Missions:Getting out Alive - Part Three: Praetoria's Best Officer

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Part Three: Praetoria's Best Officer


Ugggh, I don't like this! Paolo found out about issue, he's running over to deal with this VP now, but he can't deal with the VP, stupid stupid stupid!

Problem came up with Paolo, PPD launching campaign to search for all the people that we've gotten out of the city. Fate really hates us, really hates us, since the powers that be in PPD chose Paolo as the lead investigator on the assignment. Really annoying!

What does he do? I want him to run, and he decides to stay, we do all this hard work and now he's staying! Says he's going to make sure no one is found, giving up being with his family. What about the work that I did?! Just throwing it away?!

Anyway, Character, we need to do something. Paolo found out the location of that VP who has the info, Daniel Shapiro, says he's going to tie this loose end up, but Paolo is an idiot.

You've gotta get to the lab where Shap is and get the information from him!

  • What about Paolo? He'll be there, right?

Just stop him from doing anything stupid, knew he would do something stupid like this, sensed it from the start. Don't really care if he's gonna choose to stay in Praetoria now, causing me too much trouble, just wanted this to be simple, really simple! What's important is getting that info from the VP, can't have us being used by the Syndicate, too much to handle, too much responsibility on my shoulders to keep all of us free from them.

Those Loyalists who are truly loyal to safety and peace of Praetoria would do well to speak with Provost Marchand about events that are happening.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Don't tell me you're here to say you can't do this, I don't need that, it's the last thing I need, the very last thing, right next to being chomped.

Contacting Provost Marchand 


We're living in dangerous times, Character. No doubt you have some news to report regarding the Resistance?

  • No, I have news regarding the PPD - a man named Paolo Marino.

Paolo? The sergeant tasked with heading up with our new investigations? What about him?

  • He's a traitor. He's been working with the Resistance all along.

Hrm...this is disturbing, an officer of such high-ranking a traitor?

This doesn't bode well, Character.

I'm afraid you'll have no choice, I need you to deliver the fate that all traitors receive. I am officially giving you the responsibility of carrying out his sentence. You will not face any problems for what you are about to do, I promise you that.

  • And the list with the location of those the Resistance helped?

You'll have to hand it over to the Resistance.

I would love for us to keep it, but doing so would reveal your true nature to the Resistance. It's far too early to reveal our trump card just yet. I hope you understand.

  • I do, Marchand. I'll speak with you again soon.

Icon clue generic.png
Dealing with a Traitor
You spoke with Provost Marchand regarding Paolo Marino. You were given orders by Marchand to carry out the execution of this traitor. Whether or not this actually happens is up to you.

Mission Objective(s)


Daniel Shapiro, VP of Public Relations in Syfotine Industries, is here somewhere with the list. You'll have to carve a path through the Syndicate to get to him and free the Resistance.

  • Retrieve Survivor List from the Syndicate
    • Deal with Paolo Marino
    • Defeat Daniel Shapiro

You saved the Resistance from the hands of the Syndicate!

Paolo Marino, PPD


Badge DefeatSyndicate.png Syndicate

Badge DefeatPPD.png Praetorian Police Department

Notable NPCs

Paolo Marino is a high ranking officer within the PPD. Recently, he was promoted to lead a squad of PPD, their purpose to hunt down all of the people that the Resistance have ferried out of the city.

Paolo Marino Dialogue 

Upon Approach:

Paolo Marino: Character, good to see you made it. We need to handle this situation - and fast.

Contact Small Paolo Marino.jpg
Paolo Marino


Character, glad you can make it. I'm Paolo Marino, I've heard a lot about you. Sorry that this is the first time we were able to meet.

I came here to take down the VP, but something came up.

I'm wanted down at the station...can I count on you to handle things here?

Just...one bit of a warning though. The PPD, they know I'm here. They think I'm here to take down a Syndicate cell, so if I leave...well...I'll have to call in PPD reinforcements to come attack the area.

  • Why aren't you leaving with your father and brother?

It has to be this way, Character. I hate the PPD and what they've become. But I need to stay in this position to make sure that my father and brother are safe.

Even if it means being in an organization that I hate...it's worth it, knowing my family is happy. We've already gone through enough hardships after my sister died this year.

I'm sorry that I made you go through all this, only to just walk away from your hard work. I really am.

And I want you to know that I am very sorry that I'll have to call the PPD down here - I need to do this to make everything look believable.

