Missions:Tip - The End Justifies the Means

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The End Justifies the Means (41-50)

Vigilante Morality Mission

You watch as a series of letters appears magically in front of you. The letters spell out a rather personalized message .

Character, this is Doc Quantum contacting you. I believe you may be aware of who I am, considering your own approach to dealing with problems. I appreciate someone who is bold enough to take care of a situation in the most efficient manner. With that said, I offer you an opportunity to, as you would put it, 'bring justice' to Ghost Widow of the Arachnos syndicate. It seems she was overly eager to acquire a special device of mine, and is now in a rather weakened state. Now's your chance to take care of her without any overly emotional heroes chastising you for your choices you make.

The message ends with the location of where Ghost Widow is supposedly at. This is obviously a trap, but for who? It doesn't matter... someone will be brought to justice by the day's end.

WARNING: This is a Morality Mission. Completing this mission will change your alignment to Vigilante. This means that the people of Paragon City will no longer see you as a Hero. Becoming a Vigilante means you will gain the ability to travel to the Rogue Isles, once you've completed this mission.

Bring justice to Ghost Widow without the eyes of the law on you.

WARNING: This is a Morality Mission. Completing this mission will maintain your current alignment of Vigilante, removing any progress you may have made on any other alignments.

Are you sure you want to do this?

Yes I want to bring justice to Ghost Widow with out the eyes of the law on you.

Even though Quantum has crossed the line in the past, it's entirely possible that this is his attempt to atone for his past crimes. Even if this is just some game between fellow Villains, it's best not to look a gift ghost in the mouth.

Finding Ghost Widow unawares is an opportunity you can't pass up. And seeing that no other hero will be getting in the way, you can bring justice to her once and for all.

Find Ghost Widow and take her out once and for all.

You make note of the location Quantum provided you and make your way there.

Mission Objective(s)

This is the place that Quantum told you that you would find Ghost Widow. However, it seems that Longbow was one step ahead of you. Good work, guys!

  • Find and eliminate the nefarious Ghost Widow!
    • Apprehend Ghost Widow
    • Speak with Ghost Widow!
    • Find Doc Quantum's Generator Outside
    • Find the deactivator!

You saved both Paragon City and the Rogue Isles from the schemes of Doc Quantum, but the cost was higher than you imagined. The cities are saved, but you now have blood on your hands that will never come out!



Notable NPCs

Ghost Widow and Arachnos Minion Dialogue 

Before Combat:

Arachnos Minion 1: Everything must...
Ghost Widow: What are you going to do with me now, fools? You can not kill me!
Arachnos Minion 1: Everyone. Everyone must be destroyed.
Ghost Widow: Character? This is truly a surprise...
Arachnos Minion 1: Everyone. Destroyed. There is no other way.

After Rescue:

Ghost Widow: Intriguing, Character. I'm quite interested in hearing why you've helped me.

Speaking with Ghost Widow 

Speaking with Ghost Widow:

Ghost Widow: Normally I would kill you where you stand. However, I doubt that it's a coincidence that you've shown up at the same time as I, especially considering the state of your precious Longbow agents. Doc Quantum seems to be playing a dangerous game. And I plan to put an end to his insolence!
What have you done to the Longbow Operatives, Ghost Widow?
Ghost Widow: We have little time to chitchat, worm. Neither I nor Arachnos have done anything to your people. This is Doc Quantum's doing, through and through.
Doc Quantum? He's the one who clued me in on you actions
Ghost Widow: Ahhhh... Of course... He set us up. Even you, Character. We're here to pick up his Probability Generator he has graciously given to Arachnos. Supposedly this device would have allowed us to alter possible outcomes. But clearly it's a trap. So now my mission changes. Rather than take it, on behalf of Arachnos I'll destroy it - AND HIM WITH IT!
Show me this Generator at once and perhaps I'll go light on you.
Ghost Widow: YOU DARE THREATEN ME!? No, Character, you have made a grave mistake. A grave mistake, indeed. Were it not for the fact that I am weakened, I would smite you where you stand. However...
However what? Speak quickly, Widow, for my patience wears thin
Ghost Widow: Oh, we wouldn't want that, now would we? To have a lummox like you... upset? Heh heh... Yes, that would terrible wouldn't it?

I will show you the generator, but only because my anger towards Doc Quantum is greater than my annoyance with your pathetic threats.
When the Longbow operatives are freed, then we'll pick this back up.
Ghost Widow: Oh, no, I don't think we will. What's going to happen is that you're going to do all the work. And when you've finished playing the goody-two-shoes hero that you are... Well, then you'll learn what it means to raise my ire.

