The Fire and The Flames
Part One: The Voice of a Ghost
Perhaps this is what The Fates had ordained for me on that day my Fiona was born, that I should rise to the heavens beyond her reach, and then descend into darkness to save her. If that is my lot then so be it, I am at your service until The Fates decides otherwise.
I have glimpsed where you must go in order to claim the Flames of Prometheus. Do you dare journey into the ensorcelled realm of Oranbega, the subterranean city of the Circle of Thorns? For that is where you must go in order to take the first step onto the path to absolute power.
If I were you, I would not go alone.
Mission Acceptance
Mortimer Kal's eyes roll back into his head. The sight of the old man standing before you like that reminds you of a zombie, except that he speaks with a gravely tone and mentions nothing about brains.
Numina is currently engaged in battle deep beneath the earth in the forgotten city of Oranbega, the forlorn realm of the Circle of Thorns. But be wary, for with her is her protege, the demon binding warrior Infernal. The Soul Catcher can only contain the soul of one being at a time, and Infernal will not look kindly upon you for trapping his mentor. You will have to find a way to deal with Infernal for he will stop at nothing to release his mistress.
Mortimer Kal smiles
K'Varr is part of Infernal's true name. A person's true name holds power over them. This will give you the edge you need to defeat Numina's protector.
Whenever you and your lackeys are ready I will transport you through a doorway of shadows into the suberranean city of Oranbega.
Mortimer regards you with minor contempt.
Don't worry, you have my daughter, so I wouldn't dream of shifting you into, say, Ghlar Shodan, the Prison of Slime...
Remember, Numina does not travel alone, she travels with Infernal. Remember, part of his true name is K'Varr and that there is power in one's true name. With his you will have some power over him.
I'm ready, wizard. Now send me to Oranbega.
Ambush! After this conversation, Toph Osir and a group of Circle of Thorns closest to him turn hostile.
Mission Objective(s)
According to Mortimer Kal, Numina and her sidekick, Infernal, are down here in Oranbega fighting the Circle of Thorns. Following their wake of destruction should make your job of tracking the ethereal Numina oh so much easier.
Steal Numina's soul!
Capture Numina with the Soul Catcher
Defeat Infernal
You've stolen Numina's soul and escaped from the subterranean realm of the Circle of Thorns.
It will be a long time before Infernal dares to challenge you again.
Mortimer Kal's Soul Catcher
This object is about the size of a bowling pin and appears to be chipped from a single massive shard of crystal. It isn't ruby, garnet, or any quartz you've ever seen, but it is blood red and extraordinarily cool to the touch. The gem appears to be hollow in the middle, or perhaps it is a trick of the light. Whatever the case, its purpose has been made clear to you by Mortimer Kal. This shard focuses eldritch energy and draws the soul of one unlucky individual into it, trapping them. You have no idea if there is a way to let a captured soul free.
Editor's Note:
The team leader will be granted the Soul Catcher temp power. While fighting Numina a message will flash across the screen telling you when to use it.
Agony Mage: Our city is under attack by that accursed Infernal and his keeper, Numina!
Guide: Up, Thorn brothers. On your feet.
Agony Mage: But what are we to do? So long as Infernal runs rampant the daemons will not obey our summons!
Combat Start:
Agony Mage:Character!?
Agony Mage: Come thinking to steal treasures from our city in the wake of our misfortune?
Agony Mage: Think again!
Agony Mage: Kill him / her!
Guide: Kill!
Before Combat:
Agony Mage: Get them onto their feet.
Guide: ...ugh...
Guide: This accursed body is weakened.
Guide: ...can't... stand.
Agony Mage: Rise, brethren. This fight has only just begun.
Guide: But it is not yet dead!
Guide: Not... dead... yet!
Agony Mage: Excellent!
Agony Mage: An opportunity to claim new bodies for our fallen brothers!
Agony Mage: Capture them alive!
Agony Mage: Once we've recovered we are only to prevent them from escaping.
Agony Mage: Without our daemon allies that will prove more difficult.
Agony Mage: We must focus our efforts on Infernal.
Agony Mage: Thousands of daemons are trapped in his armor, releasing them would surely gain us great favor and power with the daemon lords.
Agony Mage: No!
Agony Mage: Numina is the true threat!
Agony Mage: Infernal can lay low our bodies but the daughter of Arcanus can keep us bound within them, and enslaved to her will!
Agony Mage: All that exists is her spirit, pain is no longer a concern of hers.
Agony Mage: I can find no means of forcing her into a host body to contain her.
Agony Mage: There are other ways to deal with that phantasm that vexes us so.
Agony Mage: A soul unbound can be imprisoned in more than just bodies...
Behemoth Lord: So long as Infernal is here we shall NOT aid the Circle!
Blade Prince: You will be SILENT, Berith!
