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Revision as of 21:03, 1 November 2006 by imported>StarGeek (added mission)
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Indigo is a hero contact in the Hutchinson Park neighborhood of Founders' Falls. Indigo is a Mutation origin contact. Her level range is 40-44.

Villains can fight her in the Unmask the deceiver mission from Arbiter Leery for levels 35-39.

Villain Information


Rumors abound throughout the villain underground about two incredibly dangerous government operatives, code-named Agent Crimson and Agent Indigo. Indigo is supposed to be the information and retrival specialist, a deadly opponent who can read thoughts and see into the future.

See Also

  • Indigo's Longbow profile for a list of her powers


Contact Introduced By

New Contact(s)


Stealth Operative

Indigo may look like an innocent young woman, but if you peer closely into her eyes, you'll see that she's no ingenue. A master of stealth and intrigue, Indigo made a name for herself in the intelligence community by bing the first to discover the villainous organization known as Arachnos. Currently she and her partner, Crimson, are assigned to look into the workings of the mysterious Malta Group. Indigo can't always play it straight with her hero contacts, but she tries to tell them anything that will give them an advantage in battle.

Initial Contact

I don't like being this exposed, but the time for confrontation with Malta is now, and my stealth abilities only go so far.


  • Inspirations

Story Arc


Let's get started


I've been watching you a lot. You don't know it, but I've already had you 'rescue' me twice, just to see if you were as capable as I've heard. I think you can help us. I'm Indigo. Not 'Miss Indigo' or 'Indigo Smith' or anything. Just Indigo. And I can help you to fight some very bad people. If we both want to stay safe, that's all you'll ever know about me. I'm not trying to be a 'woman of mystery' or anything; I'm just playing things safe. Now, like I said, I can help you fight some very bad people. However, I may ask you to do some things without knowing why. I'm sorry about that, but that's kinda for both of our safety. Now, I'll never ask you to do anything bad, or hurt anyone who doesn't deserve it, but I may not be able to tell you how or why I know what I know. If you can work with that, if you're willing to trust the person who vouched for me, and if you want to put a hurt on some really bad people, then let's get started. I have to warn you, this first mission could turn out bad. In fact, it could turn out a failure.

I'm glad you decided to help. We have a lot to do.

Now, I'm sure you know about Crey? Really bad people, right? Well, Crey's been in a lot of trouble, and that's what this is about. I'm going to give you the location of a place where a bunch of Crey people are talking to a bunch of other people. I can't tell you why they're talking or what they're planning, but I can assure you it isn't good. You need to take out those other people, and the negotiator who's talking to them, Dr. Voight. Oh, and there will also be evidence you may want to keep them from destroying. And by 'Want,' I mean need. I'm sure you'll be able to handle it.

Afterwards, you'll need to take anything you've found to a man called Crimson.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Defeat Dr. Voight & his visitors
    • 2 pieces of evidence to save

You found agents from the mysterious Malta Group meeting with Crey, and prevented them from destroying incriminating documents.

Incriminating documents
You rescued these documents just before the Malta Group could destroy them. A quick glance at the papers tells you they could be extremely damaging to Crey in the numerous court battles they're fighting.

Notable NPCs



Mission Objective(s)

  • Take Evidence to Crimson

Briefing Crimson

Hello. Call me Crimson. Not 'Agent Crimson,' or 'Mr. Crimson'; just 'Crimson' will be fine. Indigo told me to expect you. She thinks you'll be able to handle a lot of the things that are outside of our own ability. Me, I'm not so sure, but I'm willing to trust her. You'll be working with Indigo for now, maybe you'll be working with me later.

You know, there is something you can do for me right now. We have mutual 'Friends' who have just become much more aware of you. I need you to hold their attention for a little while, and I have just the job to do it. Our mutual friends are about to make a man disappear, permanently. I can't tell you why, but let's just say that he could have a very interesting story to tell Congress one day.

Oh, and thank you. I'll take that evidence. Don't you worry. It'll go where it needs to get to.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Stop the assassination
    • Stop the assassination!

You prevented the assassination Crimson warned you about.

Notable NPCs

  • Assassination victim (Hostage)


Malta Operatives


I think you had a pretty good day. Not so bad a way to get started working with mystery people, huh? You hurt Crey and saved a man's life, and that's just the start. If you want to keep working with me, I'm sure that there will be many, many more things to do.



Mission Objective(s)


Notable NPCs



External Links