Temporary Powers

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Temporary powers are powers that a hero or villain may only use for a short time. The three main types of temporary powers are powers that last for a designated amount of time, a designated amount of uses, or until a specific action is accomplished. Some temporary powers may fall into more than one category; for example, powers that run out when either a specific action is accomplished or a certain amount of time, whichever is sooner.

  • This power can be earned any number of times through Flashback. Temporary powers denoted by this icon can be obtained an unlimited number of times via Ouroboros flashbacks, and remain for some time after the flashback is over.
  • This power can only be earned once at full strength; further earnings will be reduced in number of charges or strength. Temporary powers denoted by this icon can also be obtained via Ouroboros flashbacks. If the power has already been obtained once, however, a more limited version (an "echo") of the power is awarded instead.
  • This power can be lost when you return to the contact that bestowed it. Be careful, these powers can be lost when you speak to the contact from which you received them again. Even though they appear to have a certain number of uses remaining, the power will be lost and you cannot regain them.

City of Heroes Powers

Temporary WarWolfWhistle.png Amy's Ward (TF 30-34)
Temporary AntigravityMatrix.png Antigravity Matrix (Contact 20-24)
Temporary WeddingBand.png Arachnos Disguise This power can be earned any number of times through Flashback. (Faultline Contact 20-24)
Temp Ranged Moderate.png Bow and Arrow This power can be earned any number of times through Flashback. (Croatoa Contact 25-29)
Temporary WarWolfWhistle.png Clockwork Connection This power can be earned any number of times through Flashback. (Faultline Contact 15-19)
Temporary GeneticRestabilizer.png Clockwork Immobilizer MkI
Temporary GeneticRestabilizer.png Clockwork Immobilizer MkII
Temporary GeneticRestabilizer.png Clockwork Immobilizer MkIII
Temporary GeneticRestabilizer.png Clockwork Immobilizer MkIV
Temporary ConfiscatedBeanbag.png Confiscated Beanbag This power can be earned any number of times through Flashback. (Contact 20-24)
Temporary CreyNarcotic.png Crey Narcotic (Contact 40-44)
Temporary CryoniteArmor.png Cryonite Armor (Contact 20-24)
Temporary LethargyInducer.png Cryoprojection Bracers (Contact 10-14)
Temporary RangeLightDamage.png Dimensional Grounding Ray (TF 45-50)
Temp Ranged Heavy.png Divining Rod This power can be earned any number of times through Flashback. (Croatoa Contact 25-29)
Temporary ElectromagneticGrenades.png Electromagnetic Grenades This power can be earned any number of times through Flashback. (Striga Isle Contact 25-29)
Temporary EMPGlove.png EMP Glove This power can be lost when you return to the contact that bestowed it. (Contact 10-14)
Temporary CenterOfTheWheel.png Empowered Center of the Wheel This power can be earned any number of times through Flashback. (Contact 20-24)
Temporary LinchpinOfTheWheel.png Empowered Linchpin of the Wheel This power can be earned any number of times through Flashback. (Contact 20-24)
Temporary PieceOfTheWheel.png Empowered Piece of the Wheel This power can be earned any number of times through Flashback. (Contact 20-24)
