Missions:Detective - Protect Skyway City bank

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Protect Skyway City bank

While listening for the latest signs of trouble, you hear a call asking for heroes to speak with Contact directly. Something big is happening.


We've just learned that a villain from the Rogue Isles is going to attack Skyway City, intent on robbing the bank and causing mayhem! To make matters worse, the Lost are somehow connected to this, and have been swarming into the zone. Paragon City needs her heroes to get over to Skyway City and protect the city and the bank from that villain. The robbers have already struck, so you should head over there quick. You probably have about 5 minutes or less before they make their escape.

This is a Safeguard mission. Once you prevent the heist, you will have 15 minutes to explore the area and potentially earn extra rewards before the P.P.D. lock down the area. You can earn extra time by defeating vandals and completing side missions.

Mission Acceptance

We know the Lost are central to what's happening, but we've also learned that the Trolls are going to hit the streets in force to take advantage of the chaos. Your main objective is still to stop the Lost and the villain before they ruin the city and get into the bank, but stopping other villains from causing trouble would also be a great help.

Periodically, vandals will arrive to destroy parts of the city. You will see a message when they arrive, and their locations will be displayed in your minimap.

Mission Refusal

What?! I understand, Character. You no doubt have some very important things to do. We'll do our best to stop them, but it doesn't look good.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Go protect Skyway City!

Mission Objective(s)

This isn't going to be easy. The Trolls have alerted the Lost to your presence and are planning to stop you from interfering in the bank robbery. The Lost are roaming around causing mayhem and preparing themselves for the attack on the bank vault.

  • Protect Skyway City bank
    • Stop the Bank Robbery

You saved Skyway City!


The Lost

NPC Text 

Lost Guard: Don't let anyone get in the bank, for we need these funds to prepare for what comes!
Lost Guard: HERETIC! Suffer for your interference!

Possible Villains

NPC Text 

Pyra: I'm just here for the money. Well, the money and a chance to set people on fire.
Lost Looter: Money... It is corruption from the way.
Pyra: I wonder what you'll like when you're burning, hero? I bet you burn beautifully.
Lost Looter: Die, Heretic!

NPC Text 

Echidna: I'll have such wealth, the hypocrites will prostrate themselves and call me beautiful. And I will kill them for it!
Lost Looter: Money... It is corruption from the way.
Echidna: Are you afraid? Good. It will make killing you even better.
Lost Looter: Die, Heretic!

Side Missions

Keys for side missions can be found by defeating Lost groups.

Prevent Arson

Fire Bombs
These are massive fire bombs the Lost were getting ready to use. They seem to only be 1/2 of a larger batch.

NPC Text 

Key mob:

Aberrant Rector: I feel satisfaction in this act.
Aberrant Rector: You do not deserve to live, Hero!
Aberrant Eremite: We must purge the old world with fire!
Aberrant Eremite: Your small mind cannot stop our will.

You have received a building key!
Inside building:

Aberrant Eremite: Let the fires burn away the old world!
Aberrant Eremite: You cannot beat us.

Ambush mob:

Random Lost: You will die in the fires of our rebirth!

Prevent Bombing

Fire Bombs
These are massive fire bombs the Lost were planting underneath the city. Defuse the rest of them before time runs out!!

NPC Text 

Key mob:

Aberrant Rector: Proceed with swiftness
Aberrant Rector: Let no one stand against us!

You have received a map to the sewers, with a building marked as 'X'!
Inside building:

Random Lost: Hold it right there, buster!

Prevent Vault Break-In

Pawn Shop Ad
An ad showing a vast array of expensive products at Damico's Pawn Shop right now.

NPC Text 

Key mob:

Aberrant Eremite: Damico's Pawn shop will be our next target.
Aberrant Eremite: You are powerless against our will!

You have received a building key!
Inside building:

Random Lost 1: Hurry up!
Random Lost 2: I move with all haste possible, brother.

Ambush mob:

Random Lost: Get to the vault!


Thank you for rescuing me!

Prevent Jailbreak

Wanted Poster
A wanted poster of Echidna. She's a vicious one, and if she sided with the Lost it could be bad for everyone. You should check into this.


Wanted Poster
A wanted poster of Pyra. All she cares about is lashing out at the world. The Lost could easily convince her to help them. That could be bad.

NPC Text 

Key mob:

Aberrant Rector: We will tear what we want from your mind!
PPD Hostage: I'm not giving up that info! It's classified!
Aberrant Rector: You have no right to intefere with us.
PPD Hostage: Thanks much. I think they are trying to break Pyra out of jail. Hurry over to the station and check it out!

You have received a building key! Get over to the Police Station as fast as you can!
Inside building:

Random Lost: Another to help clease the world.
Random Lost: The way will be ready soon!
Pyra: You'll die in the fires of my wrath!

Ambush mob:

Random Lost: Quickly, we must free Pyra!

Prevent Weapons Deal

Cargo Manifest
A cargo manifest that describes the details about a shipment of weapons the Trolls recently stole. You need to confiscate those weapons!

NPC Text 

Key mob:

Aberrant Rector: The weapons we buy will help our cause.
Aberrant Rector: You cannot stop our progress.

You have received a building key! Get over to that building as fast as you can!
Inside building:

Random Lost: Can we be sure they work?
Random Troll: ALWAYS can trust Trollz!
Random Lost: Eliminate the anti-mind heretic!
Random Troll: He mean dah Hero. Fight!

Ambush Mob

Random Lost: There's trouble!

Exploration Badge

Heroes can earn the Courage Driven Badge during this mission. Its coordinates are (-944.5, 0.3, -3443.0) (just at the door of the Weapons Deal side mission).

{{#ask:Courage Driven Badge |?Image|limit=1|default=|format=list|link=none|template=Template:BadgeBox/icons}} Courage Driven

The major highway that runs alongside this warehouse is frequently used by the "Dyne-addled" Supa-Trolls.

Temporary Power:

Upon successful completion of this mission for the first time, a hero over level ? will earn the Resuscitation temporary power.

Resuscitation Self Rez, Debt Protection
If you are defeated, you may resuscitate yourself where you have fallen, rather than transport to the hospital or your base. After each use, you may not use this effect again for another hour. This effect lasts for 2 days of gameplay.


Great work, Character! Skyway City is now a safer place thanks to you!

Mission Failure

You did your best, I guess this task was just too much for you.