Detective Sluggitt

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Detective Sluggitt

Detective Sluggitt
Zone Skyway City
Coordinates (-747, -1087, -4443)
Level Range 10-20
Introduced By None
Introduces Colleen Saramago
Montague Castanella
Dr. Ann-Marie Engles
Enemy Groups

Rogue Isles Villains
The Lost

v  d  e

Detective Sluggitt is a hero contact in Skyway City at coordinates (-747, -1087, -4443). Detective Sluggitt is a Police Band contact.

He functions as the Safeguard Mission contact as does Detective Westbrush.

Sluggitt's name and appearance are a reference to Steve McQueen's character in Bullitt.


Contact Introduces

Your reputation in Paragon City has grown. The people have come to respect you and many good citizens are seeking your help. Go see Detective Sluggitt to be introduced to a new Contact.

Multiple contact options
+++ Missing Information +++
Single contact option
+++ Missing Information +++

Level 15-19

Dr. Ann-Marie Engles is a real expert in the field of cybernetics. She is fascinated with the technical aspect of the Vahzilok and the social impact of the Outcasts. Dr. Engles has set up shop in Skyway City.

You'll learn a lot from Dr. Engles; she's always happy to lend heroes a hand.

Do you have any contacts with Hero Corps yet? Even if you do, you should really talk to Colleen Saramago. I think she'd be happy to give you some assignments dealing with the Clockwork and the Trolls. Hero Corps has stationed Colleen in Steel Canyon.

Hero Corps has a very good information network.


Police Liaison

Detective Sluggitt is a tough cop who cares about the people he works with and the people he protects. He has a reputation around the department for fighting for the right thing, even when it's not the wisest thing to do.

Wrong Detective

Character? I thought you're supposed to be working with Detective Westbrush. Go talk him, see what he has to say.

Too Low Level

I need you to get tougher if you want to help me. Come back when you're around security level 10.

Initial Contact

Good to meet you, Character. There's a lot going on, but first let me make sure you have the right frequencies for the local police radio band. Now you can check that whenever you need to.

Now that you've gotten a Police Radio, you can start scanning Police chatter to hear about the crimes as they're committed in your current zone. You can then act on a report by selecting it from the Police Radio, listed under your Contacts.


  • Time starts now, Character.
  • Let's get to work.

Too Busy

You've got a lot going on, Character, and I need people who are focused. Finish off some of you're other work, then come back.

No More Missions

My investigations have wrapped up. In the meantime, I'm sure you're needed elsewhere. And thanks for the help, Character.


Template:Mission:Detective - Protect Kings Row bank

Template:Mission:Detective - Protect Skyway City bank