Dean MacArthur

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Dean MacArthur
Dean MacArthur.jpg
Missing Info
Zone Sharkhead Isle
Coordinates (255, 32, -762)
Level Range 20-29
Introduced By None
Introduces Leonard Silmon
Enemy Groups Badge villain family.png The Family
Badge villain skyraiders.png Sky Raiders
V badge ArachnosBadge.png Arachnos
Badge villain 5thcolumn.png 5th Column
V badge Security.png Security Guards
V badge ConsortiumDefeatBadge.png Cage Consortium
Badges Badge I11VillainStoryArc1Complete.png Bane of Ajax
v  d  e

Dean MacArthur is a villain contact in the Port Recluse neighborhood of Sharkhead Isle at coordinates (255, 32, -762).


Note: Dean's dialogue will vary depending on the gender of your character. Female characters can expect a certain amount of crude flirting.

Where the dialog is different, Female should go first. If dialog for a mission debriefing (for example) is the same for both genders, no delineation is necessary.

Contact Introduced By

  • None. He will be automatically unlocked for villains at level 20.

Contact Introduces

Template:NewContact Leonard Silmon



Dean MacArthur is a man who doesn't exactly look like he belongs in the Rogue Isles.

Speaking with him for more than a few minutes quickly reveals why he is here - to hobnob with 'supervillains' and feel important by giving them prime information that he retains.

Despite how irritating Dean may be, he has a talent for setting things up for villains to knock them down, and he has no moral problems with whatever people do with his information.

Too Low Level

Missing Too Low Level Dialogue


Noe: This dialog might be the "Too Busy" dialog


What's up babe? Look, me, I'm not a guy who splits hairs, but I gotta in this situation. What I wanna do is way too small time for you, I'm even kinda nervous just thinking about asking you to do this stuff. You got bigger fish to fry!


Missing male dialog

Contact Unlocked

Dean MacArthur has been seen in Sharkhead...

A man named Dean MacArthur is rumored to be looking for you in Sharkhead Isle. People have overheard him saying that he wants to help out 'a beautiful flower like Character.'

This contact has now been added to the active tab of your Contact Window.

Initial Contact


Hey there beautiful, my name's Dean MacArthur, but you can call me D-Mac, babe. Glad you decided to stop on by my little bit of home here.

You're probably wondering right now, who is this amazing man standing before me?

Well, I'll tell you! I'm a guy who can get you information on what YOU want.

I'm not selfish at all, see? You want something, we figure out how to get that. Or I give you a heads up on what might cause you some problems, you know?

I don't know who would give a pretty flower like YOU problems though.

So, what do you say?

  • What can you do for me?
What can I do for you? What can I, the Daring D'ster do for a lovely rose like you?
The answer is a lot. See, information, it just falls into my lap, like petals falling in a summer's garden.
Now me, I think that information could be used against folks. You name 'em, Cage, Longbow, Wyvern, Legacy Chain, PPD, the works.
Buncha bum,s you know? So I find this info, give it to you, and you do what you do with it!
  • You're not looking to them for protection? From people like me?
Missing Initial Contact Dialogue
  • Sounds a little too convenient, Dean.
My life is all about being convenient! Like a fresh spring appearing in an arid desert...
Tell you the truth, okay? This is me, opening up to you, and I barely know you.
Those 'heroes' in Paragon, they got it all wrong. Someone's gotta shove 'em off their high horse. Enforcin' laws then lookin' the other way when them same laws destroy a person's life.
Now I know it ain't gonna be me. But I figure, helping someone like you will at least make a dent, yeah?
  • So, you're some sort of freedom fighter?
Freedom Fighter? Sounds that what you're interested in? I'm fine with that title, or whatever else you wanna call me, eh?
In the end, I know it's tough trusting folks here, yeah? But I tell you now, you work with me, I'll help you out with whatever needs doing.
Take your time, think it over, then you know what? D-Ster here, I'll be waiting.
  • We'll see what happens Dean
  • Why should I trust you?
What, you don't trust the dashing, daring, dynamic D-Mac? Check out this flex, pow! How can you not trust that?
But you're right, how can you trust me? Maybe I can say, 'You can trust me', but I know you're smarter than that.
You're talking to me, right? Which means you're smarter already. But still just as beautiful.
  • You still haven't answered my question.
A smart one eh!
Well look, me, I'm not super-powered at all. Maybe I'm good with a gun, but that's it. So, you can trust me because you can trust that I don't waty you beating my face in if I tried anything funny. Not that I wouldn't mind you getting your hands on me.
Maybe some other folks here talk tough, but I know what I can do, and it for sure isn't close to what you can do.
  • I'll take your word, for now. What do you have for me?
Let's see...a few beautiful roses...some for two to a play in St. Martial.
But to get specific, I've got some tidbits on a pesky hero hanging around here. But tell you what, give me a second to get everything in order, yeah?
Just two seconds. And then you get your stuff in order.
When both of our...stuffs...are in order, we'll make things happen.
  • We'll see, Dean.
  • Let's say I trust you - what then?
Missing Initial Contact Dialogue


