Efficiency Expert Pither

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File:Efficiency Expert Pither 01.jpg


Efficiency Expert Pither is a villain contact in Grandville.   level range is 45-50.


Contact Introduced By

New Contact(s)


Mr Pither is a small-minded and petty man, who would have led a mean and meaningless life if he had not found his true calling: efficiency. He was so dedicated to this task that it started to cost the lives of inefficient workers, in accidents that could have been avoided had they followed his efficiency regimen, of course. Lord Recluse came upon him when he volunteered a more efficient way to defeat a hero in mid-battle. Recluse offered him a job, and now Mr Pither is one of the most feared men in Arachnos. Mr Pither has a wife and three children, all of whose lives he runs like clockwork.

Initial Contact

Story Arcs

Alone in the Darque

Souvenir: none


Efficiency Expert Pither sells the following items:

  • Inspirations
  • Level 45 Science Single Origin Enhancements (200% base costs)
  • Level 50 Science Single Origin Enhancements (200% base costs)


Get Reports for Mr. Pither

(Alone in the Darque mission 1)


Here's a task simple enough even you can't screw it up. Olivia Darque, the Governor of Aeon city, is overdue on several reports that I need from her. I want you to play courier. Go to Aeon City in Cap au Diable, there you will find her offices. She should have the reports to hand over, and at best a flimsy excuse as to why they were not delivered on-time. Once you have the reports and an excuse from Olivia herself, return them to me and we can check that off your To Do list.

Don't delay. I've been waiting for these reports long enough, I shouldn't have to wait any longer.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Get Reports for Mr. Pither
    • Find Olivia Darque
    • Recover Reports

You recovered the reports and know what happened to Olivia Darque



Notable NPCs:

  • Darque's Assistant


Darque's Assistant:

  • After rescue: Dr. Aeon came in and took her! I have no idea where they went.


Dr. Aeon has been messing with Olivia Darque and ended up kidnapping her? No wonder those reports were late.

(BUG: Clicking on the file cabinet that contains the reports prior to finding Darque's Assistant will cause mission to complete immediately.)

Beat the truth out of Dr. Aeon

(Alone in the Darque mission 2)


Dr. Aeon won't get away with kidnapping Darque like that. I contacted him but he denies everything Darque's assistant told you. I know he's lying though, his heart rate and blood pressure altered greatly while I asked him about it. I happen to have accessed his personal scheduler and know where he is right now. Be a good little villain and go and beat the snot out of the maniac until he gives up the truth about Darque.

Dr. Aeon won't just give you the info you want, you're going to have to beat it out of him.

Mission Objective(s)

Dr. Aeon's lab. Not high on the tourist spots of Cap au Diable.

(This is probably because the mission is inside the Aeon Corp building in Grandville.)

  • Beat the truth out of Dr. Aeon
    • Beat up Dr. Aeon

Dr. Aeon's To Do list tells you exactly what he did to Olivia Darque. He threw her into the Shadow Shard.



Notable NPCs:


Dr. Aeon:

  • Before combat: Cripes is that Pither guy annoying. Asking me what I did with Darque over and over. Like I'd tell him!
  • Combat start: I'll never tell you what I did with her. Never, never, never! Ha!


Dr. Aeon is insane, did I mention this? This isn't the first time he's tossed someone into the Shadow Shard for no real reason other than his demented mind told him to. If we're going to get Darque back, we're going to have to do it quick.

Find Olivia Darque & escape

(Alone in the Darque mission 3)


I've called in a couple favors and I have tasked you to get back Olivia Darque. You're going to have to go to the Shadow Shard itself and find her. This will bring her back to this plane of existence. It won't be easy, and I'm afraid we won't be able to recall you normally. But don't screw this up or this will put a black mark on all our records.

We believe that she's in a location called the 'Chantry'. It's supposed to house some kind of god, but he has shown no hostility, and apparently enjoys taking in strays. Once you've found Darque, you'll have to make it back to the portal yourself. I'm afraid I can't authorize the energy expenditure to transit you back. I'm sure you'll be able to make it out all right.

Mission Objective(s)

The Shadow Shard. A prison universe built to house a god.

  • Find Olivia Darque & escape
    • Find Olivia Darque
    • Find Mission Exit

You have rescued Olivia Darque. Now you must escape the Shadow Shard.


Soldiers of Rularuu

Notable NPCs:


Faathim the Kind:

  • On approach: Know this, Villain: I am no foe of yours this day. Take your lost one and leave.

Olivia Darque:

  • After rescue: That. . . thing told me how to get out of here. You cover my escape!


To be honest, I didn't think you could pull it off, Villain. I was just about to write everything off as a wash when Darque phoned me to thank me for orchestrating her rescue. You've impressed me, Villain, now get back to work!

Kick Longbow out of base


I've just received word that Longbow has captured one of our bases here in the Rogue Isles. Arachnos has clamped down on computer access to systems outside the base, but we need to send someone inside to sever the conection before they can upload the database to a Freedom Corps server stateside. Make sure that whatever heroes those Longbow jerks have with them don't make it back either. They will be done uploading the database in 30 minutes, so you'd best hurry up. You have 30 minutes to retake the base.

They have just started the upload, so you have 30 minutes to sever the connection and take down those Longbow heroes.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Destroy source of psychic fog
    • 4 uploads to disrupt
    • 2 heroes to defeat



Notable NPCs:


That was a close one. There wasn't much of Arachnos' operations in that data, but there was enough to set us back for a while. Thanks for making sure that stayed out of the hands of the do-gooders.

If you keep this up, you are going to put me out of a job.