Thorny Assault

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Thorny Assault is a standard power set that is a secondary set for Dominators and a primary set for Guardians.

"Thorns protrude from your body and can deal damage in melee or at range. Thorns are hollow and inject toxin that deals additional Toxic damage and can weaken your enemy's Defense. Very few foes have resistance to thorn toxins."

Power Table


The Thorny Assault power set is available as a secondary set for Dominators. The following table shows the level at which each power is available:

Power Level Effect
ThornyAssault Darts.png Thorny Darts 1 Ranged, Minor DMG(Lethal), DoT(Toxic), Foe -DEF(All)
ThornyAssault Skewer.png Skewer 2 Melee, High DMG(Lethal), DoT(Toxic), Foe -DEF(All)
ThornyAssault FlingThorns.png Fling Thorns 4 Close (Cone), Moderate DMG(Lethal), DoT(Toxic), Foe -DEF(All)
ThornyAssault Impale.png Impale 10 Ranged, Moderate DMG(Lethal), DoT(Toxic), Foe Immobilize, -DEF(All), -SPD, -Jump, -Fly
ThornyAssault Aim.png Aim 16 Self +DMG, +To-Hit
ThornyAssault ThornBurst.png Thorn Burst 20 PBAoE, Moderate DMG(Lethal), DoT(Toxic), Foe -DEF(All)
ThornyAssault Thorntrops.png Thorntrops 28 Ranged (Location AoE), Minor DoT(Lethal), Foe -SPD, -Jump
ThornyAssault Ripper.png Ripper 35 Melee (Cone), High DMG(Lethal), DoT(Toxic), Foe -DEF(All), Knockdown
ThornyAssault ThornBarrage.png Thorn Barrage 38 Close, High DMG(Lethal), DoT(Toxic), Foe -DEF(All), Knockback


The Thorny Assault power set is available as a primary set for Guardians. The following table shows the level at which each power is available:

Power Level Effect
ThornyAssault Darts.png Thorny Darts 1 Ranged, Minor DMG(Lethal), DoT(Toxic), Foe -DEF(All)
ThornyAssault Skewer.png Skewer 1 Melee, High DMG(Lethal), DoT(Toxic), Foe -DEF(All)
ThornyAssault FlingThorns.png Fling Thorns 2 Close (Cone), Moderate DMG(Lethal), DoT(Toxic), Foe -DEF(All)
ThornyAssault Impale.png Impale 6 Ranged, Moderate DMG(Lethal), DoT(Toxic), Foe Immobilize, -DEF(All), -SPD, -Jump, -Fly
ThornyAssault Aim.png Aim 8 Self +DMG, +To-Hit
ThornyAssault ThornBurst.png Thorn Burst 12 PBAoE, Moderate DMG(Lethal), DoT(Toxic), Foe -DEF(All)
ThornyAssault Thorntrops.png Thorntrops 18 Ranged (Location AoE), Minor DoT(Lethal), Foe -SPD, -Jump
ThornyAssault Ripper.png Ripper 26 Melee (Cone), High DMG(Lethal), DoT(Toxic), Foe -DEF(All), Knockdown
ThornyAssault ThornBarrage.png Thorn Barrage 32 Close, High DMG(Lethal), DoT(Toxic), Foe -DEF(All), Knockback


ThornyAssault Aim.png Aim

Greatly increases the chance to hit of your attacks for a few seconds. Slightly increases damage.

Recharge Long
Minimum Level V archetypeicon dominator.png 16 (Dominator)
Minimum Level Archetypeicon guardian.png 8 (Guardian)
Effects Self +Damage, +To-Hit
Enhancements TO Training Endurance Cost.png Reduce Endurance Cost
TO Training Attack Rate.png Increase Attack Rate
TO Training ToHit Buffs.png Enhance ToHit Buff
Set Categories IO To Hit Buff.png To Hit Buff

ThornyAssault FlingThorns.png Fling Thorns

You can throw dozens of Thorns in a wide cone in front of you, impaling foes caught within the area. These Thorns deals moderate damage, and poisons any targets it hits. Thorn poison deals additional Toxic damage and can reduce your foes' Defense.