Temporary ShardOfTheWheel.png Empowered Shard of the Wheel This power can be earned any number of times through Flashback. (Contact 20-24)
Temporary RangeLightDamage.png Extinguisher (Steel Canyon zone event)
Temporary FetteringNimbus.png Fettering Nimbus This power can be lost when you return to the contact that bestowed it. (Contact 45-50)
Temporary FlashbangGrenades.png Flashbang GrenadesThis power can be lost when you return to the contact that bestowed it. (Contact 5-9)
Temporary FreakshowDisguise.png Freakshow Disguise This power can be lost when you return to the contact that bestowed it. (Contact 20-24)
Temporary GeometricGauntlets.png Geometric Gauntlets This power can be lost when you return to the contact that bestowed it. (Contact 20-24)
Temporary GeneticRestabilizer.png Genetic Restabilizer This power can be lost when you return to the contact that bestowed it. (Contact 20-24)
Temporary ScrollofRuin.png Hamidon Essence (TF 45-50)
Temporary HolyShotgunShells.png Holy Shotgun Shells This power can be earned any number of times through Flashback. (Striga Isle Contact 25-29)
Temporary MedKit.png Idol of Lughebu (Contact 20-24)
Temp Melee Heavy.png Iron Blade This power can be earned any number of times through Flashback. (Croatoa Contact 30-34)
Temp Ranged Moderate.png Large Extinguisher (Steel Canyon zone event)
Temporary LethargyInducer.png Lethargy Inducer This power can be lost when you return to the contact that bestowed it. (Contact 15-19)
Temporary ManifoldResonator.png Manifold ResonatorThis power can be lost when you return to the contact that bestowed it. (Contact 25-29)
Temporary MedKit.png Med Kit (Contact 15-19)
Temporary NemesisStaff.png Nemesis Staff (Contact 30-34)
Temporary NictusFragment.png Nictus Fragment (TF 23-28)
Temporary EMPGlove.png Particle Cannon (Contact 38-40)
Temporary PlasmaticTaser.png Plasmatic TaserThis power can be lost when you return to the contact that bestowed it. (Contact 15-19)
Temporary ScrollofRuin.png Power of the Thorn (TF 45-50)
Temporary EMPGlove.png Psychic Cleaver (Contact 40-44)
ForceField RefractionShield.png Radiation Shield (Respec Trial)
Temporary ResonanceDisrupter.png Resonance Disrupter (Contact 25-29)
Temporary RingofPain.png Ring of Pain This power can be lost when you return to the contact that bestowed it. (Contact 15-19)
Temp Ranged Heavy.png Rune of Warding This power can be earned any number of times through Flashback. (Croatoa Contact 25-29)
Temporary SandsOfMu.png Sands of Mu (Contact 25-29)
Temporary ScrollofRuin.png Scroll of Ruin This power can be lost when you return to the contact that bestowed it. (Contact 15-19)
Temporary ConeRangeModerateDamage.png Thermite Cannon (Contact 38-40)
Temporary UndeadSlayingAxe.png Undead Slaying Axe This power can be earned any number of times through Flashback.This power can be lost when you return to the contact that bestowed it. (Contact 25-29)
Temporary VahzilokDiseaseSL3.png Vahzilok Wasting Disease (Contact 15-19)
Temporary WarWolfWhistle.png Warwolf Whistle This power can only be earned once at full strength; further earnings will be reduced in number of charges or strength. (Striga Isle Contact 25-29)
Temporary WaveScrambler.png Wave Scrambler This power can be lost when you return to the contact that bestowed it. (Contact 15-19)