  • (Think on matters for a moment)

If Paolo were to keep his current position, he would still be leading groups of PPD against the Resistance. Sure, he may be leading them away from his family and other people in the Resistance, but he'll still be leading PPD troops against the Resistance. This is fairly clear now - if you let him go, he'll be forced to call a squad of PPD down on you.

Of course, you could always force Paolo to be with his father and brother, which would involve knocking him out. Paolo may want to make a sacrifice for his family, but is that worth putting other members of the Resistance, yourself included, in danger?

  • (Let Paolo go and continue his work with the PPD)
I'll be off then, Character. I wish you the best of luck
  • You too, Paolo.

"Let Paolo Go" Dialogue 

Paolo Marino: Goodbye, Character, I wish you the best of luck.
PPD Enforcer: Syndicate are here, wipe out anyone you see, they may have back up from rogue Powers Division!

  • (Force Paolo to leave Praetoria to be with his family)
You lunge forward to attack Paolo!
  • (Attack!)
  • (Execute Paolo for being a traitor to Praetoria)
You lunge forward to attack Paolo!
  • (Attack!)

"Attack" Paolo Marino Dialogue 

Combat Start:

Paolo Marino: Character, you're leaving me no choice. I'll have to put you down and handle the VP myself!
Blade Initiate: We've got reports of an intruder, deal with them!

25% Health:

Paolo Marino: Why, Character? Why did it have to come to this? I only wanted to protect my family!

V archetypeicon stalker.png Ambush! After dealing with Paolo, a group of Syndicate will ambush as you move further along the map.
Brawler Initiate: Protect the Vice President, don't let Character near him!

Daniel Shapiro Dialogue 

Before Combat:

Daniel Shapiro: This list will do just nicely. Hopefully we can kill two birds with one stone and eliminate that interference from Powers Division...

Combat Start - If you let Paolo go:

Daniel Shapiro: Speak of the devil. Are you prepared to die today, Character?

First Blood:

Daniel Shapiro: You do realize that the Syndicate is fighting the better fight, right?

75% Health:

Daniel Shapiro: How noble of you, letting your little friend in the PPD sacrifice himself. It won't matter though. We'll kill him off shortly.

50% Health:

Daniel Shapiro: This all important list...you don't realize how important it truly is. This is the Syndicate's key to winning the war, to uniting all sides!

25% Health:

Daniel Shapiro: Even without the Resistance, we will figure out a way to topple Cole and his regime. And then, we will kill Marino and send his head to you. If you still live, that is.

Upon Defeat:

Daniel Shapiro: U-urgh...this isn't the last...you'll hear of us...Character...

Combat Start - If you attacked Paolo:

Daniel Shapiro: Speak of the devil. Are you prepared to die today, Character?

First Blood:

Daniel Shapiro: You do realize that the Syndicate is fighting the better fight, right?

75% Health:

Daniel Shapiro: What motivated you, Character, to force that man out of Praetoria? Kindness? Self-preservation?

50% Health:

Daniel Shapiro: You claim to be fighting for freedom, but look at what you've done, forced a man to be 'free', against his own will!

25% Health:

Daniel Shapiro: This, Character, is why the Resistance is not fit to save Praetoria. Only we in the Syndicate are!

Upon Defeat:

Daniel Shapiro: U-urgh...this isn't the last...you'll hear of us...Character...

Icon clue generic.png
The Refugees List
You recovered the list of Resistance refugees from Daniel Shapiro. The list is very detailed - you almost wonder how the Syndicate was able to get ahold of it. For now, however, the Resistance is safe, now that the list is out of the hands of the Syndicate.


Ah...haven't felt relieved in a long time, really long time, just the sense of being able to relax a bit. I don't really care about what went down with Paolo, but I'm really happy about this list being in our hands. You really helped me out, Character, I'm sorry that I thought you smelled like a traitor, really I am, since you're not a traitor at all, at least not yet, still could turn on us I guess, but that's the way life works.

I told Vetrano that I don't want any more big assignments like this because of all the stress, I really can't stand all of this stuff of responsibility being put on my shoulders. Too much to worry about, piled ontop of things that I'm already worrying about, it's just not good for me.

I've got one last thing for you though, then I can relax, finally.

There's a doctor, named Arvin, he wants your help in some sort of experiment of his. Arvin's a good guy, kind of, smells alright, kind of like medicine, but good medicine, not bad. Friend of us in the Resistance, helped actually patch me up a few times. If you can help him, that would be good, unless you're a traitor, then that would be bad.

Arvin is an interesting man. Not too interesting to be fascinating, but not too boring to be dull.