Damage Moderate (Lethal)
Recharge Slow
Minimum Level V archetypeicon dominator.png 4 (Dominator)
Minimum Level Archetypeicon guardian.png 2 (Guardian)
Effects Close (Cone)
Damage over Time(Toxic)
Foe -Defense(All)
Enhancements TO Training Accuracy.png Enhance Accuracy
TO Training Damage.png Enhance Damage
TO Training Defense DeBuff.png Enhance Defense Debuff
TO Training Endurance Cost.png Reduce Endurance Cost
TO Training Range.png Enhance Range
TO Training Attack Rate.png Increase Attack Rate
Set Categories IO Damage.png Targeted AoE Damage
IO Defense DeBuff.png Defense Debuff
IO Accurate Defense Debuff.png Accurate Defense Debuff
IO Universal Debuff.png Universal Debuff

ThornyAssault Impale.png Impale

You can throw a small cluster of large Thorns at a targeted foe. These Thorns carry a large amount of the toxin. In addition to dealing Toxic damage, a successful attack can slow a target, preventing Running, Jumping or Flying. Most foes will likely be completely Immobilized, unable to run.

Damage Moderate (Lethal)
Recharge Moderate
Minimum Level V archetypeicon dominator.png 10 (Dominator)
Minimum Level Archetypeicon guardian.png 6 (Guardian)
Effects Ranged
Damage over Time(Toxic)
Foe Immobilize, -Defense(All), -Speed, -Jump, -Fly
Enhancements TO Training Accuracy.png Enhance Accuracy
TO Training Damage.png Enhance Damage
TO Training Defense DeBuff.png Enhance Defense Debuff
TO Training Endurance Cost.png Reduce Endurance Cost
TO Training Immobilization Duration.png Enhance Immobilization Duration
TO Training Range.png Enhance Range
TO Training Attack Rate.png Increase Attack Rate
TO Training Slow powers.png Enhance Slow
Set Categories IO Ranged Damage.png Ranged Damage
IO Immobilization Duration.png Immobilize
IO Slow.png Slow Movement
IO Defense DeBuff.png Defense Debuff
IO Accurate Defense Debuff.png Accurate Defense Debuff
IO Universal Debuff.png Universal Debuff

ThornyAssault Ripper.png Ripper

You can unleash a spectacular slashing maneuver that attacks all foes in a wide arc directly in front of you. Ripper deals massive damage and poisons multiple targets. It can even knock foes down. Thorn poison deals additional Toxic damage and can reduce your foes defense.

Damage High (Lethal)
Recharge Slow
Minimum Level V archetypeicon dominator.png 35 (Dominator)
Minimum Level Archetypeicon guardian.png 26 (Guardian)
Effects Melee (Cone)
Damage over Time(Toxic)
Foe -Defense(All), Knockdown
Enhancements TO Training Accuracy.png Enhance Accuracy
TO Training Damage.png Enhance Damage
TO Training Defense DeBuff.png Enhance Defense Debuff
TO Training Endurance Cost.png Reduce Endurance Cost
TO Training KnockBack Distance.png Enhance Knockback Distance
TO Training Attack Rate.png Increase Attack Rate
Set Categories IO PBAoE Damage.png PBAoE Damage
IO Defense DeBuff.png Defense Debuff
IO Knockback Distance.png Knockback
IO Accurate Defense Debuff.png Accurate Defense Debuff
IO Universal Debuff.png Universal Debuff

ThornyAssault Skewer.png Skewer

You lunge forward with this melee attack and Skewer your foe with the large Thorn on your arm. Deals high damage and poisons your foe. Poison from the Thorns deals additional Toxic damage and can reduce your foes Defense.

Damage High (Lethal)
Recharge Fast
Minimum Level V archetypeicon dominator.png 2 (Dominator)
Minimum Level Archetypeicon guardian.png 1 (Guardian)
Effects Melee
Damage over Time(Toxic)
Foe -Defense(All)
Enhancements TO Training Accuracy.png Enhance Accuracy
TO Training Damage.png Enhance Damage
TO Training Defense DeBuff.png Enhance Defense Debuff
TO Training Endurance Cost.png Reduce Endurance Cost
TO Training Attack Rate.png Increase Attack Rate
Set Categories IO Melee Damage.png Melee Damage
IO Defense DeBuff.png Defense Debuff
IO Accurate Defense Debuff.png Accurate Defense Debuff
IO Universal Debuff.png Universal Debuff

ThornyAssault ThornBarrage.png Thorn Barrage

A short range, but devastating attack. Thorn Barrage unleashes your Thorns at high velocity causing severe damage at close range. Although these Thorns only travel a short distance, their impact can knock most foes on their back. Thorn poison deals additional Toxic damage and can reduce your foes Defense.

