Jezebel Jones
Jezebel Jones | |
![]() Casino Madam | |
Zone | St. Martial |
Coordinates | (-1861.5, -159, 1952) |
Level Range | 35-39 |
Introduced By |
== Level 30-34 == Vivacious Verandi |
Introduces | None |
Enemy Groups |
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Jezebel Jones is a villain contact in the Babylon neighborhood of St. Martial at coordinates (-1861.5, -159, 1952). Jezebel Jones is a Mutation origin contact. Her level range is 35-39. She is located inside the Golden Giza Casino.
Contact Introduced By
Level 30-34
Contact Introduces
- None
Casino Madam
This vision of beauty runs Johnny Sonata's favorite escort service. This has given her a great deal of pull, even within the upper echelons of Arachnos. Though many consider her just one of Johnny's hangers-on, her access, charm, and willingness to seduce and manipulate give her a dangerous level of power that most people don't appreciate.
Prior to Introduction
We haven't been properly introduced. I suggest you speak with Vivacious Verandi. She's low class and unpredictable, but anyone who can do her dirty work has the guts to succeed here in St. Martial.
Initial Contact
Darling, you may think you are important in the Rogue Isles, but I'm here to tell you, you've got a lot to learn. I engage in a very deadly business, and it isn't everyone who has what it takes to deal with me.
- This is serious business.
- Let's get busy.
- Honey, we've got work to do.
Too Busy
You're a busy bee. Don't look for more work until you clear that plate.
No More Missions
There's nothing here that I can't handle. You should ask someone else if you need a job.
- Inspirations
- Level 35 Magic/Mutation Dual Origin Enhancements (200% base costs)
I think I can trust you a little farther, Character. You may have access to a wider selection of Enhancements. Give me a call sometime, sugar.
- Level 35 Mutation Single Origin Enhancements (200% base costs)
You've proved you can be trusted. For now at least. Take these Enhancements; I hope they do you some good.
- Level 40 Mutation Single Origin Enhancements (200% base costs)
Jezebel Jones does not buy enhancements or inspirations.
Story Arcs
The Missing Maidens
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Merit Rewards: This activity awards 4 Reward Merits. |
Souvenir: Jezebel's token
Jezebel gave you this gold token for helping her deal with a disappearing client. It's a pass to many of St. Martial's hidden secrets, but it's also a reminder of the adventure you like to call:
The Missing Maidens
Jezebel Jones needed your help. Two of her employees had disappeared, along with one of her most important clients. You went to investigate the client's office, and found it swarming with carnies! A note in a code only Jezebel could read clued you in: the Carnival had kidnapped the client, Richard Thornbrush. Jezebel's girls, fearful for their lives, had gone into hiding.
Jezebel was determined to find them, so she sent you to an old hideout one of the girls had formerly used. There you found the girls, but were shocked to find that they had joined the Carnival willingly. In fact, they had been selling Jezebel's secrets to the carnies all along!
Jezebel's business was now in jeopardy. She had to put a stop to the espionage, and she had to do it quietly. She sent you to track down the woman at the heart of the scheme, Madame Kay. You eliminated the madam, along with her entire ring of accomplices. You also rescued Jezebel's wayward client from the Carnival's tender grasp.
Jezebel Jones is still in operation, thanks to your quick and ruthless efficiency. Perhaps she'll share more of her secrets with you.
Investigate the disappearances
I hope you're as strong and as capable as your reputation claims. I hope you are, because the tasks I'll set before you are dangerous. I'm a woman who's used to assessing and managing risk, and if I don't think you can do the job, we'll go our separate ways. Is that clear, cowboy?
Now, your task. Two of my girls have gone missing, along with the client who requested their services. I've got a duty to protect my girls, and a very strong interest in finding that client. I need you to investigate these disappearances.
- Investigate the disappearances
The last time the girls were heard from, they were going to meet the client at his office. You should really start there.
Unnecessary solicitation
I need to know what happened to my girls.
Mission Objective(s)
You hear a high pitched giggle.
