Rikti Drop Ship

The Rikti Drop Ship is a Transport, and a key component of the Rikti World Invasion event. Drop Ships fly over the invaded zones in Paragon City and The Rogue Isles, filling the citizens with dread and putting Heroes and Villains alike on high alert. They appear flying single file, and have such high hit points and regeneration as to be virtually indestructible.
The ships have attacks which do significant damage, notably bombs dropped on the ground below, as well as beam weapons aimed at characters who fly or jump near them. They will also drop a few UneXploded Bombs (UXBs). The UXBs are damaged when they land and start to repair themselves. Players can destroy UXBs before they are repaired to prevent them from detonating.
Level: Unknown. Rikti Transport.
A Rikti Transport ship. It also serves effectively as a Bomber.
The Rikti Drop Ship always cons as purple, without a level, similar to a Monster or Giant Monster. It has been observed with 76,695 Hit points and 800 Endurance in Cap au Diable and was targetable and attackable. The ship, while very hard to kill, does not award any special badges. In most cases the ship will fly beyond attackers long before they can significantly harm it.
See the Rikti faction profile for power details.