Damage High (Lethal)
Recharge Slow
Minimum Level V archetypeicon dominator.png 38 (Dominator)
Minimum Level Archetypeicon guardian.png 32 (Guardian)
Effects Close
Damage over Time(Toxic)
Foe -Defense(All)
Enhancements TO Training Accuracy.png Enhance Accuracy
TO Training Damage.png Enhance Damage
TO Training Endurance Cost.png Reduce Endurance Cost
TO Training KnockBack Distance.png Enhance Knockback Distance
TO Training Range.png Enhance Range
TO Training Attack Rate.png Increase Attack Rate
Set Categories IO Ranged Damage.png Ranged Damage
IO Knockback Distance.png Knockback

ThornyAssault ThornBurst.png Thorn Burst

You can explode dozens of Thorns in all directions around you. These Thorns only travel a short distance, but they can deal moderate damage and poison any target close to you. Toxic damage from the thorns can reduce the Defense of affected foes.

Damage Moderate (Lethal)
Recharge Slow
Minimum Level V archetypeicon dominator.png 20 (Dominator)
Minimum Level Archetypeicon guardian.png 12 (Guardian)
Effects Point Blank Area of Effect
Damage over Time(Toxic)
Foe -Defense(All)
Enhancements TO Training Accuracy.png Enhance Accuracy
TO Training Damage.png Enhance Damage
TO Training Defense DeBuff.png Enhance Defense Debuff
TO Training Endurance Cost.png Reduce Endurance Cost
TO Training Attack Rate.png Increase Attack Rate
Set Categories IO PBAoE Damage.png PBAoE Damage
IO Defense DeBuff.png Defense Debuff
IO Accurate Defense Debuff.png Accurate Defense Debuff
IO Universal Debuff.png Universal Debuff

ThornyAssault Thorntrops.png Thorntrops

You fling dozens of Thorns into the ground at a targeted location. The small Thorns pepper the ground over a large area. Any enemy that pass over the Thorntrops will be forced to move at a slower rate. They will also take some trivial Lethal damage over time.

Damage Minor Damage over Time(Lethal)
Recharge Slow
Minimum Level V archetypeicon dominator.png 28 (Dominator)
Minimum Level Archetypeicon guardian.png 18 (Guardian)
Effects Ranged (Location Area of Effect)
Foe -Speed, -Jump
Enhancements TO Training Damage.png Enhance Damage
TO Training Endurance Cost.png Reduce Endurance Cost
TO Training Range.png Enhance Range
TO Training Attack Rate.png Increase Attack Rate
TO Training Slow powers.png Enhance Slow
Set Categories IO Damage.png Targeted AoE Damage
IO Slow.png Slow Movement
IO Universal Debuff.png Universal Debuff

ThornyAssault Darts.png Thorny Darts

Hurls small Thorny Darts at your foes. Thorny Darts deal moderate damage. Poison from the Darts deals additional Toxic damage and can reduce your foes Defense.

Damage Minor (Lethal)
Recharge Fast
Minimum Level V archetypeicon dominator.png 1 (Dominator)
Minimum Level Archetypeicon guardian.png 1 (Guardian)
Effects Ranged
Damage over Time(Toxic)
Foe -Defense(All)
Enhancements TO Training Accuracy.png Enhance Accuracy
TO Training Damage.png Enhance Damage
TO Training Defense DeBuff.png Enhance Defense Debuff
TO Training Endurance Cost.png Reduce Endurance Cost
TO Training Range.png Enhance Range
TO Training Attack Rate.png Increase Attack Rate
Set Categories IO Ranged Damage.png Ranged Damage
IO Defense DeBuff.png Defense Debuff
IO Accurate Defense Debuff.png Accurate Defense Debuff
IO Universal Debuff.png Universal Debuff


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