Enough of this talk! Let us move!
I'm watching you Widow, remember that.

Ambush! Two waves of Arachnos will ambush you after speaking with Ghost Widow

Ghost Widow and Arachnos Minion Dialogue 

First Ambush:

Arachnos Minion 2: Arachnos must be destroyed. Character must be destroyed. Paragon city must fall.
Ghost Widow: He dares to control our operatives as well? Quantum will suffer for this...

Second Ambush:

Arachnos Minion 3: Destroy Ghost Widow. Destroy Arachnos. Destroy everyone!
Ghost Widow: It seems Quantum has far more power at his disposal than we believed. This doesn't bode well.

Left Behind:

Ghost Widow: Character, I will not tolerate these games.

Get back here at once!

Ghost Widow and Mind Controlled Longbow Dialogue 

Combat Start:

Mind Controlled Longbow Operative 1: Everything. Dies.
Mind Controlled Longbow Operative 1: No one lives.
Ghost Widow: I don't understand what Quantum thinks he's doing.

At 50% Life:

Mind Controlled Longbow Operative 1: Nothing deserves to exist.
Ghost Widow: This isn't simple mind control. They seem to be acting on their own volition!


Mind Controlled Longbow Operative 1: Sweet nothing.
Ghost Widow: I must admit... This is a far greater threat than I believed.

Ghost Widow and Mind Controlled Arachnos Dialogue 

Combat Start:

Mind Controlled Arachnos Operative 1: Annihilate everything.

At 75% Life:

Mind Controlled Arachnos Operative 1: Ghost Widow must die. Character must die.
Ghost Widow: This has gone too far. Where is Quantum!


Mind Controlled Arachnos Operative 1: Lord Recluse must die...
Ghost Widow: Recluse as well... These guys are serious.

Ambush! Two more waves of Arachnos will ambush you after encountering the Arachnos minion with dialog

Arachnos Minion Dialogue 

Combat Start:

Arachnos Minion 4: What's that sound... It's in my... Life isn't worth living...

Third Ambush:

Arachnos Minion 5: Come end everything with us.
Arachnos Minion 6: Come out and face oblivion.

Fourth Ambush:

Arachnos Minion 7: Destroy. Everything.

Mind Controlled Arachnos and Longbow Operative Dialogue 

Combat Start:

Mind Controlled Arachnos Operative 2: The end... It comes closer.


Mind Controlled Arachnos Operative 2: The end... It is here.

Combat Start:

Mind Controlled Longbow Operative 2: It's over... Everything is over!

Doc Quantum and Ghost Widow Dialogue 

Combat Start:

Doc Quantum: Is it most likely they'll be here any moment.
Doc Quantum: And yes... This is where we fight, is it not?

At 75% Life:

Doc Quantum: But yet, you have no idea how to stop all of this, do you?
Doc Quantum: Not do you realize how much further it will go unless both of you stop it. Speak with me and I shall tell you.

(If you keep fighting with Quantum, he says this)

Doc Quantum: Good bye for now... I hope you make the right choice, Character.
Ghost Widow: Interesting. A hero such as yourself doesn't have the strength to kill their own men. Seems like Quantum has you between a rock and a hard place.

Doc Quantum: I shall make this quick, my friends. The device in which I have controlled the thoughts of your fellow allies is but a ruse to draw you out. The real Generator can be found a short ways away.
However, there will be a minor snag in your plans to stop the generator.
Talk fast before I put an end to this.
Doc Quantum: Now, now, Character. Try as you might, you wouldn't be able to harm me to begin with. This is a projection based off of the possibility that I could be here. However, in truth, I am not. Now... Do you wish to hear how to save the precious minds of those you claim to care about?
Go on, Quantum
Doc Quantum: I have placed a remote deactivator within an unassuming container a little ways up. Use that device and you'll stop my machine from controlling the minds of millions of residents within Paragon City and all of the Rogue Isles. And this is where I apply the 'but'.
What are you planning, Quantum?
Doc Quantum: Well, you see... If you turn off my device, all of those already controlled will experience a bad side effect. Namely, their brains will explode within their very skulls.
Thus... If you wish to save the city, you'll need to cause the deaths of countless operatives. Innocents, I believe is the word for them, yes?
You're a sick, Quantum! When I'm done... I'll be sure to give you some special medicine!
Doc Quantum: Yes, and I believe you would, too.

Debriefing You've saved the citizens of Paragon City at the cost of having to personally be the one to terminate the lives of countless individuals who swore to protect the people. But they knew what they were getting into when they signed on.

As sad as it may be, they died protecting everyone. It's a good thing you were there, or it might have been a much larger death toll.