Missions:A Clamor for the People - Part One: Party Crasher

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Part One: Party Crasher

Mission Briefing

Character! Hey!

Ahem... I mean, hello, Character, good day to you. I've been tasked to help out with a very important situation! You're familiar with Terra Volta, right?

There's been nothing but problems with the reactor over all these years, but the city council intends to change that! They're pushing to release some sort of bill or act to improve Terra Volta's power supply and its defenses. It's going to be all over the news!

I've been asked to assemble a team of heroes to attend the city council's opening address to the people of Independence Port. It's basically guard duty, so... not very fancy. I guess that's what the youngest member of the Phalanx gets stuck with, huh? I'll be staying here to monitor things with my psychic powers.

I know it's not the most glorious task in the world, but would you and your team be up for attending the city council's announcement?

Mission Acceptance

Great! Between you and me, I think that Positron gave this to me knowing that this would be an easy task.

There's a Longbow helicopter nearby that will lift you to where the announcement is happening. I think they're planning to do it right outside of Terra Volta.

Make sure to tell your team to wear their best outfits, you'll be all over the news! Oh, and what do you guys think of the name Task Force Name for your group? Not too bad, huh?

Unnecessary Solicitation

How's the whole task going?

Mission Objective(s)

Your helicopter ride is interrupted by a loud explosion!
The helicopter crashes into the street of Independence Port, but you manage to escape relatively unharmed.
Up ahead, you see the cause of the crash - the Freakshow!

  • Protect the City Council
    • 3 groups of civilians to rescue from the Freakshow
    • 2 groups of Freakshow to clear outside the PPD station
    • Rescue the PPD chief inside the precinct

You've settled things in Independence Port, but the city council has gone missing!


Badge villain freakshow.png Freakshow

Notable NPCs

  • 5lIC3 @nD dicer (Freakshow Tank)
  • 5ma5H aND 8a$H3r (Freakshow Tank)
  • tH3 kIDn@pp3R (Freakshow Tank)

City Council Hostage Dialogue 

Before Combat:

Mad Freak Buckshot: You're can either embrace the Anarchy or DIE like the others!

Combat Start:

Mad Freak Buckshot: Those heroes are still alive?! Slice them apart!

Hostage Freed:

Hostage: Thank you so much! They all just suddenly appeared!

Before Combat:

Mad Freak Chopper: Not laughing now, are ya?! Your little pals weren't laughing when we sliced them open!

Combat Start:

Mad Freak Chopper: We got some hero trouble!

Hostage Freed:

Hostage: I thought I was going to die, I watched them attack one of my friends!

Before Combat:

Enforcer Smasher: We're taking back the streets, you can either join us or die like the others!

Combat Start:

Enforcer Smasher: C'mon heroes, we'll slice ya apart!

Hostage Freed:

Hostage: They're out of their minds! Not even the PPD could stop them!

Outside PPD Station Dialogue 

Before Combat:

5lIC3 @nD diCeR: Cut them pigs up!

Combat Start:

5lIC3 @nD diCeR: Heroes! We'll take ya too!

Before Combat:

5ma5H aND 8a$H3r: Cut them pigs up!

Combat Start:

5ma5H aND 8a$H3r: Heroes! We'll take ya too!

Inside PPD Station Dialogue 

Before Combat:

Mad Freak Gunner: Yeah, down with the man, down with authority!
Freak Chopper: Burn it all!
Freak Buckshot: Burn it all!

Combat Start:

Mad Freak Gunner: Smash these heroes apart!

Before Combat:

PPD Chief: You're all crazy! Why would you want the city council?!
tH3 kIDn@pp3R: Don't worry your soft head about it, copper, 'cause it ain't gonna be there much longer.

Combat Start:

PPD Chief: Task Force Name! Over here!
tH3 kIDn@pp3R: You ain't gonna stop this, heroes!

Upon Rescue:

PPD Chief: Thanks, Task Force Name. But they've taken the city council!


Oh man, this is really bad! Clamor of the Freakshow is out, and the city council has been kidnapped by those... well, those freaks!

Lucky for us that Robert Alderman sent us that location! We need to move fast, Task Force Name, the Freakshow aren't known for keeping their hostages alive!