Professor Topffer

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Professor Topffer

University Professor
Zone Steel Canyon
Coordinates (-2892, -208, 2206)
Level Range 10-50
Introduced By Professor Chandler
Introduces Guidance Counselor Jones
Enemy Groups None
v  d  e

Professor Topffer is the fifth contact for the Invention System tutorial. He is located in the Laboratory, Second Floor inside the University in Steel Canyon.


About this contact

University Professor

Professor Topffer is a card. He loves Engineering and spends hours in the Laboratory creating everything from coffee-makers to advanced molecular nanobots. He was the first faculty member hired at Paragon University. His passion is evident in everything he does and word around campus is that he's the spitting image of, and loves to quote, Dr. Helmut Brun from The Future is Back.

Prior to Introduction

Are you enrolled in the University? I don't see your name in the roll books. If you are interested in enrolling, speak with Admissions Officer Lenk.

Initial Contact

You're late! Have you no concept of time? No excuse for tardiness!

I'm Professor Topffer! Now come on and let's teach you a little something about Invention Enhancements.


Isn't the process of Invention Enhancements FASCINATING!? I just love them! Love them! Anyway, if you ever want any kind of refresher, feel free to look through the manifests over and over. They're always available for you to review.

No More Missions

You should go see Guidance Counselor Jones now, Character. I told him to expect you.


Template:Mission:Professor Topffer - Look at the Invention Enhancement Information

New contact

Now that you've completed your classes, Counselor Jones can give you some ideas on what to do with your skills.

Guidance Counselor Jones

Guidance Counselor Jones is your man when it comes to completion of your education and what to do once you've graduated.

He is located in the Administration area.


Professor Topffer's looks, and reference to Dr. Helmut Brun from The Future is Back is an homage to Dr. Emmett Brown from the movie Back to the future with Michael J. Fox.