. He refused at first, but relented when the Freedom Phalanx sent Statesman to encourage him. Unai still has no idea why he was asked to assume so much responsibility, but he is determined not to fail again.

Initial Contact

The situation here on Peregrine Island is growing quite grave.


  • Allow me to help you.
  • Greetings, Character.
  • The storm is rising around us.

Too Busy

You need to finish some of the things you already have on your plate, Character

No More Missions

I don't have anything more for you, perhaps your other contacts have something?


I have something, but it's classified beyond your current Security Level.


  • Inspirations (Luck, Catch a Breath, Enrage)
  • Level 45 Technology Single Origin Enhancements (200% base costs)

I am grateful for your assistance, friend. I offer these Enhancements to you. Please call upon me if you are in need.

You are destined for greatness, Character. I want you to have the best Enhancements available.

  • Level 50 Technology Single Origin Enhancements (200% base costs)

Badge Mission

Merit Rewards: This activity awards ? Reward Merits.

Get some samples of Hydra Man DNA


I've got a situation I'd like you to handle. The Rikti have unleashed a biological weapon on a large section of Founders' Falls. Lots of people are sick, and the doctors aren't getting anywhere. They only thing they've determined for sure is that the disease is linked to Hydra Man DNA. Dr. Steven Sheridan needs a wide sample of the DNA in order to begin figuring out a cure. I need you to get to the Hydra dimension and get some samples of their DNA. It may be our only chance of saving the Rikti's victims.

  • Get some samples of Hydra Man DNA

It's been determined that the Hydra Men are the innocent victims of the Rikti's machinations. Do what you have to do to get those samples, but take care to cause no permanent harm.

Medical kit
This medical kit contains several dozen syringes with extra sharp needles, meant for piercing the Hydra Men's tough hide and extracting their blood. Each syringe is designed to deliver a dose of antibiotics upon insertion, to prevent any accidental harm to the Hydra Men.

Get samples from all Hydra men

Unnecessary Solicitation

This is a life or death situation, Character. I need that DNA, and I need it now!

Mission Objective(s)

You can't help but feel sorry for the Hydra Men, the peaceful victims of the Rikti war effort. If you can get the DNA peacefully, you'll jump at the chance. If you can't, you'll use utmost caution.

  • Take samples from all Hydra Men

You got enough samples of Hydra Man DNA.


{{#ask:Multidimensional Badge |?Image|limit=1|default=|format=list|link=none|template=Template:BadgeBox/icons}} Multidimensional

The Hydra that lives under Paragon City is rumored to be a refugee from this dimension.

Take samples to Dr. Sheridan

Mission Objective(s)

  • Take samples to Dr. Sheridan

DNA samples
Your medical kit now contains samples of DNA from a large selection of Hydra Men. You only wish you could have taken them peacefully.

Steven Sheridan


Good job, Character. These samples you took from the Hydra Men should help us not only construct a cure for the Rikti's new plague, but a vaccine as well. It's too bad you had to take them from the Hydra Men by force. If only I could devise some way of communicating with those creatures! Perhaps then they could find some consolation in the fact that they're helping to foil a plot cooked up by their Rikti kidnappers!


Dr. Sheridan has already had great progress with his cure for the Rikti plague. I must say, you performed admirably in a tough situation. Quick, efficient, and with no permanent damage to any Hydra Men. I'm glad to have worked with you on this.

Story Arc

Merit Rewards: This activity awards 43 Reward Merits.

To Save a Thousand Worlds


Pure Flame

You've kept this ever-glowing candle as a reminder of the time you spent trying desperately:

To Save a Thousand Worlds

It all began with a team of Portal Corporation scientists who had set up an observation post in the Hydra dimension. Their contact with Portal Corporation had mysteriously ceased, so you were sent to retrieve them. On the Hydra world, you found no scientists, only their notes and a large dimensional rupture.

It seemed clear that the scientists were lost somewhere in the multiverse. You went to Tina Macintyre, who gave you a dimensional triangulator. After visiting three dimensions, you collected enough data to locate the missing scientists. You also encountered a large number of dimensional ruptures.

Portal Corporation technicians analyzed your data, and you set off to retrieve the scientists. They were in good health physically, but something seemed to be terribly wrong with their minds. They spoke only gibberish.

You questioned Dr. Steven 'Science' Sheridan, who had a most surprising theory. He believed that the dimensional rupture on the Hydra world had fractured the scientists, breaking each person into two halves. You had saved only the first halves; the others remained somewhere within the multiverse.

Portal Corporation's technicians examined your dimensional data again, and pinpointed the location of the scientists' other halves. They were on a world ruled by Nemesis soldiers. You battled Nemesis' forces and recovered the scientists' other halves.

The scientists' halves still needed to be fused into one. For help, you turned to the mages of Pacifist Oranbega. When you got to their dimension, you found the mages under the attack of the Banished Pantheon. You rescued them, and learned of a ritual that would reunite the scientists with their severed halves.

In order to complete the ritual, you needed the Tome of Persephone, a volume long ago destroyed. Fortunately, an identical tome existed on a dimension ruled by Oranbegans who were not remotely peace-loving. You battled the evil Oranbegans, retrieved the tome, and still found time to contemplate the infinite variety of the multiverse.

You took the tome to Azuria, who had agreed to perform the ritual.

Then you found yourself facing a disaster: a rupture had opened at the Walldorf Factory in Paragon City! Dozens of powerful psychic Clockwork had spilled from the rupture onto the streets of your hometown! You battled back the Clockwork and closed the rupture, but your job wasn't over.

A rupture at the Jamison Office Park brought a bevy of malevolent ghosts to your city. Once again, you skunked the villains and put an end to the dimensional rupture.

While Azuria reunited the scientists' disparate halves, you went to speak to Tina Macintyre. She theorized that the force that ripped apart the scientists' dimensional fabric could do the same thing to an entire world. If you couldn't stop the dimensional ruptures, Paragon City might soon be strewn across the multiverse.

Reunited with their other halves, the scientists found they could speak normally once more. They told you that, before they were lost, they had learned that someone might be deliberately causing the ruptures. You set out into the multiverse to take readings from dimensional ruptures so Portal Corporation could evaluate this new theory.

The technicians analyzed your data and came to the conclusion that the ruptures had originated from dimension Lamda Rho 57-20, better known as Werewolf World. You went to seek out the master of Werewolf World, Requiem, but he eluded you. He did, however, briefly touch your mind. You were more convinced than ever that he was responsible for the ruptures.

You needed a way to force Requiem to show himself. You consulted Peter Stemitz, who had a bright idea. If you could find a sample of pure flame, you might be able to draw Requiem into the light. Azuria gave you a candle, and Maria Jenkins drew forth the pure flame.

You took the flame to Werewolf World and, as predicted, Requiem was drawn to it. You defeated him, and escaped from Werewolf World just before the entire dimension was torn from the fabric of the multiverse. It seemed that Requiem's dimensional tampering had caught up with him. And yet you had to wonder: how had Requiem caused all this chaos? Perhaps he had powers you had never imagined. Or perhaps there was someone else in the shadows, who had not yet been brought into light.

Find the missing scientists


Something's happened, Character, something bad. A group of Portal Corporation scientists set up a observation post in the dimension of the Hydra Men. Their plan was to stay out of sight and collect data, but something seems to have gone wrong. I can't contact the team at all! I need you to go in there and find those scientists. Don't come back without them.

  • Find the missing scientists

Contact was perfect until just this morning, but suddenly the team's signal went all wonky. I really don't know what to expect.

Unnecessary Solicitation

We still don't know where Portal Corp's scientists are!

Mission Objective(s)

You wish Portal Corporation would keep better track of their scientists.

  • Seek the missing scientists
    • 2 Clues to find

You found only one trace of the missing scientists: their research notes.