Temporary WeddingBand.png Wedding Band This power can only be earned once at full strength; further earnings will be reduced in number of charges or strength. (Striga Isle Contact 20-24)

City of Villains Powers

Temporary RingofPain.png Ace of Spades (Contact 30-35)
Temporary WarWolfWhistle.png Arachnos Combat Radio (Contact 40-50)
Temp Ranged Heavy.png Arachnoid Gas This power can be earned any number of times through Flashback. (Contact 40-44)
Temporary SelfBuffDefense.png Arachnos Power Shield This power can be earned any number of times through Flashback. (Contact 40-44)
Temporary ConeRangeModerateDamage.png Arachnos Shotgun This power can be earned any number of times through Flashback. (Contact 40-44)
Temporary RangeHeavyDamage.png Blackwand This power can be earned any number of times through Flashback. (Contact 25-29)
Temporary BloodCoralEmpowerment.png Blood Coral Empowerment This power can be earned any number of times through Flashback. (Contact 25-29)
Temporary WarWolfWhistle.png Coral Amulet (TF 25-30)
Temp Melee Moderate.png Coral Hammer (TF 25-30)
Temporary ConeRangeModerateDamage.png Coral Shards (TF 25-30)
Temporary WarWolfWhistle.png Creeper Seed This power can only be earned once at full strength; further earnings will be reduced in number of charges or strength. (Contact 45-50)
Temporary WarWolfWhistle.png Demon Box (Contact 30-34)
Temporary Warburg MegaBuff.png Enchantment of Serafina (TF 35-40)
Temporary Prometheus.png Flames of Prometheus (TF 20-40)
Temporary TargetedPBAoEConfuse.png Force of the Earth This power can be earned any number of times through Flashback. (Contact 45-50)
Inherent BlasterDesperation.png Frenzy Mutagen (Contact 40-44)
Temporary GhostlayerBomb.png Ghostslayer Bomb This power can be earned any number of times through Flashback. (Contacts 10-14 and 40-44)
Temporary PieceOfTheWheel.png Ghostslayer Rifle This power can be earned any number of times through Flashback. (Contacts 10-14 and 40-44)
Temporary AntigravityMatrix.png Goldbricker Rocket Pack (Contact 15-19)
Temporary ScrollofRuin.png Hamidon Essence (SF 45-50)
Temp Melee Moderate.png Infected Anti-Serum This power can only be earned once at full strength; further earnings will be reduced in number of charges or strength. (Contact 5-9)
Temporary FreakshowDisguise.png Holographic Projector (Contact 20-24)
Temporary WarWolfWhistle.png Loa Bone This power can be earned any number of times through Flashback. (Contact 5-9)
Temporary FreakshowDisguise.png Midnight Visage (Contact 20-24)
Temporary CryoniteArmor.png Nictus Absorption (Contact 10-14)
Temporary ConeRangeModerateDamage.png Nictus Gravitic Emanation (Contact 10-14)
Temporary ManifoldResonator.png Nictus Shadow Step (Contact 10-14)
Temporary PieceOfTheWheel.png Nullifier Gun Prototype (Contact 25-29)
Temporary PieceOfTheWheel.png Nullifier Gun Mk I This power can only be earned once at full strength; further earnings will be reduced in number of charges or strength. (Contact 25-29)
Temporary ScrollofRuin.png Orestes Rifle (SF 45-50)
Temp Melee Moderate.png Psionic Activator This power can be earned any number of times through Flashback. (Contact 30-34)
Temporary WarWolfWhistle.png Rikti Drone This power can be earned any number of times through Flashback. (Contact 40-44)
Temporary RangeModerateDamage.png Rikti Rifle This power can be earned any number of times through Flashback. (Contact 40-44)
Temporary AntigravityMatrix.png Sky Raider Flight Pack This power can be earned any number of times through Flashback. (Contact 20-24)
Temporary ConfiscatedBeanbag.png SNAKE-B-GONE (Grandville Contact 45-50)
Temporary CreyNarcotic.png Soul Essence (Contact 25-29)
Temporary RangeHeavyDamage.png Soul Trap This power can be earned any number of times through Flashback. (Contact 35-40)
Temporary ResonanceDisrupter.png Spirit Potion (Contact 25-29)
Temporary RangeModerateDamage.png Stolen SMG (Contacts 20-24, TF 25-29)
Temporary WarWolfWhistle.png Summoning Amulet This power can be earned any number of times through Flashback. (Contact 5-9)
Temporary LethargyInducer.png Tranquilizer Darts (Contact 45-50)
Temporary WarWolfWhistle.png Vial of Bees This power can only be earned once at full strength; further earnings will be reduced in number of charges or strength. (Contact 45-50)

Temp Ranged Moderate.png Void Hunter Rifle This power can be earned any number of times through Flashback. (Contact 30-34)

Going Rogue Powers

AssaultWeapons ARFullAuto.png Chain Gun (Contact 8-15)
Temp Ranged Moderate.png Heavy Pistol (Contact 8-15)
AssaultWeapons ARM30grenade.png Resistance HE Grenade (Contact 8-15)
TemporaryTargetedAoEBlast.png Molotov Cocktail

