Mission:Common - Shut down the Council cell

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Shut down the Council cell


A cell of Council troops has taken over a couple floors of an abandoned office in Paragon City. They are using it as a planning and staging area for attacks throughout the city. I need someone who can go in and shut down the Council cell.

Please take extra care to see that no one escapes, Character. If the cell's ringleaders get away, we may have to consider this mission a failure.

Mission Acceptance

Last week's bombing at the exchange was planned from this cell, and I'm sure they're planning similar attacks as we speak. The Council has become much bolder since they ousted their old regime. They are being led by Archon Flynn. Take down Flynn and his bodyguards, and the cell will disperse.

Unnecessary Solicitation

You really need to take down that Council cell.

Mission Objective(s)

The offices are in disarray, but someone has made an effort to make this place habitable. In its current condition, it's an excellent staging area.

  • Defeat Flynn and his guards
    • Don't let Flynn escape!

Failure - Despite your efforts, Flynn escaped.



Notable NPCs

Archon Flynn/Archon Hoyt/Archon Allen (Council Penumbra Archon) (Boss)

Name of Archon is randomly chosen.

Debriefing Mission Failure

Well, Flynn is still on the streets. I'll tell my contacts to watch out for him, but to be honest, we may have lost our shot at bringing him to justice.

Debriefing Mission Successful

You shut down that cell by defeating Archon Flynn. He's singing like a canary; he's already given up the locations of several other Council cells. Excellent work.