- Investigate disappearance
- Seek clues
You have a clue to the girls' disappearance!
You found a note.
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Strange note |
You found this note at the last known location of Jezebel's girls. It appears to be in some kind of code. |
This letter was meant to be read only by me. It says the Carnival came in and grabbed our client, Richard Thornbrush. Says they ran him ragged and then dumped him at sea. According to this, Ruby and Belle made it out of there alive, but they're scared of the Carnival and don't want to resurface. I don't blame them.
Check out Ruby's old hideout
It sounds like my girls are running scared from the Carnival. Well, I'm not about to write them off. Especially not with Hardcase looking over my shoulder. We're going to find out where they're hiding and bring them back home. To start with, I need you to check out an old hideout where Ruby used to stay before I got her off the streets. Maybe you can find something there.
- Check out Ruby's old hideout
I'll have enough trouble covering up my missing client. If I can find Ruby and Belle, it'll be a lot easier.
Unnecessary solicitation
I need to find out what's happened to my girls.
Mission Objective(s)
It looks like the Carnival may have already beaten you to the girls' hideout.
- Investigate disappearance
- Defeat Ruby
- Defeat Belle
You have found Jezebel's missing girls. And defeated them!
Notable NPCs
Belle snarled, 'I should have known that two-bit hussy wouldn't let us go!'
I can scarcely believe it. Not only were my missing girls secretly Carnival mistresses, they were selling my secrets for top dollar. I've got to put a stop to this, Character. If you know anything about my business, you know that discretion is everything.
Track down Madam Kay
My girls turned out to be traitors, Character, and I've got to clean up their mess. According to Belle, they were selling my clients' secrets to some Carnival mistress called Madam Kay. We've got to track down this madam and put an end to her little espionage ring for good. Find her, Character. Find her, and stop her.
- Track down Madam Kay
I need everyone that woman is working with taken care of, Character. Plain and simple. You should be able to find the Carnival over in Fortune's Wheel. Just watch out; it's a dangerous area.
Question St. Martial Carnies
Unnecessary solicitation
Have you found Madam Kat's hideout yet?
Mission Objective(s)
- Defeat 10 carnies
One of the carnies you defeated gave up the location of Madam Kay's hideout.
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The carnie's story |
One of the carnies you defeated whined, 'Ok, ok, ok! I'll give you Kay! She keeps a hideout out in Black Mariah. But you gotta promise not to say it was me who told you!' |
Defeat all carnies in warehouse
Unnecessary solicitation
I need Madam Kay put away, along with her entire operation.
Mission Objective(s)
A sultry tune drifts through these hallways.
- Defeat all carnies in warehouse
- Rescue missing client
- Lead Richard Thornbrush to the exit
You have wiped out Madam Kay's espionage ring.
Notable NPCs
- Madam Kay (Carnival of Shadows Ring Mistress)
- Carnival of Shadows Ring Mistress (Guarding the hostage)
- Richard Thornbrush (Captive, must escort to entrance)
Well, this turned out nicely. Madam Kay's espionage ring is kaput, and I even got my wayward client back. He's looking to sue, but I think my hospitality can convince him that isn't his wisest move. My reputation is intact, and that means a lot to me, Character. You sure earned your fee this time.
Johnny's Squeeze
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Merit Rewards: This activity awards 4 Reward Merits. |
Souvenir: Longbow pin
You took this Longbow pin after you defeated the secret agent who was, ever so briefly:
Johnny's Squeeze
It began with a mission from the big man himself. Johnny Sonata had fallen in love, and he had fallen hard. Jezebel Jones, ever the devoted servant, asked you to kidnap the object of Johnny's affections, a pretty Marcone heiress named Theadora.
You did the deed, but the job wasn't over. Longbow came after the girl to rescue her from Johnny's private office. You had to dispose of the agents, but not before you found a set of coded orders on one of them.
Jezebel had a client who was a mole inside Longbow, so it wasn't that difficult to get the orders translated. What they revealed shocked Jezebel: Theadora was actually a Longbow agent! Though her ties to the Marcones were genuine, she had been recruited by Longbow as a teen. Now, she was not just a Longbow agent; she was a Longbow agent who knew too much. You had to take her out.