Invention Powers

Certain temporary powers can be created using the invention system.
Temp Melee Heavy.png St. Louis Slammer
Temp Melee Heavy.png Gabriel's Hammer
Temporary RangeLightDamage.png Revolver
Temporary ResonanceDisrupter.png Ethereal Shift
Temporary PowerAnalyzer.png Power Analyzer Mk I
Temporary PowerAnalyzer.png Power Analyzer Mk II‎
Temporary PowerAnalyzer.png Power Analyzer Mk II‎I

Several new craftable Temporary Powers have been added with Issue 17.

Mission Related

Temporary MedKit.png The Lost Cure This power can be lost when you return to the contact that bestowed it. (Heroes only)

The Lost Cure is also awarded to anyone who is teamed up with the Craft Lost Cure mission owner at the time said mission owner crafts the cure. Those who get the wand this way do not lose it as long as they don't use it up.

Additionally, villains can also get the wand this way. Be teamed up in Cimerora, the Rikti War Zone, or in a co-op mission with a hero who has the mission. Summon a portable workbench, then the hero crafts the wand and the villain gets one as well. This will not work in Pocket D, however (inside a DJ Zero mission will work, and possibly in the Winter Event Ski Chalet; but in the D itself, crafting from a portable workbench does not work).

Arena Powers

There are six powers that can be purchased at the arena stores, each costing 10,000 influnce. These powers can only be used within the arena.
Temporary ManifoldResonator.png Jaunt Initializer
Temporary JumpPack.png Low-G Pack
Temporary AntigravityMatrix.png Raptor Pack
Temporary ResonanceDisrupter.png Stealth Suit
Temporary ChromaticGrenades.png Stun Grenade
Temporary FetteringNimbus.png Web Grenade

Special Event Powers

Temporary powers found during Special Events

Halloween Events

Temp Melee Moderate.png Rock
Temporary ResonanceDisrupter.png Banished Pantheon Shaman Costume
Temporary ResonanceDisrupter.png Carnival Harlequin Costume
Temporary ResonanceDisrupter.png Carnival Strongman Costume
Temporary ResonanceDisrupter.png Consortium Guard Costume
Temporary ResonanceDisrupter.png Coralax Minion Costume
Temporary ResonanceDisrupter.png Council Galaxy Costume
Temporary ResonanceDisrupter.png Council Penumbra Costume
Temporary ResonanceDisrupter.png Crey Agent Costume
Temporary ResonanceDisrupter.png Crey Powersuit Costume
Temporary ResonanceDisrupter.png Crey Security Costume
Temporary ResonanceDisrupter.png Freakshow Boss Costume
Temporary ResonanceDisrupter.png Freakshow Stunner Costume
Temporary ResonanceDisrupter.png Goldbricker Costume
Temporary ResonanceDisrupter.png Hellion Thug Costume
Temporary ResonanceDisrupter.png Knives of Artemis Costume
Temporary ResonanceDisrupter.png Legacy Chain Costume
Temporary ResonanceDisrupter.png Lost Costume
Temporary ResonanceDisrupter.png Malta Gunslinger Costume
Temporary ResonanceDisrupter.png Malta Operative Costume
Temporary ResonanceDisrupter.png Nemesis Soldier Costume
Temporary ResonanceDisrupter.png Outcast Thug Costume
Temporary ResonanceDisrupter.png Paragon Protector Costume
Temporary ResonanceDisrupter.png Pirate Costume
Temporary ResonanceDisrupter.png PPD Cop Costume
Temporary ResonanceDisrupter.png PPD Hardsuit Costume
Temporary ResonanceDisrupter.png PPD SWAT Officer Costume
Temporary ResonanceDisrupter.png Scrapyarder Costume
Temporary ResonanceDisrupter.png Skulls Thug Costume
Temporary ResonanceDisrupter.png Skyraiders Costume
Temporary ResonanceDisrupter.png Troll Costume
Temporary ResonanceDisrupter.png Tsoo Inkman Costume
Temporary ResonanceDisrupter.png Vahzilok Eidolon Costume