Missing Initial Contact Dialogue


  • Hey! What's up Character?
  • You up for something crazy?

Too Busy

Missing Too Busy Dialogue

No More Missions

Missing No More Missions Dialogue


Missing Store Unlock Dialogue

Story Arc


Merit total is for flashback. Need to verify merit total for running normally.

Me, Myself, and My Other Selves (20-29)


Missing Souvenir info

Lure out Ajax

Note-the titles for this mission may be incorrect, as it was done in flashback, which does not give complete info on the first mission

Me, Myself, and My Other Selves
Part one: Lure out Ajax



Hey babe, you wanted info? I GOT you some info. So check this juicy stuff out.

There's this hero, goes by the name of Ajax. Guy was the last surviving member of the Omega Team. Crazy stuff right? Omega Team, they're the guys that went on that suicide mission to stop the Rikti in the first Rikti War.

So this guy, Ajax, yeah? Totally starts getting all depressed that he's the last one left on the team, the whole, 'Boo hoo, I watched all my friends die, it's all my fault.' Now I'm a sensitive guy, if you're into that, but this guy was a wimp on an epic scale.

Years later, that whole time capsule left by the Omega Team is opened, and BAM! Juicy info flows out of it, like nectar out of a nectar-flowing machine!

Turns out Ajax was just a thug who killed the REAL Ajax and somehow got his powers of invulnerability! Man, if that's not juicy, I don't know what is. Can you believe all that?

  • Are you going to get to the point, Dean? needs confirmation

Yeah! Totally, I'm getting there! I like to take things slowly babe, you know?

So this news spills out that Ajax is a good for nothing thug, yeah? PPD puts out a warrant for his arrest in Paragon, but Ajax, he's smart, he hops over to chill in the Isles. But here's the problem. Now he's all about getting in people's business here, trying to lay down his law all up in this place.

Word on the street is that Ajax is after folks like you supers, you dig?

Me though, I think his invulnerability can't still be all that. Gotta be all rusted and stuff by now, you dig?

I know for a fact, for a FACT, that he loves swooping in to stop robberies. And I also happen to be having the info that a local jewelry store is pretty light on security right now.

So I think you see what's gotta be done, yeah?

If this Ajax guy ain't taken care of, you can be sure he's gonna be piling down on your business at the exact wrong time.

  • missing accept dialog


Missing Male Briefing dialog

Unnecessary solicitation:

missing info

Mission Objective(s)

The jewelry store is quiet as you step inside. The security cameras in the corners turn slowly, still unaware of your presence.

  • Rob the jewelry store to lure out Ajax!
    • You've gotten the items from the store, causing the alarm to go off. Ajax should be here at any moment!
    • Defeat Ajax!
    • Find Mission Exit

Ajax turned out to be completely invulnerable - still. But what's more concerning was that you saw another version of yourself in that jewelry store!

A New Leaf? 

Before Combat:

Private Security Guard: I'm surprised that Character Offered to help guard this place. I mean, can we really trust him/her?
Private Security Guard: Why not? Maybe they're turning over a new leaf or something.

Combat Start:

Private Security Guard: Character?! Wait, what's going on?
Private Security Guard: Who cares?! Just shoot him/her!

"You're already here!" 

Store Clerk:

W-what? Character? But I're already here!



I'm getting out of here...!



Listen up sunshine, this place is under MY watch!

Icon clue generic.png
Your Own Self
While you were robbing the jewelry store, you came across an odd sight - you! But this you was there to defend the store instead of rob it.

Unlike yourself, however, it didn't seem too keen on starting a fight.

Icon clue generic.png
The Invulnerable Ajax
Despite the rumors that Dean heard, Ajax was in fact quite impervious to harm. If he's going to persist in being a problem towards you in the Isles, you'll have to figure out some sort of way around this.

