Professor Chandler

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Professor Chandler

University Professor
Zone Steel Canyon
Coordinates (-2940, -226, 2286)
Level Range 10-50
Introduced By Professor Taylor
Introduces Professor Topffer
Enemy Groups None
v  d  e

Professor Chandler is the fourth contact for the Invention System tutorial. She is located in the Laboratory, First Floor inside the University in Steel Canyon.


About this contact

University Professor

Professor Chandler is one of the foremost scientists in Paragon City. Though she is not on the faculty full-time, her insight into Engineering (all fields) has proven to be invaluable to the university. She's one of the most popular instructors on campus. For some reason most of her students are male. Professor Chandler originally taught in Scotland.

Prior to Introduction

Are you enrolled in the University? I don't see your name in the roll books. If you're interested in signing up, speak with Admissions Officer Lenk.

Initial Contact

Character, is it? Ah, grand. I'm Professor Chandler and this is a two-part class on Workbenches and Results.


Hello, Character! Welcome back to the lab! If you ever need to refresh your memory, go ahead and look at the computer again.

No More Mission

You should go see Professor Topffer now, Character. I was highly complimentary when I gave him your information.


Template:Mission:Professor Chandler - Use the Computer to research Workbenches and Results

New contact

The next course is Invention 401: Invention Enhancements taught by:

Professor Topffer

Invention Enhancements are a new type of Enhancement that does not expire. This course will give the basics of the concept behind this new type of enhancement, how to create them, and their rules.

Professor Topffer is located on the second floor of the Laboratory.