Temporary ResonanceDisrupter.png Warriors Thug Costume

Valentine's Day Events

Temporary VahzilokDiseaseSL3.png Botched Ritual!
Temporary TargetedBuffDamage.png Drop of Power
Temporary TargetedBuffDefense.png Drop of Resistance
Temporary TargetedHeal.png Drop of Vitality
Temporary TargetedPBAoEConfuse.png Nectar

Winter Events

Temporary AntigravityMatrix.png Holiday Rocket Pack
Temporary WarWolfWhistle.png Build Snow Beast
Inherent Brawl.png Snowball
Temporary TearGas.png Golden Rings
Temporary Mayhem SelfResurrect.png Renewal of Light

Rikti Invasion Event

DarkMiasma TarPatch.png Debt Prot 100

Developer Powers

Inherent Brawl.png Power Suppression
Inherent Brawl.png The I Win Button

Player vs. Player Zone Powers

Bloody Bay

Temporary ResonanceDisrupter.png Hyper Stealth
Temporary OreExtractor.png Ore Extractor
Temporary WarWolfWhistle.png Shivan Shard

Siren's Call

Temporary ResonanceDisrupter.png Combat Invisibility

Heroes and Villains may buy a selection of temporary powers for 10,000 influence/infamy each if their side is in control of the zone.

These powers may be purchased by both Heroes and Villains:
Temporary EMPGlove.png EMP Glove
Temporary ManifoldResonator.png Jaunt Initializer
Temporary JumpPack.png Low-G Pack
Temporary AntigravityMatrix.png Raptor Pack
Temporary FetteringNimbus.png Web Grenade

These powers are only available to Heroes, and only when they have won zone control twice in a row:
Temporary CryoniteArmor.png Cryonite Armor
Temporary WeddingBand.png IR Goggles
Temporary ResonanceDisrupter.png Stealth Suit
Temporary ChromaticGrenades.png Stun Grenade

These powers are only available to Villains, and only when they have won zone control twice in a row:
Temporary MeleeModerateDamage.png Arachnos Mace
Temporary SelfBuffDefense.png Kinetic Shield
Temporary RangeAoEBlind.png Smoke Bomb
Temporary RangeAoEModerateDamage.png Venom Grenades


Temporary Warburg MegaBuff.png Biological Mutagens
Temporary Warburg DebuffDefense.png Chemical Burn
Temporary ResonanceDisrupter.png Hyper Phase
Temporary Warburg MassiveDamage.png Nuclear Blast

Recluse's Victory

Temporary WarWolfWhistle.png Longbow Mech
Temporary WarWolfWhistle.png Arachnos Mini Blaster

Co-operation Zone Powers

Rikti War Zone

The Rikti War Zone grants 50% debt protection.
Ninjitsu Caltrops.png Debt Prot 50

These temporary powers can be purchased at a Vanguard Crafting Table in the Rikti War Zone for Vanguard Merits.
Temporary MedKit.png Nectanebo's Curse Breaker
Temporary WarWolfWhistle.png Vanguard Heavy Power Core
Temporary SelfBuffDefense.png Vanguard Psionic Shield
Temporary RangeHeavyDamage.png Vanguard Psi-Bomb
Temporary RaidDeployPylon.png Vanguard Storage Sack