The research team's notes
Though you found no sign of Portal Corporation's researchers in the Hydra Men's dimension, you did find some of their notes. It seems they had been sidetracked from their goal of studying the Hydra Men. Instead, they were focusing all of their attention on the strange dimensional ruptures that sometimes spontaneously crop up, linking two worlds together.

Notable NPCs




After exiting the mission you will be awarded

{{#ask:Multidimensional Badge |?Image|limit=1|default=|format=list|link=none|template=Template:BadgeBox/icons}} Multidimensional

Multidimensional Badge


No scientists, huh? But a dimensional rupture the size of a Volkswagen. Well, I think you know what I'm about to tell you. Portal Corporation's scientists are lost somewhere within the multiverse. Lucky I've got you to help me find them.

Go see Tina Macintyre


Portal Corporation's scientists are lost somewhere in the multiverse, and we need to find them quickly. Unfortunately, looking for a group of people in the multiverse is a bit like looking for a needle in a haystack. Actually, it's nowhere near that easy. That's why I've asked Dr. Tina Macintyre to help us out. Go see if she can cook up anything to speed this search along.

  • Go see Tina Macintyre

Tina knows what it's like to lose her comrades. I can assure you, no one is more dedicated to this mission than she.

Talk to Tina Macintyre

Unnecessary Solicitation

I think Tina can help us find those missing scientists.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Talk to Tina Macintyre

Tina Macintyre


Unai spoke to me about the missing scientists, and I think I've developed something to help you find them. I'm calling it a dimensional triangulator. You'll have to visit several dimensions to get enough data, but it should help me pinpoint the dimension our wayward scientists have landed on. While you're searching, keep an eye out for dimensional ruptures. They've been giving us a lot of trouble lately.

Dimensional triangulator
Tina Macintyre invented this device to help you find the missing Portal Corporation scientists. It should be able to pinpoint their location within the multiverse.
Get data from 1st dimension

Unnecessary Solicitation

That dimensional triangulator wont't do us any good in this world. You've got to take it for a spin.

Mission Objective(s)

In this world, or in any other, the Freaks' choice of music is always solid metal.

  • Get data from 1st dimension
    • 3 ruptures to catalog

You have collected enough data from this dimension.



Get data from 2nd dimension

Unnecessary Solicitation

We need more data if we're going to find those missing scientists.

Mission Objective(s)

According to Tina Macintyre, this dimension's Knives of Artemis are firmly in control. You only hope they're not as brutal as the Knives of your own world.

  • Get data from 2nd dimension
    • 7 ruptures to catalog

You have collected enough data from this dimension.


Knives of Artemis

Get data from last dimension

Unnecessary Solicitation

One more dimension to go, Character. A little more data, and we'll have the location of our missing scientists.

Mission Objective(s)

Tina Macintyre couldn't tell you who you'd face in this unexplored dimension.

  • Get data from last dimension
    • 11 ruptures to catalog

You have collected enough data from this dimension.


The Family


I have to admire your gumption. You stuck it out through three brutal dimensions, just to get us the data we need. I'll get the techs to work on this; with any luck, we'll soon have the location of the missing scientists. You say you found a total of 21 dimensional ruptures on your travels? They'll want to know about that, I'm sure. These ruptures are getting out of hand!

Extract the missing scientists


Ok, Portal Corporation analyzed all the data you brought us. It was a little sketchy, but we think we've narrowed down the location of our missing scientists. Now all you need to do is extract them.

  • Extract the missing scientists

I have to warn you, the world we're sending you to is inhabited exclusively by the Devouring Earth. Chances are they'll make your job a little harder.

Unnecessary Solicitation

We need Portal Corp's scientists back safe and sound.

Mission Objective(s)

This lush landscape would truly seem like a paradise, were it not for the nearby presence of the Devouring Earth.

  • Extract the missing scientists
    • 6 scientists to save

You rescued the Portal Corporation scientists.

The scientists' confusion
When you rescued the Portal Corporation scientists, they all seemed greatly confused. None of them could even speak a coherent sentence.

Notable NPCs

  • 6 Portal Corporation scientist (Hostages)


Devouring Earth

Rescued Scientists dialogue 

Rescued Scientist 1: Peaches! Sourdough! Agate! Marine!

Rescued Scientist 2: Pink snowflakes write sculpture.

Rescued Scientist 3: You sing happiness go home?

Rescued Scientist 4: Zip zop.

Rescued Scientist 5: Boats on banana paper.

Rescued Scientist 6: Crustacean fancy pants plaza.


Thanks for getting those scientists back for us. I only wish they were in better condition. I haven't been able to get a single straight answer out of them, they just keep saying things like, 'The carrot ate my socks.' Something has addled their brains, and we need to find out what.

Collect the results of Dr. Sheridan's examination


Portal Corporation is extremely grateful to you for rescuing those scientists. I just wish we knew what was wrong with them! They're still speaking nothing but gibberish! We sent them over to Dr. Steven Sheridan for a quick check up. Will you go collect the results?

  • Collect the results of Dr. Sheridan's examination

Sheridan's the best doc I know. Maybe he can get to the bottom of this.

Unnecessary Solicitation

I need to know what Sheridan has to say about those addled Portal Corporation scientists.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Talk to Dr. Steven Sheridan

Steven Sheridan


I've examined the Portal Corporation scientists, and even I was amazed at my findings. I believe that you actually only saved half the scientists. Not half their number; half of each person! Allow me to explain.

When you first went looking for the scientists, you found only a dimensional rupture. Well, it's my belief that this rupture actually fractured the scientists, splitting them into two people. One half got sent to the Devouring Earth's world. And the other half? Still lost somewhere within the multiverse. Perhaps the rest of the Portal's brain trust can help you figure out where.


So, each scientist you saved is actually just half of the original person? Well, if Sheridan says so. I gues we'll need to locate the other halves, then see if we can find a way to unite them.

Rescue the scientists' other halves


So, Steven Sheridan thinks the Portal scientists were torn in two, and one half is still out there, somewhere in the multiverse. I guess that explains the sketchy data we got the last time you tried to pinpoint their location. I had the techs check out that data again, and they think they've figured out the location of the scientists ' other halves. Will you go rescue them?

  • Rescue the scientists' other halves

You'll be heading for a dimension packed with Nemesis soldiers. Watch your back.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Half a scientist isn't much good to Portal Corporation. We need the full deal.

Mission Objective(s)

Portal Corporation has charted many dimensions ruled by one version of Nemesis or another. They are rich and varied, but all equally deadly.

  • Rescue scientists' other halves
    • 6 scientists to save

You rescued the scientists' other halves.

Notable NPCs

  • Portal Corporation scientist (6 Hostages)



Rescued Scientists dialogue 

Rescued scientist 1: Clip clop.

Rescued scientist 1: Orange juice? Canasta!

Rescued scientist 1: We clash in time for tea.

Rescued scientist 1: Only the lonely fish for currents.

Rescued scientist 1: Hero? Joy is punk Rolex.

Rescued scientist 1: Shell nozzle fruity tree.


Good work, Character. You rescued the scientists' other halves. Now all we have to do is figure out how to rejoin them. I'm not good at this whole dimensional fabric mumbo jumbo. This may take some doing.

Speak to Azuria about reuniting the scientists' disparate halves


You know, I have to admit I sort of hoped that once you had rescued both halves of the Portal Corporation scientists, they would just snap back together. You know, their dimensional fabric would just knit itself right up. But I guess that's not the way it works; each scientist is still in two pieces. And still spouting nothing but nonsense. The technicians are stumped, and I think w may need to give science a rest and try a magical solution. Will you go speak to Azuria about reuniting the scientists' disparate halves?

