Missions:Melvin and the Mysterious Malta Group - Speak with Crimson about the latest developments in the Melvin Langley case: Difference between revisions

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:'''[[Knives_of_Artemis#Mercenary|Mercenary 1]]:''' This woman deserves to die. A worm of words, she is no warrior.<br />
:'''[[Knives_of_Artemis#Mercenary|Mercenary 1]]:''' This woman deserves to die. A worm of words, she is no warrior.<br />
:'''[[Knives_of_Artemis#Mercenary|Mercenary 2]]:''' Agreed, sister. She and all like her weaken us.
:'''[[Knives_of_Artemis#Mercenary|Mercenary 2]]:''' Agreed, sister. She and all like her weaken us.
''Combat start:''<br />
'''Combat start:'''<br />
:'''[[Knives_of_Artemis#Mercenary|Mercenary 1]]:''' Do you seek death here, {{Character}}? We shall provide it!}}
:'''[[Knives_of_Artemis#Mercenary|Mercenary 1]]:''' Do you seek death here, {{Character}}? We shall provide it!}}

Latest revision as of 08:01, 21 January 2011

Speak with Crimson about the latest developments in the Melvin Langley case


I had something for you, but there's been a change to it. Crimson has the latest details, but I can tell you that it has something to do with the whole Langley situation. If you're interested, then you should go and speak with Crimson in person.

  • Speak with Crimson about the latest developments in the Melvin Langley case

Crimson's information could be urgent; you should talk to him as soon as possible.

Meet with Crimson

Unnecessary Solicitation

I'm really flattered, but you need to meet with Crimson for the next stage of this. He's handling this part of the operation.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Meet with Crimson



Thanks for coming, Character. By now you should know a lot about the basic situation. The people who had Melvin Langley kidnapped are still trying to figure out how much he knows. In order to pin that down, they've been going through and trying to hit anyone and everyone he might have talked about his work with. They also aren't being very subtle about it, indicating that they're either very worried or very angry. Either state doesn't bode well for Melvin's future. Right now, the Knives of Artemis are about to dispose of a woman who used to proofread Melvin's reports for him. I'm going to send you to rescue her, that's pretty normal. After that, though, I want you to go to her office and plant some false copies of Melvin's reports.

The proofreader and the paperwork are the only really important elements in each operation, respectively. However, if you have to crack some heads on the way, I wouldn't be too upset. It's what we call 'verisimilitude.' Makes things look believable.

Find the proofreader!

Unnecessary Solicitation

Crimson has this operation set up in two parts. You'll have to rescue that proofreader first before you can plant the paperwork.

Mission Objective(s)

Bullet holes in the walls testify that this old office has seen its share of battles.

  • Rescue the proofreader
    • Find the proofreader!

You rescued Langley's proofreader from the Knives of Artemis. She gave you a portion of Melvin's last report that the Knives had also taken.


Knives of Artemis

Notable NPCs

Knives of Artemis 

Before combat:

Mercenary 1: This woman deserves to die. A worm of words, she is no warrior.
Mercenary 2: Agreed, sister. She and all like her weaken us.

Combat start:

Mercenary 1: Do you seek death here, Character? We shall provide it!

Sister Lethe 

Before combat:

If it really is Character, then perhaps it will be a good fight after all.

Combat start:

Let us see how good you truly are, Character!


Upon Rescue:

Thank you a thousand times, Character! Oh, and Character, you'd better take this paper. They were going to 'dispose' of it along with me.

A proofread piece of Langley's work
These papers are part of a larger report written by Melvin Langley. They're covered with numerous red marks denoting corrections to his spelling and grammar. For the most part, they cover the end of the Might for Right act in 1967. In that year three drafted African-America heroes working in Paragon City protested when they were they were selected by the Might for Right act. They argued that the act had been used particularly to target poor minority meta-humans, as they wouldn't have the resources to fight it in court, and that the act also infringed on their civil rights by targeting them because of their meta-human status. In the end, the Supreme Court overturned the Might for Right Act in a tense 4-3 judgment with 2 abstentions.

Most interesting is the section afterwards, which discusses the impact of this judgment. This section deals almost exclusively with the angry reaction of Roger Vrabel. Vrabel was the head of the CIA's Project: Titan, which controlled covert meta-human operations. Melvin reconstructs the afternoon after the judgment was handed down in detail, as Project: Titan was destroyed with a single legislative decision. This section of Langley's paper ends just as Vrabel contacts Neil McIntosh, the head of England's MI6 at the time.

Take Melvin's paper to Crimson

Unnecessary Solicitation

That would be Melvin Langley's report, right? You need to get it to Crimson so he can make sure it stays safe.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Take Melvin's paper to Crimson



Did you read this, Character? I didn't ask you to. If you did, you probably shouldn't have. There's names in here that could be a lot of trouble for a person to even know. If you didn't, then you're not going to have a chance to. This piece of a report has places to go, and people who need to see it.

Now that the proofreader is safe and unharmed, the next step is to convince our mutual friends that they had no reason to go after her in the first place. So I'm going to give you an edited version of this paper, and have you place it in her office. Like I told you before, that's the only important part. If there are enemy operatives on site, they aren't your concern unless you decide to make them so. Are we clear?

If you have been curious, Character, you might be starting to learn a lot by now. If not, well, that works too. When Indigo tapped you as a resource, she told you that we might never be able to explain why we ask you to do some of these things. That doesn't necessarily mean that all the clues aren't there. It's just safer if you put them together yourself or ignore them.

An edited piece of Langley's work
These papers are part of a larger report written by Melvin Langley. They're covered with numerous red marks denoting corrections to his spelling and grammar. For the most part, they cover the end of the Might for Right act in 1967. In that year three drafted African-America heroes working in Paragon City protested when they were they were selected by the Might for Right act. They argued that the act had been used particularly to target poor minority meta-humans, as they wouldn't have the resources to fight it in court, and that the act also infringed on their civil rights by targeting them because of their meta-human status. In the end, the Supreme Court overturned the Might for Right Act in a tense 4-3 judgment with 2 abstentions.
Plant edited paper

Unnecessary Solicitation

The neat thing is, whether or not our 'Friends' think the paper you plant is fake, they can't ignore it because it might not be fake. In a world with people like Nemesis and the Circle of Thorns around, paranoid paramilitary conspiracies can never be sure when they're being manipulated.

Mission Objective(s)

This small office is full of dictionaries, style guides, and thesauri.

  • Plant edited paper
    • Plant edited file

You planted the edited files.


Malta Operatives

Notable NPCs

Malta Minions 

Before Combat:

Minion 1: Rumor is, Character's been hot on this whole operation.
Minion 2: How is that even possible? Who could be feeding Character information?

Combat Start:

Minion 1: We have an MHI! Character is present!

Death Chant Tango 

Before Combat:

Is the perimeter secure?

Combat Start:

MHI! Mop it up, boys!


You did really well, Character! I have it from excellent sources that our 'Friends' are starting to get nicely confused about what Melvin Langley may or may have not found out. Through the same sources, I also know that Melvin's still alive. Things might be looking up. We just have to keep them disoriented.