Notable NPCs


V badge Security.png Security Guards
Badge Defeat8ClonesChallenge.png Doppelgangers



Hey beautiful, how'd it go with taking down that Ajax guy? Is he out for the count?

  • He was completely invulnerable Dean - and I encountered a clone of myself.

Whoah, totally invulnerable? STILL?, I thought that magic wore off by now! Geez, I feel awful about that.

Let me make it up to you huh? How about a nice romantic dinner for two later?

But we've got a problem to handle huh? Let's see...I mean, there's gotta be something we can do about a guy who's totally invulnerable...maybe tie him down?

  • Ajax isn't an issue at the moment. My CLONE is.

...oh! Right!

Yeah. Oh man, totally, that's a problem. For sure! Two of you walking around, going against each other, ...hold on. Need to imagine two of you first. ...okay. What? Okay, okay.

Yeah, I can see how this can be a problem.

  • That's why you're going to get me some information about this.

Oh, yeah. Yeah! For sure. It's you and D-Mac on this, all the way!

So okay, this clone of yours, what did she look like?

  • .....

H-haha, just kidding! know, just a little humor there.

Let me do some digging, see what I can find out, yeah?

  • Alright Dean. I'm still not sure what we're gonna do about this. I missing text due to screenshot being obscured by a dropdown. Sorry ...other version of you running around?

That's not one of your secret powers, is it? Playing a trick here on old Dean?

...yeah, I guess not.


Missing Male dialog

Track Down Your Clone

Me, Myself, and My Other Selves
Part Two: My Own Factory


Female I'm gonna wrap my mind around this. I'm gonna get you what you need, Dean-style! That's what I do, you know?

Dean takes out his cellphone and sends a flurry of text messages out.

I'm a texting king Character! You like a man who can text 100 words a minute?

So I dunno what could be causing this - I heard the Circle of Thorns did some of that weird stuff over in Paragon. But I mean, why'd they do that with -

Dean's cellphone rings to the tune of a pop song popular with teenage girls.


Okay Character, guess who you're high-fiving! THIS guy, right here! I got you what you need!

  • Why am I high-fiving you?

Okay so check it out. One of my contacts, he said that he saw you leaping into some sewers here in Sharkhead.

But that can't be right, you know? Cause you're right here!

So that means that's GOTTA be where your other you went!

Now I don't know what you're gonna find in there, but I can tell you for sure, 100 percent D-Mac sure, that your woman is down there doing something!


Missing Male Briefing dialog

Mission Objective(s)

You followed the trail of yourself through the sewers and into this laboratory. You can hear the sound of a fierce battle going on up ahead!
It looks like Dean's contact told
every other group in Sharkhead about this place!

  • Find your clone in the facility!
    • Defeat your clone
    • You put down your clone - it must've been a faulty version of you.
    • Interrogate a 5th Column Scientist!

You've taken the 5th Column cloning facility for yourself! Now to figure out what exactly to do with it...

Note: there are low level 5th column engineers near the first group. It is currently unknown whether or not they have any dialog, or if the inactive Wolfpack robots become active and have dialog


Before Combat:

5th Column Soldier: Get ready to fire at anything that comes out!
5th Column Soldier: Ready!

Combat Start:

5th Column Soldier: FIRE!

5th Column Scientist 

I'm not sticking around if Character is here!

V archetypeicon stalker.png Ambush! Two 5th Column ambushes will appear after entering the cloning room, followed by a Doppelganger.

Ambush 1 

5th Column Soldier: Kill the intruder! They won't survive past here!

Ambush 2 

5th Column Soldier: Character won't take control, not here, not now!


Combat Start: I'll take care of Character myself!

First Blood: Surprised, Character? Let's see who the best out of us is!

Defeated: They made me per...p-perfect...Character, in every-every-every-




The % health when Clone says these dialog lines needs to be confirmed

5th Column Scientist 

Before Combat: This operation is collapsing all around us! This is insane, just get me out of here!

Combat Start: Great, do you really think you're going to beat Character?

Once Captured: Okay Character. I'll tell you whatever you want, just don't hurt me!

Taking over the facility?

Y-yes, whatever you want! I'll give you whatever you need!

If you REALLY want to get this place up and running, you'll need to steal supplies that Crey uses on ther own Revenant Hero project!