  • Speak to Azuria about reuniting the scientists' disparate halves

This is new ground we're treading on. I really hope Azuria can help.

Talk to Azuria

Unnecessary Solicitation

I need to know if Azuria can help us.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Talk to Azuria



I would like to help you, Character, but this is uncharted territory. I suspect that no one on this world knows of a spell that can reunite a person torn apart by a dimensional rupture. I do have an idea, though. I once heard that Portal Corporation had located a dimension filled with peaceful Oranbegans, a pacifist society that never turned into the bloodthirsty Circle of Thorns. Perhaps you can seek them out? Their society was based entirely on magic; I imagine their lore is millennia beyond our own.

Defeat all villains in area

Unnecessary Solicitation

Azuria sent you to the Oranbegans for help. I'm sure she knows what she's doing.

Mission Objective(s)

A screech rips though the air. It seems the Oranbegans are under attack!

  • Defeat all villains in area
    • 4 mages to save
    • 7 ruptures to close

You rescued the mages from the Banished Pantheon!

The Oranbegan's story
One of the Oranbegan mages you rescued told you:

'Those hideous creatures came from a split in the Aether. A dimensional rupture, as you call it. Lately, such ruptures have been a plague upon the multiverse. Even our greatest mystics cannot determine the cause of these ruptures, but they are becoming a grave threat. I will tell you how to help your scientists; after all, it is a simple spell. But in return, you must seek the cause of these ruptures.'


Banished Pantheon

Notable NPCs

  • Oranbegan (4 Hostages)

Note: There is a Circle of Thorns portal room in this mission that spawns Circle of Thorns Behemoths. Defeating the portals is not necessary to completing the mission.


Good work! If this Oranbegan ritual works, we'll have our scientists back, good as new! Of course, I don't think that means we can rest on our laurels. I'm pretty worried about these dimensional ruptures; everything we've heard indicates that they're becoming a huge problem. Not just for us, but for other dimensions. If that's true, then the fate of the entire multiverse may well rest on your shoulders. Not much pressure, eh?

Recover the Tome of Persephone


According to those Circle of Thorns mages you rescued, we need to get our hands on the Tome of Persephone before we can perform this ritual. Only problem is, the Tome of Persephone was destroyed long, long ago, back when Nero was emperor of Rome. I've located a dimension that has an existing copy of the tome. Unfortunately, it's a dimension full of Circle mages, and they aren't nearly as friendly as the last ones. The tome's sure to be well-guarded, but we've got to have it. Will you recover the Tome of Persephone?

  • Recover the Tome of Persephone

Persephone lived her live half in sunlight, half in shadow. Her tome contains many rituals dealing with the union of two disparate objects or beings.

Unnecessary Solicitation

We need that tome, Character

Mission Objective(s)

These caves have been furnished with lavish gold candlesticks and lovely marble sculptures.

  • Recover the Tome of Persephone
    • Find the tome!

You found the Tome of Persephone!


Circle of Thorns

Notable NPCs


Great work. That tome is the last thing we need to perform the spell that will help those altered Portal scientists. I must say, it's remarkable how varied the multiverse is. On one dimension, the Oranbegans are as peaceful as can be. On another, they'll tear your head off at a moment's notice!

Take the tome to Azuria


Azuria's agreed to perform the ritual that will reunite the sundered Portal scientists. All she needs is that Tome of Persephone; then she can get to work. Will you take the tome to her?

  • Take the tome to Azuria

If Azuria can't help those scientists, no one can.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Azuria needs that tome!

Mission Objective(s)

  • Take the tome to Azuria



Thank you, Character. If the information provided by the Oranbegans was correct, I should be able to perform the ritual to reunite the sundered halves of those poor scientists. It will take some time.

I must warn you of something. I have sensed a presence reaching out from the Aether. A most malevolent presence. It may be that a conscious mind is behind these dreadful dimensional ruptures. If that's so, I fear you must be the one to face it down.


Well, the tome is in good hands now: Azuria's. If anyone can help those scientists, it's her. I'll keep looking into these dimensional ruptures. Something tells me we're not done with them yet.

Stop the villains and close the ruptures


You did good work helping those Portal scientists, Character. But it looks as if the mages you rescued are correct: the number of dimensional ruptures is increasing exponentially! A rupture opened just minutes ago right here in Paragon City! We need to close it, but, more importantly, we need to get rid of the creatures that came through. I've got reports of psychic Clockwork in the old Walldorf Factory. I need you to stop those Clockwork and close that rupture!

  • Stop the villains and close the ruptures

This is bad. We need to deal with these ruptures before all the dangers of the multiverse wind up in our back yard!

Unnecessary Solicitation

Those otherworldly Clockwork are a real menace!

Dimensional stabilizer
The second generation of Portal Corp's dimensional stabilizer, this device should close the dimensional ruptures that have opened in Paragon City.

Mission Objective(s)

The Clockwork King's world is one of Portal Corporation's restricted dimensions. It's terrifying to think that his creations are in Paragon City!

  • Defeat all Clockwork at factory
    • Close the rupture!

You defeated the Clockwork and closed the dimensional rupture.


Psychic Clockwork


Whew, Character, I owe you for that one. You did a good, clean job, and you did it fast. If these ruptures keep opening, I'm going to have to start calling in all my favors from the hero community. We simply can't let another dimension's villains get a foothold in Paragon City! It can't happen!

Defeat the villains and close the rupture


Portal is still working around the clock to stay on top of the rupture situation. I've got another rupture open at the Jamison Office Park, and I need you to take care of it. We got a force field up quickly, but there are still a lot of people trapped inside. Get over to Jamison, stop the villains, and close the rupture!

  • Defeat the villains and close the rupture

According to reports, that office park is full of some sort of malevolent ghosts!

Unnecessary Solicitation

I need you to take care of that rupture over at Jamison.

Mission Objective(s)

The ghosts of dimension Alpha Upsilon 24-2 are resentful of their fate. They're more than likely to take out their frustrations on innocent civilians.

  • Defeat all ghosts in area
    • Close the rupture!

You defeated the villains and closed the dimensional rupture.




Thanks for dealing with that dimensional rupture, {{Character}. I still can hardly believe that villains from all over the multiverse are spilling into Paragon City! We've been treating the symptoms for far too long; we've got to find a way to fight the disease. Somehow, we've got to stop those ruptures from occurring!

Talk to Tina Macintyre


While you were closing up those dimensional ruptures that opened across the city, Azuria's been preparing the spell that will reunite the Portal scientists whose dimensional fabric was torn in two. She's about ready to fire it up. Maybe, just maybe, we'll learn something from those scientists when she's through. In the meantime, I need you to go have another talk with Tina Macintyre. She's been studying the dimensional ruptures non-stop.

  • Talk to Tina Macintyre

Tina's pretty worried about these ruptures.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Tina's waiting for you, Character.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Talk to Tina Macintyre

Tina Macintyre


Listen, I've been studying what happened to those scientists, and it may be a harbinger of greater dangers to come. I think those scientists were split by a rupture. It opened up right where they were standing, and they were ripped apart at the dimensional seams. I believe that what happened to those scientists could happen to an entire dimension! If these ruptures keep opening in Paragon City, they could wind up tearing our dimension to shreds!


Looks like the rupture situation is getting worse. I've got a number of heroes working on it, but it's all I can do to keep a lid on the situation. If you see any strange baddies around, be sure to give 'em what for.

On a brighter note, the ritual to reunite the severed scientists was successful. They're back to normal, and talking like human beings again. I have to tell you, the debriefing was a little scary. Just before they got lost, the scientists were hard at work studying the dimensional ruptures. They were beginning to think that the ruptures were caused deliberately. Someone, or something is trying to tear the multiverse apart.