Blade Prince: You do not speak for us all.
Blade Prince: Ayperos is right...
Blade Prince: But Berith speaks of our true problem.
Blade Prince: Infernal.
Behemoth Lord: If Infernal could be imprisoned then the last of the Arcanus blood line would soon be ours!
Blade Prince: Yes, we must convince the Oranbegans that it is Infernal, not Tammy Arcanus, who must be dealt with first.
Guide: My... strength... returns!
Guide: Pain is strength!
Guide: This body is but a vessel!
Guide: I've strength yet!
Agony Mage: Come to Oranbega to die, have we, Character?
Agony Mage: Destroy the intruders!
Toph Osir
I am Toph Osir, Magus of this district of our glorious city.
You are not here on the same mission as Numina and her pet, Infernal... what is it you seek? Perhaps I can grant what you wish in exchange for your assistance against that witch, Numina?
Fate would have it that it is Numina who I am after.
So it would seem that the threads of Fate have brought us together.
Numina has been using her magic to turn my people against each other. Normally this would pose little problem for our daemons to handle, but that accursed Infernal is with her, and what daemons we have sent against them have been bound within his armor.
If we could but separate one from the other then both would fall.
Mortimer Kal said that the name K'Varr might come in handy.
Toph Osir scowls at the name of Mortimer Kal, but then his mouth hangs agape at the name of K'Varr.
Of course! K'Varr is part of Infernal's true name. It isn't absolute power over him, but it is enough to summon him away from his mistress and to a place where he can be bound.
Once we have Infernal imprisoned I will leave Numina to your capable hands.
You have yourself a deal, Toph Osir.
Toph Osir begins chanting a ritual using the name 'K'Varr'.
Toph Osir:Character. Cease your attack and let us speak civilly. Toph Osir: I am Toph Osir, Magus of this district of our glorious city. Toph Osir: You are not here on the same mission as Numina and her pet, Infernal... what is it you seek? Toph Osir: Perhaps I can grant what you wish in exchange for your assistance against that witch, Numina? Toph Osir: So it would seem that the threads of Fate have brought us together. Toph Osir: Numina has been using her magic to turn my people against each other. Toph Osir: Of course! K'Varr is part of Infernal's true name. Toph Osir: It isn't absolute power over him, but it is enough to summon him away from his mistress and to a place where he can be bound. Toph Osir: MWAH HA HA HA HAAAA!
Toph Osir: Ah... Infernal. Toph Osir: Finally we meet face to face. Toph Osir: Or should I call you... Toph Osir: K'Varr. Toph Osir: Soon the entirety of your true name will be known to me... Toph Osir: And then it is I, Toph Osir, who shall command the daemons bound within your armor... Toph Osir: For you shall be under MY command!
Infernal: With that sorcerer dispatched I am free!
Guide: Toph Osir has fallen! Infernal has broken free!
Guide: Forget Character. Retreat!
Guide: The spell is failing!
Guide: Run!
Guide: Infernal! He is free!
Guide: Flee!
Infernal: And with my newfound freedom I will seize that dreadful artifact and release Numina!
Combat Start:
Infernal:Character, prepare yourself for battle!
Infernal: Magical bindings...
Infernal: Your spirit is shrouded in darkness. Release Numina and take the first step toward redemption.
75% Health:
Infernal: If it is battle you seek, then it is battle you shall have!
50% Health:
Infernal: You consort with daemon worshippers and they betrayed you. Can you not see that this path is the wrong one?
25% Health:
Infernal: You will release Numina, or I WILL kill you.
Upon Defeat:
Infernal: No! Numina! I have... failed... you...
Upon Player Defeat:
Infernal: Now, villain, let us discuss the release of my friend.
Ambush! After defeating Toph Osir, Infernal will turn hostile. However, the large amount of Circle minions will flee for their lives.
Editor's Note:
Infernal has a Demon Summoning skill with a 180 second recharge time that will spawn a set of three Demonlings (Fire, Ice and Hellfire). Each has its own attacks and low HP, but buffs Infernal's damage by 10% each while they are alive.
Numina's Soul
You have captured Numina's soul within the Soul Catcher. The interior of the ruddy gem is clouded and when you think of Numina you can hear her quietly weeping and bemoaning the bitter cold and alienation from all that is living. When you speak her name she immediately responds and asks how she might serve you in order to gain release from her hellish prison.
This makes you smile.
Well done... but...
There are some troubling developments, master / mistress.
Mortimer pauses for emphasis of the gravity of the situation
Know that I tell you this because I wish only for my Fiona's safe return...
The Midnighters have discovered that you are the one behind my daughter's kidnapping. For the time being I have convinced them that I have had no dealings with you, but that charade will not last for long, not when they realize what you are truly after. With that, I implore you to move quickly, for I have no doubt that should you be defeated, then Fiona's death is assured.