Mission:Fixing Fixadine - Part Three: Crushing Hard
Part Three: Crushing Hard
Unnecessary Solicitation
You musn't delay, Character!
Character, were you able to find Subject Zero?
A rampage in South Aetna?! If something isn't done, we could lose Subject Zero - and our cure - forever to the PPD! Quick, Character, I know of a way that you can slip in there to disarm the situation and get Subject Zero before the PPD do!
Those Loyalists who are truly loyal to safety and peace of Praetoria would do well to speak with Provost Marchand about events that are happening - before going to stop this rampage.
- Alright, let's get started. (Begin Mission)
- Hold on Arvin, you never mentioned you were Subject Zero's Uncle.
- What?
- ... yes, I'm related to Subject Zero, Character. Why do you ask?
- Why didn't you mention this? Are you ashamed of him?
- Ashamed?
- No, not at all, Character. I care about my nephew, very much. Which is why I must keep my distance from our... connection. As a doctor, I must remain professional and disconnected from my patients. If I have an emotional investment... then mistakes can be made during the procedure.
- I must ensure that Subject Zero is just that to me - another patient to work on. No connection, no face, just a means to an end.
- I hope you can understand that, Character. Now, please, you must hurry to South Aetna!
- I'm on it. (Begin mission)
- No reason, let's get going. (Begin mission)
Mission Objective(s)
The Destroyers are tearing up South Aetna. With the PPD nowhere to be found, it's up to you to stop them - and get Subject Zero!
- Retrieve Subject Zero in South Aetna!
- Retrieve Subject Zero
- Protect Subject Zero from incoming Destroyers
You've fought off the Destroyers and recovered Subject Zero before the PPD could arrive!

Notable NPCs
- 'Subject Zero' (Destroyers Hombre) (Lieutenant)
- Bad Rap (Destroyers Big Dog) (Boss)
- Bad Man (Destroyers Big Dog) (Boss)
Character, this is terrific! Subject Zero, back in our custody! Now I can move forward with finding a cure.
You and I, however, are not done yet. Far from it. I'll need your help in finding the last components for the cure before I can properly administer it to Subject Zero.