Take some readings from the ruptures


According to those scientists who got lost in the multiverse, it sounds like these dimensional ruptures might not be accidental. On the contrary, they think that someone is purposely producing the ruptures in an effort to tear whole dimensions apart! The only problem is, we don't know who. Character, I need you to take some readings from the ruptures that have opened up around the multiverse. Can you do it?

  • Take some readings from the ruptures

Portal Corporation has located three new ruptures within the multiverse. We've sealed them off in force fields, but you might have to deal with some company.

Scanning device
Designed by the ingenious minds at Portal Corporation, this scanning device should make it possible for you to record the characteristics of the dimensional ruptures.
Take readings from rupture

Unnecessary Solicitation

We still don't know who's responsible for causing those ruptures.

Mission Objective(s)

It's no surprise that the Freakshow's world is a blasted mess.

  • Take readings from rupture

You got some readings from the first rupture.



Notable NPCs

Destructivator dialogue 

Before Combat:

No one better step on my turf.

Combat Start:

I'm the king of the castle!

Take readings from rupture
Archon Klein

Unnecessary Solicitation

We need more data, Character. Get on it.

Mission Objective(s)

It's always a little disturbing to set foot on the streets of the Council Empire.

  • Take readings from rupture

You got some readings from the first rupture.


Council Empire

Notable NPCs

Archon Klein dialogue 

Before Combat:

See that our security is doubled.

Combat Start:

I have heard of your skill in battle. Care to prove it?

Random Chatter 

Council Empire Minion 1: There's a Portal Corporation hero on the premises.
Council Empire Minion 2: From that strange, democratic dimension? Again?

Take readings from rupture

Unnecessary Solicitation

We still don't know who's responsible for causing those ruptures.

Mission Objective(s)

A broken beaker bears the logo of a company called Crey Conglomerate.

  • Take readings from rupture

You got some readings from the first rupture.


Paragon Protectors

Notable NPCs

Protector 12173 dialogue 

Before Combat:

A stranger? Here?

Combat Start:

I want to be alone!


Good work. I'll get this data to the lab. Maybe we can figure out who's causing all these dimensional ruptures. Maybe we can even figure out why.

Go to Werewolf World and track down Requiem


The Portal techs had a look at that data you brought us on the dimensional ruptures. Many of them seemed to originate from a particular dimension, Lamda Rho 57-20. Around here, it's better known as Werewolf World. It's a world of perpetual nighttime, which many believe is under the control of Requiem himself. I think Requiem may be responsible for these dimensional ruptures. Will you go to Werewolf world and see if you can track him down? You may have a limited amount of time. Werewolf World has been placed on the restricted list. If you can't get back in 90 minutes, we'll have to pull the plug.

  • Go to Werewolf World and track down Requiem

I don't know why Requiem would want to destroy other dimensions, but it seems likely that he's behind all this chaos.

Unnecessary Solicitation

I need you to track down Requiem.

Mission Objective(s)

The staggering darkness of this world gives you a strangely peaceful feeling.

  • Seek Requiem - 1:30:00
    • Close the rupture

You feel a dark presence touch your mind.

Requiem's message
While journeying in Werewolf World, you felt a dark presence touch your mind. It said:

'This is a world of shadows, and I can hide myself easily within it. You believe me responsible for the destruction that has coursed through the multiverse. I must admit, I glory in it. You will not find me, little hero. These shadows are my only friends.'




Notable NPCs

Scar dialogue 

Before Combat:


Combat Start:


So, Requiem is on that world. What's more, he thinks he can hide himself from us. I'm more convinced than ever that he's behind the rash of dimensional ruptures that are threatening to tear apart the multiverse. We need to figure out a way to bring him to light!

Talk to Peter Stemitz


I'm certain that the Requiem of Werewolf World is behind the dimensional ruptures. Why, when he touched your mind, he all but admitted it! If you can defeat him, we may bring a stop to all this chaos. We just need a way to force him to show himself. I want you to go see if Peter Stemitz has some idea of how to do it. Peter's been around a long time, and he knows a great deal about all kinds of monsters.

  • Talk to Peter Stemitz

We're still trying to stay on top of the rupture situation. Watch out for extra-dimensional evil-doers lurking about.

Talk to Peter Stemitz

Unnecessary Solicitation

Peter's been around the block more times than you might guess. He should be able to help us.

Ambush! After accepting this mission, you will be ambushed by Rikti.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Talk to Peter Stemitz

Peter Stemitz


Yo, Character! How's my favorite hero? You need a way to force Requiem to manifest? Well, I do have an idea. Requiem's not exactly what you'd call a being of pure darkness. The Nictus that fused with his soul is purely dark, but Requiem was originally human. There's a good chance that there's a part of him that still craves the light. I've seen it before. No matter how evil, it's hard for any human to completely turn his back on light forever. So what you need is a pure flame. If I were you, I'd talk to Azuria about that.

Ambush! After accepting this mission, you will be ambushed by Praetorians.
Ask Azuria about pure flame

Unnecessary Solicitation

Peter's idea is the only one we've got. Go see Azuria about that pure flame.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Ask Azuria about pure flame



A pure flame? Yes. A clever plan. I myself cannot construct a pure flame; for that you'll need a champion of the people, someone whose inner light is fueled by the love of thousands. Take this candle to Maria Jenkins. In addition to being one of the sweetest women I know, she's earned the respect and love of this city many times over. I believe she'll be able to summon the pure flame.

Azuria gave you this pure white candle to take to Maria Jenkins. She believes that Maria will be able to use it to summon a pure flame.
Take candle to Maria Jenkins

Unnecessary Solicitation

This pure flame schtick is the only plan we've got. You best get on it.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Take candle to Maria Jenkins

Maria Jenkins


Azuria believes I can summon a pure flame? Well, I don't know if I have that kind of power, but I'll try my best. Let me hold the candle.

Well, I'll be! I should have known better than to doubt Azuria. Is there anything that woman doesn't know?

Pure flame
This pure flame, summoned by Maria Jenkins, appears colorless at first glance. But if you stare deeply into the flame, you can discern a multitude of colors: misty green, soft pinks, glowing copper. In fact, you find it difficult to look away.


So, that's pure flame, huh? Pretty beautiful, I guess. Let's just hope it's useful as well. If this will really draw Requiem into the light, we may be able to stop him from tearing the multiverse to shreds!

Defeat Requiem and all of his minions

Editor's Note:

Despite the mission name, this is not a 'Defeat All' mission. You only have to defeat Requiem and the the minions near him.


If I understand this pure flame correctly, here's how it works. You carry the flame to Requiem's dimension and make your presence known. Eventually, Requiem will be drawn to the flame. He's been living in darkness for a long time; he won't be able to resist the call of the light. Once he shows himself, you've got to defeat Requiem and all of his minions. Maybe that'll put a stop to these dimensional ruptures of his. The trouble is, the technicians have detected some sort of instability in Requiem's dimension. They can only keep a portal there stable for 90 minutes.

  • Defeat Requiem and all of his minions

Remember, in any dimension, Requiem is a force to be reckoned with.

Unnecessary Solicitation

I think Requiem's behind the dimensional ruptures. He has to go down.

Mission Objective(s)

The glow of the pure flame seems to push away the darkness.

  • Defeat Requiem - 1:30:00

Success: You defeated Requiem!
Failure: You receive a transmission from Unai Kemen. You have to get out of here!

Notable NPCs

Requiem dialogue 

Before Combat:

Character comes for me. In a way, I am glad.

Combat Start:

Yes, I have watched the multiverse! And yes, I have despised it!




Character, thank goodness you're back! You got out just in time! Werewolf World just disappeared completely! All the ruptures leading to it shut down, and the Portal techs can't find it anywhere. It's gone. Ripped from the fabric of the multiverse. I guess Requiem's lust for destruction finally caught up with him.