Mayhem and Safeguard Missions Powers

Temporary powers granted during Mayhem and Safeguard missions

Completion Rewards

Temporary Mayhem SelfFlight.png Levels 5-10 Raptor Pack (instanced Atlas Park map)
Temporary Mayhem SelfFlight.png Level 10-15 Zero-G Pack (instanced Kings Row map)
Temporary Mayhem SelfResurrect.png Level 15-20 Resuscitation (instanced Skyway City map)
Temporary Mayhem TargetAoETeleportTeamToCaster.png Level 20-25 Summon Teammates (instanced Steel Canyon map)
Temporary Mayhem SelfBuffSpeed.png Level 25-30 Movement Increase (instanced Independence Port map)
Temporary Mayhem SelfBuffEnd.png Level 30-35 Endurance Increase (instanced Talos Island map)
Temporary Mayhem SelfHeal.png Level 35-40 Health Increase (instanced Brickstown map)
Temporary Mayhem SelfDebtProtection.png Level 40-45 Life Insurance (instanced Founder's Falls map)
Temporary Mayhem SelfBuffRegen.png Level 45-50 Regeneration Increase (instanced Peregrine Island map)

Weapon Raid Side Mission Rewards

These Temporary Powers are awarded for foiling the arms dealers during Weapon Raid Missions within Safeguard and Mayhem zones.

Temp Melee Heavy.png Claymore
Temporary CryoniteArmor.png Cryonite Armor
Temporary LethargyInducer.png Cryoprojection Bracers
Temporary EMPGlove.png Electromagnetic Grenades
Temporary EMPGlove.png EMP Glove
Temporary ConeRangeModerateDamage.png Flamethrower
Temporary RangeLightDamage.png Heavy Rock
Temporary WeddingBand.png IR Goggles
Temporary SelfBuffDefense.png Kinetic Shield
Temporary RangeModerateDamage.png Long Bow
Temporary MedKit.png Med Kit
Temporary PlasmaticTaser.png Plasmatic Taser
Temp Ranged Moderate.png Shotgun
Temporary RangeAoEBlind.png Smoke Bomb
Temporary ResonanceDisrupter.png Stealth Suit
Temporary ChromaticGrenades.png Stun Grenade
Temporary TearGas.png Tear Gas
Temporary HolyShotgunShells.png Wave Scrambler

Temporary FetteringNimbus.png Web Grenade

Market Teleport Powers

These powers may be purchased from any given Auction House for a fixed price of 10,000 Inf. Using one disables all similar powers for 30 minutes and consumes the power. You can purchase another immediately, but can only carry one at any given time.

Teleportation Wentworths.png Consignment House Transporter
Teleportation Blackmarket.png Black Market Transporter
Teleportation LoyalistMarket.png Trading House Transporter
Teleportation ResistanceMarket.png Underground Transporter

It's also worth noting that attempting to use a Transporter for the opposing faction will result in an "Invalid Target" error. For example, using the Black Market Transporter as a Hero or using the Trading House Transporter as a member of The Resistance won't work. Using a Trading House/Underground Transporter as a non-Praetorian also results in an error.


Fortunes are granted by Mystic Fortune. Fortunes cannot stack from multiple casters, or with each other.
DeathFortune.png Death
TheFoolFortune.png The Fool
TheHermitFortune.png The Hermit
TheLoversFortune.png The Lovers
TheMagicianFortune.png The Magician
TheMoonFortune.png The Moon
TheSunFortune.png The Sun
TheTowerFortune.png The Tower
WheelofFortuneFortune.png Wheel of Fortune

Items of Power

These powers are awarded for selecting the Item of Power reward choice at the completion of a Cathedral of Pain Trial. They persist for 7 days after completion of the trial.
InherentBase Anger.png Anger Monument
InherentBase Heart.png Heart of a Storm Elemental
InherentBase Iron.png Monument of Iron
Gadgets TargetingDrone.png The Perfect Eye
InherentBase Furnace.png The True Furnace

Other Powers

DayJob Flight.png Buoyant Membrane
Temporary VahzilokDiseaseSL3.png Challenge Debuff
Teleportation Teleport.png Dampening Field
Temporary XPBoost.png Devourer
Temporary TerraVoltaGlow.png Molecular Acid
Temporary ResonanceDisrupter.png NoPhase
AssaultWeapons ARM30grenade.png Pacification Grenade
Temporary ResonanceDisrupter.png Phase Flight
DarkMiasma DarkestNight.png Spectral Chill