Monkey Fight Club
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Once an 'Easter Egg' in Sharkhead Isle, now a prominent feature of Pocket D. The Monkey Fight Club features semi-random spawns (one NPC claims every 5 minutes) of Rikti Monkeys that fight each other in a cage arena. Around this cage is a multi-level viewing area to watch the fights. Also scattered around are Arena Terminals.
The monkeys that appear in the cage are color-coded to form three teams, Blue, Green, and Red. All of the teams appear to be equal in power and have three members. Each contender is a Rikti Monkey, but only fights using a basic brawling power and infrequently monkey gas.
The winning team is the last one with one or more standing members.
- Blue Team
- Darwin's Bane
- Furious BoBo
- Furious George
- Green Team
- Nigel
- Nigel's Friend
- Captain Eeep!
- Red Team
- Banana Bandito
- The Banana-nator
- Thing Kong

The Sharkhead Isle entrance to the Monkey Fight Club is located at coordinates (685, 32, -1209), approximately 77 yards North of the entrance to Pocket D.

The Pocket D entrance to the Monkey Fight Club is located on the hero side of the zone at coordinates (-91, 1, -1233), next to the entrance to the main dance floor.