Or... bear with me a moment. It could be that all of these ruptures were due to the disintegration of Werewolf World. As it began to disappear, it disrupted the fabric of the multiverse, creating ruptures by the thousand. Perhaps Requiem caused all this chaos by accidentally damaging his own reality. Or perhaps someone else is pulling the strings?


Go to Werewolf World and fix the dimensional patches

Merit Rewards: This activity awards 5 Reward Merits.
Editor's Note:

This mission may be given out earlier than level 45. If taken at an earlier level, all enemies within the mission will spawn at least level 45. This is likely to be the first mission offered by Unai.


Do you remember that strange world of werewolves, the one where you set up those dimensional patches? Well, apparently they need maintenance. If we don't keep the patches in good working order, those dimensional ruptures could split wide open. Then it'll be time to stock up on silver bullets. I'd like to prevent that from happening. Get over to Werewolf World and fix those dimensional patches. The technicians tell me you only have 90 minutes before the patches stop working at all.

  • Go to Werewolf World and fix the dimensional patches

While you're there, the scientists want you to look for any clues to the nature of Werewolf World. They're always curious.

They call this gadget a 'irising stabilizer.' Whatever it is, it'll let you fix those patches.

Irising stabilizer
This small handheld device was designed by the technicians at Portal Corporation. It should help you maintain the patches keeping the dimensional ruptures on Werewolf World in check.

Unnecessary Solicitation

You've got more work to do in Werewolf World.

Mission Objective(s)

The sun never seems to shine on this blasted landscape.

  • Maintain dimensional patches - 1:30:00
    • 20 patches to fix
    • Seek clues

Mission Failure: +++ Missing Information +++
Mission Success: You fixed the dimensional patches and learned the history of this world.



Notable NPCs

You pick up a strange book.

The Path of the Dark
This heavy tome details the rituals of a mysterious cult called the Path of the Dark. The last pages are filled with handwritten notes. They read:

'The Shadow Seed was brought to Paragon City, and here it was implanted. A foolish youngster called Character tried to stop me, but it was no contest. The nuisance was easily dispatched. If I had only known what was in store, perhaps I would have hoped to lose.

'The Shadow has spread far and wide, encompassing everything on this forsaken world. The people I would have ruled have been turned to darkness, or are gone forever. Only the Nictus are left, and their demon wolves, and I myself,


Greywulf dialogue 

Before combat:


Combat start:


Debriefing: Mission Failure

+++ Missing Information +++

Debriefing: Mission Successful

Are you telling me that Requiem is still alive somewhere on that world of werewolves? The only human left? Or half human, anyway. I hear Requiem is like Arakhn: half human, half Nictus. That degree of solitude be a hard cross to bear, even for someone as private as Requiem. Guess I can't feel too sorry for him, though. After all, he brought that doom on himself.

Close the dimensional ruptures

Editor's Note:

This mission may also be given (with no alternative) in the middle of Unai Kemen's story arc. However, it is not part of the story arc.


Character, I've been asked to bring you into the loop on one of the big security issues around here. Can't say I'm happy about it, but maybe you'll make me eat those words. I just hope all the good things I've heard about you are true.

It seems these scientists bit off a little more than they can chew when they designed these portals. They've been doing their best to keep things under control, but every once in a while, a dimensional rupture crops up. A little schism in the dimensional fabric. If we can't stay on top of them, these ruptures could put our entire world at risk. Someone's got to close those ruptures, and you're the hero for the job.

I have to warn you, things could get tricky. We may find ourselves dealing with limited time here.

  • Close the dimensional ruptures

We've located a number of ruptures linking our world to that of the Banished Pantheon. You'll have to go there to seal them up.

Close the dimensional ruptures

Unnecessary Solicitation

Every one of those dimensional ruptures has to be closed!

Here's a dimensional stabilizer. The crew here at Portal Corporation cooked it up just a few days ago. Let's hope it's as good as they say it is.

Dimensional stabilizer
This thin, silver want looks a lot more like a TV antenna than a highly sophisticated technical device. With any luck, it'll allow you to close the dimensional ruptures linking your world to others.

Mission Objective(s)

Tales of the Banished Pantheon's world have become popular horror stories around Portal Corporation.

  • Close the dimensional ruptures
    • 20 ruptures to close

You have closed all the dimensional ruptures.


Banished Pantheon

Return to contact

Unnecessary Solicitation

I need your report in person, soldier.

Unai Kemen


Nicely done, Character, but your job isn't over yet. I just spoke to one of the techies, and it looks like some new ruptures have cropped up on another world. Trouble is, this is one of the restricted dimensions: Omega Omicron 26-20, the Council Empire.

Close the dimensional ruptures

Unnecessary Solicitation

If those dimensional ruptures stay open, we may have a Council invasion on our hands!

Mission Objective(s)

The Council of this world have worked hard to secure their dominion over the former United States. They're just now beginning to clean up the detritus of war.

  • Close the dimensional ruptures
    • 20 ruptures to close

You have closed all the dimensional ruptures.


Council Empire

Return to contact

Unnecessary Solicitation

Report to me in person at once.

Editor's Note:

Note that the next mission, which is timed, will commence as soon as the player talks to Unai.

Unai Kemen


This isn't looking good, Character. It seems that every time you close one of these ruptures, another one opens. The scientists think that some sort of permanent damage may have happened to the dimensional fabric. It's going to require some study, but for now they've come up with a quick and dirty fix: these new gadgets. Their official name is 'spatial stabilimeters,' but I heard some of the techies calling them 'dimensional Band-Aids.' That name works for me.

If you can't get these Band-Aids in place quickly, though, we may have even more problems. The techs tell me the ruptures could become permanent.

Dimensional Band-Aids
These thin metal disks must be placed at the location of the dimensional ruptures. Though they won't close the rupture entirely, they'll keep it too small for matter to travel between dimensions. Portal Corporations scientists hope that keeping these ruptures partially open will prevent new ruptures from cropping up on other dimensions.

Close the dimensional ruptures - 1:30:00

Unnecessary Solicitation

I need those ruptures dealt with, on the double!

Mission Objective(s)

The clear night sky provides a hauntingly beautiful backdrop to these desolate ruins.

  • Close the dimensional ruptures - 1:30:00
    • 20 ruptures to close

Failure - Some of the patches have stopped working entirely. They can no longer be fixed.
Success - You have patched all the dimensional ruptures.



Debriefing: Mission Failure

We'll have to deploy another hero to replace the patches that stopped working. Don't feel too bad, Character. I know I can still count on you in the future.

Debriefing: Mission Successful

Got to say, I'm impressed. You handled everything those dimensions could throw at you. But from what the techies tell me, this case is far from over. You may have managed to patch up the ruptures, but there's an underlying problem that still needs fixing. When Portal Corporation has a permanent fix ready, I'll know who to call on for help.

Investigate the new dimension


I've got a new dimension for you to investigate. Strictly recon. No one's laid eyes on it yet, but the scientists have been getting abnormally high readings for super-powered activity. That means a hero goes in first. Guess you're nominated.

  • Investigate the new dimension

We're calling it Sigma Psi 20-7 for now. Come up with something catchier, and we'll put it in the database.

Unnecessary Solicitation

We need some hard data on Sigma Psi 20-7.

Mission Objective(s)

A torn and faded poster on the wall touts the virtues of Crey Conglomerate.

  • Investigate Sigma Psi 20-7
    • Seek clues

You learned the secrets of Sigma Psi 20-7.

Crey Conglomerate files
These files detail the progress of Sigma Psi 20-7's Revenant Hero Project. Apparently something went wrong in the mental programming of the manufactured heroes. Their creators found that the Revenant Heroes could think, and act, as one person. The last entry reads:

'The subjects have become distrustful of anyone whose thoughts they cannot share. Preliminary findings indicate this could become a problem.'



