Radiation Assault

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Radiation Assault is a power set that is that is a primary for Guardians.

"You are able to harness the power of the atom to defeat foes at both close and far ranges. Radiation Assault attacks have a chance to inflict the contaminated state on a target for a moderate amount of time. Powers that deal greater damage have a larger recharge time and animation time have a greater chance to inflict contaminated. Single target attacks hitting contaminated targets cause a portion of that power's damage to also hit nearby foes. Radiation Assault attacks primarily deal smashing and energy damage, but the set is also capable of dealing some toxic damage."

Power Table

The Radiation Assault power set is available as a primary set for Guardians. The following table shows the level at which each power is available:

Power Level Effect
Neutrino Bolt 1 Ranged, Minor DMG (Energy), Foe -DEF (All)
Radioactive Smash 1 Melee, High DMG(Energy/Smash), Foe -Def, Knockdown, Special
X-Ray Beam 2 Ranged, Moderate DMG (Energy), Foe -DEF (All)
Electron Haze 6 Close (Cone), Moderate DMG (Energy), Foe -DEF (All), Knockback
Fusion 8 Self +DMG, +To Hit, Special
Radiation Siphon 12 Melee, High DMG(Energy/Smash), Foe, -Def, -Contaminated, Special
Devastating Blow 18 Melee, Extreme DMG(Energy/Smash), Foe -Def, Disorient, Special
Proton Volley 26 Sniper, Superior DMG (Energy), Foe -DEF
Atom Smasher 32 PBAoE, High DMG(Energy/Toxic), Foe -Def, Disorient, Special


Atom Smasher

You charge up a dangerously unstable amount of radioactive energy into a single fist before driving it into the ground and causing a small explosion. Foes caught in the blast will suffer High Energy and Toxic damage and have their defense reduced. Enemies also have a moderate chance to be disoriented for a short time. Affected enemies have a small chance to be affected by the Contaminated effect. Hitting Contaminated foes with single target Radiation Melee powers cause a small burst of damage to foes near the target.

Damage High (Toxic/Energy)
Recharge Long
Minimum Level 32 (Guardian)
Effects Point Blank Area of Effect
Foe -Defense, Disorient
Enhancements Enhance Accuracy
Enhance Damage
Reduce Endurance Cost
Increase Attack Rate
Enhance Defense Debuff
Enhance Disorient Duration
Set Categories Melee Damage
Defense Debuff
Accurate Defense Debuff

Devastating Blow

You hammer your foe with a brutal smashing attack charged with a lethal dose of radiation. Your target will suffer Extreme Energy and Smashing damage, will have its defense reduced and will be disoriented for a short time. Devastating Blow has an increased change to critically hit. Affected enemies will be affected by the Contaminated effect. Hitting Contaminated foes with single target Radiation Melee powers cause a small burst of damage to foes near the target.

Damage Extreme (Energy/Smashing)
Recharge Long
Minimum Level 18 (Guardian)
Effects Melee
Foe -Defense
Enhancements Enhance Accuracy
Enhance Damage
Reduce Endurance Cost
Increase Attack Rate
Enhance Defense Debuff
Enhance Disorient Duration
Set Categories Melee Damage
Defense Debuff
Accurate Defense Debuff

Electron Haze

A short range conical blast of free electrons. This attack can bypass some of a target's defenses and reduce the target's Defense. It can also knock some targets down.

Damage Moderate (Energy)
Recharge Slow
Minimum Level 6 (Guardian)
Effects Close (Cone)
Foe -Defense (All), Knockback
Enhancements Enhance Accuracy
Enhance Damage
Enhance Defense Debuff
Reduce Endurance Cost
Enhance Knockback Distance
Enhance Range
Increase Attack Rate
Set Categories PBAoE Damage
Defense Debuff
Accurate Defense Debuff


Fusion boosts your damage and chance to hit moderately and also causes your next few attacks to have a 100% chance to inflict Contaminated on your enemies.

Recharge Very Long
Minimum Level 8 (Guardian)
Effects Self +DMG, +To Hit, Special
Enhancements Enhance ToHit Buff
Increase Attack Rate
Reduce Endurance Cost
Set Categories To Hit Buff

Neutrino Bolt

A very quick, but low damage attack. Neutrino Blast can reduce the target's Defense.

Damage Minor (Energy)
Recharge Very Fast
Minimum Level 1 (Guardian)
Effects Ranged
Foe -Defense (All)
Enhancements Enhance Accuracy
Enhance Damage
Enhance Defense Debuff
Reduce Endurance Cost
Enhance Range
Increase Attack Rate
Set Categories Ranged Damage
Defense Debuff
Accurate Defense Debuff

Proton Volley

Hurls a volley of alpha particles over an extremely long range. Proton Volley can bypass some of a target's defenses and reduce the target's Defense. This is a sniper attack, and is best fired from a distance as it can be interrupted.

Damage Superior (Energy)
Recharge Slow
Minimum Level 26 (Guardian)
Effects Sniper
Foe -Defense (All)
Enhancements Enhance Accuracy
Reduce Interrupt Time
Enhance Damage
Enhance Defense Debuff
Reduce Endurance Cost
Enhance Range
Increase Attack Rate
Set Categories Ranged Damage
Sniper Attacks
Defense Debuff
Accurate Defense Debuff

Radiation Siphon

You pummel your foe with a deadly smashing attack dealing High Energy and Smashing damage and reducing their defense. Hitting Contaminated targets will also heal you for a large amount of health over 3 seconds and remove the Contaminated effect from the target. However, uncontaminated targets have a moderate chance to be affected by the Contaminated effect. Hitting Contaminated foes with single target Radiation Melee powers cause a small burst of damage to foes near the target.

Damage High (Energy/Smashing)
Recharge Moderate
Minimum Level 12 (Guardian)
Effects Melee
Foe -Defense, -Contaminated
Enhancements Enhance Accuracy
Enhance Damage
Increase Attack Rate
Reduce Endurance Cost
Enhance Defense Debuff
Enhance Heal
Set Categories Melee Damage
Defense Debuff
Accurate Defense Debuff
Accurate Healing

Radioactive Smash

You channel a greater amount of radiation into your fists and deliver a hard hitting blow that deals Moderate Energy and Smashing damage to the target as well as reducing their Defense for a short time. Affected targets also have a chance to be knocked down and have a moderate chance to be affected by the Contaminated effect. Hitting Contaminated foes with single target Radiation Melee powers cause a small burst of damage to foes near the target.

Damage Moderate (Energy/Smashing)
Recharge Fast
Minimum Level 1 (Guardian)
Effects Melee
Foe -Defense, Knockdown
Enhancements Enhance Accuracy
Enhance Damage
Increase Attack Rate
Reduce Endurance Cost
Enhance Defense Debuff
Enhance Knockback Distance
Set Categories Melee Damage
Defense Debuff
Accurate Defense Debuff

X-Ray Beam

You can emit a beam of X-Ray energy from your eyes, dealing moderate Energy damage. This attack can bypass some defenses and can reduce the target's defense.

Damage Moderate (Energy)
Recharge Fast
Minimum Level 2 (Guardian)
Effects Ranged
Foe -Defense (All)
Enhancements Enhance Accuracy
Enhance Damage
Enhance Defense Debuff
Reduce Endurance Cost
Enhance Range
Increase Attack Rate
Set Categories Ranged Damage
Defense Debuff
Accurate Defense Debuff


    This section contains information about changes that took place in City of Heroes Freedom. It is provided for historical purposes.
  • This set was added for Guardians when they were introduced in Rebirth Issue 1