Guardian Mu'Rakir

Mu'Rakir is a Mu Guardian in need of rescue. He can be found in the following missions:
- Villains have him as an ally on the Find the surveillance tapes in the old building mission from Seer Marino. (15-19)
- Villains face him as a boss on the Save Paolo from Mu'Rakir and his men mission from Seer Marino. (15-19)
During the mission that he appears as an ally, he spawns as a Pet of the level of the mission owner, having the correspondent amount of Hit Points, and a faction of Arachnos. He will aggro everything in his path. Be warned that most of the damaged dealt by the Lost at this level is Lethal.
He needs to be rescued as a mission objective, and once free, he will fight at your side. When he is freed, a Lost ambush will follow.
During the mission Find the surveillance tapes in the old building, Mu'Rakir will be found fighting the Lost, who want to convert him in one of them. He will say the following:
Before combat:
- Lost Minion: When you are one of us, your feet will stay on the ground.
- Guardian Mu'Rakir: I doubt it's worth my power to wipe you scum out.
Combat start:
- Lost Minion: We shall make you one of us as well!
- Mu'Rakir: Providence acts. I see a potential ally. But what draws Villain here? Searching for something, perhaps?
Once free: As a mystic of the Mu, I can sense many things. I sense now that you seek some information here, same as I. Let us then search together.
During the mission Save Paolo from Mu'Rakir and his men, he shows up as "Guardian Mu'Rakir", and he won't be so friendly anymore:
Before combat: Don't kill the horrid thing. I reserve that slow, agonizing pleasure for myself.
Combat start: I was wondering if you'd catch on, before the end.
Mu Guardians pulse with the blood of their slaughtered ancestors in their veins. They have read unholy tomes, visited other planes of existence, and performed dark sacrifices too terrible to mention to become masters of the mystic arts.
During the mission, Mu'Rakir used the typical powers of a Mu Guardian:
Lightning Bolt Ranged, High Damage, Energy, Foe -Endurance
You can send a large blast of electrical energy at a foe. Lightning Bolt deals good damage and also drains some endurance.
Ball Lightning (Ranged), Targeted Area of Effect, Energy, Foe -Endurance
Hurls a highly charged ball of lightning that explodes on contact. Ball Lightning deals good damage in an area and also drains some endurance from each target it hits.
Static Discharge Damage over Time, Energy
The Static Discharge continues to electrocute you.
Touch of the Storm (Ranged) Ally Heal
No Melee attacks No Hand to Hand
Mu Guardians don´t have any Melee attacks at all
Lightning Armor Toggle: Self +Res (Fire, Cold, Energy, Negative, End Drain)
You surround yourself in Lightning Armor, providing good resistance to Fire, Cold, Energy and Negative Energy attacks.