Notable NPCs

  • Protector 96703 (Boss)

Random Chatter 

7th Generation Paragon Protector: I think that... 7th Generation Paragon Protector: ...a stranger has arrived.

7th Generation Paragon Protector: You are not one of me!

Protector 96703 dialogue 

Before Combat:

I have not seen a stranger in years.

Combat Start:

I am alone! I will be left alone!


It sounds as if the Paragon Protectors of Sigma Psi 20-7 developed some sort of hive brain. Strange. Strange, and a little impressive. I'm not sure what happened after that. Maybe they wiped out their creators. Or maybe they merely hid themselves away in that lab facility. Regardless, it seems clear that they want to be left alone. Something tells me we should honor that request.

Save the military advisor from Nemesis


Perhaps you've heard of a dimension called Gamma Upsilon 28-3. It's ruled over by a brutal Nemesis, who's opposed by a secret cadre of freedom fighters. Portal Corporation's heroes have helped those freedom fighters before. Well, it looks like it's time to do so again. I was just contacted by the leader of the resistance, Julianne Thompson. She says that her most valuable military advisor has been kidnapped and forced to work for Nemesis. If we can't save that military advisor, it may mean the end of freedom on Gamma Upsilon 28-3.

  • Save the military advisor from Nemesis

While you're there, I'd like you to find out anything you can about how Nemesis conquered that world. This request comes all the way from the FBSA.

Save the military advisor

Unnecessary Solicitation

I need you to rescue that military advisor and learn anything you can about Nemesis.

Mission Objective(s)

The air in this room is kept uncomfortably cold.

  • Save the military advisor

You rescued Alfred Yaney, Julianne Thompson's military advisor.



Fake nemesis dialogue 

Before Combat:

Yaney will cooperate, or he will die.

Combat Start:

Computing: hero. Threat level: extreme.

Alfred Yaney's story
When you rescued Alfred Yaney, he told you:

'So, you want to know how Nemesis conquered my world, eh? Well, it was a doomsday device. A powerful machine that could wipe out a whole city. Once New York was gone, and San Francisco, and Dallas, everyone agreed to serve Nemesis.

'But, listen, if you're really interested in Nemesis' tactics, you should explore some of the other dimensions he's conquered. That's right. Several dimensions are ruled by their own versions of Nemesis. That's why I was kidnapped in the first place. They want me to help them coordinate attacks on the other Nemesis dimensions. Nemesis won't be happy until he controls the entire multiverse, and he considers his other selves his steepest competition.'

Explore 2nd Nemesis world

Unnecessary Solicitation

Alfred Yaney was right. We should take this opportunity to learn all we can about Nemesis' tactics.

Mission Objective(s)

You hear the sounds of battle. Apparently, Nemesis' interdimensional war has begun.

  • Explore 2nd Nemesis world
    • 5 citizens to save

You stopped the battle and learned the secrets of this dimension.

The citizen's story
One of the citizens you rescued told you:

'Sure, I'll tell you how Nemesis conquered my world. It's the least I can do, after you saved me from that mob. Well, it all went down like this: Nemesis found a way to permanently blot out the sun. Some sort of self-replicating smog machines or something. After that, we had no choice but to follow him. He had the only reliable methods for providing energy and light!'

Notable NPCs

  • Helpless citizen (5 Hostages)



Explore 3rd Nemesis dimension

Unnecessary Solicitation

Alfred Yaney tipped us off to one more world Nemesis plans to invade. You should learn all you can there.

Mission Objective(s)

According to Alfred Yaney, this is the final battle of Nemesis' dimensional war.

  • Explore 3rd Nemesis dimension
    • 5 citizens to save

You have learned much about Nemesis.

The Troll's Story
One of the Trolls you rescued told you:

'You want know about Nemesis? Okay. He first to bring Superadine. Sweet, sweet Superadine. He make everbody take it. Then, he cut us off. We cry and beg, but no Superadine! Only get Superadine if we serve. Me very good servant!'

Notable NPCs

  • Helpless citizen (5 Troll Hostages)




Three worlds, each ruled by its own version of Nemesis. It's diabolical to contemplate the many ways he found to cement his rule over those dimensions. I'll pass all your findings along to the FBSA; maybe they'll help us be ready for Nemesis' next trick.

I know you wanted to do more for those worlds, Character, but stepping into a war between Nemeses is a bit more than Portal Corporation can bite off. I'll see what I can do te get some aid to those people; maybe we can even bring some of them to safety.

Set up the psychic blocker


People around here are getting pretty antsy about dimension Epsilon Tau 27-2. That's the dimension ruled over by the ultra-powerful Clockwork King. With all the dimensional ruptures that have been happening lately, there's a concern that Epsilon Tau's King may start extending his psychic tendrils into our own dimension. I need you to go to his dimension and set up a psychic blocker. That should keep him in check.

  • Set up the psychic blocker

I'm sure you remember all the trouble this dimension's Clockwork King caused. We can't have another, more powerful King on our hands!

Unnecessary Solicitation

I need that psychic blocker placed, Character. We have to prevent a psychic incursion into this dimension.

This psychic blocker is powered by psychic energy. I want you to find the biggest, baddest Clockwork you can and put the blocker on him. That way we can be certain it'll stay active for a good long while.

Psychic blocker
It would be hard for you to say whether this small metal disk operates by magic, science, or a mixture of the two. When placed on a large Clockwork robot, it should produce a signal that keeps the Clockwork King's energies confined to his own wasted dimension.

Mission Objective(s)

You have a sense of unease as you step onto the ruined landscape of Clockwork Earth.

  • Find biggest Clockwork

You placed all the psychic blockers.

Notable NPCs


Psychic Clockwork


You faced Babbage of Clockwork Earth? And you lived to tell about it? Character, I'm impressed. With that psychic blocker in place on Clockwork Earth, we shouldn't have to fear any psychic meddling from that world's Clockwork King. It's clear that all the things I've heard about you were right. You know how to get the job done.

Go after the thieves and bring them to justice


There's been an attack on a weapons storage facility in Brickstown! Oh, sure, that happens every day in Paragon City. But it's not every day that the thieves enter the building by portal! That's right. Whoever executed this attack has portal technology. Fortunately, the techs have managed to trace the thieves' dimensional static to a lab in Founders' Falls. I need you to go after the thieves and bring them to justice.

  • Go after the thieves and bring them to justice

One more thing: the portal technology the thieves were using has certain similarities to Portal Corporation's tech. There's a good chance one of our own scientists was in on this raid.

Defeat all villains in lab

Unnecessary Solicitation

There are some weapons thieves out there just waiting for you to bring them in.

Mission Objective(s)

No one passing by this building would find it worthy of notice. Only inside is the owners' secret power in evidence.

  • Defeat all villains in lab
    • Recover weapons
    • Find Dr. Levy

You recovered the weapons and learned about the Malta Group's recent activities in other dimensions.


Malta Operatives

Notable NPCs

  • Dr. Art Levy (Non-Escort Hostage)
Malta Sentries 

Before Combat

Malta Operative 1: Security reports Character on the premises.
Malta Operative 2: Did Levy rat us out?

Combat Start

Malta Operative 1: Sorry, hero, but you're not useful enough to keep alive.

Dr. Art Levy 

Upon Rescue: You must know what I've done!

Dr. Levy's story
When you rescued Dr. Levy from the Malta Group, he told you:

'I didn't want to help them, but they threatened me! If I didn't do as they asked, they said they'd make my family disappear. I couldn't let that happen. So I've been helping them set up portals for several months now. I introduced a little dimensional static into each one, though; I was hoping my colleagues could track them down.