Icon clue generic.png
The Clone Factory
Your lead took you down into an old clone factory run by the 5th Column. You put down your clone and 'recruited' a 5th Column scientist to your cause.

Even if this factory doesn't fit into your plans, it's best that it's in your hands and someone else's within the isles. It'll only cause problems down the line if the heroes or a rival within the Isles gets their hands on this factory.

Notable NPCs


Badge Defeat8ClonesChallenge.png Doppelgangers
Badge villain family.png The Family
Badge villain skyraiders.png Sky Raiders
V badge ArachnosBadge.png Arachnos
Badge villain 5thcolumn.png 5th Column
V badge ConsortiumDefeatBadge.png Cage Consortium



Hey Character. so did you find that clone of yours?



Whaaaaat! Get outta here! Seriously?!

A cloning FACTORY?! And you got it?!

Man I knew you were the right sorta babe to support! So what're we waiting for? You tell D-Mac what you need, and I'll get it for you!

Oh yeah, remember that Ajax dude? Yeah, I spoke to this weird guy today, said that if we could figure out a way to disable Ajax, he'd 'be happy to get him out of our hair'.

Good times keep on rolling, huh?


Missing male debriefing text

Interrupt Wyvern's raid on Crey

Me, Myself, and My Other Selves
Part Three: Minding Myself



Alright so, I've been doing some digging Character, you know me! You need something, I get you the info on i. While looking dashing, yeah!

This Crey Revenant project, man it's all sorts of deep and covered up. But one of my boys, he's in Wyvern, yeah?

Don't worry, he's cool, he's just in it for the money. I get drinks with him on the weekends, guy knows how to throw a party. You should come one day, you know?

Anyway, I ask him about this, and he tells me, 'D-Mac, be honest with you, me and my boys, we got a call to raid this Crey office today. We might find some stuff there.'

So I totally bet that if you can follow Wyvern in there you could get yourself some of them scientists or whatever to help you out!

  • And what about your friend?


Nah, we were never that close. Not like you and me, that is. He's in Wyvern, but man, he ain't as powerful as YOU!

You though, you're going places. Him, He's just a guy with arrows.

Anyway, so check it out, here's the route that they're using to get into the Crey offices, it's through some sort of sewer.

Broham told me that there's three head Crey scientists there and a database full of secrets.

All I gotta say is that I'd push it if I were you, cause Wyvern, they're hitting that base right now!

Also, not to be soundin' all concernicus on you, but them Wyvern, they usually have a front team to check for any folks like you trying to disrupt operations. I bet if you can avoid beating down the group guardin' the sewers, you could catch the rest of them by surprise. That's just me though, I'm not down for fighting a buncha guys at once. Maybe that's your thing.


missing Male briefing text

Mission Objective(s)

Wyvern already has made their way through these sewers. Time to catch up to them and get yourself some Crey scientists.

  • 3 Scientists to recover
    • Access Crey's Computer!

The Crey Scientists will be heading towards your cloning facility now. Time to speak to Dean about setting things up to take down Ajax - once and for all.

Sewer Guards 

Before Combat:

Wyvern Operative: Keep an eye out for any villains, you never know what'll happen here in the Isles.
Wyvern Operative: Roger that.

Combat Start:

Missing combat start dialog

Note: it is unknown whether the mobs within the mission have different dialog if the sewer guards are attacked

"Think we'll find anything?" 

Before Combat:

Wyvern Operative: Think we'll find out anything else on the Revenant project?
Wyvern Operative: Let's hope so.

Combat Start:

Missing combat start dialog

Code breaking 

Before Combat:

Wyvern Operative: Have we hacked into the computers yet?
Wyvern Operative: There's a lot of codes to break through first, but we'll get there.

Combat Start:

Missing combat start dialog

The Real Work 

Before Combat:

Wyvern Operative 1: Maybe this will show Freedom Corps who REALLY gets the job done in the Isles.
Wyvern Operative 2: Too true mate.

Combat Start:

Wyvern Operative 1: What's Character doing here?
Wyvern Operative 2: Doesn't matter, we'll take him/her down!

Dr. Higgins 

Before Combat:

Wyvern operative: We know what Crey is up to, we're putting you away for a long time!
Dr. Higgins: I was just following orders, I swear!

Combat Start:

Wyvern operative: Stay right there while we handle Character!
Dr. Higgins: Character?!