Some say Johnny's broken heart adds a little extra soul into his singing. Others say he's a cold-hearted slime who never felt any honest affection in his life. As for you, you padded your reputation and your pocket. As far as you're concerned, things worked out well.
Nab the girl
Character. I'm glad you're back. I've got an assignment for you, and this one comes all the way from the top. Johnny Sonata. The 'Pipes' himself. Johnny's picked himself a lucky lady, but the problem is, she wants nothing to do with him. That's where you and I come in. We need to convince that girl the error of her ways. She's a member of the Marcone family, so it won't be easy. But I need you to nab her.
- Nab the girl
It seems Johnny met the girl after one of his performances. Sadly, she's not as swayed as some by his golden voice.
Unnecessary solicitation
Have you got the girl yet?
Mission Objective(s)
The Marcones don't take kindly to rough business. Not against their own family members, anyway.
- Nab Johnny's squeeze
- Escape with Theadora
You have kidnapped Theadora Marcone, Johnny Sonata's beloved!
Notable NPCs
- Marcone Consigliere (Boss) (Guarding the hostage)
- Theadora Marcone (Captive, must escort to entrance)
Theadora isn't what you'd call pleased with her new situation. But a few fancy dresses, a few furs ought to cure that. In any event, Johnny's happy. And that means we get paid.
Keep Theadora out of Longbow's hands
That last trick you pulled getting Theadora away from the Family really impressed Johnny Sonata. Unfortunately, he's having trouble hanging onto her, and he wants no one's help but yours. Longbow's already saved the girl! Apparently, they don't like to see anyone kidnapped, even if she's the daughter of one of their enemies. I need you to get Theadora out of Longbow's hands. Can you do it?
- Keep Theadora out of Longbow's hands
They just abducted her from Johnny's private office in Babylon. Hopefully, they're still in the area!
Unnecessary solicitation
If Longbow gets their hands on Theadora, Johnny will never forgive either one of us!
Mission Objective(s)
Longbow may have saved Theadora Marcone, but they haven't escaped Babylon yet. They plan to escape through the sewers, but if you have anything to say about it, they won't make it.
- Defeat all Longbow agents
- Escape with Theadora
You kept Theadora out of Longbow's hands!
Notable NPCs
- Longbow Officer (Boss) (Guarding the hostage)
- Theadora Marcone (Hostage)
On one of the defeated agents, you found some orders.
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Longbow orders |
You found these coded orders on one of the Longbow agents you defeated. Perhaps someone Jezebel knows can decipher it. |
Excellent. Johnny is more than pleased with your success. I've arranged for some Arachnos protection for young Miss Marcone. Longbow won't get her away from us this time. Now, as for those coded orders you found. One of my clients is a mole within Longbow. Perhaps he can decipher them for us.
Take Theadora down
I've had my client translate that coded Longbow message you found, Character, and the results are not good. It seems that Longbow had more in mind than altruism when they tried to rescue Theadora. She's been working with them all along! Yes, she's a relative of the Marcones, but she has some latent mutant abilities, and she was recruited by Longbow when she was only a teenager. And now she's seen everything inside Johnny's private office! There's stuff there that could sink the Giza, Character. You have got to take Theadora down!

- Take Theadora down
Show no mercy.
Unnecessary solicitations
You have got to take Theadora apart!
Mission Objective(s)
These Arachnos agents have been sworn to protect Theadora. You'll probably have to go through them to get to her.
- Defeat Theadora & her guards
You defeated the Longbow secret agent, Theadora Marcone!
Notable NPCs
- Theadora Marcone (Boss)
Well, Johnny's heart is broken, but he'll get over it. And he'll be a wiser man for it. If there's one thing I've learned in this lifetime, Character, it's that love is for fools and fairy tales. You remember that. It'll serve you well.
Jezebel Jones does not have any regular missions out of her story arcs.