'It's awful, but I even helped them set up bases on other dimensions. You've got to get to those worlds and disrupt their dimensional stabilizers. Malta's technology is still in its infancy; without those machines, they won't be able to maintain footholds in other worlds.'

Confiscated weapons
The Malta Group stole these highly advanced weapons from a Brickstown facility.

Stop Malta incursion

Unnecessary Solicitation

Dr. Levy gave you a list of the Malta Group's incursions into other dimensions. I suggest you use it.

Mission Objective(s)

You hear a howl of animal rage and realize that the Malta Group is already embroiled in battle with the Devouring Earth.

  • Stop Malta incursion
    • 4 dimensional stabilizers to destroy

You stopped the first Malta incursion.


Malta Operatives
Devouring Earth

Malta Lieutenants 

Before Combat:

Check. let's fry us up some critters.

Stop 2nd Malta incursion

Unnecessary Solicitation

It sounds like the second Malta base is in the Council Empire. That could be trouble.

Mission Objective(s)

The by-now-familiar streets of the Council Empire are home to a battle today.

  • Stop 2nd Malta incursion
    • 4 dimensional stabilizers to destroy

You stopped the 2nd Malta incursion.


Malta Operatives
Council Empire

Notable NPCs

Minion Battle 

Before Combat

Malta Minion: This world is gonna be ours!
Council Minion: You fools will not survive the day!

Combat Start

Malta Minion: How did you follow us?
Council Minion: You won't soil our hallowed streets!

Lieutenant Battle 

Before Combat

Malta Lieutenant: Easy-peasy. Let's do this thing.
Council Lieutenant: You mindless thugs will not survive your insolence.

Boss Battle 

Before Combat

Agent Wildfire: Let's make this quick and clean.

Combat Start

Agent Wildfire: Attack pattern Zulu. Now!
Archon Ito: Attack!

Stop 3rd Malta incursion

Unnecessary Solicitation

One more Malta base to go, Character. It's been a hard road, but I know you can hack it.

Mission Objective(s)

From the sound of gunfire, it's clear that the Malta Group is once again in battle with the locals.

  • Stop 3rd Malta incursion
    • 4 dimensional stabilizers to destroy

You stopped the final Malta incursion.


Malta Operatives
The Family

Notable NPCs

Minion Battle 

Before Combat

Malta Operative: You can't stand up to Malta.
Family Minion: You don't know who you're dealing with here.

Combat Start

Malta Operative: This is gonna be one sweet beatdown.
Family Minion: You don't want to mess with us.

Lieutenant Battle 

Before Combat

Malta Lieutenant: These jokers can't compete.
Family Lieutenant: We rule this place!

Boss Battle 

Before Combat

Zeus Class Titan: Fire at will.
Sammy the Man: I want them all dead. All of them!

Combat Start

Zeus Class Titan: Fire at Character!
Sammy the Man: Axe that loser.


Thanks for taking care of that garbage. I still can't believe Malta got so many footholds throughout those other dimensions. It's scary, Character. Turn your back for a second, and the whole multiverse can go straight to hell.

Extract the scientists from the Devouring Earth world


Have you ever imagined what would happen if the Devouring Earth ruled the world? Well, thanks to Portal Corporation technology, you don't have to. We've located a world in which the Devouring Earth are just about the only creatures left alive. A bunch of Portal scientists set up an observation post, but we've lost contact with them. I've been given the go-ahead for an extraction mission, and you're the only one I'll trust to lead it. You only have 90 minutes to rescue the scientists.

  • Extract the scientists from the Devouring Earth world

It was a big group, 10 altogether. I'm counting on you to get every one of them home safely.

Unnecessary Solicitation

We've still got people missing out there!

Mission Objective(s)

A wild creature's bellow parts the air. You can't tell whether it's angry or triumphant.

  • Rescue the scientists - 1:30:00
    • 10 scientists to save

You rescued the scientists from the Devouring Earth.


Devouring Earth


It sounds like those scientists may have made some important discoveries while they were on the Devouring Earth's world, stuff that could help us fight them in our own dimension. It's thanks to you that those discoveries weren't lost forever.

Save the carnies from the Praetorians


Character, what do you know about the Carnival of Light? They are the Praetorian version of our very own Carnival of Shadows, and they are major players to the Resistance against Marcus Cole in Upsilon Beta 9-6, the Praetorian Earth. Vanguard got a plea from their version of Vanessa DeVore to help out. It seems that many of her 'sisters' have been captured by Clockworks from that world, and she is asking for our help in rescuing the Mistresses that have been kidnapped. I can give you exact coordinates to put you in the building they are being held, and I need you to rescue the kidnapped Carnival of Light members before something horrible happens to them.

  • Save the carnies from the Praetorians

The Carnival of Light have shown us they can be trusted in the past, unlike their Carnival of Shadows counterparts

Save carnies from Praetorians

Unnecessary Solicitation

Remember, Character, you've got to save them all.

Mission Objective(s)

The technology in this lab is obviously worth millions. Not surprising, given the Praetorians' iron grip on their people.

  • Save carnies from Praetorians
    • 4 carnies to save

You rescued the carnies and learned the location of Neuron's secret lab.


Neuron's Clockwork

Rescued Carnival of Light dialogue 

When Rescued:
Mistress Daphne: My dear, you are truly a hero!
Mistress Veronica: My! So strong!
Mistress Persephone: Thank you for the rescue!
Mistress Kay: Allow me to repay your kindness.

Mistress Kay's story
When you rescued Mistress Kay from the Praetorians, she told you:

The villain Neuron has already begun his plan to flood Paragon City with dimensional ruptures. He has set up his equipment on a remote dimension; without the proper coordinates, you could never find it in time. Go swiftly, and take care of yourself. You are your world's best hope of survival.

Disrupt Neuron's Plan

Unnecessary Solicitation

Neuron's plan is already in the works. If you don't hurry, we won't be able to stop those dimensional ruptures!

Mission Objective(s)

This may be a remote dimension, but the lab is outfitted just as nicely as that in Neuron's home world.

  • Disrupt Neuron's Plan
    • 4 devices to destroy

You foiled Neuron's plot to flood Paragon City with dimensional ruptures


Neuron's Clockwork


Good work, Character, good work. Those Praetorians are a devious lot. I am glad we stopped Neuron when we did. Wait, isn't he supposed to be locked up in the Zig? I should be keeping better tabs on these guys.

Arrest Dreck on Nu-Beta 9-7 in under 90 minutes


I just got word of a major security breach. The Freakshow's leader, Dreck, managed to break into Portal Corporation and access another dimension. He chose dimension Nu Beta 9-7, a war torn world with few remaining defenses. He plans to set himself up as the lord of that dimension! As far as I'm concerned, the Freakshow are our problem, not Nu Beta 9-7's. I want you to go in there and arrest Dreck, the leader of the Freakshow. You'll need allies, and you'll have to do it fast. You'll only have 90 minutes before we lose our lock on Dreck's current location.

  • Arrest Dreck on Nu-Beta 9-7 in under 90 minutes

We've managed to isolate the Freaks within a force field, along with a few unlucky citizens of Nu Beta 9-7. Remember, the Freakshow are nothing without Dreck. Take him into custody, and this whole problem should go away. But you'll only have 90 minutes. Get a move on!

Unnecessary Solicitation

I won't stand for the Freaks running roughshod over the multiverse. You've got to end this before we lose them.

Mission Objective(s)

A hoot of malicious laughter echoes in the air.

  • Arrest Dreck and his henchmen
    • Complete in 90 Minutes

You stopped the Freaks' incursion into Nu Beta 9-7.



Notable NPCs

Rescued hostages dialogue 

When rescued:
War weary civilian 1: They seem to think this desolation is a paradise!
War weary civilian 2: With villains like these guys, your world must have worse problems than ours!
War weary civilian 3: The Council left us so little! Why do these people want to take it?
War weary civilian 4: Our world has been in chaos ever since the war! And now this!


