User talk:Astartus/Staff Fighting

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Could/Should this power set page be moved to the official part of the wiki, considering that we also have a page for Titan Weapons already? The informations fror the powers are already ingame and can be read by every player by typing [Scrapper_Melee.Staff Fighting.Mercurial Blow] in any chat tab, so I think we can assume that this power set will be released pretty soon (we also saw the animations in the official, but leaked promo video). Astartus 10:27, 23 September 2011 (UTC)

The mods have been regularly removing threads and mentions of Staff Fighting so no, I don't think we should bring it into regular namespace. Titan Weapons has a page because it was officially announced. Btw, the Staff video some people saw was not an official video at all. ~ AGGE talk/cons 12:43, 23 September 2011 (UTC)