Total Praetorian Network
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- This article is about the Praetorian TV network. For the Incarnate System Trial, see TPN Campus Trial.

Total Praetorian Network (also called TPN) is Praetoria's premiere television network. Several Praetorian Contacts work for TPN, appear on TPN for interviews, or try to subvert (or even try to destroy) TPN.
The TPN Campus is located in Imperial City, exactly on the Logos neighborhood marker.
In-Game References
Total Praetorian Network is sometimes referred to in-game as Total Praetoria Network (without the 'n' at the end of 'Praetorian'), for example in the text and name of the TPN: The Total Praetoria Network Plaque. Most references use the full name, such as the animated screens on the side of the TPN tower, and the Tuned In Badge.
(From the TPN: The Total Praetoria Network Plaque)
TPN: The Total Praetoria Network
Founded by Praetor Tilman in the early days of the Empire, TPN started as a simple radio station broadcasting from a one room shack in Neutropolis, transmitting programs to inspire and entertain the people of Praetoria. In 40au Emperor Marcus Cole broke ground on what was to become the TPN Campus, equipped with high-power transmitters capable of spreading the Praetorian message across the entire world. None shall silence the righteous words of our supreme and enlightened leader: Emperor Marcus Cole.