Once Rescued:

Dr. Higgins: Thanks Character. But why are you...
A cloning facility?
Well...I know some of the revenant project's ways.
Alright, you've got a deal, anything is better than rotting in the Zig. I'll head there now.

Dr. Zeist 

Before Combat:

Wyvern operative: You tell us everything you know and we'll see about reducing your sentence.
Dr. Zeist: I can't believe it's ending like this...where did it all go wrong?

Combat Start:

Wyvern operative: Great, just what we need, Character!
Dr. Zeist: W-what?

Once Rescued:

Dr. Zeist: Whew...thanks Character.
Crey's abandoned me for sure at this point. Do you think that I could...well...tag along with you?
A cloning facility? Yes, of course!
This is a perfect opportunity for me to test my new theories.
I will head there at once!

Dr. Largs 

Before Combat:

Dr. Largs: You'll never get anything out of me. You can tell your higher ups that as well!
Wyvern operative: We don't need anything else, this'll help us bring Crey down for good.

Combat Start:

Dr. Largs: Character? This is most unexpected...
Wyvern operative: Character?! Are you working for Crey now?

Once Rescued:

Dr. Largs: Hrmph, short-sighted fools.
I assume you're not doing this out of charity, Character.
Hrm...a cloning facility?
Yes, yes, I could work WONDERS with that!
I will head there right away.

Crey Computer 

It seems that Wyvern did all the hard work for you - the Crey database is already hacked, with all the information you need at your finger tips!
Welcome to Crey's interior database. Please be aware that Crey has every right to file charges against you if you are unauthorized to be viewing these files.

Please choose a folder to explore.

  • Revenant Hero Project Files
Thank you. Accessing files and associated files...
Interior files loaded...
Exterior information obtained...
Thanks you. Please click NEXT to view your files.
  • NEXT
Summary: The Revenant Hero project takes the DNA of super powered beings and uses it to create a full clone of them. This is just the first step of many towards creating a Paragon Protector.
The DNA sample is not enough, however. To make a clone that has full control of its powers and knows how to use them, a second phase must happen.
We have dubbed this 'Project Locke'. This project allows us to insert more DNA into the clone - giving them the intelligence to know how to use their powers properly, as well as allowing us to hand-pick the powers that said clone has.
We are currently in debate with Dr. Aeon over using Architect Entertainment to further our research. He has personally seen to stopping each of our attempts at manipulating the system. Any further progress made on this front will be reported.
We have also developed a method for capturing heroes impervious to harm, in the event that we discover a process to clone them as well.
  • (Find more information on capturing heroes impervious to harm.)
Those who are impervious to all sorts of physical harm are usually vulnerable to psionics. However, there are some cases where even normal psionics does little against these beings.
In this case, powerful psionic projectors should be used. If a large enough burst is activated, it will overload the synapse of whichever particular being it is targeting.
Even someone who cannot be harmed by normal means will be crippled by this.
  • (Download all the information)
You download all the information on the Revenant Hero Project and on capturing invulnerable heroes.
You'll have to make sure to cover your tracks, however, so that you don't have Crey - or Wyvern, breathing down your neck.
  • (Destroy the Crey Computer)
You're easily able to destroy Crey's computer, preventing anyone from knowing you accessed it.
  • Now to use this information...
  • Alternate Dimension Investigations

Error: File text missing. Please choose a different option (or play through the mission again)

Notable NPCs

  • Dr. Higgins
Dr. Higgins is one of the top Crey Scientists within this office.
  • Dr. Zeist
Dr. Zeist is a young and ambitious doctor, willing to do whatever it takes to make a name for himself.
  • Dr. Largs
Dr. Largs is known for his amoral researches within Crey - meaning that he has risen quite high in the company as of late.


V badge Wyvern.png Wyvern



Hey Character, how'd it go down?

Yeah? Three scientists and intense info huh? ROCK!

So now they're gonna get that clone place up and running for you, right? That's awesome! We can totally use that to take down that Ajax guy.

While you were gone he tried roughing me up for info. Can you believe that?! Going after D-Mac?!

I told him some fake info though, that you'd be in Nerva.

I can totally set you up with those psionic thing-a-majigs to put him down though!


Missing Male debriefing text

Mission the last


The Bane of Ajax Badge is awarded upon completion of this mission.

File:Badge I11VillainStoryArc1Complete.png Bane of Ajax

You've proven to Ajax, and the world, that no one is truly invincible.