Winter Event/Chalet

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Father Time's Ski Chalet


Added in the Winter Event 2006, the Ski Chalet in Pocket D is only accessible during Winter Events or when the developers use it during a special event. During Winter Events, many activities can be accomplished here.

The area is accessed via a door upstairs in the villain side of the club. The Chalet itself is home to Father Time and the Candy Keeper. The surrounding area has ski slopes that characters can slide down with a timed mini-game for badges, and Gravity Geysers (as in the Shadow Shard) to quickly return to the top.


The Chalet's island gives access to the map area outside the main Pocket D club, including the floating truck between the Chalet and the club. The truck is reachable via flight, super jump, or teleportation. Without those powers, the GvE Jump Pack is enough to get to the badge. If you have no temporary or permanent travel powers, assistance is needed. The truck is only available when the Chalet is open.

File:Badge tourist 01.pngFile:V badge TourismBadge.png Trucker

You've visited the floating truck in Pocket D.

Father Time

Main Article: Father Time

Father Time presents to players a mission to save the Baby New Year or to defeat Lady Winter. Like the Valentine's Event, these are cooperative missions, which allows combined teams of heroes, villains, and Praetorians (since it originates from Pocket D, which Praetorians have access to even if they have not "crossed over").


Finishing a mission allows a choice between five rewards:

  1. Furry Gloves costume piece and the Crystallized Badge
  2. Furry Boots costume piece and the Frosty Badge
  3. Renewal of Light and the Miraculous Badge
  4. Golden Rings and the Joyful Badge
  5. 5 Candy Cane Salvage.
Bug! Accepting a reward when sidekicked or exemplared will cause the reward to fail.
Bug! Accepting a reward on another player's mission without cooperatively completing a mission of your own will cause the reward to fail.
Bug! Accepting a temporary power as a reward if previously awarded (even in a previous year's event) will cause the reward to fail. The temporary powers can be reacquired with Candy Cane Salvage.

Other Badges

Several enemy defeat badges may also be earned, including two that are normally available only to heroes (for defeating Red Caps and Tuatha de Dannan) but which may be earned by villains during the event. The mission cannot be reset for farming purposes, so you must complete the mission (or have the whole team log out) in order to get a new set of enemies to defeat.

File:Badge winter event 01.png Cold Warrior
You have defeated 100 of the living snow creatures who plague Paragon City.
You have defeated 100 of the living snow creatures who plagued the Rogue Isles.
File:Badge event Snaptooth.png Toothbreaker

You have defeated Snaptooth 5 times, and are truly a Toothbreaker.

File:Badge croatoa cap buster.png Cap Buster

You have shown the Red Caps you are not to be toyed with.

File:Badge croatoa bane of dannan.png Bane of Dannan

The Tuatha de Dannan cannot stand before you.

Winter Costume pieces

Candy Keeper

Main Article: Candy Keeper

The Candy Keeper allows players to turn in Candy Cane Salvage for a variety of rewards. Rewards include badges, temporary powers, costume pieces, invention set recipes, a holiday respec, and emote.

It should be noted that if you already have the badge, then the badge will not display, however the Costume Item or Temporary Power associated with that badge will still show up and you can trade in Candy Canes for them. This is different from Father Time's mission reward menu in which if you choose a reward for which you already have the badge, you'll get nothing.

Ski Runs

In addition to an untimed Bunny Slope, players can perform timed trials on two different more difficult ski runs: the Expert Course, which is a Downhill Run; and the Advanced Ski Course, which is on a luge/skeleton/bobsled/toboggan track. There are no actual skis or luges or bobsleds... you slide down on your own two feet or hooves. Badges are awarded for the two timed trials, with each trial having their own set of gold, silver, and bronze badges. Also note that runs completed in a shorter time will not earn the longer time badges. If you qualify for the gold, you'll have to do it again at a slower pace to get the silver or bronze.

Bunny Slope Start

Untimed Bunny Slope

Get your ski legs on the bunny slope, which does not award any badges but allows players to get used to controlling the downhill slide without a timer involved. It wraps around the ski chalet, starting at the right side of the entry door. It does include a couple of ski course gates to practice on, and merges near the bottom with the timed Expert Ski Course.

Expert Ski Course Start

Timed Expert Ski Course

Added in the Winter Event 2007, the timed Expert Downhill Ski Course wraps around the ski chalet, starting at the left side of the entry door. It consists of passing through 12 ski gates (plus the starting gate) in a set order. Passing through each gate in the correct order places a waypoint at the next gate to pass through. The maximum amount of time the course allots is three minutes.
Ski down the expert slopes in the Ski Chalet in between 35 and 44.99 seconds.

File:Badge holiday07 slalom bronze.png Qualified

Good run, but try harder, better times to be had!

Ski down the expert slopes in the Ski Chalet in between 25 and 34.99 seconds.

File:Badge holiday07 slalom silver.png Accelerated

Awesome time, but I am sure you can do better!

Ski down the expert slopes in the Ski Chalet in 24.99 seconds or less.

File:Badge holiday07 slalom gold.png Speed Demon

Wow! What speed! That was amazing!

Multiple NPCs line the course encouraging, taunting, or menacing skiers as they go past: Polar Shift, Tundra, Snow Maiden, and a Winter Lord Abominable Snowman.

Advanced Ski Course Platform (top left), Entry Door (right)

Timed Advanced Ski Course

Added in the Winter Event 2008, the timed Advanced Ski Course wraps around the ski chalet, starting at the top of a series of ramps to the right of the entry door. It consists of sliding down a half-pipe course -- similar to what luge, skeleton, toboggans, and bobsleighs use -- passing through 9 ski gates (plus the beginning and end arches) in a set order. Passing through each gate in the correct order places a waypoint at the next gate to pass through. The maximum amount of time the course allots is three minutes.

Ski down the advanced slope in the Ski Chalet in between 1:00.00 and 1:09.99.

File:Badge holiday07 slalom bronze.png Surefooted

You have taken the bronze medal in the advanced ski course by getting a time of 1:10:00 or less! Now try for the silver.

Ski down the advanced slope in the Ski Chalet in between 50 seconds and 59.99 seconds.

File:Badge holiday07 slalom silver.png Agile

You have taken the silver medal in the advanced ski course by getting a time of 1:00:00 or less! Now try for the gold.

Ski down the advanced slope in the Ski Chalet in 49.99 seconds or less.

File:Badge holiday07 slalom gold.png Speeder

You have taken the gold medal in the advanced ski course by getting a time of 00:50:00 or less!

Ski Instructors

Ski Instructor NPCs are at the top and bottom of the timed slopes to give you the times needed to obtain the gold, silver, and bronze medals for that slope, and to also function as a leader board for that slope. Ski Instructors Angela and Emlyn are at the top and bottom of the Expert Slope, and Ski Instructors Casey and Linzee are at the top and bottom of the Advanced Slope.

Angela and Linzee use the same NPC model, as do Emlyn and Casey.