Trading Places (hero souvenir)

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From the Task Force "Trading Places" given by Mender Silos.

Souvenir's Text

Trading Places

Your head still rings at the thoughts Lord Recluse pushed into it through his Jade Spider. The psychic machination was powered by an unfortunate Fortunata and designed to take complete and total control of humanities intellect.

Thankfully, Manticore got wind of the project fairly early on. With the help of Statesman the two of them concocted a plan that got Manticore closer to the project and gave Lord Recluse a false sense of security.

You remember back to your battle with Manticore, hopefully never to happen again. You realize it was all a set up on behalf of Manticore. He needed Lord Recluse to believe he had changed sides. What better way to do that than to have his own turned against him. You smile at the thought of it all.

But that final battle, the one at Siren's Call against the Jade Spider was nothing to smile about. Your head still rings at the thoughts...

See Also