Villain (Alignment)
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Villain is a step in the alignment process. Players can start as villains, or switch sides with their hero. It is also one of two possible final steps in a Praetorian character advancing. In order to switch sides or create a Praetorian character, a player must have Going Rogue.
Becoming a Villain
- A player can create a Level 1 Villain by selecting Villain as the alignment choice at the time of character creation. The new Villain will begin play in The Rogue Isles, and will be locked into villain-only content until at least until Level 20. At Level 20, the Villain can begin the process of changing alignment to Rogue.
- Starting at Level 20, a Hero can begin the process of becoming a Vigilante. A Vigilante can then work to become a Villain.
- At the conclusion of its Praetorian story arcs, a player character of either the Loyalist and Resistance alignments make a choice to become either a Hero or a Villain.
- Brutes, Corruptors, Dominators, Masterminds, Stalkers, Arachnos Soldiers and Arachnos Widows created prior to Going Rogue will automatically be aligned as a Villain.
- They can enter The Crucible and may convert Reward Merits into Alignment Merits.
- They will not be awarded the Countdown to Frenzy power until they reconfirm their alignment by completing a Morality Mission.