From what I understand, Nu Beta 9-7 just fought a terrible war against their own version of the Council. They won it, but at a terrible cost. You saw what it was like there: tumbled ruins, no cars or Light Rail, little infrastructure of any kind. Trust the Freakshow to always find the weakest prey to sink their teeth into. I hope we've given the people of Nu Beta 9-7 a shot at rebuilding their world. With Dreck in prison, this world also got a big boost.

Explore the new dimension


I've got a job for you to do. Portal Corporation just located a new dimension. We're calling it Tau Delta 8-7 for right now, but the first person to explore it gets to choose the unofficial name. If you're up for it, that could be you. What do you say? Want to explore a brand new dimension?

  • Explore the new dimension

When I say brand new, of course, I merely mean newly discovered. This world has had millennia to develop and grow on its own. It's possible you'll find just about anything there, so be on your guard.

Investigate the new dimension

Unnecessary Solicitation

I want to know all about that new dimension!

Mission Objective(s)

You hear a strangely unemotional voice say, 'I need to see those TPS reports.'

  • Investigate the new dimension
    • Seek clues

You learned the secrets of this strange new dimension.


Nemesis Automatons

Notable NPCs

Automaton Sentries 

Before Combat

(numerous, and standard, automaton phrases)

Combat Start

Nemesis security breached! Repel all invaders with maximum force!
We will defend Nemesis forever!
Nemesis is forever!
Nemesis can never be defeated!

Worn Warhulk 

Before Combat:

Nemesis is our master. We must defend his domain!

Combat Start:

You will never stop Nemesis!

This coffin contains the unburied body of Nemesis.

Nemesis' epitaph
The epitaph on the obelisk read:

'I no longer have any hope of saving myself from this despicable disease. One thought alone consoles me: my creations will not allow a single thing to survive me. They will rule this world forever, alone, in the name of Nemesis.'

Return to contact

Unnecessary Solicitation

I need to know everything you've learned about that new dimension. You had better report in person for debriefing.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Return to contact

Unai Kemen


There was nothing left on that world but old Nemesis automatons? What happened to all the people? I think we have to assume that the Nemesis of Tau Delta 8-7 did something terrible to his world. Character, I think you should go back. It could be that there are still people there in hiding, but they can't come out for fear of the automatons. If we allow Nemesis' leftover robots to run rampant across that planet, it'll be a dead world forever.

There have to be some sort of refueling machines in the area; even Nemesis' steam-powered creations can't run forever without some system for refilling their reservoirs. I need you to find those machines and eliminate them.

Disable refueling machines

Unnecessary Solicitation

I want you to disassemble every machine in that area.

Mission Objective(s)

The lively chirps of the Nemesis automatons grate against your ears.

  • Disable refueling machines
    • 4 machines to disable

You destroyed the refueling machine.


Nemesis Automatons

Notable NPCs

Automaton Sentries 

Before Combat

(numerous, and standard, automaton phrases)

Combat Start

You cannot hope to battle the army of Nemesis!
Nemesis is forever!

Worn Warhulk 

Before Combat:

Repel the invaders! Nemesis security must be ensured!

Combat Start:

Nemesis is all!


Good work, Character. I'll keep sending heroes to dimension Tau Delta 8-7, until we get the entire planet cleared of automatons. If there's one thing I've learned in this job, it's this: even if it's on another world, you never, ever leave a doomsday device in working order.

Rescue Dr. Naples from the Council Empire


We've got a tense situation here, Character. One of Portal Corporation's own scientists has been kidnapped by the Council. Not the Council of this world; the Council of dimension Omega Omicron 26-20: the Council Empire! Dr. Sam Naples is not only too nice a guy to leave at the Council's mercy, he's also the biggest brains we've got around here. He knows more about the dimensional ruptures than anybody. You've got to rescue Dr. Naples from the Council Empire. There's a lot riding on this one.

  • Rescue Dr. Naples from the Council Empire

I don't know whether the Council is looking for info on these dimensional ruptures, but I'd say it's a good bet.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Dr. Naples' fate is in your hands. And possibly that of the multiverse!

Mission Objective(s)

The Council Empire is one of the restricted dimensions for good reason. The fiends who dominate this world would love to get their hands on your own dimension.

  • Find Dr. Sam Naples

You defeated Dr. Naples.


Council Empire

Notable NPCs

Council Patrols 

Before Combat:

Council Minion 1: Naples has a lot of useful information.
Council Minion 2: Indeed.

Dr. Sam Naples 

Before Combat:

My brethren, Portal Corporation's secrets will soon be yours.

Combat Start:

You think you can take on a whole world of my brothers? Hah! Be my guest!


Well, I did some checking, and it looks like Dr. Naples' real name is Julius Pazzi. He was a scientist all right, but he was never interested in exploration of new dimensions. He was interested in getting his hands on as much Portal Corporation data as the Council could use. We'll have to keep our eye on the Council Empire from now on, Character. There's no telling how much information Naples managed to pass on before you apprehended him.

Defeat a few Malta agents


The Malta Group has been a thorn in my side ever since they learned the extent of Portal Corporation's technology. No matter how many defenses we set up, they won't stop trying to invade our labs. I need you to get on the streets and show the Malta Group that Portal Corporation can play dirty. What do you say? Will you defeat a few Malta agents in the name of science?

  • Defeat a few Malta agents

Make sure the Malta Group knows that Portal Corporation won't tolerate continued interference. You can usually find them right here on Peregrine Island, near Poseidon Square or Mera Heights.

Unnecessary Solicitation

I don't know if Malta's gotten the message yet. Better hammer it home.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Defeat Malta agents
    • Defeat 50 Malta Operatives

You discouraged the Malta agents from attacking Portal Corporation.


Malta's not an enemy to be defeated in one battle. We'll have to continue waging the war to keep Portal Corporation's technology away from their prying eyes, but at least you fired some good opening shots for us. Thanks, Character.

Take out some Devouring Eath on Peregrine Island


The Devouring Earth are causing a big problem on Peregrine Island. They're rampaging, causing damage, and generally stirring up a fuss. A lot of the technicians have been complaining that they simply don't feel safe. I think someone's got to take out some of the Devouring Earth on Peregrine Island. Know who that someone is? You.

  • Take out some Devouring Eath on Peregrine Island

You can find the creatures pretty reliably near Nelson Borough or Mera Heights. Be careful, Character. A battle with the Devouring Earth is never easy.

Unnecessary Solicitation

The Devouring Earth situation on Peregrine Island is still pretty dicey. Best get back to work.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Defend Peregrine from creatures
    • Defeat 50 Devouring Earth

You have discouraged Devouring Earth activity on Peregrine Island.


The Devouring Earth have been a problem on Peregrine Island for as long as I can remember. Thanks for doing something about it, Character.

Hit the streets and show Nemesis his men aren't welcome


Nemesis has his soldiers hanging around Peregrine Island lately, and it's gotten to be something of a concern. It seems everyone in Paragon City wants a piece of Portal Corporation's technology. I need you to hit the streets and show Nemesis his men aren't welcome. Against an opponent as strong as Nemesis, a good offense is the best defense.

  • Hit the streets and show Nemesis his men aren't welcome

You can find Nemesis soldiers in Mera Heights and Poseidon Square. I'd suggest starting in those areas.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Nemesis is still posing quite a threat to Peregrine Island.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Defend Peregrine from Nemesis
    • Defeat 50 Nemesis

You have decreased the Nemesis presence on Peregrine Island.


Good work, Character. I'm sure all the Portal Corporation scientists will breathe easier with Nemesis on the run. I know I certainly will.

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